341 research outputs found

    Disturbance of cytokine networks in Sjögren's syndrome

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    The difficulty in predicting the consequences of interactions between different cytokine networks has increased with the expansion of the T helper (Th) cell universe and the discovery of numerous B lymphocyte-derived cytokines. Consequently, it is now difficult to conceptualize a straightforward view of the contribution of these disturbances to the pathogenesis of primary Sjögren's syndrome (SS). Th1 cells, which produce interferon-γ and IL-2, and Th17 cells, which make IL-17 and TNF-α, have been cast in the leading roles of the play. However, the complex role of T-cell subsets in SS is accentuated by the reciprocal effects of Th17 cells and regulatory T cells found in salivary glands of SS patients. Furthermore, B lymphocyte polarization into type-1 B effector (Be1) and Be2 cells and B-cell modulating factors of the TNF family, most notably the B-cell-activating factor (BAFF), and their prominent role in SS are additional complicating factors. Whereas Th17 cells orchestrate autoreactive germinal centers, local BAFF would repress the generation of Th17 cells. Such new insights into interconnected cytokines in primary SS may lead to new treatments for these patients

    Regulatory B Cells: An Exciting Target for Future Therapeutics in Transplantation.

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    International audience: Transplantation is the preferred treatment for most end-stage solid organ diseases. Despite potent immunosuppressive agents, chronic rejection remains a real problem in transplantation. For many years, the predominant immunological focus of research into transplant rejection has been T cells. The pillar of immunotherapy in clinical practice is T cell-directed, which efficiently prevents acute T cell-mediated allograft rejection. However, the root of late allograft failure is chronic rejection and the humoral arm of the immune response now emerges as an important factor in transplantation. Thus, the potential effects of Abs and B cell infiltrate on transplants have cast B cells as major actors in late graft rejection. Consequently, a number of recent drugs target either B cells or plasma cells. However, immunotherapies, such as the anti-CD20 B cell-depleting antibody, can generate deleterious effects on the transplant, likely due to the deletion of beneficial population. The positive contribution of regulatory B (Breg) cells or B10 cells has been reported in the case of transplantation, mainly in mice models and highlights the primordial role that some populations of B cells can play in graft tolerance. Yet, this regulatory aspect remains poorly characterized in clinical transplantation. Thus, total B cell depletion treatments should be avoided and novel approaches should be considered that manipulate the different B cell subsets. This article provides an overview of the current knowledge on the link between Breg cells and grafts, and reports a number of data advising Breg cells as a new target for future therapeutic approaches

    Regulatory B Cells: An Exciting Target for Future Therapeutics in Transplantation.

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    International audience: Transplantation is the preferred treatment for most end-stage solid organ diseases. Despite potent immunosuppressive agents, chronic rejection remains a real problem in transplantation. For many years, the predominant immunological focus of research into transplant rejection has been T cells. The pillar of immunotherapy in clinical practice is T cell-directed, which efficiently prevents acute T cell-mediated allograft rejection. However, the root of late allograft failure is chronic rejection and the humoral arm of the immune response now emerges as an important factor in transplantation. Thus, the potential effects of Abs and B cell infiltrate on transplants have cast B cells as major actors in late graft rejection. Consequently, a number of recent drugs target either B cells or plasma cells. However, immunotherapies, such as the anti-CD20 B cell-depleting antibody, can generate deleterious effects on the transplant, likely due to the deletion of beneficial population. The positive contribution of regulatory B (Breg) cells or B10 cells has been reported in the case of transplantation, mainly in mice models and highlights the primordial role that some populations of B cells can play in graft tolerance. Yet, this regulatory aspect remains poorly characterized in clinical transplantation. Thus, total B cell depletion treatments should be avoided and novel approaches should be considered that manipulate the different B cell subsets. This article provides an overview of the current knowledge on the link between Breg cells and grafts, and reports a number of data advising Breg cells as a new target for future therapeutic approaches

    Neurological Disorders in Primary Sjögren's Syndrome.

