400 research outputs found

    Conceptualizing kirchnerismo

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    What is the nature of kirchnerismo? The experience of the period encompassed by the presi-dencies of Nestor and Cristina Kirchner have generated greater controversy regarding its characterization. The article critically reviews the analysis that Ernesto Laclau and Guillermo O´Donnell made of kirchneris-mo through their respective conceptual models of populism and delegative democracy.Fil: Peruzzotti, Carlos Enrique. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Torcuato di Tella; Argentin

    Peronism and the Birth of Modern Populism

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    The Domestic Politics of International Human Rights Law: Implementing the Convention of the Rights of the Child in Ecuador, Chile, and Argentina

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    Human rights treaties are not automatically and unequivocally internalized in domestic politics: there is gap between treaty ratification and domestic implementation, even in democracies, that is at present under-conceptualized. This gap can be understood as a process during which a domestic translation of global norms occurs. The dynamics of translation are shaped by a form of politics which we term compliance politics. We argue that it is crucial to analyze the specificities of compliance politics in order to understand the particular way global norms translate into domestic legislation and policies. We focus here on three variables that shape compliance politics in democracies: 1) the sincerity of the state with regard to ratification; 2) the strength, scope and make-up of the compliance coalition; and 3) and the degree of ideological conflict around the global rights norm at the domestic level. Using evidence from three Latin American countries (Ecuador, Argentina and Chile) after the ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, this article shows how different paths toward implementation unfolded in each case.Fil: Peruzzotti, Carlos Enrique. Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Departamento de Ciencia Política y Estudios Internacionales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Broadening the notion of democratic accountability: Participatory innovation in Latin America

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    This article focuses on a set of democratic innovations that were introduced in recent years in Latin America that involve the participation of civil society as an active agent of accountability. Participatory innovations are redefining the traditional scenario in which the practice of democratic representation takes place, adding novel arenas and mechanisms to engage actors that traditionally were not actively involved in accountability politics. The proliferation of alternative means for holding governments accountable undermines the traditional view of democratic representation, which continues to view elections as the quintessential mechanism of citizen control. The conventional way of thinking about the role of citizens in the practice of democratic accountability-which was largely modeled around the act of electoral delegation-must be reconceptualized to make room for other mechanisms of citizen control beyond the sporadic act of voting.Fil: Peruzzotti, Carlos Enrique. Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Departamento de Ciencia Política y Estudios Internacionales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Confessione e biografia: per un avvenire fondato nella storia. Note a partire da Jacques Derrida e Jean-Luc Marion

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    This paper aims to draw a connection between Jacques Derrida and Jean-Luc Marion in regard to the role of negative theology. This scrutiny shows meaningful contributions of the Authors to a new definition of subjectivity in a post-metaphysical age, and their consideration about which possibilities are still open for a non-predetermined history given outside of the presence domain. The future is neither a totalisation of history by its end, nor a simple continuation of the present. It is an eschatological event, where the relationship with the other plays a crucial role for the self-constitution. Such an interlacement is generated by the confession, where the link between past and future is not causally determined, but instead it is self-witness, as in Augustine’s masterpiece, essential reference for both the Authors8161744Ethics in Progres

    Examen químico del extracto graso de los arilos de semillas del celastrus "Maytenus disticha"

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    Fil: Peruzzotti, Fernando Oscar. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina

    The right to a good State

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    Este artículo recupera la refexión de O’ Donnell sobre las formas modernas del autoritarismo militar, los procesos de democratización, los desafíos que presentan los procesos de institucionalización democrática en América latina. El autor, en Democracia, agencia y estado se embarca en un proyecto de teoría política orientado a elaborar una teoría democrática “con intención comparativa” que permita abrir líneas de discusión teórica e investigación empírica sobre la experiencia de la democratización en países que no pertenecen a lo que él denomina `el cuadrante Noroccidental del mundo´. La fuente de inspiración de dicha teoría, aclara el autor, es la preocupación por las falencias que presentan varias de las democracias latinoamericanas contemporáneas.This article shows the reflection of Guillermo O ‘Donnell on modern forms of military authoritarianism, democratization and the challenges of the process of institutionalization of democracy in Latin America. The author, in Democracia, agencia y estado develops democratic theory “with comparative intent” to allow open lines of theoretical discussion and empirical research on the experience of democratization in countries that do not belong to what he calls `the Northwest quadrant of the world´. The inspiration for this theory, the author explains, is the concern for the failings that have several contemporary Latin American democracies.Fil: Peruzzotti, Carlos Enrique. Universidad Torcuato Di Tella; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    El otro déficit de la democracia delegativa: Retomando el debate acerca de la rendición de cuentas en las democracias contemporáneas de América Latina

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    El artículo analiza el concepto de democracia delegativa desarrollado por O'Donnell y argumenta que existe un déficit de rendición de cuentas propiamente político que no fue adecuadamente analizado por el autor ni por la literatura sobre rendición de cuentas social. En la parte final del artículo se introduce el concepto de política mediada para señalar la necesidad de introducir en el debate sobre rendición de cuentas la dimensión no electoral de la representación política.Fil: Peruzzotti, Carlos Enrique. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Departamento de Ciencia Política y Estudios Internacionales; Argentin

    La democracia representativa frente a la estrategia populista de polarización

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    The article analyzes the causes that have led populism to establish itself as the main threat to truly affected representative democracies. The irruption of contemporary populisms marked the end of the democratic consensus that had been consolidated throughout the third wave of democratization. This consensus was predicated on a certain conception of democracy: the liberal-representative one. In a period when overtly dictatorial forms have lost legitimacy, populism takes center stage as an alternative democratic narrative. However, its political polarization strategy generates more risks than solutions to the current representation crisis.El artículo analiza las causas que han llevado al populismo a establecerse como la principal amenaza a las democracias representativas realmente existentes. La irrupción de los populismos contemporáneos supuso el fin del consenso democrático que se había consolidado a lo largo de la tercera ola de democratización. Dicho consenso estaba predicado en cierta concepción de la democracia: la liberal-representativa. En un período en que las formas abiertamente dictatoriales han perdido legitimidad, el populismo adquiere protagonismo como narrativa democrática alternativa. Sin embargo, su estrategia política de polarización genera mas riesgos que soluciones a la crisis de representación actual