132 research outputs found

    Skillnader mellan mÀns och kvinnors attityder till företags anvÀndande av doftmarknadsföring

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    Purpose: Based on excisting theories within marketing and psychology research investigate how scent marketing can affect customers and whether attitudes towards an ambient scent differ between men and women. Methodology: A quantitative study has been conducted with its starting point in positivism. A deductive approach has been used, meaning that a theory is being proven or disproven using a specific method. The raw data was collected using a questionnaire. Theoretical perspective: The theoretical framework is mainly based on three theories: Social culture-, Service environment and Trademark model, Mehrabian and Russels framework and Persuasion Knowledge Model which all describe how scents can affect consumer behavior and what makes us experience scents in different ways. Empirical foundation: The empirical foundation is based on an questionnaire and the answers was collected by putting it on facebook but also by asking people in person if they wanted to participate in our study. The requirement to be included in the survey was that all the questions was answered. A total of 152 answers was collected of which two did not meet the criteria and therefore had to be excluded. Conclusion: The theoretical framework combined with the collected data have given us a greater understanding of how scents can affect us and what makes the using of an ambient scent successful. The study also gave us an insight about how men and women perceive a scented environment and the results show that women tend to have a more positive attitude towards ambient scents. The results also indicate that neither of the two sexes get suspicious towards a company that uses scents with the purpose to influence their behavior

    "Pappa kan vÀl fÄ visa hur det fungerar?" : En uppsats om kvinnor som varit utsatta för sexuella övergrepp i barndomen.

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    In this paper we wanted to find out how sexual abuse and sexual harassment against children was described by women exposed as children and how it was talked about in documentary films about sexually exposed children. We have interviewed four women who have been exposed to sexual abuse as children and we have also seen four documentary films about women with similar experiences as the women we interviewed. We found that sexual abuse is described as an action against someone else's will. Sexual abuse is also seen as more serious compared to sexual harassment. According to the women in this survey it is mainly girls who are exposed to sexual abuse but even boys are exposed. The exposed children can not be identified by background or through other factors, any child can be exposed according to the women. The women also mean that the perpetrator can be anyone but that the perpetrator usually is someone in the family. The women in this survey consider that the large amount of unrecorded sexual offenses depends on guilt and shame which the women also mean is a consequence of sexual abuse. Other consequences are anxiety, depression or a destructive behavior. However, a person who has been exposed to sexual abuse can be affected in several ways. The women mean that the consequences are individual and that it differs from person to person

    Healthcare Resource Utilisation of Severe Uncontrolled T2low and Non-T2low Asthma in Finland During 2018-2021

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    Purpose: Patients with asthma and low levels of type 2 inflammatory biomarkers (T2 low) have limited effective treatment options. Such biomarkers include eg blood eosinophils (b-eos) and fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO). The healthcare resource utilisation (HCRU) of severe uncontrolled T2 low asthma remains unexplored. Thus, this study aimed to estimate the HCRU of T2 low and non-T2 low severe uncontrolled asthma patients using real-world data in Finland. Patients and Methods: Adult patients with an asthma diagnosis during baseline (2012–2017) at the pulmonary department of Turku University Hospital were included and followed during 2018–2021, or until death. Total HCRU costs and respiratory-related HCRU costs were evaluated. The main drivers for the HCRU and costs were assessed with gamma and negative binomial regression models. Results: Of the severe uncontrolled asthma patients with T2 status available, 40% (N=66) were identified with T2 low and 60% (N=103) with non-T2 low asthma. The average cumulative cost per patient was similar in patients with T2 low compared with non-T2 low, with all-cause costs cumulating in four years of follow-up to 37,524€ (95% CI: 27,160, 47,888) in T2 low compared to 34,712€ (25,484, 43,940) in non-T2 low. The corresponding average cumulative respiratory-related costs were 5178€ (3150, 7205) in T2 low compared to 5209€ (4104, 6313) in non-T2 low. Regression modelling identified no differences between the T2-status groups when assessing all-cause healthcare costs per patient-year (PPY). On the other hand, the regression modelling predicted more inpatient days PPY for severe uncontrolled patients with T2 low status compared to the patients with non-T2 low status. Conclusion: Patients with uncontrolled severe T2 low asthma use equal healthcare resources as corresponding non-T2 low patients. This study brought new insights into the HCRU of severe uncontrolled asthma patients per T2 status, which has not previously been investigated.Peer reviewe

    Instantaneous wave-free ratio compared with fractional flow reserve in PCI: A cost-minimization analysis.