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    International audienceSjögren's syndrome is an autoimmune disease characterized by an autoimmune exocrinopathy involving mainly salivary and lacrimal glands. The histopathological hallmark is periductal lymphocytic infiltration of the exocrine glands, resulting in loss of their secretory function. Several systemic manifestations may be found in patients with Sjögren's syndrome including neurological disorders. Neurological involvement ranges from 0 to 70% among various series and may present with central nervous system and/or peripheral nervous system involvement. This paper endeavors to review the main clinical neurological manifestations in Sjögren syndrome, the physiopathology, and their therapeutic response

    A new approach to comparing anti-CD20 antibodies: importance of the lipid rafts in their lytic efficiency

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    The view that B lymphocytes are pathogenic in diverse pathological settings is supported by the efficacy of B-cell-ablative therapy in lymphoproliferative disorders, autoimmune diseases and graft rejection. Anti-B-cell antibodies (Abs) directed against CD20 have therefore been generated, and of these, rituximab was the first anti-CD20 monoclonal Ab (mAb) to be applied. Rituximab-mediated apoptosis, complement-dependent cytotoxicity and Ab-dependent cellular cytotoxicity differ from one disease to another, and, for the same disease, from one patient to another. This knowledge has prompted the development of new anti-CD20 mAbs in the hope of improving B-cell depletion. The inclusion of CD20/anti-CD20 complexes in large lipid rafts (LRs) enhances the results of some, but not all, anti-CD20 mAbs, and it may be possible to include smaller LRs. Lipid contents of membrane may be abnormal in malignant B-cells, and could explain resistance to treatment. The function of these mAbs and the importance of LRs warrant further investigation. A detailed understanding of them will increase results for B-cell depletion in lymphoproliferative diseases

    Tolerance to intraoral biofilms and their effectiveness in improving mouth dryness and modifying oral microbiota in patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome: “Predelfi study”

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    IntroductionPrimary Sjögren’s syndrome (pSS) is a systemic autoimmune disease characterized by exocrine gland dysfunction. No therapeutic strategy is sufficient on its own for the management of dry mouth and therapeutic innovations are required.MethodsThis Predelfi study was a single-center, prospective, comparative, randomized, double-blind, cross-over controlled study with the primary objective of assessing the tolerance to and effectiveness of two adhesive biofilms (containing prebiotics and, sodium alginate, respectively) in patients with pSS and hyposialia (#NCT04206826 in ClinicalTrials.gov). Secondary objectives were to obtain initial data regarding the clinical effectiveness of such biofilms in the improvement of signs and symptoms related to dry mouth and potential changes in the oral microbiota. Ten pSS patients with pSS were included (9 females and 1 male) with a mean age of 58.1 ± 14.0 years.Results and discussionTolerance to the prebiotic and sodium alginate biofilms was assessed by the patients (visual analog scale [VAS] score 66.7 and 87.6, respectively) and the practitioner (90 and 100, respectively). The absolute changes in the VAS scores at the start and end of each treatment period highlighted an improvement in mouth dryness for the sodium alginate versus the prebiotic biofilm. The VAS scores for other parameters (mouth burning sensation; taste alteration; chewing; swallowing and speech difficulties) remained globally comparable between the two groups. Unstimulated salivary flow showed no changes regardless of the biofilm used. Regarding the oral microbiota, the sodium alginate biofilm increased the abundance of the Treponema genus, whereas the use of the prebiotic biofilm as the first treatment increased the abundance of the genera Veillonella and Prevotella. Nevertheless, the prebiotic biofilm appeared to stimulate “milder” genera with regard to periodontal infections. Furthermore, pre-treatment with the prebiotic biofilm prevented the emergence of the Treponema genus induced by subsequent treatment with the sodium alginate biofilm, suggesting a potential protective effect

    Rationale for Targeting CD6 as a Treatment for Autoimmune Diseases

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    CD6 is a 105–130 kDa surface glycoprotein expressed on the majority of T cells and a subset of B cells. The human cd6 gene maps to chromosome 11, and the expression of its protein product is tightly regulated. CD6 mediates cellular adhesion migration across the endothelial and epithelial cells. In addition, it participates in the antigen presentation by B cells and the subsequent proliferation of T cells. CD6 may bind in trans to surface glycoproteins (such as ALCAM and 3A11), or to microbial lipopolysaccharides, and may bind in cis to endogenous ligands (such as CD3 and CD5), and thereby deliver a costimulatory signal. Transinteractions are reinforced during autoimmune diseases (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis (RA), Sjögren's syndrome, and multiple sclerosis) and some cancers. Based on experimental data and on clinical results in RA and psoriasis, we believe that the recent humanized anti-CD6-specific mAb T1h may act as a regulator of the immunological response in addition to its function as an anti-T- and -B cell agent

    Autoantibodies to Endothelial Cell Surface ATP Synthase, the Endogenous Receptor for Hsp60, Might Play a Pathogenic Role in Vasculatides

