2,046 research outputs found

    Mechanical Dispersion of a Semi-Solid Binder in a Wet Granulation Process

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    High viscosity surfactant pastes have recently gained popularity in the production of high efficiency laundry detergents due to their ability to increase surfactant loading in granules. When using high viscosity semi-solid binders a unique challenge is presented because it forces granules to be formed primarily by mechanical dispersion; a relatively poorly understood process. Developing mechanistic models of this process will enhance knowledge of mechanical dispersion processes and improve process development for granules produced using this method. Experiments to determine the effect of three process parameters; paste temperature, impeller RPM, and time were carried out in a lab-scale granulator. Binder temperature was varied between 40-60 degrees Celsius to cover paste temperatures from solidification to decomposition. Impeller RPM was varied between 600 -1200 RPM to capture the full range of potential industrial impeller velocities. Mixing time was varied from zero to ten seconds; the time scale of the industrial process. The particle size distribution for the process was determined to rely primarily on mixing time especially at impeller speeds above 900 RPM where fully developed annular flow occurs in the mixer. The Sauter mean diameter of particles was determined to be linearly related to mixing RPM, while temperature was shown to have little effect on the Sauter mean diameter. Experimental data was in relatively good agreement with values predicted by an existing breakage simulation, but could be improved upon. These conclusions will be used in developing a breakage kernel for the process based on material properties

    Community-Based Interventions: Addressing Underserved Urban Populations

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    It is widely acknowledged that individuals residing in urban communities are commonly plagued by income inequalities, unemployment, crowding, crime, physical decay, unstable housing, and social disorder. The combination of these social and economic forces typically gives rise to the sources of adversity that policy analysts are familiar with when analyzing the problems of urban blight and decay. We propose that the most effective solution to mitigate these widespread problems are those that are anchored within the communities themselves. The community-based interventions we examine bring to life the processes, challenges, and opportunities involved with undertaking this type of field-based research

    Community-Based Interventions: Addressing Underserved Urban Populations

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    It is widely acknowledged that individuals residing in urban communities are commonly plagued by income inequalities, unemployment, crowding, crime, physical decay, unstable housing, and social disorder. The combination of these social and economic forces typically gives rise to the sources of adversity that policy analysts are familiar with when analyzing the problems of urban blight and decay. We propose that the most effective solution to mitigate these widespread problems are those that are anchored within the communities themselves. The community-based interventions we examine bring to life the processes, challenges, and opportunities involved with undertaking this type of field-based research

    Genomic regions associated with kyphosis in swine

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A back curvature defect similar to kyphosis in humans has been observed in swine herds. The defect ranges from mild to severe curvature of the thoracic vertebrate in split carcasses and has an estimated heritability of 0.3. The objective of this study was to identify genomic regions that affect this trait.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) associations performed with 198 SNPs and microsatellite markers in a Duroc-Landrace-Yorkshire resource population (U.S. Meat Animal Research Center, USMARC resource population) of swine provided regions of association with this trait on 15 chromosomes. Positional candidate genes, especially those involved in human skeletal development pathways, were selected for SNP identification. SNPs in 16 candidate genes were genotyped in an F2 population (n = 371) and the USMARC resource herd (n = 1,257) with kyphosis scores. SNPs in <it>KCNN2 </it>on SSC2, <it>RYR1 </it>and <it>PLOD1 </it>on SSC6 and <it>MYST4 </it>on SSC14 were significantly associated with kyphosis in the resource population of swine (<it>P </it>≤ 0.05). SNPs in <it>CER1 </it>and <it>CDH7 </it>on SSC1, <it>PSMA5 </it>on SSC4, <it>HOXC6 </it>and <it>HOXC8 </it>on SSC5, <it>ADAMTS18 </it>on SSC6 and <it>SOX9 </it>on SSC12 were significantly associated with the kyphosis trait in the F2 population of swine (<it>P </it>≤ 0.05).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These data suggest that this kyphosis trait may be affected by several loci and that these may differ by population. Carcass value could be improved by effectively removing this undesirable trait from pig populations.</p

    Sterol 3β-glucosyltransferase biocatalysts with a range of selectivities, including selectivity for testosterone