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked DownloadBackground: Coronary physiology is a routine diagnostic tool when assessing whether coronary revascularization is indicated. The iFR-SWEDEHEART trial demonstrated similar clinical outcomes when using instantaneous wave-free ratio (iFR) or fractional flow reserve (FFR) to guide revascularization. The objective of this analysis was to assess a cost-minimization analysis of iFR-guided compared with FFR-guided revascularization. Methods: In this cost-minimization analysis we used a decision-tree model from a healthcare perspective with a time-horizon of one year to estimate the cost difference between iFR and FFR in a Nordic setting and a United States (US) setting. Treatment pathways and health care utilizations were constructed from the iFR-SWEDEHEART trial. Unit cost for revascularization and myocardial infarction in the Nordic setting and US setting were derived from the Nordic diagnosis-related group versus Medicare cost data. Unit cost of intravenous adenosine administration and cost per stent placed were based on the average costs from the enrolled centers in the iFR-SWEDEHEART trial. Deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analyses were carried out to test the robustness of the result. Results: The cost-minimization analysis demonstrated a cost saving per patient of 681(95681 (95% CI: 641 - 723)intheNordicsettingand723) in the Nordic setting and 1024 (95% CI: 934−934 - 1114) in the US setting, when using iFR-guided compared with FFR-guided revascularization. The results were not sensitive to changes in uncertain parameters or assumptions. Conclusions: IFR-guided revascularization is associated with significant savings in cost compared with FFR-guided revascularization. Keywords: Cost-minimization analysis; Fractional flow reserve; Instantaneous wave-free ratio.Philips Volcan

    Survey of attitudes, experiences, efforts and costs among relatives to individuals who suffered a stroke

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    Introduktion: Stroke Ă€r en av vĂ„ra stora folksjukdomar och Ă€r en dominerande orsak till död och handikapp i de flesta lĂ€nder. Att bli nĂ€rstĂ„ende till en strokedrabbad Ă€r en roll som man inte vĂ€ljer sjĂ€lv utan plötsligt befinner sig i, den vĂ„rd och omsorg som utförs av nĂ€rstĂ„ende sker ofta i tystnad och det ansvar och den börda som lĂ€ggs pĂ„ nĂ€rstĂ„ende kan vara bĂ„de fysiskt och psykiskt pĂ„frestande. Syfte: Denna uppsats kartlĂ€gger attityder, upplevelser, insatser och kostnader bland nĂ€rstĂ„ende till strokedrabbade med en kvalitativ semikvantitativ ansats. Metod: Intervjuer genomfördes med tre nĂ€rstĂ„ende till strokedrabbade och en strokedrabbad. Vid intervjuerna anvĂ€ndes en intervjuguide med Ă„tta domĂ€ner för att sĂ€kerstĂ€lla att samma information samlades in under samtliga intervjuer. Intervjuerna analyserades med kvalitativ innehĂ„llsanalys. Resultat: KartlĂ€ggningen visade att Ă€ven om informanternas situation var mycket olika hade de liknande upplevelser av sjukdomsprocessen. Informanterna pĂ„pekade brister i den givna informationen, glapp mellan de olika vĂ„rdgivarna och att det var ”ett kĂ€mpande” med kommunernas och landstingens byrĂ„krati. De berĂ€ttade Ă€ven att social isolering var vanligt förekommande och att deras livskvalitet blev försĂ€mrad. Den semikvantitativa ansatsen visade att informell vĂ„rd i cost-of-illness berĂ€kningen för stroke pĂ„ en samhĂ€llsekonomisk nivĂ„ motsvarar ett ekonomiskt vĂ€rde av cirka 11 miljarder kronor per Ă„r. Slutsats: Informationen hade brister, men de informanter som fick bĂ€st guidning av vĂ„rdgivarna och som var mest nöjda med informationen var de vars anhörig fĂ„tt allvarliga skador men hade en bra chans att rehabiliteras vĂ€l. NĂ€rstĂ„endes extra insatser för strokedrabbade motsvarar 77% av samhĂ€llskostnaderna för strokevĂ„rden i Sverige.FolkhĂ€lsovetenskapligt progra

