8 research outputs found

    Impact des polluants et du changement climatique sur les capacitĂ©s de reproduction et le dĂ©veloppement embryo larvaire de l’huĂźtre creuse Crassostrea gigas dans le Bassin d’Arcachon

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    The Pacific oyster represents an important part of the aquaculture production, with 555 913 tons produced in 2013. France is the fourth world producer of oysters and Crassostrea gigas is the principal cultivated species in the Arcachon bay. However, in recent years, problems of recruitment, capture and mortality of juvenile or adult oysters occurred. The increased frequency of these events can be indicative of changes in the global quality of the Arcachon bay. In this context of crisis, this work has been focused on the impact of two pollutants, copper and S-metolachlor, mostly found in the waters of the Arcachon bay, on D-larvae embryo-larval development of the Pacific oyster (24h post -fecundation). In a context of global climate change, a multifactorial approach was adopted to study the combined effects of pollutants and increase temperature or salinity changes that could affect the development and survival of embryos and larvae during reproduction season. First, the embryo-toxic effects of copper or S-metolachlor coupled to salinity or different temperatures were studied with oysters from hatchery. For this, the embryo-larval test was used, and its application limits specified. Secondly, the effects of pollutants combined or not to environmental temperature and salinity were analyzed on embryos from wild or cultivated oysters harvested directly on different sites of the Arcachon bay. The percentage of abnormalities and the differential expression levels of target genes were determined in larvae while the Cu and S-metolachlor bioaccumulation and the percentage of gonadal occupation were measured in genitors. These results were then compared to determine the ability of oyster from hatchery to represent an interesting alternative model to indigenous oysters. With the objective to study the impacts of climate change, somewhat more extreme conditions were tested, namely temperatures of 26 ° C, lower salinity of 24 u.s.i and higher concentrations of pollutants compared to current conditions in the lagoon. A software able to analyze swimming behavior of D-larvae was also developed. Our results indicate higher bioaccumulation of Cu and S-metolachlor in cultivated oysters compared to wild oysters. Furthermore this study clearly indicates that larvae from indigenous oysters (wild and cultivated) are sensitive to environmental concentrations of copper and S-metolachlor. However, it has been demonstrated that genes involved in various defense mechanisms are overexpressed with higher larval defense capacity of oysters under the influence of the tributaries but also wild oysters in comparison to cultivated oysters. In the presence of environmental concentrations of Cu or S-metolachlor, an increased erratic circular trajectory was found. In addition, larvae, although able to grow normally in a temperature range of 22 ° C to 26 ° C, are sensitive to the action of the combined high / low temperatures and pollutants. Similarly, they are sensitive to the combined effect of low salinity and exposure to pollutants. Oyster’s hatchery have proved to be a good alternative to the use of indigenous oysters. Finally, given the predictions of climate change, our results indicate that one can expect an increase in larval abnormalities and thus a decrease in the recruitment of spat in future years in the Arcachon bay.L'huĂźtre creuse du Pacifique constitue une part importante de la production aquacole mondiale, avec 555 913 tonnes produites en 2013. La France est le quatriĂšme producteur mondial d'huĂźtres et Crassostrea gigas est la principale espĂšce cultivĂ©e dans le bassin d'Arcachon. Cependant, ces derniĂšres annĂ©es, des problĂšmes de recrutement et de captage des naissains de certaines