3 research outputs found

    Caractérisation moléculaire des cancers du rein papillaires de type 2 héréditaires et sporadiques

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    Le cancer du rein papillaire de type 2 (PRCC2) est un cancer trĂšs agressif avec un potentiel mĂ©tastatique Ă©levĂ© et pour lequel il n’y a pas de traitement efficace. La forme hĂ©rĂ©ditaire de PRCC2 est associĂ©e au syndrome rare de la lĂ©iomyomatose cutanĂ©o-utĂ©rine hĂ©rĂ©ditaire (HLRCC). HLRCC est due Ă  une mutation germinale hĂ©tĂ©rozygote du gĂšne Fumarate Hydratase (FH) qui code l'enzyme du cycle de Krebs, la Fumarase. Le dĂ©ficit en fumarase induit l’accumulation de fumarate et active les voies de signalisation du facteur de transcription inductible par l’hypoxie (HIF) et des espĂšces rĂ©actives de l’oxygĂšne (ROS). NĂ©anmoins, aucune mutation du gĂšne FH n’a Ă©tĂ© rapportĂ©e dans les cas de PRCC2 sporadiques. Le projet de recherche porte sur la caractĂ©risation molĂ©culaire des PRCC2 hĂ©rĂ©ditaires et sporadiques. Notre analyse du transcriptome a identifiĂ© des diffĂ©rences entre les signatures molĂ©culaires des PRCC2 hĂ©rĂ©ditaires et sporadiques. Cependant, l’étude d’immunohistochimie n'a pas rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© de biomarqueurs potentiels. Les analyses bio-informatiques de profils d’expression gĂ©nique ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que les tumeurs PRCC2 hĂ©rĂ©ditaires et sporadiques partagent une dĂ©rĂ©gulation de la voie principale NRF2/KEAP1. Il a Ă©tĂ© montrĂ© que la surexpression de AKR1B10 (Aldo-Keto Reductase Family 1 Membre B10) est la consĂ©quence directe de l’activation de l'Ă©lĂ©ment de rĂ©ponse antioxydant (ARE). Finalement, nous avons Ă©tabli un nouveau modĂšle in vitro de lignĂ©e cellulaire, NCCFH1 (FH-/-), issue d’un patient HLRCC. NCCFH1 reprĂ©sente une plateforme idĂ©ale pour les Ă©tudes fonctionnelles, mĂ©taboliques et thĂ©rapeutiques. BortĂ©zomib pourrait ĂȘtre la meilleure alternative thĂ©rapeutique pour les patients avec PRCC2.Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma type 2 (PRCC2) is known to be a very aggressive type of kidney cancer with a high metastatic potential, poor outcome and absence of effective therapy. Hereditary form of PRCC2 is associated with rare hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell carcinoma (HLRCC). HLRCC is characterized by germline heterozygous mutations in the Fumarate Hydratase (FH) gene that encodes an enzyme of the Krebs cycle, Fumarase. It has been shown that the accumulation of fumarate induces activation of Hypoxia Inducible Factor (HIF) and ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) pathways. Nevertheless, no FH gene mutation has been reported in sporadic PRCC2 tumors. The goal of this study is to better characterize hereditary and sporadic PRCC2. Our transcriptome analysis identified the set of genes that are differentially expressed between the two types of PRCC2. Subsequent immunohistochemistry screening did not reveal any potential diagnostics biomarkers. Further, the comprehensive computational analysis of gene profiling data revealed that hereditary and sporadic PRCC2 share the similar molecular signature with NRF2-KEAP1 axis deregulation as one of the major pathway in both forms. We demonstrated that over expression of Aldo-keto reductase family 1 member B10 (AKR1B10) is the direct consequence of the antioxidant response element (ARE) activation shared in hereditary and sporadic tumors. Finally, we have established FH-deficient cell line (NCCFH1) a new preclinical model of hereditary PRCC2. It presents the perfect platform for studying the metabolic features and testing new therapies for hereditary PRCC2, while bortezomib appears to be a potential efficient therapeutic option

    Fumarate Hydratase-deficient Cell Line NCCFH1 as a New In Vitro Model of Hereditary Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma Type 2

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    International audienceBackground/Aim: Hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell carcinoma (HLRCC) is a rare autosomal dominant disorder characterized by fumarate hydratase (FH) gene mutation. It is associated with the development of very aggressive kidney tumors, characterized by early onset and high metastatic potential, and has no effective therapy. The aim of the study was to establish a new preclinical platform for investigating morphogenetic and metabolic features, and alternative therapy of metastatic hereditary papillary renal cell carcinoma type 2 (PRCC2).Materials and Methods: Fresh cells were collected from pleural fluid of a patient with metastatic hereditary PRCC2. Morphogenetic and functional characteristics were evaluated via microscopy, FH gene sequencing analysis, real-time polymerase chaine reaction and enzymatic activity measurement. We performed bioenergetic analysis, gene-expression profiling, and cell viability assay with 19 anti-neoplastic drugs.Results: We established a new in vitro model of hereditary PRCC2 – the NCCFH1 cell line. The cell line possesses a c.1162 delA – p.Thr375fs frameshift mutation in the FH gene. Our findings indicate severe attenuation of oxidative phosphorylation and glucose-dependent growth of NCCFH1 cells that is consistent with the Warburg effect. Furthermore, gene-expression profiling identified that the most prominent molecular features reflected a high level of apoptosis, cell adhesion, and cell signaling. Drug screening revealed a marked sensitivity of FH −/− cells to mitoxantrone, epirubicin, topotecan and a high sensitivity to bortezomib.Conclusion: We demonstrated that the NCCFH1 cell line is a very interesting preclinical model for studying the metabolic features and testing new therapies for hereditary PRCC2, while bortezomib may be a potential efficient therapeutic option