    Spouses long-term support to midlife stroke survivors - Consequences in a health economic perspective

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    Spouses of midlife stroke survivors often experience demands on family roles and professional life due to the impact of stroke, however knowledge concerning spouses’ support and the long-term consequences for their own health is limited. Hence, the overall aim of this thesis was to describe the long-term effects health related quality of life (HRQoL) of spouses of midlife stroke survivors’ and the annual cost of the informal support provided. Data were collected from the study population at the seven-year followup of the Sahlgrenska Academy Study on Ischemic Stroke (SAHLSIS). Cohabitant dyads of 248 stroke survivors aged <70 at stroke onset and 245 controls were included in this study. HRQoL was assessed by the SF-36, and the preference-based health state values were assessed with the SF-6D. The time spent on informal support was assessed with a study specific time-diary. Spouses of dependent and independent stroke survivors were categorised according to their scores on the modified Rankin Scale (mRS). Findings showed that spouses of dependent stroke survivors reported poorer physical, general and mental health in comparison to the spouses of independent stroke survivors and spouses of controls. The spouses’ physical health was negatively related to their own age and the global disability of the stroke survivor, and the spouses’ mental health was negatively related to the partners’ global disability, level of depression and cognitive dysfunction as well as if the spouses experienced lack of social support. The dyads of stroke survivors and spouses reported similar role emotional and mental health, but poorer in comparison to the dyads of controls. Spouses of dependent stroke survivors reported nearly 15 hours of informal support per day, which corresponds to an estimated annual cost of €25,000. Spouses of independent stroke survivors reported less than one hour of informal support per day, which corresponds to an estimated annual cost of €1,000. In conclusion, spouses of dependent midlilfe stroke survivors, reported lowered HRQoL and provides more informal support. Thus, to include the spouses’ consequences in economic evaluations of healthcare interventions that seeks to reduce the dependency of stroke survivors could capture more of the total effects in dyads of stroke survivors

