3,484 research outputs found

    Non-Gaussianities due to Relativistic Corrections to the Observed Galaxy Bispectrum

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    High-precision constraints on primordial non-Gaussianity (PNG) will significantly improve our understanding of the physics of the early universe. Among all the subtleties in using large scale structure observables to constrain PNG, accounting for relativistic corrections to the clustering statistics is particularly important for the upcoming galaxy surveys covering progressively larger fraction of the sky. We focus on relativistic projection effects due to the fact that we observe the galaxies through the light that reaches the telescope on perturbed geodesics. These projection effects can give rise to an effective fNLf_{\rm NL} that can be misinterpreted as the primordial non-Gaussianity signal and hence is a systematic to be carefully computed and accounted for in modelling of the bispectrum. We develop the technique to properly account for relativistic effects in terms of purely observable quantities, namely angles and redshifts. We give some examples by applying this approach to a subset of the contributions to the tree-level bispectrum of the observed galaxy number counts calculated within perturbation theory and estimate the corresponding non-Gaussianity parameter, fNLf_{\rm NL}, for the local, equilateral and orthogonal shapes. For the local shape, we also compute the local non-Gaussianity resulting from terms obtained using the consistency relation for observed number counts. Our goal here is not to give a precise estimate of fNLf_{\rm NL} for each shape but rather we aim to provide a scheme to compute the non-Gaussian contamination due to relativistic projection effects. For the terms considered in this work, we obtain contamination of fNLloc∼O(1)f_{\rm NL}^{\rm loc} \sim {\mathcal O}(1).Comment: 31 pages, 6 figures, Typos corrected to match the published version in JCA

    Thermal counting statistics in an atomic two-mode squeezed vacuum state

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    We measure the population distribution in one of the atomic twin beams generated by four-wave mixing in an optical lattice. Although the produced two-mode squeezed vacuum state is pure, each individual mode is described as a statistical mixture. We confirm the prediction that the particle number follows an exponential distribution when only one spatio-temporal mode is selected. We also show that this distribution accounts well for the contrast of an atomic Hong--Ou--Mandel experiment. These experiments constitute an important validation of our twin beam source in view of a future test of a Bell inequalities.Comment: SciPost submissio

    Using genotyping-by-sequencing to understand Musa diversity

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    Poster presented at Plant and Animal Genome, PAG XXII. San Diego (USA), 11-15 Jan 201

    Ethical difficulties in clinical practice : experiences of European doctors

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    Background: Ethics support services are growing in Europe to help doctors in dealing with ethical difficulties. Currently, insufficient attention has been focused on the experiences of doctors who have faced ethical difficulties in these countries to provide an evidence base for the development of these services. Methods: A survey instrument was adapted to explore the types of ethical dilemma faced by European doctors, how they ranked the difficulty of these dilemmas, their satisfaction with the resolution of a recent ethically difficult case and the types of help they would consider useful. The questionnaire was translated and given to general internists in Norway, Switzerland, Italy and the UK. Results: Survey respondents (n = 656, response rate 43%) ranged in age from 28 to 82 years, and averaged 25 years in practice. Only a minority (17.6%) reported having access to ethics consultation in individual cases. The ethical difficulties most often reported as being encountered were uncertain or impaired decisionmaking capacity (94.8%), disagreement among caregivers (81.2%) and limitation of treatment at the end of life (79.3%). The frequency of most ethical difficulties varied among countries, as did the type of issue considered most difficult. The types of help most often identified as potentially useful were professional reassurance about the decision being correct (47.5%), someone capable of providing specific advice (41.1%), help in weighing outcomes (36%) and clarification of the issues (35.9%). Few of the types of help expected to be useful varied among countries. Conclusion: Cultural differences may indeed influence how doctors perceive ethical difficulties. The type of help needed, however, did not vary markedly. The general structure of ethics support services would not have to be radically altered to suit cultural variations among the surveyed countries