cohortes d’huĂźtres sont survenus. L'augmentation de la frĂ©quence de ces Ă©vĂ©nements peut ĂȘtre rĂ©vĂ©latrice de changements dans la qualitĂ© du milieu. Dans ce contexte de crise, ces travaux se sont intĂ©ressĂ©s Ă  l’impact de deux polluants, le cuivre et le S-mĂ©tolachlore, majoritairement retrouvĂ©s dans les eaux du Bassin d’Arcachon sur le dĂ©veloppement embryo-larvaire des larves D de l’huĂźtre creuse (24h post -fĂ©condation). Dans un contexte de changement climatique, une approche multifactorielle a Ă©tĂ© adoptĂ©e afin d’étudier les effets combinĂ©s des polluants et de l’accroissement des tempĂ©ratures ou des changements de salinitĂ© susceptibles d’altĂ©rer le dĂ©veloppement et la survie des embryons et des larves en pĂ©riode estivale. Dans un premier temps, les effets embryo-toxiques d’une pollution par le cuivre ou le S-mĂ©tolachlore couplĂ©s ou non Ă  la salinitĂ© ou Ă  diffĂ©rentes tempĂ©ratures ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s sur des huĂźtres en provenance d’une Ă©closerie. Pour cela le test embryo-larvaire a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©, et ses limites d’application prĂ©cisĂ©es. Dans un deuxiĂšme temps, les effets des polluants couplĂ©s ou non Ă  des tempĂ©ratures et salinitĂ©s environnementales ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s sur les embryons provenant d’huĂźtres sauvages ou cultivĂ©es prĂ©levĂ©es directement dans le milieu en diffĂ©rents sites du Bassin d’Arcachon. Le pourcentage de malformations ainsi que l’expression diffĂ©rentielle de gĂšnes cibles ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©s chez les larves tandis que la bioaccumulation du cuivre et du S-mĂ©tolachlore et le pourcentage d’occupation gonadique ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s chez les gĂ©niteurs. Ces rĂ©sultats ont ensuite Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©s afin de dĂ©terminer la capacitĂ© des huĂźtres d’écloserie Ă  reprĂ©senter un modĂšle alternatif aux huĂźtres autochtones. Dans l’objectif d’étudier les impacts liĂ©s au changement climatique, des conditions un peu plus extrĂȘmes ont Ă©tĂ© testĂ©es, Ă  savoir des tempĂ©ratures supĂ©rieures de 26 °C, des salinitĂ©s infĂ©rieures de 24 u.s.i et des concentrations en polluants supĂ©rieures aux conditions actuelles du bassin. La mise au point d’un logiciel d’analyse du comportement natatoire des larves D a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e. Nos rĂ©sultats indiquent une bioaccumulation plus grande du Cu et S-mĂ©tolachlore dans les huĂźtres cultivĂ©es par rapport aux huĂźtres sauvages. Par ailleurs cette Ă©tude indique clairement que les larves issues des huĂźtres autochtones (sauvages et cultivĂ©es) sont sensibles Ă  des concentrations environnementales en cuivre et en S-mĂ©tolachlore. Cependant, il a Ă©tĂ© montrĂ© que les gĂšnes impliquĂ©s dans divers mĂ©canismes de dĂ©fense sont surexprimĂ©s, avec une plus grande capacitĂ© de dĂ©fense des larves issues des huĂźtres sous l’influence des tributaires mais Ă©galement des huĂźtres sauvages par rapport aux cultivĂ©es. En prĂ©sence de concentrations environnementales de Cu comme de S-mĂ©tolachlore, une augmentation des trajectoires erratiques circulaires a Ă©tĂ© constatĂ©e. De plus, les larves, bien que capables de se dĂ©velopper normalement dans une gamme de tempĂ©ratures allant de 22 °C Ă  26 °C, sont sensibles Ă  l’action combinĂ©es des hautes/basses tempĂ©ratures et des polluants. De la mĂȘme maniĂšre, elles sont sensibles aux effets combinĂ©s de la dessalure et de l’exposition aux polluants. Les huĂźtres d’écloserie se sont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©es ĂȘtre une bonne alternative Ă  l’utilisation des huĂźtres autochtones. Finalement, au vu des prĂ©dictions concernant l’évolution du climat, nos rĂ©sultats indiquent qu’il faut s’attendre Ă  un accroissement des malformations larvaires et donc Ă  une diminution du recrutement des naissains dans les annĂ©es futures dans le Bassin d’Arcachon