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    The main objectives of this work were to characterise a range of purified recombinant sterol 3β-glucosyltransferases and show that rational sampling of the diversity that exists within sterol 3β-glucosyltransferase sequence space can result in a range of enzyme selectivities. In our study the catalytically active domain of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae 3β-glucosyltransferase was used to mine putative sterol 3β-glucosyltransferases from the databases. Selected diverse sequences were expressed in and purified from Escherichia coli and shown to have different selectivities for the 3β-hydroxysteroids ergosterol and cholesterol. Surprisingly, three enzymes were also selective for testosterone, a 17β-hydroxysteroid. This study therefore reports for the first time sterol 3β-glucosyltransferases with selectivity for both 3β- and 17β-hydroxysteroids and is also the first report of recombinant 3β-glucosyltransferases with selectivity for steroids with a hydroxyl group at positions other than C-3. These enzymes could therefore find utility in the pharmaceutical industry for the green synthesis of a range of glycosylated compounds of medicinal interest

    KELT-3b: A Hot Jupiter Transiting a V=9.8 Late-F Star

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    We report the discovery of KELT-3b, a moderately inflated transiting hot Jupiter with a mass of 1.477 (-0.067, +0.066) M_J, and radius of 1.345 +/- 0.072 R_J, with an orbital period of 2.7033904 +/- 0.000010 days. The host star, KELT-3, is a V=9.8 late F star with M_* = 1.278 (-0.061, +0.063) M_sun, R_* = 1.472 (-0.067, +0.065) R_sun, T_eff = 6306 (-49, +50) K, log(g) = 4.209 (-0.031, +0.033), and [Fe/H] = 0.044 (-0.082, +0.080), and has a likely proper motion companion. KELT-3b is the third transiting exoplanet discovered by the KELT survey, and is orbiting one of the 20 brightest known transiting planet host stars, making it a promising candidate for detailed characterization studies. Although we infer that KELT-3 is significantly evolved, a preliminary analysis of the stellar and orbital evolution of the system suggests that the planet has likely always received a level of incident flux above the empirically-identified threshold for radius inflation suggested by Demory & Seager (2011).Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, accepted to Ap

    Heterogeneity of gut microbial responses in healthy household dogs transitioning from an extruded to a mildly cooked diet

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    Background The gut microbiota (GM) is associated with canine health and can be impacted by diet. Dog owners in the U.S. have increasingly shown an interest in feeding their dogs a mildly cooked (MC) diet. However, its impact on canine GM and health remains largely unknown. Methods Healthy household dogs were tracked upon switching from various brands of extruded to MC diets for four weeks. A health assessment was completed and stool samples were collected by each owner before (day 0) and after the diet transition (day 28). Shotgun metagenomic sequencing was performed at both time points to characterize the GM. Results Dogs completed the study by either completing the health assessments (n = 31) or providing stool samples at both time points (n = 28). All owners reported either better or no change in overall health at the end of the study (61% and 39%, respectively), and none reported worse overall health. Defecation frequency was also reported to be lower (58%) or about the same (35%). Principal coordinate (PCo) analysis showed a significant shift (p = 0.004) in the β-diversity of the GM upon diet transition (34.2% and 10.3% explained by the first two axes). The abundances of 70 species increased after the diet change (adjusted p < 0.05), 67% and 24% of which belonged to the Lactobacillales and the Enterobacterales orders respectively. The abundances of 28 species decreased (adjusted p < 0.05), 46%, 18%, and 11% of which belonged to the Clostridiales, Bacillales, and Bacteroidales orders, respectively. Lower Lactobacillales and Enterobacterales, and higher Bacteroidales at baseline were associated with a greater shift along the PCo1 axis. Protein content of the baseline diet was correlated with the shift along the PCo1 axis (ρ = 0.67, p = 0.006). Conclusion Owners reported either improvement or no change in health in dogs transitioning from extruded kibble to MC diets for 4 weeks, but this report of health perception requires further exploration in a controlled trial. Diet change also led to a significant shift in the GM profile of healthy dogs. The magnitude of shift was associated with baseline GM and dietary protein, and warrants further examination of individualized responses and personalized nutrition in companion dogs. These results also support future investigation of the impact of a MC diet on health maintenance given its increasing popularity