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Heat shock protein (hsp) 60 that provides "danger signal" binds to the surface of resting endothelial cells (EC) but its receptor has not yet been characterized. In mitochondria, hsp60 specifically associates with adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthase. We therefore examined the possible interaction between hsp60 and ATP synthase on EC surface. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using Far Western blot approach, co-immunoprecipitation studies and surface plasmon resonance analyses, we demonstrated that hsp60 binds to the β-subunit of ATP synthase. As a cell surface-expressed molecule, ATP synthase is potentially targeted by anti-EC-antibodies (AECAs) found in the sera of patients suffering vasculitides. Based on enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and Western blotting techniques with F1-ATP synthase as substrate, we established the presence of anti-ATP synthase antibodies at higher frequency in patients with primary vasculitides (group I) compared with secondary vasculitides (group II). Anti-ATP synthase reactivity from group I patients was restricted to the β-subunit of ATP synthase, whereas those from group II was directed to the α-, β- and γ-subunits. Cell surface ATP synthase regulates intracellular pH (pHi). In low extracellular pH medium, we detected abnormal decreased of EC pHi in the presence of anti-ATP synthase antibodies, irrespective of their fine reactivities. Interestingly, soluble hsp60 abrogated the anti-ATP synthase-induced pHi down-regulation. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our results indicate that ATP synthase is targeted by AECAs on the surface of EC that induce intracellular acidification. Such pathogenic effect in vasculitides can be modulated by hsp60 binding on ATP synthase which preserves ATP synthase activity

    Absence of up-regulation for a proliferation-inducing ligand in Sjögren's sialadenitis lesions

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    Objective. To determine whether a proliferation-inducing ligand (APRIL) has a role in the survival of plasma cells infiltrating salivary glands from SS patients. Methods. We performed immunological staining for APRIL in minor salivary glands from SS with a pair of antibodies specifically recognizing APRIL-producing cells and secreted APRIL. Results. Despite high leucocyte infiltration, APRIL-producing cells, identified as neutrophils, were rare in SS salivary glands. Keratinocytes from the adjacent oral epithelium also produced APRIL, but we never detected significant levels of secreted APRIL in SS salivary glands. We obtained similar results with B-cell lymphomas associated with SS. In fact, there was no significant difference in APRIL production and the level of secreted APRIL in these pathological samples compared with normal corresponding tissues. Conclusion. The combined observation that APRIL production is not up-regulated in lesions from SS patients, and that secreted APRIL is not retained in these lesions, indicates that plasma cells frequently present in SS lesions may not rely on APRIL for survival, as they do in other rheumatic disease

    Diagnostic accuracy of blood B-cell subset profiling and autoimmunity markers in Sjögren's syndrome.

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    International audienceThe aims of this study were to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of blood B-cell subset profiling and immune-system activation marker assays in primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS) and to assess whether adding these tools to the current laboratory item would improve the American-European Consensus Group (AECG) criteria. METHODS: In a single-center cohort of patients with suspected pSS, we tested the diagnostic performance of anti-SSA, antinuclear antibody (ANA), rheumatoid factor (RF), gammaglobulins, IgG titers, and B-cell ratio defined as (Bm2 + Bm2')/(eBm5 + Bm5), determined using flow cytometry. The reference standard was a clinical diagnosis of pSS established by a panel of experts. RESULTS: Of 181 patients included in the study, 77 had pSS. By logistic regression analysis, only ANA ≥1:640 (sensitivity, 70.4%; specificity 83.2%) and B-cell ratio ≥5 (sensitivity, 52.1%; specificity, 83.2%) showed independent associations with pSS of similar strength. In anti-SSA-negative patients, presence of either of these two criteria had 71.0% sensitivity but only 67.3% specificity for pSS; whereas combining both criteria had 96.2% specificity but only 12.9% sensitivity. Adding either of these two criteria to the AECG criteria set increased sensitivity from 83.1% to 90.9% but decreased specificity from 97.1% to 85.6%, whereas adding both criteria in combination did not substantially modify the diagnostic performance of the criteria set. The adjunction of RF + ANA ≥1:320, as proposed in the new American College of Rheumatology (ACR) criteria, did not improve the diagnostic value of anti-SSA. CONCLUSIONS: Blood B-cell subset profiling is a simple test that has good diagnostic properties for pSS. However, adding this test, with or without ANA positivity, does not improve current classification criteria