301 research outputs found

    Les évaluations de coûts en santé sont-elles transférables ?

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    Cette étude de la transférabilité des résultats des évaluations de coûts en santé repose sur l'analyse en composantes principales et les distances euclidiennes. Elle permet de montrer si les résultats sont faiblement, moyennement ou largement transférables. Le recours à ces deux méthodes validées pour mesurer la transférabilité des résultats constitue, de ce point de vue, une démarche originale. Son opérationnalité est également démontrée dans le cadre d'un traitement innovant, la radiothérapie par ions carbone. Une analyse « globale » témoigne, par exemple, d'une forte distance entre l'Italie et les Pays-Bas. Tous facteurs confondus, les résultats sont donc faiblement transférables entre ces deux pays. Une analyse plus fine montre que les distances sont maximales et donc la transférabilité minimale pour les coûts des bâtiments et les paramètres organisationnels.cost ; economic assessment ; health ; oncology ; transferability

    The effect of health care expenditures on survival in locally advanced and metastatic Non Small Cell Lung Cancer

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    Context: The significant survival benefit of chemotherapy over best supportive care for locally advanced and metastatic NSCLC has been amply demonstrated in the literature. However, there is no clear evidence of the impact of the type of chemotherapy or of a superiority of combination chemotherapy over single-agent chemotherapy.Objective: The present study empirically examines, in real-life practise and using multiple proxies, the impact of health care expenditures on overall survival in locally advanced and metastatic NSCLC in order to guide medical decision-making.Methods: Disease characteristics, the resources used, the costs of treatment and survival data were retrospectively collected from the records of 175 patients treated between 2000 and 2004 at Léon Bérard Regional Cancer Center (Lyon, France). Survival data were modelled using multivariate Cox models and controlled for endogeneity with the instrumental variable method.Results: The median survival for the whole cohort was 289 days. The average total cost of treatment reached €35,160. Survival was significantly shorter for patients with stage IV disease, poor performance status, and past or concomitant cardiovascular disease and/or diabetes, for current smokers, and for patients with adenocarcinoma compared to large cell carcinoma. Survival duration was not significantly associated with the total cost of treatment per day of hospitalisation, the number of chemotherapy drugs administered, nor inpatient length of stay.Conclusion: Higher care expenditures do not appear to improve survival for patients with locally advanced or metastatic NSCLC. Hence, maintaining patient quality of life and tailoring therapy to stage, histology and comorbidities appears to be the less bad choice.Cost; NSCLC; Oncology; Survival

    Conversion électro-optique du signal et découplage actif d'un capteur IRM endoluminal à liaison optique

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    International audienceUne boucle endoluminale radiofréquence (RF) située à proximité de la zone à examiner permet d'avoir localement un rapport signal sur bruit élevé qui peut être mis à profit pour augmenter la résolution spatiale des images de RM. Ce type de capteur permet en particulier d'analyser la paroi de l'intestin qui permettrait d'améliorer le bilan d'extension tumorale [1]. Malheureusement, les câbles coaxiaux, couramment utilisés pour transmettre le signal RMN et le courant nécessaire au découplage actif du capteur de réception, peuvent induire des échauffements des tissus compromettant l'utilisation clinique d'un tel capteur. En effet, le champ électrique E z accompagnant le champ magnétique RF B 1 , induit des courants RF le long du câble et augmente ainsi le taux d'absorption spécifique (TAS) local [2]. Afin d'assurer la sécurité du patient, l'utilisation d'une connexion optique est une solution alternative élégante pour supprimer ces risques d'échauffements. La conversion électro-optique (EO) des signaux [3] et le découplage optique [4] sont démontrés sur la base d'un capteur endoluminal

    Conversion électro-optique du signal et découplage actif d'un capteur IRM endoluminal à liaison optique

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    International audienceUne boucle endoluminale radiofréquence (RF) située à proximité de la zone à examiner permet d'avoir localement un rapport signal sur bruit élevé qui peut être mis à profit pour augmenter la résolution spatiale des images de RM. Ce type de capteur permet en particulier d'analyser la paroi de l'intestin qui permettrait d'améliorer le bilan d'extension tumorale [1]. Malheureusement, les câbles coaxiaux, couramment utilisés pour transmettre le signal RMN et le courant nécessaire au découplage actif du capteur de réception, peuvent induire des échauffements des tissus compromettant l'utilisation clinique d'un tel capteur. En effet, le champ électrique E z accompagnant le champ magnétique RF B 1 , induit des courants RF le long du câble et augmente ainsi le taux d'absorption spécifique (TAS) local [2]. Afin d'assurer la sécurité du patient, l'utilisation d'une connexion optique est une solution alternative élégante pour supprimer ces risques d'échauffements. La conversion électro-optique (EO) des signaux [3] et le découplage optique [4] sont démontrés sur la base d'un capteur endoluminal

