533 research outputs found

    Creative Destruction and Productive Preemption

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    We develop a theory of commercialization mode (entry or sale) of entrepreneurial inventions into oligopoly, and show that an invention of higher quality is more likely to be sold (or licensed) to an incumbent due to strategic product market effects on the sales price. Moreover, preemptive acquisitions by incumbents are shown to stimulate the process of creative destruction by increasing the entrepreneurial effort allocated to high-quality invention projects. Using detailed data on patents granted to small firms and individuals, we find evidence that high-quality inventions are often sold, and that they are sold under bidding competition.Acquisitions; Entrepreneurship; Innovation; Start-ups; Patent; Ownership; Quality

    The advantage of selling an invention instead of turning it into a business

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    Selling to incumbent firms encourage creators to focus on high-quality research projects, write Pehr-Johan NorbÀck, Lars Persson and Roger Svensso

    An authorisation framework for actively controlled running gear

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    A Shift2Rail funded research project called RUN2Rail has investigated a range of new technologies for railway rolling stock. The project included a task on the use of active suspensions, and one of the subtasks was to propose a strategy supporting the authorisation by safety authorities for highly innovative mechatronic vehicles to be placed on the market. The incorporation of electronics and control into suspension systems is still at an early stage, so this paper provides a framework for a practical and efficient authorisation strategy, primarily based upon existing European regulations and standards but in general applicable worldwide

    Vetenskapliga perspektiv pÄ lÀrande, undervisning och utbildning i olika institutionella sammanhang : utbildningsvetenskaplig forskning vid Lunds universitet

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    Bidragen i antologin har skrivits av forskare verksamma vid eller associerade med Lunds universitet och samlats under sex olika teman. Under temat "LÀrande" finns fem kapitel som undersöker innehÄllet i lÀttlÀsta myndighetstexter, vad förstÄelse egentligen Àr och kunskapsinnehÄllets betydelse i lÀrande samt hur och varför digitala lÀromedel kan bidra till lÀrande. Bakom temat "Utbildning" finns fyra texter om den sÄ kallade Bolognareformen inom europeisk högre utbildning, om teori i gymnasiets litteraturundervisning, om vad slags kunskapsutveckling historieÀmnets undervisning ger upphov till och om hur komplexitet i lÀranderesultat kan bedömas. Temat "FramgÄngsvÀgar" sammanfattar tre kapitel om hur vÀgledning i grundskolan pÄverkar elevers gymnasieval, om fritidslÀrande och medelklassvÀrden i förÀldrars strategier nÀr det gÀller de egna barnens karriÀr och om hur personlighetsegenskaper och inlÀrningsstilar pÄverkar betyg. I temat "Utmanade normer" studeras den danska skolans roll i moderniseringen av Grönland, genus och matematikdidaktik, samhÀllskunskapsÀmnets legitimitetskris och normkritiska och icke-förtryckande sÀtt att tÀnka inom undervisning och lÀrande. De fyra kapitlen pÄ temat "FörutsÀttningar" behandlar hur lÀrarutbildningen kan bidra till utvecklingen av blivande lÀrares professionella handlingsutrymme, den högre utbildningens internationalisering, naturveterstudenters skrivande och skrivtrÀning samt utveckling av forskningsbaserad undervisning och lÀrande inom medicinska utbildningar vid Lunds universitet. Under temat "Inramningar", slutligen, analyseras hur visualisering av lÀrandes ögonrörelser kan understödja metakognition, starka mikrokulturer inom högre utbildning, olika yttre och inre inramningar av skolans verksamhet och didaktiska irritationer inom musiklÀrarutbildning. Antologin avslutas med att professor Berit Askling, tidigare huvudsekreterare för det utbildningsvetenskapliga forskningsomrÄdet inom VetenskapsrÄdet, reflekterar kring bildandet av den nya utbildningsvetenskapliga institutionen vid Lunds universitet i relation till det nationella utbildningsvetenskapliga landskapet

    Rubber friction and the effect of shape

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    Contrary to the classic laws of friction, rubber friction is not independent of shape. The friction of three shapes of the same rubber compound sliding over a dry-rough surface was measured. The three shapes had the same nominal contact area but different sliding direction-lengths and widths. Frictional differences were found between all three shapes at sliding speeds of 10 mm/s and 0.5 mm/s. The effect of frictional heating and other friction mechanisms that cause these differences are evaluated and discussed

    Can journey mapping be used to visualize information sharing in home care?

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    This study investigates the use of journey mapping as a tool for visualizing theflow of information in home care. Journey mapping is a design method with the purpose of visualizing the interaction of a user and a product or service. It tries to encompass the whole user experience including actions and touch points between user and product, feelings and other related information. Hence, the visualized journey in a journey map is originally from one persons’ perspective. Here we will instead emanate from the perspective of the information, and draw the journey map based on different pieces of information, using a set of concrete scenarios from home care. The aim is to get a better understanding of how information flows in the home care setting, and the journey map will be a useful tool in the process of developing home care further. This can for example be in the process of designing digital support systems, for designing the information itself, or for developing work routines around the information

    Impacts of moose (Alces alces) at different simulated densities on eco-morphological groups of soil mesofauna

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    We experimentally tested the impact of browsing, defecation and urination corresponding to four different levels of moose population density on abundance and number of eco-morphological groups of soil mesofauna in a Swedish boreal forest. The study was carried out in three fenced exclosures representing different levels of productivity (from nutrient-rich to nutrient-poor). Moose impact on soil communities was evaluated by analysing abundance, richness and diversity of mesofaunal groups, and by means of a multi-taxa index based on ecomorphological groups, the Biological Soil Quality index (QBS). There was a negative impact of high moose densities on the abundance and richness of soil mesofauna. Furthermore, low-moderate moose densities had a positive impact on abundance and number of eco-morphological groups. We conclude that moose can have a large impact on soil-living mesofauna, and therefore probably soil decomposition processes and biological soil quality, in young boreal forest stands

    Habituating pain:Questioning pain and physical strain as inextricable conditions in the construction industry

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    In this article, we investigate the relations between discursive practices within the Danish construction industry and the perceived pain, physical deterioration, and strain affecting the construction workers. Of central importance is the widely accepted hegemonic discourse on physical strain and pain as unavoidable conditions in construction work. Based on 32 semi-structured interviews performed in eight case studies within four different construction professions, workers’ descriptions of physical strain and its relation to the organizational and social context are analyzed through concepts of subject positioning in discursive practice and a focus on power relations. The analysis shows that workers and employers reproduce certain types of traditional working class masculinities and search for high-pace productive working rhythms, which in combination with economic incentives common within the industry reproduce physical strain and the habituation of pain as unquestioned conditions in construction work. The understanding of this mutual reinforcement of the necessity of physically straining, painful, high-paced construction work provides fruitful perspectives on the overrepresentation of musculoskeletal deterioration within construction work and also sheds light on some of the difficulties in addressing and changing occupational health and safety practices in the construction industry
