171 research outputs found

    Museums at the "Post-Digital" Turn

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    Scientific Session Coordinator of the Conference. Museums at the ‘Post-Digital’ Turn is a major international symposium organized by AMACI – the Association of Italian Contemporary Art Museums and OGR – Officine Grandi Riparazioni to address a transversal reflection on contemporary art museums and the radical changes in the ways of producing and viewing artworks. The symposium aims to deal with a crucial aspect of our time, one which has led to a radical change in the ways of producing and viewing artworks, placing the contemporary art museum before the need for an in-depth and transversal reflection. Over the last decade, the interconnections between networks and digital mediation have become tangible components of everyday life. These dimensions have become naturalised in our way of thinking about existence in a vision of the world that envelops the totality of contemporary living, from our relationship with objects to the ramified structuring of social dynamics. Art and the art system have taken this change on board – the so-called ‘post-digital turn’ – by setting up a process of substantial transformation

    Design and Tourism, Value to Territories

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    How can tourism give value to a territory while respecting its cultural and environmental heritage and local identity? What if that territory is a UNESCO world heritage site? Talking about tourism also means talking about social aspects, mobility, economy and education, topics that are often dealt separately, with a linear perspective focused on profit and short-term feedback. But a more active tourism is increasing. Terms such as sustainable, responsible, slow are spreading and are well combined with areas of high cultural and landscape value, shifting from the concept of conservation to that of promotion. Design, which is shifting from product to process, can revitalize territories, optimizing exchanges and creating synergies to encourage a necessarily more responsible use of tourism

    The Role of Systemic Design in a First Re-Connection of Food Webs and Health Systems

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    Nowadays the growing disconnects between food webs and health systems are certainly a complex problem. It is generating a strong perturbation of human and environmental health by destabilizing the balance of territories and communities. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate and describe how the figure of the systemic designer can contribute to a first re-connection between the agri-food and health sectors through a transdisciplinary approach, guaranteeing a greater level of well-being to the food consumer, to the patient and more generally, to the citizen. The final purpose of this paper is the design of a system of relationships among numerous local actors, such as food producers and processors, doctors, associations and the civil community, for the first phase of re-construction of a more healthy and sustainable territorial system

    Self-production: a human centered design process. The sustainable future of self-production through a humanistic and participatory process

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    Self-production is a human-centred design process, which shows how design is moving towards the management of the entire process (design, production, distribution, communication) rather than focusing exclusively on the final product. Humanities can support self-production not only upstream, as a source of inspiration for mindful projects, but also throughout the process to manage the user involvement in practices of participatory design, as well as downstream, for designing the distribution and the communication of a product in an anthropocentric way

    Il design della Ricostruzione: Italiani a Losanna (1944-1950)

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    Technical culture, the role of the designer and the organization of work are crucial issues in the debate on reconstruction. After September 8, 1943, in Switzerland, this reflection affects many areas of the project as the publication of the Bulletin of the Research Center, from June 1944 to April 1945, in part returns. Gustavo Colonnetti, liberal Catholic engineer from Turin and rector of the University of Lausanne, becomes a constant reference, from 1943 until the second half of the fifties, to a culture that distinguishes technique as one of the founding values ​​of the reconstruction of the house and destroyed cities, but also the family as the core social, economic and cultural life of the community


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    Olivetti. Formes et Recherche è una mostra sincronica organizzata dal Dipartimento Relazioni Culturali, Design industriale e Pubblicità dell’Ing. C. Olivetti & C., S.p.A. (1969-1971). Segna una svolta nelle tecniche di comunicazione dell’azienda Olivetti. Questo testo intende concentrarsi sul ruolo svolto dalla mostra internazionale Formes et Recherche nella diffusione all’estero della cultura del design e dell’identità dell’industria con sede a Ivrea, attraverso l’uso di nuovi linguaggi e dispositivi di comunicazione tipici della nuova era dell’elettronica

    Facing a Phytosanitary Emergency through Transdisciplinary Approach of Systemic Design

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    Nowadays the designer is called to face increasingly complex problems and multi-faceted challenges of great importance. This factor leads designers to redefine the boundaries of their profession through interaction with other scientific and humanistic disciplines, in order to integrate a holistic view of reality and achieve higher degree of results completeness. A transdisciplinary approach and the dissemination of research outside academia become important aspects of this new professional perspective, which encourages the designer to investigate new areas of research and collaborate on several levels with specialised stakeholders in different branches of knowledge. The purpose of this paper is to describe a concrete case of interaction between different disciplines - in the frame of Systemic Design - to eradicate the complex problem of the Olive Quick Decline Syndrome in Salento (Apulia, South of Italy). This phenomenon caused by the progressive proliferation of the pathogenic agent Xylella Fastidiosa, has compromised the environmental, economic and socio-cultural sphere of the territory and has solicited the attention of international authorities and institutions, such as the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). The paper explains the methodology and the results of a concrete Systemic Design project applied to infected territory
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