71 research outputs found

    Is there an early gender gap in Ghanaian children development? Evidence from 3-4 years old boys and girls

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    Using data from the 2011 round of the Ghana Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS), we investigate the presence of an early gender gap in child development among children 3-4-year-old. Based on that survey, we built multidimensional indexes of child development that account for children’s ability to read, count, recognize numbers, interact with peers and others, follow rules and be independent for their health outcomes and for their physical skills. This allowed us to estimate the gender gap while controlling for factors affecting child development. Using this approach, we found overall no evidence of gender difference in children’s child development. One index suggests that being female is associated with higher children development. This result is robust to several specifications and sensitivity tests. We also found that a mother’s education, a father’s involvement and the fact of living in an urban area, all increase child development both for boys and for girls. In terms of policy, these findings indicate that the educational gender gap in Ghana most likely reflects unequal access to schooling opportunities between boys and girls

    Is there an early gender gap in Ghanaian children development? Evidence from 3-4 years old boys and girls

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    Using data from the 2011 round of the Ghana Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS), we investigate the presence of an early gender gap in child development among children 3-4-year-old. Based on that survey, we built multidimensional indexes of child development that account for children’s ability to read, count, recognize numbers, interact with peers and others, follow rules and be independent for their health outcomes and for their physical skills. This allowed us to estimate the gender gap while controlling for factors affecting child development. Using this approach, we found overall no evidence of gender difference in children’s child development. One index suggests that being female is associated with higher children development. This result is robust to several specifications and sensitivity tests. We also found that a mother’s education, a father’s involvement and the fact of living in an urban area, all increase child development both for boys and for girls. In terms of policy, these findings indicate that the educational gender gap in Ghana most likely reflects unequal access to schooling opportunities between boys and girls

    Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome

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    The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. In 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium reported a draft sequence of the euchromatic portion of the human genome. Since then, the international collaboration has worked to convert this draft into a genome sequence with high accuracy and nearly complete coverage. Here, we report the result of this finishing process. The current genome sequence (Build 35) contains 2.85 billion nucleotides interrupted by only 341 gaps. It covers ∼99% of the euchromatic genome and is accurate to an error rate of ∼1 event per 100,000 bases. Many of the remaining euchromatic gaps are associated with segmental duplications and will require focused work with new methods. The near-complete sequence, the first for a vertebrate, greatly improves the precision of biological analyses of the human genome including studies of gene number, birth and death. Notably, the human enome seems to encode only 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes. The genome sequence reported here should serve as a firm foundation for biomedical research in the decades ahead

    Standardisation of processes in a international company

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    My TFM is about the standardisation of processes in an international company. In order to carry out my study, I was able to draw on my work placement at Lacoste, a French company specialising in textiles. The study I carried out focused on Supply Chain processes, from order integration to final invoicing (including stock management in warehouses) on an international scope. My work and my study are based on 3 themes, all of which provide a better understanding of how Lacoste standardises its processes. Through these, I detail the methods used, the constraints encountered and the possible developments/improvements for the future. My 3 themes are as follows: - Process mapping: I worked on understanding working methods, responsibilities, etc. in different geographical areas. I'm highlighting the difficulties of mapping processes that vary greatly from one geographical area to another. - Assessing the robustness of processes: Understanding which are the most critical processes, those that are the most difficult to adapt and which potentially present the greatest risks for the company. - Order management: Implement indicators and tools to standardise the way markets manage their ordersMi TFM trata de la normalización de procesos en una empresa internacional. Para llevar a cabo mi estudio, pude aprovechar mis prácticas en Lacoste, una empresa francesa especializada en el sector textil. El estudio que realicé se centró en los procesos de la cadena de suministro, desde la integración de los pedidos hasta la facturación final (pasando por la gestión de las existencias en los almacenes) en un ámbito internacional. Mi trabajo y mi estudio se basan en 3 temas, todos los cuales permiten comprender mejor cómo Lacoste normaliza sus procesos. A través de ellos, detallo los métodos utilizados, las limitaciones encontradas y las posibles evoluciones/mejoras para el futuro. Mis 3 temas son los siguientes - Mapeo de procesos: He trabajado para comprender los métodos de trabajo, las responsabilidades, etc. en las distintas zonas geográficas. Destaco las dificultades de cartografiar procesos que varían mucho de una zona geográfica a otra. - Evaluación de la solidez de los procesos: Entender cuáles son los procesos más críticos, los más difíciles de adaptar y los que potencialmente presentan mayores riesgos para la empresa. - Gestión de pedidos: Implantar indicadores y herramientas para normalizar la forma en que los mercados gestionan sus pedido

