376 research outputs found

    The problem students' motivation to preserve health and promoting a healthy lifestyle

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    The article analyzes the problem of motivation healthy lifestyle RGPPU students, the causes of low motivation, as well as proposed solutions to this problemВ статье анализируется проблема мотивации здорового образа жизни студентов РГППУ, выявлены причины низкой мотивации, а также предложены пути решения данной проблем

    Theoretical Predictions of Properties of Element 120 and its Adsorption on Noble Metal Surfaces

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    Relativistic coupled cluster study of the MAu and M2M_2 dimers of Hg, Cn, and Fl

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    Interspecific incompatibility in wide hybridization of plants and ways to overcome

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    Wide hybridization is an important factor of angiosperm speciation and provides an introgression of genes between species. In experimental conditions wide hybridization is used to increase the genetic diversity of cultivated plants. Since the emergence of reproductive barriers is of great importance for speciation, plant capacity for wide crosses is determined by a possibility of overcoming these barriers. The review discusses the main types of incompatibility in wide crossing plants, as well as factors and methodological approaches that contribute to overcoming them. The role of Kr genes, which determine incompatibility between wheat and rye, is one of the examples of prezygotic isolation mechanism. Postzygotic incompatibility may be associated with a highly pronounced genetic and epigenetic variability induced by wide crossings. Early stages of the postzygotic period are crucial for developing hybrid seeds due to embryo’s death, including those associated with uniparental chromosome elimination in hybrid cells and abnormal development of the endosperm. A depression and a lethality of F1 hybrids may be the result of interaction between complementary genes, which cause hybrid necrosis, hybrid chlorosis, and hybrid dwarfness. The causes of hybrid sterility are discussed. Nuclearcytoplasmic interactions are regarded as one of the mechanisms of incompatibility in wide crosses. Reciprocal hybrids and alloplasmic lines are the main models for studying cytoplasm effects and nuclearcytoplasmic interactions. Problems concerning work with their models are emphasized. There are some examples underlining the fact that alloplasmic lines are not a plain combination of nuclear genome and cytoplasm of different species. Development of alloplasmatic lines is connected with structural and functional variability of nuclear and organelle genomes

    Problems and possibilities of studying malting quality in barley using molecular genetic approaches

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    About one-third of the world’s barley crop is used for malt production to meet the needs of the brewing industry. In this regard, the study of the genetic basis of malting quality traits and the breeding of malting barley varieties that are adaptive to their growing conditions are relevant throughout the world, particularly in the Russian Federation, where the cultivation and use of foreign malting varieties of barley prevails. The main parameters of malting quality (artificially germinated and dried barley grains) are malt extract, diastatic power, Kolbach index, viscosity, grain protein, wort β-glucan, free amino nitrogen, and soluble protein content. Most of these components are under the control of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and are affected by environmental conditions, which complicates their study and precise localization. In addition, the phenotypic assessment of malting quality traits requires elaborate, expensive phenotypic analyses. Currently, there are more than 200 QTLs associated with malting parameters, which were identified using biparental mapping populations. Molecular markers are widely used both for mapping QTL loci responsible for malting quality traits and for performing marker-assisted selection (MAS), which, in combination with conventional breeding, makes it possible to create effective strategies aimed at accelerating the process of obtaining new promising genotypes. Nevertheless, the MAS of malting quality traits faces a series of difficulties, such as the low accuracy of localization of QTLs, their ineffectiveness when transferred to another genetic background, and linkage with undesirable traits, which makes it necessary to validate QTLs and the molecular markers linked to them. This review presents the results of studies that used MAS to improve the malting quality of barley, and it also considers studies that searched for associations between genotype and phenotype, carried out using GWAS (genome-wide association study) approaches based on the latest achievements of high-throughput genotyping (diversity array technology (DArT) and single-nucleotide polymorphism markers (SNPs))


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    The article presents suggestions to reduce the amount of waste generated for example private enterprise "Yaloga.ltd". The analysis of theoretical material on waste generation at the enterprise is presented, recommendations on waste water treatment and waste use are given.В статье приведены предложения по уменьшению объема образующихся отходов на примере отдельного предприятия «Ялога-НТ». Представлен анализ теоретического материала по образованию отходов на предприятии, даны рекомендации по очистке сточных вод и использованию отходов

    Imidazoline receptors agonists: possible mechanisms of endothelioprotection

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    In this review, the historical, physiological, pathophysiological aspects concerning imidazoline receptor agonists and possible mechanisms for their participation in endothelioprotection were considered. Illuminated the molecular biology of each subtype of imidazoline receptors and their significance in the pharmacological correction of cardiovascular diseas