    Att dela makten - Fyra rektorers syn pÄ elevinflytande i skolan

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    Syfte. Syftet med uppsatsen Ă€r att undersöka rektorers syn pĂ„ elevinflytande och uppdraget att verka för demokratiska arbetsformer. Jag ville ocksĂ„ undersöka hur rektorerna ser pĂ„ vilka möjligheter och/eller hinder till elevinflytande som kan finnas och dessutom relationen mellan elevinflytande och det faktum att vi har skoltvĂ„ng. UtifrĂ„n dessa frĂ„gestĂ€llningar ville jag ocksĂ„ försöka ta reda pĂ„ vilken kompetens och vilka egenskaper lĂ€rare kan anses behöva för att arbeta med elevens reella inflytande. Metod. Som teoretisk utgĂ„ngspunkt anvĂ€nder jag mig frĂ€mst av begreppen "deliberativt samtal" och "deliberativ demokrati". Jag intresserar mig dĂ€rmed speciellt för hur medbestĂ€mmande, kompetens, tradition och samtal och kommunikation uppfattas av de intervjuade rektorerna i relation till frĂ„gestĂ€llningarna. Jag har genomfört fyra intervjuer med rektorer frĂ„n fyra olika skolor. Samtliga rektorer arbetar mot de tidigare Ă„ldrarna, en har ansvar för alla Ă„r F-9. Intervjuerna/samtalen har varit av karaktĂ€ren djupintervju som jag sedan försökt att utifrĂ„n en hermeneutisk metod tolka. Svaren har jag sammanstĂ€llt under sex övergripande rubriker; ledarskap, kommunikation och samtal, tradition och kultur, profession som kompetens och förmĂ„gor, trygghet och motivation. Resultat och slutsats. Begreppet elevinflytande framstĂ„r som ett förhĂ„llandevis svĂ„rgripbart och mĂ„ngtydigt begrepp. Elevinflytande Ă€r beroende av och styrs av flera faktorer som styrdokument, tradition, vilket didaktiskt perspektiv lĂ€raren och skolledningen har och inte minst synen pĂ„ maktrelationer. Det framtonar en dubbelhet i skolan betrĂ€ffande elevinflytande. Å ena sidan finns en vilja att dela makten med eleverna men Ă„ andra sidan finns inte riktigt formerna för det. MĂ„nga faktorer hindrar och motverkar elevers reella inflytande. Dessa hinder eller faktorer kan vara instĂ€llningen till huruvida elever kan eller bör ha inflytande, otrygghet hos lĂ€raren, den dolda lĂ€roplanen, tradition, kompetens och förmĂ„ga hos lĂ€rare att leda deliberativa samtal, bristen pĂ„ möjligheter för rektor att verka som pedagogik ledare och sjĂ€lva skoltvĂ„nget. Kommunikation och samtal Ă€r faktorer som för rektorerna Ă€r viktiga. Samspelet mellan lĂ€rare och elever, tryggheten och kompetens hos lĂ€raren har betydelse för hur vĂ€l man lyckas ge eleverna ett reellt inflytande eller inte. Slutligen framstĂ„r ocksĂ„ ledarskapet betydelsefullt. Rektor behöver driva frĂ„gan om elevinflytande pĂ„ ett medvetet och strukturerat sĂ€tt. Det krĂ€vs en samsyn kring elevinflytande som grundar sig pĂ„ mĂ„ldokument och vĂ€rdegrund

    Gender bias in caring of patients with acute coronary syndrome

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    Bakgrund: Akuta koronara syndrom Àr en av de mest förekommande dödsorsakerna i vÀstvÀrlden, bÄde för mÀn och kvinnor. Det finns dock olikheter i hur kvinnor och mÀn diagnostiseras och behandlas. Detta strider mot hÀlso- och sjukvÄrdslagen som menar att vÄrd pÄ lika villkor ska medföra likvÀrdig kvalitet. En ojÀmnlik vÄrd kan leda till ökat vÄrdlidande. Syfte: Studera förekomsten av köns- och genusskillnader ur ett omvÄrdnadsperspektiv vid akuta koronara syndrom. Metod: Den valda metoden Àr en litteraturöversikt, som baseras pÄ 15 vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultat: Resultatet presenteras i tvÄ olika teman: köns- och genusskillnader samt sjuksköterskans perspektiv. Resultatet pekar pÄ köns- och genusskillnader gÀllande pre-hospital, hospital och posthospital vÄrd. Sjuksköterskans kliniska bedömning och uppfattning pÄverkas av olika faktorer. Dessa faktorer Àr bland annat patientens kön, den kliniska presentationen samt sjukdomshistoria. OmvÄrdnadsarbetet fÀrgas av sjuksköterskans syn pÄ genus. Slutsats: Genusskillnader i handhavandet av patienter med akuta koronara syndrom Àr ett problem som kan orsaka lidande. De atypiska symtom som kvinnliga patienter kan uppvisa tolkas pÄ ett förutfattat och stereotypt sÀtt av vÄrdpersonal. Ett stereotypt förhÄllningssÀtt kan leda till ett brustet förtroende frÄn vÄrdtagare, inkorrekt vÄrd och i slutÀndan högre mortalitetsrisk. Genusskillnader kan motverkas genom ökad reflektion, anvÀndandet av sokratiska frÄgor samt mer utbildning och information till bÄde vÄrdpersonal sÄvÀl som allmÀnheten