    Do Temporal and Spatial Parameters or Lifestyle of the Pacific Oyster Crasssostrea gigas Affect Pollutant Bioaccumulation, Offspring Development, and Tolerance to Pollutants?

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    International audienceThis study evaluated the vulnerability of early life stages of native oysters (Crassostrea gigas) from the Arcachon Bay (SW, France) to pollutants at risk in the lagoon in particular copper and S-metolachlor. Developmental abnormalities in wild and cultivated oyster D-larvae were investigated during 2 breeding-seasons (2013 and 2014) at different sampling sites and dates. In addition, copper, and metolachlor concentrations were determined both in seawater and in mature oysters. Bioaccumulation of Cu was observed at higher levels in wild than in farmed specimens. Metolachlor was accumulated at much lower levels. After 24 h exposure, significant increases of the percentage of abnormal D-larvae were observed when exposed at 1 ÎŒg L−1 of copper or 10 ng L−1 of metolachlor in comparison with the controls whatever the date, the site, and rearing conditions of the genitors. The current study demonstrates that environmental concentrations of copper and metolachlor can induce a significant increase of developmental abnormalities in farmed and wild populations of oysters. However, no significant differences of sensitivity were observed according to temporal, spatial parameters, and lifestyle of genitors. In addition, oyster larvae obtained from the hatchery displayed the same sensitivity to pollutants as larvae from the field, demonstrating their suitability for toxicity assays and water quality monitoring

    Impact of pollutants and climate change stressors on reproduction capacity and embryo- larval development of the oyster Crassostrea gigas in the Arcachon bay

