775 research outputs found

    Epifyyttisten rihmalevien käyttökelpoisuus rehevöitymisen bioindikaattorina sekä rantalaidunten ja muiden ympäristötekijöiden vaikutus vedenlaatuun Perämerellä

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    Tiivistelmä. Rehevöityminen on yksi merkittävimmistä Itämeren elinympäristöä uhkaavista ilmiöistä. Tärkein sitä aiheuttava tekijä on ravinteiden, erityisesti fosforin ja typen, lisääntyminen vesistöissä. Rehevöityminen aiheuttaa esimerkiksi vesistöjen perustuotannon lisääntymistä, näkösyvyyden heikentymistä ja alueellisia happikatoja. Jotta rehevöitymistä voidaan havainnoida ja sen vaikutuksiin puuttua jo varhaisessa vaiheessa, on sitä ilmentävien bioindikaattoreiden löytäminen hyvin tärkeää. Itämeren eri osat ovat ominaisuuksiltaan ja olosuhteiltaan vaihtelevia, ja merenhoidon toimien tehostamiseksi bioindikaattorien käyttökelpoisuutta on arvioitava myös alueellisesti. Itämeren eri osien rehevöitymisen havainnointi vaatii myös siihen alueellisesti vaikuttavien tekijöiden tarkastelua. Tällaisia ovat esimerkiksi maankäyttömuodot. Näin saadaan tarkempaa tietoa siitä, mitkä tekijät ja mekanismit vaikuttavat juuri tietyn alueen rehevöitymiseen. Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa tarkasteltiin epifyyttisten rihmalevien käyttökelpoisuutta rehevöitymisen bioindikaattorina Perämerellä. Sen lisäksi selvitettiin, mitkä maankäyttömuodot vaikuttavat eniten rehevöitymistä indikoiviin vedenlaatumuuttujiin, eli kokonaistyppeen, kokonaisfosforiin ja näkösyvyyteen. Maankäyttömuodoista erityisen tarkastelun kohteena olivat laidunnetut rantalaitumet. Tutkimusalue sijoittui Pohjois-Pohjanmaan rannikolle, alle 6 m syville vesialueille. Epifyyttisten rihmalevien aineisto on osa VELMU-ohjelmaa, ja rantalaidunten aineiston on tuottanut Ruokavirasto, Luonnonvarakeskus ja ProAgria Oulu. Aineistot muusta maankäytöstä ja vedenlaatumuuttujista saatiin Suomen ympäristökeskukselta. Epifyyttisten rihmalevien bioindikaattoriarvon selvittämiseen käytettiin korrelaatioanalyysiä, eniten vedenlaatumuuttujiin vaikuttavien ympäristömuuttujien selvittämiseksi hyödynnettiin lineaarista regressiomallia. Muita olennaisia menetelmiä olivat kriging-interpolaatio ja optimaalisten bufferikokojen määritys. Epifyyttiset rihmalevät osoittautuivat käyttökelpoiseksi rehevöitymisen bioindikaattoriksi Perämerellä. Lähes kaikilla tutkielmassa tarkastelluilla maankäyttömuodoilla oli rehevöitymistä kiihdyttävää vaikutusta. Näistä ravinnekuormituksen lisääjänä korostuivat maatalous, metsät ja suot, ja näkösyvyyden heikentäjänä metsät, asuinalueet ja sisävedet. Tässä tutkielmassa rantalaitumilla ei havaittu olevan tilastollisesti merkittävää vaikutusta rehevöitymiseen, mutta aineiston ominaisuuksien takia niiden paikallista vaikutusta ei ollut mahdollista tarkastella. Tulosten tarkentaminen vaatisi useampia vedenlaadun havaintopisteitä. Tästä huolimatta tutkielman tulokset antoivat kuitenkin lisätietoa siitä, mitä asioita Perämeren rehevöitymisen tarkastelussa ja hillitsemisessä tulisi huomioida

    A paleointensity test of the Geocentric Axial Dipole (GAD) hypothesis

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    The Geocentric Axial Dipole (GAD) model is central to many aspects of geophysics, including plate tectonics and paleoclimate. But its validity is by no means firmly established, particularly for the Precambrian. One test that has met with some success involves the distribution of paleomagnetic inclination angles. It works because any given field morphology has its own distinct probability distribution function (PDF) against which data compilations can be tested. Here, we investigate a second possible test using published paleointensity data. Once again, any given field morphology has a specific PDF of intensity. Likely field models consist of an underlying GAD on which is superimposed modest zonal quadrupole and octupole components. The corresponding paleointensity PDFs turn out to have more complicated shapes than their inclination counterparts, often having multiple maxima and minima. Given sufficient data, this complexity offers greater discrimination between models. In this paper, the potential of the paleointensity test is assessed using an extension of the PINT paleointensity database. We found it useful to analyze the Phanerozoic and Precambrian intervals separately. Despite the inherent limitations of this kind of analysis, a tripartite geodynamo with small zonal multipoles appears to be a good starting point on a way towards more fine-tuned models.The Geocentric Axial Dipole (GAD) model is central to many aspects of geophysics, including plate tectonics and paleoclimate. But its validity is by no means firmly established, particularly for the Precambrian. One test that has met with some success involves the distribution of paleomagnetic inclination angles. It works because any given field morphology has its own distinct probability distribution function (PDF) against which data compilations can be tested. Here, we investigate a second possible test using published paleointensity data. Once again, any given field morphology has a specific PDF of intensity. Likely field models consist of an underlying GAD on which is superimposed modest zonal quadrupole and octupole components. The corresponding paleointensity PDFs turn out to have more complicated shapes than their inclination counterparts, often having multiple maxima and minima. Given sufficient data, this complexity offers greater discrimination between models. In this paper, the potential of the paleointensity test is assessed using an extension of the PINT paleointensity database. We found it useful to analyze the Phanerozoic and Precambrian intervals separately. Despite the inherent limitations of this kind of analysis, a tripartite geodynamo with small zonal multipoles appears to be a good starting point on a way towards more fine-tuned models.Peer reviewe

    The Effect of Low-Dose Aspirin On Serum Placental Growth Factor Levels In a High-Risk PREDO Cohort

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    Objectives: Our first aim was to study the longitudinal changes of serum placental growth factor (PlGF) concentration between 12(+0) and 28(+0) weeks of gestation in the prospective PREDO cohort. Our second aim was to study the effect of low-dose acetylsalicylic acid (LDA; 100 mg/day), started before the 14th week of gestation, on PlGF concentration. Study design: Blood samples were collected at 12(+0)-14(+0), 18(+0)-20(+0) and 26(+0)-28(+0) weeks of gestation in 101 women without and 309 with clinical risk factors for pre-eclampsia. Risk-women were divided into two groups: to those who had medium risk for pre-eclampsia and to those who had high risk for pre-eclampsia. Finally there were seven groups according to risk, treatment (no prevention/placebo/LDA) and outcome measure pre-eclampsia. Longitudinal changes in the PlGF concentration between groups were compared. To investigate the effect of LDA on serum PlGF concentration, placebo (N = 62) and LDA (N = 61) groups were compared. A repeated measures ANOVA was used to analyze differences in PlGF levels between the groups. Results: The increase in serum PlGF concentration was higher in LDA than in placebo group (time x group effect, p = 0.046). The increase in serum PlGF concentration during pregnancy was lower in high-risk women who had placebo and developed pre-eclampsia and in medium-risk women who developed pre-eclampsia compared to the other women (time x group effect, p <0.001). There were no differences in PlGF change between low-risk women, medium-risk women who did not develop pre-eclampsia, high-risk women in the placebo group without pre-eclampsia and high-risk women in the LDA group with and without pre-eclampsia (p = 0.15). Conclusions: Our finding suggests an association between LDA started before 14 weeks of gestation and higher increase in serum PlGF concentration.Peer reviewe

    Graft Neutrophil Sequestration and Concomitant Tissue Plasminogen Activator Release During Reperfusion in Clinical Kidney Transplantation

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    Background. Inflammation, coagulation, and fibrinolysis are tightly linked together. Reperfusion after transient ischemia activates both neutrophils, coagulation, and fibrinolysis. Experimental data suggest that tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) regulates renal neutrophil influx in kidney ischemia and reperfusion injury. Methods. In 30 patients undergoing kidney transplantation, we measured renal neutrophil sequestration and tPA release from blood samples drawn from the supplying artery and renal vein early after reperfusion. tPA antigen levels were measured using a commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit. For each parameter, transrenal difference (Delta) was calculated by subtracting the value of the arterial sample (ingoing blood) from the value of the venous sample (outgoing blood). Results. Positive transrenal gradients of tPA antigen occurred at 1 minute [Delta = 14 (3-46) ng/mL, P <.01] and 5 minutes [Delta = 5 (-3 to 27) ng/mL, P <.01] after reperfusion. At 5 minutes after reperfusion, a negative transrenal gradient of neutrophils was observed [Delta = -0.17 (-1.45 to 0.24) x 10E9 cells/L, P <.001]. At 1 minute after reperfusion, neutrophil sequestration into the kidney (ie, negative transrenal neutrophil count) correlated significantly with tPA release from the kidney (ie, positive transrenal tPA concentration), (R = -0.513 and P = .006). Conclusions. The findings suggest a proinflammatory role for tPA in ischemia and reperfusion injury in human kidney transplantation.Peer reviewe

    Antimicrobial resistance in Staphylococcus spp., Escherichia coli and Enterococcus spp. in dogs given antibiotics for chronic dermatological disorders, compared with non-treated control dogs

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate antimicrobial resistance in canine staphylococci, Escherichia coli and enterococci, which were isolated from 22 dogs with pyoderma and a history of previous antibiotic treatment, compared to bacterial isolates from 56 non-treated control dogs. Two isolates of each bacterial species per dog were investigated, if detected. Staphylococcal isolates from dogs with pyoderma (35 isolates) were more resistant to sulphatrimethoprim than the isolates from controls (56 isolates) (57% vs. 25%, p < 0.004). Multiresistance in staphylococci was also more common in dogs with pyoderma (29% vs. 9%, p = 0.02). A similar trend among isolates of E. coli was detected (24 and 74 isolates from treated and control dogs, respectively), but the differences were not significant. Resistance for macrolide-lincosamides was approximately 20% among staphylococci in both groups. Resistance to ampicillin among enterococci was 4%–7%. The age of the dogs might have an impact on resistance: multiresistance among staphylococcal isolates from younger dogs (≤5 years) was more common than in older dogs (≥6 years) (24%, vs. 0%, 63 and 27 isolates, respectively, p = 0.02). Staphylococci in younger dogs were more resistant to tetracycline (48% vs. 11%, p < 0.001) and sulphatrimethoprim (48% vs. 15%, p < 0.01) than those in older dogs. In contrast, the isolates of E. coli from older dogs tended to be more resistant, although a significant difference was detected only in resistance to tetracycline (13% vs. 2% of 40 and 50 isolates respecthely, p = 0.04)). The results of this small study indicate that resistance in canine staphylococci in the capital area of Finland is comparable with many other countries in Europe. Resistance in indicator bacteria, E. coli and enterococci, was low

    Research on the Mesolithic of North Karelia in 2003–2017 - Implications for the early postglacial archaeology of Northern Europe

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    In this paper we describe the results of small-scale archaeological fieldwork projects carried out i North Karelia, Finland, in 2003–2014, which ended up having a far greater research impact than anyone could have anticipated. The projects yielded a multitude of new and relevant information, especially on the Early Mesolithic, including the earliest radiocarbon dates for human occupation in Eastern Fennoscandia. Results of this research have been published in a variety of venues. We use this opportunity to present the first summary of these results and to emphasize that even with discontinuous short-term funding it is possible to carry out ambitious and influential research. Over the years, Karelia has been one of the main focus areas of Mika Lavento’s research. We want to honour Mika’s 60th birthday by providing an overview of the results of our studies conducted in the northern parts of this large geographical and administrative area.Peer reviewe

    Research on the Mesolithic of North Karelia in 2003–2017 - Implications for the early postglacial archaeology of Northern Europe

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    In this paper we describe the results of small-scale archaeological fieldwork projects carried out i North Karelia, Finland, in 2003–2014, which ended up having a far greater research impact than anyone could have anticipated. The projects yielded a multitude of new and relevant information, especially on the Early Mesolithic, including the earliest radiocarbon dates for human occupation in Eastern Fennoscandia. Results of this research have been published in a variety of venues. We use this opportunity to present the first summary of these results and to emphasize that even with discontinuous short-term funding it is possible to carry out ambitious and influential research. Over the years, Karelia has been one of the main focus areas of Mika Lavento’s research. We want to honour Mika’s 60th birthday by providing an overview of the results of our studies conducted in the northern parts of this large geographical and administrative area.Peer reviewe

    Common mental disorders in young adults born late-preterm

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    Background Results of adulthood mental health of those born late-preterm (34 + 0–36 + 6 weeks + days of gestation) are mixed and based on national registers. We examined if late-preterm birth was associated with a higher risk for common mental disorders in young adulthood when using a diagnostic interview, and if this risk decreased as gestational age increased. Method A total of 800 young adults (mean = 25.3, s.d. = 0.62 years), born 1985–1986, participated in a follow-up of the Arvo Ylppö Longitudinal Study. Common mental disorders (mood, anxiety and substance use disorders) during the past 12 months were defined using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (Munich version). Gestational age was extracted from hospital birth records and categorized into early-preterm (<34 + 0, n = 37), late-preterm (34 + 0–36 + 6, n = 106), term (37 + 0–41 + 6, n = 617) and post-term (≥42 + 0, n = 40). Results Those born late-preterm and at term were at a similar risk for any common mental disorder [odds ratio (OR) 1.11, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.67–1.84], for mood (OR 1.11, 95% CI 0.54–2.25), anxiety (OR 1.00, 95% CI 0.40–2.50) and substance use (OR 1.31, 95% CI 0.74–2.32) disorders, and co-morbidity of these disorders (p = 0.38). While the mental disorder risk decreased significantly as gestational age increased, the trend was driven by a higher risk in those born early-preterm. Conclusions Using a cohort born during the advanced neonatal and early childhood care, we found that not all individuals born preterm are at risk for common mental disorders in young adulthood – those born late-preterm are not, while those born early-preterm are at a higher risk. Available resources for prevention and intervention should be targeted towards the preterm group born the earliest

