25 research outputs found

    Особливості формування самостійної пізнавальної діяльності майбутніх учителів математики

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    (uk) У статті зроблено спробу розкрити особливості самостійної пізнавальної діяльності майбутніх вчителів; досліджуються різні підходи до цього поняття; розкриваються такі його складові, як самостійність, пізнавальна самостійність, пізнавальна діяльність.(ru) В статье сделана попытка раскрыть особенности самостоятельной познавательной деятельности будущих учителей; исследуются различные подходы к этому понятию; раскрываются такие его составляющие, как самостоятельность, познавательная самостоятельность, познавательная деятельность

    The Genetics of How Dogs Became Our Social Allies

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    Dogs were domesticated from wolves about 15,000 years ago, and an important selection pressure (intentional orunintentional) has been their ability to communicate and cooperate with people. They show extensive human-directedsociability, which varies within as well as between breeds and is not shared by ancestral wolves. Hence, dogs arepotentially ideal models for studying the genetics of social behavior. Here, we review some recent research carried outby us and others on this subject. We present results showing that recent selection of different breed types can be usedas a model system for investigating the genetic architecture of personalities. Furthermore, we review data showingthat human-directed social behavior is significantly related to a small number of genes that have known connectionsto human social disorders such as autism and schizophrenia. We suggest that dogs are excellent study subjects foranalyzing the evolution and genetics of social behavior and can serve as probes for human health and welfare.Funding agencies: European Research Council [322206]</p

    T-maze test apparatus consisting of a Perspex tunnel with push-doors and an attached wooden start-box.

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    <p>The tunnel connects the two pens in the experimental room. <b>A</b> indicates the rear of the start-box which was made of black plastic. <b>B</b> indicates the wooden side-doors which were removed to reveal wire mesh, through which the feed bowls could be viewed. <b>C</b> indicates the tunnel-door, which was raised using a pulley mechanism to allow access to the tunnel. <b>D</b> marks the push-doors which were located at either end of the tunnel. <b>E</b> marks the pen-door which was placed in the pen entrance once the hen entered the pen, to prevent her from re-entering the tunnel. <b>F</b> marks the electromagnet which could be altered to change the force required to open the push-door.</p

    Different coloured and sized feed bowls were used to aid discrimination learning.

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    <p>The feed bowls used were counter-balanced for colour and size, with four chickens being trained on each of the four possible combinations (<b>A–D</b>).</p

    The test procedure during the testing phase.

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    <p>A stopwatch was used to monitor the precise time at which each event occurred so that accurate start-box and viewing period HRV and temperatures could be extracted from the data files.</p

    Mean ±1 SE (a) RR interval, (b) coefficient of variance (SDNN/RR), during each period within the test when making finely balanced (dark grey) and unbalanced (light grey) decisions.

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    <p>Mean ±1 SE (a) RR interval, (b) coefficient of variance (SDNN/RR), during each period within the test when making finely balanced (dark grey) and unbalanced (light grey) decisions.</p

    Mean ±1 SE (a) maximum head temperature, (b) eye temperature, during the start-box and viewing periods when making finely balanced (dark grey) and unbalanced (light grey) decisions.

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    <p>Mean ±1 SE (a) maximum head temperature, (b) eye temperature, during the start-box and viewing periods when making finely balanced (dark grey) and unbalanced (light grey) decisions.</p