    The effect of health care expenditures on survival in locally advanced and metastatic Non Small Cell Lung Cancer

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    Working Paper GATE 2009-03Context: The significant survival benefit of chemotherapy over best supportive care for locally advanced and metastatic NSCLC has been amply demonstrated in the literature. However, there is no clear evidence of the impact of the type of chemotherapy or of a superiority of combination chemotherapy over single-agent chemotherapy.Objective: The present study empirically examines, in real-life practise and using multiple proxies, the impact of health care expenditures on overall survival in locally advanced and metastatic NSCLC in order to guide medical decision-making.Methods: Disease characteristics, the resources used, the costs of treatment and survival data were retrospectively collected from the records of 175 patients treated between 2000 and 2004 at Léon Bérard Regional Cancer Center (Lyon, France). Survival data were modelled using multivariate Cox models and controlled for endogeneity with the instrumental variable method.Results: The median survival for the whole cohort was 289 days. The average total cost of treatment reached €35,160. Survival was significantly shorter for patients with stage IV disease, poor performance status, and past or concomitant cardiovascular disease and/or diabetes, for current smokers, and for patients with adenocarcinoma compared to large cell carcinoma. Survival duration was not significantly associated with the total cost of treatment per day of hospitalisation, the number of chemotherapy drugs administered, nor inpatient length of stay.Conclusion: Higher care expenditures do not appear to improve survival for patients with locally advanced or metastatic NSCLC. Hence, maintaining patient quality of life and tailoring therapy to stage, histology and comorbidities appears to be the less bad choice

    Cost-Effectiveness Of Treatments For Mild-To-Moderate Obstructive Sleep Apnea In France

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    International audienceObjectives: Untreated obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS) is associated with excessive daytime sleepiness, increased risk of cardiovascular (CV) disease, and road traffic accidents (RTAs), which impact survival and health-related quality of life. This study, funded by the French National Authority for Health (HAS), aimed to assess the cost-effectiveness of different treatments (i.e., continuous positive airway pressure [CPAP], dental devices, lifestyle advice, and no treatment) in patients with mild-to-moderate OSAHS in France.Methods: A Markov model was developed to simulate the progression of two cohorts, stratified by CV risk, over a lifetime horizon. Daytime sleepiness and RTAs were taken into account for all patients while CV events were only considered for patients with high CV risk.Results: For patients with low CV risk, incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of dental devices versus no treatment varied between 32,976 EUR (moderate OSAHS) and 45,579 EUR (mild OSAHS) per quality-adjusted life-year (QALY), and CPAP versus dental devices, above 256,000 EUR/QALY. For patients with high CV risk, CPAP was associated with a gain of 0.62 QALY compared with no treatment, resulting in an ICER of 10,128 EUR/QALY.Conclusion: The analysis suggests that it is efficient to treat all OSAHS patients with high CV risk with CPAP and that dental devices are more efficient than CPAP for mild-to-moderate OSAHS with low CV risk. However, out-of-pocket costs are currently much higher for dental devices than for CPAP (i.e., 3,326 EUR versus 2,430 EUR) as orthodontic treatment is mainly non-refundable in France

    Short-Term cost impact of compliance with clinical practice guidelines for initial sarcoma treatment

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    Background: The impact of compliance to clinical practice guidelines (CPG) on outcomes and/or costs of care has not been completely clarified.Objective: To estimate relationships between medical expenditures and compliance to CPG for initial sarcoma treatment.Research design: Selected cohorts of patients diagnosed with sarcoma in 2005 and 2006, and treated at the University hospital and/or the cancer centre of the Rhône-Alpes region, France (n=90). Main outcome measurements were: patient characteristics, compliance with CPG, health outcomes, and costs. Data were mainly extracted from patient records. The logarithm of treatment costs was modelled using linear and Tobit regressions.Results: Rates of compliance with CPG were 86%, 66%, 88%, 89%, and 95% for initial diagnosis, primary surgical excision, wide surgical excision, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy, respectively. Total average costs reached €24,439, with €1,784, €11,225, €10,360, and €1,016 for diagnosis, surgery (primary and wide surgical excisions), chemotherapy, and radiotherapy, respectively. Compliance of diagnosis with CPG decreased the cost of diagnosis, whereas compliance of primary surgical excision increased the cost of chemotherapy. Compliance of chemotherapy with CPG decreased the cost of radiotherapy.Conclusion: Since chemotherapy is one of the major cost drivers, these results support that compliance with guidelines increases medical care expenditures in short term.Oncology; Sarcoma; Cost; Clinical guidelines; Efficacy; Medical Practices; Government Policy; Regulation; Public Health

    Therapeutic strategies to overcome EGFR mutations as acquired resistance mechanism in ALK-rearranged non-small-cell lung cancer: Case Reports

