94 research outputs found

    Impact assessment and regional specificities of hydrogeochemical conditionson the transformation of nitrogenous compounds in groundwater

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    Cilj istraživanja doktorske disertacije je utvrđivanje koncentracionih nivoa, odnosa, uslovljenosti i korelacija između jedinjenja koja učestvuju u transformaciji azotnih jedinjenja u odabranim površinskim i podzemnim vodama. Praćene su promene koncentracija fizičko-hemijskih parametara koje ukazuju na ispunjenost uslova za odvijanje pojedinih procesa transformacije, poreklo podzemne vode i antropogene uticaje na kvalitet. Definisan je potencijal podzemnih voda za konzervaciju azota, a detaljna hidrogeohemijska, mikrobiološka, izotopska i statistička analiza, sprovedena je za dva akvifera ispod poljoprivrednih površina, kao reprezenta različitih uticaja uslova oksičnosti na transformaciju i transport azotnih jedinjenja, regionalno izvorište Ključ i drenažni sistem Kovin-Dubovac. