149 research outputs found

    Histological markers in nasal mucosa of patients with Alzheimer's disease

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    Neuropathological changes such as dystrophic neurites and the presence of abnormal tau protein in the olfactory system, including primary sensory cells and nerve fibres have previously been demonstrated in nasal mucosa tissue of patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD). These changes were detected in autopsy-derived material from histopathologically confirmed AD cases as well as in biopsy tissue from clinical severely ill AD patients. To investigate the potential usefulness for the early diagnosis of AD, we obtained biopsy tissue from olfactory mucosa from 5 clinically mild to moderate AD patients and stained for the presence of tau or beta-amyloid by immunocytochemistry using a panel of specific antibodies. No positive staining was found in any of the cases. For comparison, post-mortem olfactory tissue from AD patients with severe neuropathological changes (widespread neurofibrillary tangles and amyloid in the brain) was investigated, in these severe cases, tau immunoreactivity was found in fine nerve fibres in the lamina propria and in a few olfactory epithelial cells. These results are consistent with other reports showing that cytoskeletal changes and tau pathology in the olfactory epithelium are not primary (or specific) features of AD and may occur predominantly in late stages of the disease

    Immunotherapy of Peritoneal Carcinomatosis with the Antibody Catumaxomab in Colon, Gastric, or Pancreatic Cancer: An Open-Label, Multicenter, Phase I/II Trial

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    Background: Peritoneal carcinomatosis (PC) is common in gastrointestinal (GI) cancer and there is no effective standard treatment. We investigated the tolerability and maximum tolerated dose (MTD) of the trifunctional antibody catumaxomab in patients with PC. Methods: In this open-label, phase I/II clinical trial, patients with epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM)-positive PC from GI cancer received 4 sequential intraperitoneal catumaxomab infusions: day 0: 10 mu g; day 3: 10 or 20 mu g; day 7: 30, 50, or 100 mu g; and day 10: 50, 100, or 200 mu g. Dose escalation was guided by dose-limiting toxicities. Results: The MTD was 10, 20, 50, and 200 mu g on days 0, 3, 7, and 10, respectively. Catumaxomab had an acceptable safety profile: Most common treatment-related adverse events (at the MTD) were fever, vomiting, and abdominal pain. At final examination, 11/17 evaluable patients (65%) were progression free: 1 patient had a complete and 3 a partial response. Median overall survival from the time of diagnosis of PC was 502 days. Conclusions: Intraperitoneal catumaxomab is a promising option for the treatment of PC from GI cancer

    Analysis of death in major trauma: value of prompt post mortem computed tomography (pmCT) in comparison to office hour autopsy

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    Background: To analyze diagnostic accuracy of prompt post mortem Computed Tomography (pmCT) in determining causes of death in patients who died during trauma room management and to compare the results to gold standard autopsy during office hours. Methods: Multiple injured patients who died during trauma room care were enrolled. PmCT was performed immediately followed by autopsy during office hours. PmCT and autopsy were analyzed primarily regarding pmCT ability to find causes of death and secondarily to define exact causes of death including accurate anatomic localizations. For the secondary analysis data was divided in group-I with equal results of pmCT and autopsy, group-II with autopsy providing superior results and group-III with pmCT providing superior information contributing to but not majorly causing death. Results: Seventeen multiple trauma patients were enrolled. Since multiple trauma patients were enrolled more injuries than patients are provided. Eight patients sustained deadly head injuries (47.1 %), 11 chest (64.7 %), 4 skeletal system (23.5 %) injuries and one patient drowned (5.8 %). Primary analysis revealed in 16/17 patients (94.1 %) causes of death in accordance with autopsy. Secondary analysis revealed in 9/17 cases (group-I) good agreement of autopsy and pmCT. In seven cases autopsy provided superior results (group-II) whereas in 1 case pmCT found more information (group-III). Discussion: The presented work studied the diagnostic value of pmCT in defining causes of death in comparison to standard autopsy. Primary analysis revealed that in 94.1% of cases pmCT was able to define causes of death even if only indirect signs were present. Secondary analysis showed that pmCT and autopsy showed equal results regarding causes of death in 52.9%. Conclusions: PmCT is useful in traumatic death allowing for an immediate identification of causes of death and providing detailed information on bony lesions, brain injuries and gas formations. It is advisable to conduct pmCT especially in cases without consent to autopsy to gain information about possible causes of death and to rule out possible clinical errors

    Reconstructing the Life of an Unknown (ca. 500 Years-Old South American Inca) Mummy - Multidisciplinary Study of a Peruvian Inca Mummy Suggests Severe Chagas Disease and Ritual Homicide

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    The paleopathological, paleoradiological, histological, molecular and forensic investigation of a female mummy (radiocarbon dated 1451-1642 AD) provides circumstantial evidence for massive skull trauma affecting a young adult female individual shortly before death along with chronic infection by Trypanosoma cruzi (Chagas disease). The mummy (initially assumed to be a German bog body) was localized by stable isotope analysis to South America at/near the Peruvian/Northern Chilean coast line. This is further supported by New World camelid fibers attached to her plaits, typical Inca-type skull deformation and the type of Wormian bone at her occiput. Despite an only small transverse wound of the supraorbital region computed tomography scans show an almost complete destruction of face and frontal skull bones with terrace-like margins, but without evidence for tissue reaction. The type of destruction indicates massive blunt force applied to the center of the face. Stable isotope analysis indicates South American origin: Nitrogen and hydrogen isotope patterns indicate an extraordinarily high marine diet along with C4-plant alimentation which fits best to the coastal area of Pacific South America. A hair strand over the last ten months of her life indicates a shift to a more "terrestric" nutrition pattern suggesting either a move from the coast or a change in her nutrition. Paleoradiology further shows extensive hypertrophy of the heart muscle and a distended large bowel/rectum. Histologically, in the rectum wall massive fibrosis alternates with residual smooth muscle. The latter contains multiple inclusions of small intracellular parasites as confirmed by immunohistochemical and molecular ancient DNA analysis to represent a chronic Trypanosoma cruzi infection. This case shows a unique paleopathological setting with massive blunt force trauma to the skull nurturing the hypothesis of a ritual homicide as previously described in South American mummies in an individual that suffered from severe chronic Chagas disease

    Corneal Subbasal Nerve Plexus Changes in Severe Diabetic Charcot Foot Deformity: A Pilot Study in Search for a DNOAP Biomarker

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    Introduction. Diabetic neuroosteoarthropathy (DNOAP) early symptoms are unspecific, mimicking general infectious symptoms and rendering a diagnosis challenging. Consequently, unfavourable outcomes occur frequently, with recurrent foot ulceration, infectious complications, and eventually amputation. Corneal confocal microscopy (CCM) of the subbasal nerve plexus (SNP) is used to detect early peripheral neuropathy in diabetic patients without diabetic retinopathy. This pilot study was designed to determine if specific SNP changes manifest in severe DNOAP in comparison to a healthy control group. Methods. This pilot study utilized a matched-pair analysis to investigate SNP changes by in vivo CCM for 26 patients (mean patient age 63.7 years, range 27 to 78) with severe DNOAP defined by condition after the need for reconstructive foot surgery (n=13) and a healthy control group (n=13). Corneal nerve fibre length (CNFL), nerve fibre density (CNFD), nerve branch density (CNBD), average weighted corneal nerve fibre thickness (CNFTh), nerve connecting points (CNCP), and average weighted corneal nerve fibre tortuosity (CNFTo) were assessed as well as the general clinical status, diabetic status, and ophthalmologic basic criteria. Results. In vivo CCM revealed significantly reduced SNP parameters in the DNOAP group for CNFL (p=0.010), CNFD (p=0.037), CNBD (p=0.049), and CNCP (p=0.012) when compared to the healthy control group. Six patients (46%) of the DNOAP group suffered from diabetic retinopathy and none of the control group. Conclusions. This pilot study revealed a rarefication of SNP in all measured parameters in patients with severe DNOAP. We see a potential value of CCM providing a SNP-based biomarker for early stages of DNOAP prior to the development of any foot deformities that needs to be evaluated in further studies. This trial is registered with German Clinical Trials Register (DKRS) DRKS00007537

    3D confocal laser-scanning microscopy for large-area imaging of the corneal subbasal nerve plexus

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    The capability of corneal confocal microscopy (CCM) to acquire high-resolution in vivo images of the densely innervated human cornea has gained considerable interest in using this non-invasive technique as an objective diagnostic tool for staging peripheral neuropathies. Morphological alterations of the corneal subbasal nerve plexus (SNP) assessed by CCM have been shown to correlate well with the progression of neuropathic diseases and even predict future-incident neuropathy. Since the field of view of single CCM images is insufficient for reliable characterisation of nerve morphology, several image mosaicking techniques have been developed to facilitate the assessment of the SNP in large-area visualisations. Due to the limited depth of field of confocal microscopy, these approaches are highly sensitive to small deviations of the focus plane from the SNP layer. Our contribution proposes a new automated solution, combining guided eye movements for rapid expansion of the acquired SNP area and axial focus plane oscillations to guarantee complete imaging of the SNP. We present results of a feasibility study using the proposed setup to evaluate different oscillation settings. By comparing different image selection approaches, we show that automatic tissue classification algorithms are essential to create high-quality mosaic images from the acquired 3D dataset

    Desainer Grafis yang Menciptakan dan Menjual Produk Berupa Barang

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    Graphic designers in their economic activities are more widely known simply as seller of the product in the form of services. Whereas in reality it is not so since the days of Art and Craft movement spearheaded by William Morris at the end of the 19th century. William Morris, a graphic designer, had created products with good design for sale. Many reasons are behind it, starting from desires to break free from pressures of the clients, expanding spaces to express creativity to economic motives. Discussion of graphic designers crossing border of disciplines by creating products is very interesting. They do not just perform the profession on the basis of orders (client-based), but they are able to read the market that will absorb the products they created. Even, they create market trend (as a trendsetter). At this level, a designer does not just make value-added work, but already at the level of creating new value (value creation)

    The corneal subbasal nerve plexus and thickness of the retinal layers in pediatric type 1 diabetes and matched controls

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    Optical coherence tomography (OCT) of the retina and corneal confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) of the subbasal nerve plexus (SBP) are noninvasive techniques for quantification of the ocular neurodegenerative changes in individuals with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). In adult T1DM patients these changes are hardly related to T1DM only. Instead, ageing and/or lifestyle associated comorbidities have to be considered as putative confounding variables. Therefore, we investigated pediatric T1DM patients (n = 28; 14.2 ± 2.51 y; duration of disease: 5.39 ± 4.16 y) without clinical signs of diabetic retina disease, neuropathy, vasculopathy or nephropathy and compared our findings with those obtained in healthy controls (n = 46; 14.8 ± 1.89 y). The SBP was characterized by the averaged length, thickness, and tortuosity of nerve fibers as well as the number of branching and connecting points. OCT was used to determine the total thickness of the retina (ALL) and the thickness of each retinal layer. Both methods revealed signs of early neurodegenerative changes, e.g. thinning of distinct retinal layers at the pericentral ring and shortening of corneal nerve fibers that are already present in pediatric T1DM patients. Standardization of instruments and algorithms are urgently required to enable uniform comparison between different groups and define normative values to introduce in the clinical setting

    Spatial analysis improves the detection of early corneal nerve fiber loss in patients with recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes

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    Corneal confocal microscopy (CCM) has revealed reduced corneal nerve fiber (CNF) length and density (CNFL, CNFD) in patients with diabetes, but the spatial pattern of CNF loss has not been studied. We aimed to determine whether spatial analysis of the distribution of corneal nerve branching points (CNBPs) may contribute to improving the detection of early CNF loss. We hypothesized that early CNF decline follows a clustered rather than random distribution pattern of CNBPs. CCM, nerve conduction studies (NCS), and quantitative sensory testing (QST) were performed in a cross-sectional study including 86 patients recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and 47 control subjects. In addition to CNFL, CNFD, and branch density (CNBD), CNBPs were analyzed using spatial point pattern analysis (SPPA) including 10 indices and functional statistics. Compared to controls, patients with diabetes showed lower CNBP density and higher nearest neighbor distances, and all SPPA parameters indicated increased clustering of CNBPs (all P97.5th percentile of controls in up to 23.5% of patients. When combining an individual SPPA parameter with CNFL, ≥1 of 2 indices were >99th or <1st percentile of controls in 28.6% of patients compared to 2.1% of controls, while for the conventional CNFL/CNFD/CNBD combination the corresponding rates were 16.3% vs 2.1%. SPPA parameters correlated with CNFL and several NCS and QST indices in the controls (all P<0.001), whereas in patients with diabetes these correlations were markedly weaker or lost. In conclusion, SPPA reveals increased clustering of early CNF loss and substantially improves its detection when combined with a conventional CCM measure in patients with recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes
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