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    L'huĂźtre creuse du Pacifique constitue une part importante de la production aquacole mondiale, avec 555 913 tonnes produites en 2013. La France est le quatriĂšme producteur mondial d'huĂźtres et Crassostrea gigas est la principale espĂšce cultivĂ©e dans le bassin d'Arcachon. Cependant, ces derniĂšres annĂ©es, des problĂšmes de recrutement et de captage des naissains de certaines cohortes d’huĂźtres sont survenus. L'augmentation de la frĂ©quence de ces Ă©vĂ©nements peut ĂȘtre rĂ©vĂ©latrice de changements dans la qualitĂ© du milieu. Dans ce contexte de crise, ces travaux se sont intĂ©ressĂ©s Ă  l’impact de deux polluants, le cuivre et le S-mĂ©tolachlore, majoritairement retrouvĂ©s dans les eaux du Bassin d’Arcachon sur le dĂ©veloppement embryo-larvaire des larves D de l’huĂźtre creuse (24h post -fĂ©condation). Dans un contexte de changement climatique, une approche multifactorielle a Ă©tĂ© adoptĂ©e afin d’étudier les effets combinĂ©s des polluants et de l’accroissement des tempĂ©ratures ou des changements de salinitĂ© susceptibles d’altĂ©rer le dĂ©veloppement et la survie des embryons et des larves en pĂ©riode estivale. Dans un premier temps, les effets embryo-toxiques d’une pollution par le cuivre ou le S-mĂ©tolachlore couplĂ©s ou non Ă  la salinitĂ© ou Ă  diffĂ©rentes tempĂ©ratures ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s sur des huĂźtres en provenance d’une Ă©closerie. Pour cela le test embryo-larvaire a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©, et ses limites d’application prĂ©cisĂ©es. Dans un deuxiĂšme temps, les effets des polluants couplĂ©s ou non Ă  des tempĂ©ratures et salinitĂ©s environnementales ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s sur les embryons provenant d’huĂźtres sauvages ou cultivĂ©es prĂ©levĂ©es directement dans le milieu en diffĂ©rents sites du Bassin d’Arcachon. Le pourcentage de malformations ainsi que l’expression diffĂ©rentielle de gĂšnes cibles ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©s chez les larves tandis que la bioaccumulation du cuivre et du S-mĂ©tolachlore et le pourcentage d’occupation gonadique ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s chez les gĂ©niteurs. Ces rĂ©sultats ont ensuite Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©s afin de dĂ©terminer la capacitĂ© des huĂźtres d’écloserie Ă  reprĂ©senter un modĂšle alternatif aux huĂźtres autochtones. Dans l’objectif d’étudier les impacts liĂ©s au changement climatique, des conditions un peu plus extrĂȘmes ont Ă©tĂ© testĂ©es, Ă  savoir des tempĂ©ratures supĂ©rieures de 26 °C, des salinitĂ©s infĂ©rieures de 24 u.s.i et des concentrations en polluants supĂ©rieures aux conditions actuelles du bassin. La mise au point d’un logiciel d’analyse du comportement natatoire des larves D a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e. Nos rĂ©sultats indiquent une bioaccumulation plus grande du Cu et S-mĂ©tolachlore dans les huĂźtres cultivĂ©es par rapport aux huĂźtres sauvages. Par ailleurs cette Ă©tude indique clairement que les larves issues des huĂźtres autochtones (sauvages et cultivĂ©es) sont sensibles Ă  des concentrations environnementales en cuivre et en S-mĂ©tolachlore. Cependant, il a Ă©tĂ© montrĂ© que les gĂšnes impliquĂ©s dans divers mĂ©canismes de dĂ©fense sont surexprimĂ©s, avec une plus grande capacitĂ© de dĂ©fense des larves issues des huĂźtres sous l’influence des tributaires mais Ă©galement des huĂźtres sauvages par rapport aux cultivĂ©es. En prĂ©sence de concentrations environnementales de Cu comme de S-mĂ©tolachlore, une augmentation des trajectoires erratiques circulaires a Ă©tĂ© constatĂ©e. De plus, les larves, bien que capables de se dĂ©velopper normalement dans une gamme de tempĂ©ratures allant de 22 °C Ă  26 °C, sont sensibles Ă  l’action combinĂ©es des hautes/basses tempĂ©ratures et des polluants. De la mĂȘme maniĂšre, elles sont sensibles aux effets combinĂ©s de la dessalure et de l’exposition aux polluants. Les huĂźtres d’écloserie se sont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©es ĂȘtre une bonne alternative Ă  l’utilisation des huĂźtres autochtones. Finalement, au vu des prĂ©dictions concernant l’évolution du climat, nos rĂ©sultats indiquent qu’il faut s’attendre Ă  un accroissement des malformations larvaires et donc Ă  une diminution du recrutement des naissains dans les annĂ©es futures dans le Bassin d’Arcachon.The Pacific oyster represents an important part of the aquaculture production, with 555 913 tons produced in 2013. France is the fourth world producer of oysters and Crassostrea gigas is the principal cultivated species in the Arcachon bay. However, in recent years, problems of recruitment, capture and mortality of juvenile or adult oysters occurred. The increased frequency of these events can be indicative of changes in the global quality of the Arcachon bay. In this context of crisis, this work has been focused on the impact of two pollutants, copper and S-metolachlor, mostly found in the waters of the Arcachon bay, on D-larvae embryo-larval development of the Pacific oyster (24h post -fecundation). In a context of global climate change, a multifactorial approach was adopted to study the combined effects of pollutants and increase temperature or salinity changes that could affect the development and survival of embryos and larvae during reproduction season. First, the embryo-toxic effects of copper or S-metolachlor coupled to salinity or different temperatures were studied with oysters from hatchery. For this, the embryo-larval test was used, and its application limits specified. Secondly, the effects of pollutants combined or not to environmental temperature and salinity were analyzed on embryos from wild or cultivated oysters harvested directly on different sites of the Arcachon bay. The percentage of abnormalities and the differential expression levels of target genes were determined in larvae while the Cu and S-metolachlor bioaccumulation and the percentage of gonadal occupation were measured in genitors. These results were then compared to determine the ability of oyster from hatchery to represent an interesting alternative model to indigenous oysters. With the objective to study the impacts of climate change, somewhat more extreme conditions were tested, namely temperatures of 26 ° C, lower salinity of 24 u.s.i and higher concentrations of pollutants compared to current conditions in the lagoon. A software able to analyze swimming behavior of D-larvae was also developed. Our results indicate higher bioaccumulation of Cu and S-metolachlor in cultivated oysters compared to wild oysters. Furthermore this study clearly indicates that larvae from indigenous oysters (wild and cultivated) are sensitive to environmental concentrations of copper and S-metolachlor. However, it has been demonstrated that genes involved in various defense mechanisms are overexpressed with higher larval defense capacity of oysters under the influence of the tributaries but also wild oysters in comparison to cultivated oysters. In the presence of environmental concentrations of Cu or S-metolachlor, an increased erratic circular trajectory was found. In addition, larvae, although able to grow normally in a temperature range of 22 ° C to 26 ° C, are sensitive to the action of the combined high / low temperatures and pollutants. Similarly, they are sensitive to the combined effect of low salinity and exposure to pollutants. Oyster’s hatchery have proved to be a good alternative to the use of indigenous oysters. Finally, given the predictions of climate change, our results indicate that one can expect an increase in larval abnormalities and thus a decrease in the recruitment of spat in future years in the Arcachon bay