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    IntroductionALK tyrosine kinase inhibitors (ALK TKIs) have improved prognosis in ALK-rearranged (ALK+) non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). However, drug resistance mechanisms occur inevitably during the course of treatment leading to disease progression. Activation of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) bypass signaling pathway is an uncommon cause of acquired resistance to ALK TKIs.MethodWe present two patients with EML4-ALK rearranged NSCLC, developing an acquired EGFR resistance mutation after receiving multiple lines of ALK TKIs.ResultsWhile preclinical models have showed encouraging data, there is a critical need for clinical studies on treatment strategies to overcome this drug resistance. Three real-life therapeutic approaches were used in this report: i) using brigatinib, an inhibitor targeting both ALK and EGFR tyrosine kinases; ii) combining two ALK TKIs together; and iii) delivering doublet platinum chemotherapy. In case 1, time to treatment failure (TTF) was 9.5 months with brigatinib; in case 2, TTF was 10 months with combined TKIs (osimertinib and brigatinib), whereas TTF with chemotherapy was only 2 months. Tolerability profile TKIs combotherapy was acceptable.ConclusionThese case reports underline the therapeutic complexity of EGFR-acquired resistance mutation in ALK+ NSCLC and offers some leads to solve this real-life clinical challenge

    A cost-consequence analysis of hepatitis B screening in an immigrant population

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    Introduction. Prevalence of infection with HIV-1 non-B subtypes in Italy has been reported to raise, due to increased migration flows and travels. HIV-1 variants show different biological and immunological properties that impact on disease progression rate, response to antiretroviral therapy (ART) and sensitivity of diagnostic tests with important implications for public health. Therefore, a constant surveillance of the dynamics of HIV variants in Italy should be a high public health priority. Organization of surveillance studies requires building up a platform constituted of a network of clinical centers, laboratories and institutional agencies, able to properly collect samples for the investigation of HIV subtypes heterogeneity and to provide a database with reliable demographic, clinical, immunological and virological data. Aim. We here report our experience in building up such a platform, co-ordinated by the National AIDS Center of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, taking advantage of a pilot study aimed at evaluating HIV subtypes diversity in populations of HIV-infected migrant people in Italy. Materials and methods. Four hundred and thirty four HIV-infected migrants were enrolled in 9 Italian clinical centers located throughout the Italian territory. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for sample collection were provided by the National AIDS Center to each clinical center. In addition, clinical centers were required to fill up a case report form (crf) for each patient, which included demographic, clinical, immunological and virological information. Results. All centers properly collected and stored samples from each enrolled individual. Overall, the required information was correctly provided for more than 90% of the patients. However, some fields of the crf, particularly those including information on the last HIV-negative antibody test and presence of co-infections, were properly filled up in less than 80% of the enrolled migrants. Centers from Northern and Central Italy showed a better tendency to report correct information in the crf than centers from the South. These results provide evidence that procedures for establishing a platform for the surveillance of HIV subtype heterogeneity are affordable by all the components of the network and lay the ground for the organization of a broader HIV subtypes surveillance in Italy

    Clinicians' adherence versus non adherence to practice guidelines in the management of patients with sarcoma: a cost-effectiveness assessment in two European regions

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    International audienceABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Although the management of sarcoma is improving, non adherence to clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) remains high, mainly because of the low incidence of the disease and the variety of histological subtypes. Since little is known about the health economics of sarcoma, we undertook a cost-effectiveness analysis (within the CONnective TIssue CAncer NETwork, CONTICANET) comparing costs and outcomes when clinicians adhered to CPGs and when they did not. METHODS: Patients studied had a histological diagnosis of sarcoma, were older than 15 years, and had been treated in the Rhone-Alpes region of France (in 2005/2006) or in the Veneto region of Italy (in 2007). Data collected retrospectively for the three years after diagnosis were used to determine relapse free survival and health costs (adopting the hospital's perspective and a microcosting approach). All costs were expressed in euros at their 2009 value. A 4% annual discount rate was applied to both costs and effects. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) was expressed as cost per relapse-free year gained when management was compliant with CPGs compared with when it was not. To capture uncertainty surrounding ICER, a probabilistic sensitivity analysis was performed based on a non-parametric bootstrap method. RESULTS: A total of 219 patients were included in the study. Compliance with CPGs was observed for 118 patients (54%). Average total costs reached 23,571 euros when treatment was in accordance with CPGs and 27,313 euros when it was not. In relation to relapse-free survival, compliance with CPGs strictly dominates non compliance, i.e. it is both less costly and more effective. Taking uncertainty into account, the probability that compliance with CPGs still strictly dominates was 75%. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings should encourage physicians to increase their compliance with CPGs and healthcare administrators to invest in the implementation of CPGs in the management of sarcoma
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