    A Roadmap for Functional Structural Variants in the Soybean Genome

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    Gene structural variation (SV) has recently emerged as a key genetic mechanism underlying several important phenotypic traits in crop species. We screened a panel of 41 soybean (Glycine max) accessions serving as parents in a soybean nested association mapping population for deletions and duplications in more than 53,000 gene models. Array hybridization and whole genome resequencing methods were used as complementary technologies to identify SV in 1528 genes, or approximately 2.8%, of the soybean gene models. Although SV occurs throughout the genome, SV enrichment was noted in families of biotic defense response genes. Among accessions, SV was nearly eightfold less frequent for gene models that have retained paralogs since the last whole genome duplication event, compared with genes that have not retained paralogs. Increases in gene copy number, similar to that described at the Rhg1 resistance locus, account for approximately one-fourth of the genic SV events. This assessment of soybean SV occurrence presents a target list of genes potentially responsible for rapidly evolving and/or adaptive traits

    A Roadmap for Functional Structural Variants in the Soybean Genome

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    Gene structural variation (SV) has recently emerged as a key genetic mechanism underlying several important phenotypic traits in crop species. We screened a panel of 41 soybean (Glycine max) accessions serving as parents in a soybean nested association mapping population for deletions and duplications in more than 53,000 gene models. Array hybridization and whole genome resequencing methods were used as complementary technologies to identify SV in 1528 genes, or approximately 2.8%, of the soybean gene models. Although SV occurs throughout the genome, SV enrichment was noted in families of biotic defense response genes. Among accessions, SV was nearly eightfold less frequent for gene models that have retained paralogs since the last whole genome duplication event, compared with genes that have not retained paralogs. Increases in gene copy number, similar to that described at the Rhg1 resistance locus, account for approximately one-fourth of the genic SV events. This assessment of soybean SV occurrence presents a target list of genes potentially responsible for rapidly evolving and/or adaptive traits

    KELT-6b: A P~7.9 d Hot Saturn Transiting a Metal-Poor Star with a Long-Period Companion

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    We report the discovery of KELT-6b, a mildly-inflated Saturn-mass planet transiting a metal-poor host. The initial transit signal was identified in KELT-North survey data, and the planetary nature of the occulter was established using a combination of follow-up photometry, high-resolution imaging, high-resolution spectroscopy, and precise radial velocity measurements. The fiducial model from a global analysis including constraints from isochrones indicates that the V=10.38 host star (BD+31 2447) is a mildly evolved, late-F star with T_eff=6102 \pm 43 K, log(g_*)=4.07_{-0.07}^{+0.04} and [Fe/H]=-0.28 \pm 0.04, with an inferred mass M_*=1.09 \pm 0.04 M_sun and radius R_star=1.58_{-0.09}^{+0.16} R_sun. The planetary companion has mass M_P=0.43 \pm 0.05 M_J, radius R_P=1.19_{-0.08}^{+0.13} R_J, surface gravity log(g_P)=2.86_{-0.08}^{+0.06}, and density rho_P=0.31_{-0.08}^{+0.07} g~cm^{-3}. The planet is on an orbit with semimajor axis a=0.079 \pm 0.001 AU and eccentricity e=0.22_{-0.10}^{+0.12}, which is roughly consistent with circular, and has ephemeris of T_c(BJD_TDB)=2456347.79679 \pm 0.00036 and P=7.845631 \pm 0.000046 d. Equally plausible fits that employ empirical constraints on the host star parameters rather than isochrones yield a larger planet mass and radius by ~4-7%. KELT-6b has surface gravity and incident flux similar to HD209458b, but orbits a host that is more metal poor than HD209458 by ~0.3 dex. Thus, the KELT-6 system offers an opportunity to perform a comparative measurement of two similar planets in similar environments around stars of very different metallicities. The precise radial velocity data also reveal an acceleration indicative of a longer-period third body in the system, although the companion is not detected in Keck adaptive optics images.Comment: Published in AJ, 17 pages, 15 figures, 6 table
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