    Informations express

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    Mismatch calibration methods for high-speed time-interleaved ADCs

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    International audienceTime Interleaved ADCs (TIADCs) are a good solu-tion to implement high sampling rate converters at a moderate hardware cost. However, they suffer from mismatches between the ADC channels, such as offset, gain, timing skew and possibly bandwidth mismatches. These mismatches have to be corrected in order to get sufficient performances from the converter. This paper presents the classical calibration methods and focuses on the blind ones. Among those, both mixed analog-digital methods and fully digital methods are overviewed. By considering the state-of-the-art of published chips, a comparison between those methods is provided

    Mécanismes de protection dans AUTOSAR OS

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    National audienceUn des objectifs premiers du projet AUTOSAR est de permettre à des applications provenant de différentes sources de s'exécuter sur un même calculateur. Dans cet exposé, nous analysons les mécanismes de protection mémoire et temporelle qui permettent le confinement entre modules logiciels applicatifs sous AUTOSAR OS. Enfin, nous étudions comment ces fonctionnalités vont modifier le processus de developpement dans l'automobile, en particulier du point de vue OEM

    Analyse de l'écoulement physiologique dans un stent coronarien (application à la caractérisation des zones de resténose pariétale)

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    Pour rétablir, ou maintenir, le flux coronarien dans des artères en partie ou totalement obstruées, on implante une endoprothèse qui a la forme d'un petit ressort métallique. La pose de ces stents conduit cependant dans 5 à 20% des interventions à une lente réocclusion qui naît notamment de la réponse des cellules pariétales aux efforts hémodynamiques. Notre étude vise donc à établir numériquement (à l'aide du logiciel Star-CD) et expérimentalement (par mesures laser, PIV et PSV) la topologie de l'écoulement intra stent, mais aussi à quantifier les niveaux de contraintes pariétales au sein du design, en écoulement newtonien et non newtonien. En préambule, une synthèse bibliographique des réponses des cellules constitutives de la paroi artérielle à différents niveaux de contrainte de cisaillement est proposée. La connaissance de ces réponses différenciées des cellules endothéliales et musculaires lisses permet alors de proposer une estimation des régions favorables à la resténose, via le calcul des contraintes de cisaillement qui leurs sont appliquées. Notre étude paramétrique bidimensionnelle a permis de démontrer la prépondérance de la hauteur des branches sur les risques de resténose. Les résultats tridimensionnels permettent d'estimer les lieux d'une activité mitogénique potentiellement anormale, ainsi que le caractère non newtonien et quasi-stationnaire de l'écoulement intravasculaire au niveau de la paroi artérielle.The blood flow in partially obstructed coronary arteries is commonly restored and maintained by the use of a small metal spring called endoprosthesis. However the use of these stents leads to a slow reocclusion (in 5 to 20% of the clinical interventions) partly due to the wall cells response to the hemodynamical stress. Our study consists in part to numerically (Star-CD) and experimentally (using Particle image velocimetry, PIV and PSV) explore the intra stent flow topology, but also to quantify the wall shear stress levels within the stent design, for newtonian and non-newtonian flows. Our two-dimensional parametric studies clearly demonstrate the supremacy of stent wire height on the risks of restenosis. The steady and unsteady three-dimensional results allow an estimation of locations in which mitogenic activities are potentially abnormal (via endothelial cell response to shear flow). Moreover, our results show the importance of the non-newtonian character at the arterial wall level as well as the possibility of using a quasi steady flow for the modeling of the coronary blood flow which essentially is pulsated.POITIERS-BU Sciences (861942102) / SudocSudocFranceF
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