    Work careers in adults separated temporarily from their parents in childhood during World War II

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    Introduction: Traumatic experiences, such as separation from parents in childhood causing early life stress (ELS) may increase the risk of adverse long-term health outcomes and biological age-related changes. This may have an impact on work career. Our aim was to examine long term consequences of ELS due to temporary separation from parents during World War II (WWII) in relation to work career. Material and methods: The Helsinki Birth Cohort Study comprises 13,345 individuals born in Helsinki, Finland, between the years 1934-1944. From the original cohort, 1781 individuals were identified as being separated temporarily from their parents due to World War II. Information on date and type of pension was provided by the Finnish Centre for Pensions and the Social Insurance Institution of Finland. The cohort members either transitioned into old age pension at the statutory retirement age or retired earlier and transitioned into disability, unemployment, part-time pension or died before retirement. Results: Those who were separated were more likely to have transitioned into disability pension (RRR: 1.26: 95% CI: 1.06-1.48), especially due to diseases of the musculoskeletal system (OR: 1.57; 95% CI: 1.20-2.07), or into unemployment pension (RRR: 1.25; 95% CI: 1.02-1.53) compared with those not separated from their parents. Longer duration of separation was associated with early exit from the workforce compared with non-separation. Conclusions: Exposure to ELS may have an impact upon lifetime work career. Early interventions preventing exposure to ELS or mitigating its negative effects may prolong future work careers along with healthier aging across the life-span.Peer reviewe

    Incidence and familial risk of premature ovarian insufficiency in the Finnish female population

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    STUDY QUESTION: What is the incidence of premature ovarian insufficiency (POI), has the incidence of POI changed over time, and what is the risk of POI among relatives of POI women? SUMMARY ANSWER: The incidence of POI increased among females aged 15-19 years from 2007 onwards and decreased in older age groups, and among relatives of women with POI the risk of POI is significantly increased. WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY: So far, there has been no good quality, nationwide studies of the incidence of POI. Early menopause has been associated with the elevated risk of early menopause among relatives, but the knowledge of the familial risk of POI is scarce. Lower socioeconomic status has been associated with lower age at natural menopause. STUDY DESIGN, SIZE, DURATION: Population-based study with 5011 women diagnosed with POI in 1988-2017. The data were collected from national registries and covers POI subjects in entire Finland. PARTICIPANTS/MATERIALS, SETTING, METHODS: Women with hormone replacement therapy reimbursement for POI were identified from Social Insurance Institution (SII). We calculated POI incidence in different age groups and studied the changes in the incidence rate over time in 5-year segments. Four population-based controls were selected from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency (DVV) for each POI woman. Family members of the POI cases and controls were identified from the DVV and linked to SII reimbursement data to identify POI diagnoses among them. The familial risk of POI was estimated with a logistical regression model. MAIN RESULTS AND THE ROLE OF CHANCE: The incidence was highest in the 35-39 age group, ranging from 73.8/100 000 women-years in 1993-1997 to 39.9/100 000 women-years in 2013-2017. From 2007, the incidence among 15- to 19-year-olds rose from 7.0 to 10.0/100 000 women-years in 2015-2017. Cumulative incidence of POI for women under 40 years in 1988-2017 was 478/100 000 women. The relative risk of POI among relatives of women with POI was 4.6 (95% CI 3.3-6.5) compared to relatives of women without POI. POI women tended to have slightly lower socioeconomic status and level of education compared to controls. LIMITATIONS, REASONS FOR CAUTION: For some women with POI, diagnosis or reimbursement may be lacking. However, we presume that these women represent a minority due to the nature of the disease and the economic benefits of reimbursement. Some changes in the incidence of POI can reflect changes in clinical practice and changing treatments and reimbursement criteria. WIDER IMPLICATIONS OF THE FINDINGS: The risk of developing POI is significantly higher in women who have first-degree relatives diagnosed with POI. Raising awareness of the increased risk might lead to earlier diagnosis and initiation of hormonal replacement therapy, possibly preventing adverse effects of low oestrogen levels, such as osteoporosis. STUDY FUNDING/COMPETING INTEREST(S): This work was financially supported by the Oulu University Hospital. H.S. received a grant from Finnish Menopause Society. S.M.S. received a grant from the Finnish Menopause Society, the Finnish Medical Foundation and the Juho Vainio Foundation. The authors do not have any competing interests to declare.publishedVersionPeer reviewe