    Utilisation de la mesure thermique du flux de sève pour l'évaluation de la transpiration d'un palmier dattier

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    International audienceL'amélioration de la gestion de l'eau en système oasien constitue l'un des principaux défis pour la préservation de son agrosystème. Des approches complémentaires doivent être mises en oeuvre pour y contribuer par la prise en compte du comportement des agriculteurs mais aussi par la compréhension du système biophysique. En particulier, la quantification des différents termes du bilan hydrique, et notamment celui de la transpiration du palmier dattier, a été relativement peu étudiée jusqu'à présent. Le terme de consommation hydrique du palmier est un indicateur indispensable en regard des contraintes de gestion de l'eau et du bilan hydrique global. Cette problématique a été abordée au sein de l'oasis de Fatnassa Nord à Kébili (33°,8 N ; 8°,7 E) dans un contexte caractérisé à la fois par de faibles fréquences de tour d'eau et une salinité plutôt élevée. L'agrosystème bi-étagée palmier/fourrage du système oasien de cette région nécessite de bien cerner la composante palmier de la strate fourrage. Une technique de mesure thermique du flux de sève a donc été mise en oeuvre pour évaluer la transpiration spécifique du palmier dattier au sein d'une parcelle dont les termes du bilan hydriques sont bien mesurés en continu. L'avantage de cette méthode est qu'elle permet aussi une mesure continue et qu'elle intègre, grâce au suivi simultané de quatre arbres, une certaine hétérogénéité du système palmier à la fois due au système radiculaire et au développement de la canopée, tous deux liés au stipe, voie unique de passage de la sève entre ces deux compartiments de l'arbre. Dans cet article, les principaux résultats des mesures réalisées depuis plus d'un an sont analysés et présentent une bonne cohérence avec la dynamique nycthémérale de la nappe superficielle donnée par un suivi piézométrique fin. Les flux de transpiration cumulés sur la journée ont varié globalement de 0.5 à 3,5 mm/j avec une moyenne de l'ordre de 2 mm/jour reflétant une consommation hydrique modeste en regard de la demande climatique. Les valeurs montrent également que ces flux journaliers, malgré leur variation inter-arbres importantes, varient en lien étroit avec le cycle des apports d'eau par irrigation. Le palmier étant malgré sa résistance aux conditions climatiques, dont en particulier une demande forte, une espèce qui régule ses pertes par régulation stomatique

    A comprehensive approach to analyze discrepancies between land surface models and in-situ measurements: a case study over the US and Illinois with SECHIBA forced by NLDAS

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    The purpose of this study is to test the ability of the Land Surface Model SECHIBA to simulate water budget and particularly soil moisture at two different scales: regional and local. The model is forced by NLDAS data set at 1/8th degree resolution over the 1997–1999 period. SECHIBA gives satisfying results in terms of evapotranspiration and runoff over the US compared with four other land surface models, all forced by NLDAS data set for a common time period. The simulated soil moisture is compared to in-situ data from the Global Soil Moisture Database across Illinois by computing a soil wetness index. A comprehensive approach is performed to test the ability of SECHIBA to simulate soil moisture with a gradual change of the vegetation parameters closely related to the experimental conditions. With default values of vegetation parameters, the model overestimates soil moisture, particularly during summer. Sensitivity tests of the model to the change of vegetation parameters show that the roots extraction parameter has the largest impact on soil moisture, other parameters such as LAI, height or soil resistance having a minor impact. Moreover, a new evapotranspiration computation including bare soil evaporation under vegetation has been introduced into the model. The results point out an improvement of the soil moisture simulation when this effect is taken into account. Finally, soil moisture sensitivity to precipitation variation is addressed and it is shown that soil moisture observations can be rather different, depending on the method of measuring field capacity. When the observed field capacity is deducted from the observed volumetric water profiles, simulated soil wetness index is closer to the observations
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