    Combined effects of pollutants and salinity on embryo-larval development of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas

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    For several years, low larval recruitment has been observed in Arcachon Bay, in southwest France. Exposure to pollutants could partly account for the reduction of early life stages of the Pacific oyster. This study evaluated the effects of copper and S-metolachlor in combination with salinity on the early life stages of Crassostrea gigas. Embryos were exposed to concentrations of copper (1, 10 and 50 ÎŒg L(-1)) or S-metolachlor (10, 100 and 1000 ng L(-1)) and six salinities (18, 21, 24, 27, 30 and 33 u.s.i). Embryotoxicity was measured by considering both the percentage of abnormalities and arrested development in D-shaped larvae. Embryo-larval development was only affected at salinities ≀24 u.s.i, which have never been observed during C. gigas reproduction period in Arcachon Bay. Both contaminants had an effect at environmental concentrations. Our results suggest that copper and metolachlor toxicity was enhanced with decreasing salinity

    Assessment of swimming behavior of the Pacific oyster D-larvae (Crassostrea gigas) following exposure to model pollutants

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    International audienceThis study describes an image analysis method that has been used to analyze the swimming behavior of native oyster D-larvae (Crassostrea gigas) from the Arcachon Bay (SW, France). In a second time, this study evaluated the impact of copper and S-metolachlor pollutants on D-larvae swimming activity and the possible relationship between developmental malformations and abnormal swimming behavior. Analyses in wild and cultivated oyster D-larvae were investigated during two breeding-seasons (2014 and 2015) at different sampling sites and dates. In controlled conditions, the average speed of larvae was 144 ”m s '1 and the maximum speed was 297 ”m s '1 while the trajectory is mainly rectilinear. In the presence of environmental concentration of copper or S-metolachlor, no significant difference in maximum or average larval speed was observed compared to the control condition but the percentage of circular trajectory increased significantly while the rectilinear swimming larvae significantly declined. The current study demonstrates that rectilinear trajectories are positively correlated to normal larvae while larvae with shell anomalies are positively correlated to circular trajectories. This abnormal behavior could affect the survival and spread of larvae, and consequently, the recruitment and colonization of new habitats. © 2019, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature

    Can pesticides, copper and seasonal water temperature explain the seagrass Zostera noltei decline in the Arcachon bay?

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    Dwarf eelgrasses (Zostera noltei) populations have decreased since 2005 in Arcachon Bay (southwest France). Various stressors have been pointed out, however the role of xenobiotics like pesticides or copper (Cu) and of parameters like water temperature warming have not yet been explored. To determine their impact, Z. noltei individuals were collected in a pollution-free site and transferred to the laboratory in seawater microcosms. This dwarf eelgrass was exposed to a pesticide cocktail and copper, alone or simultaneously, at temperatures (10 °C, 20 °C, 28 °C) representative of different seasons. After a two-week contamination, leaf growth, leaf bioaccumulation of Cu, and differential expression of target genes were studied. Eelgrasses bioaccumulated Cu regardless of the temperature, with reduced efficiency in the presence of the Cu and pesticide cocktail at the two higher temperatures. High temperature also exacerbated the effect of contaminants, leading to growth inhibition and differential gene expression. Mitochondrial activity was strongly impacted and higher mortality rates occurred. Experimental results have been confirmed during field survey. This is the first report on the impacts on Z. noltei of pesticides and Cu associate to temperature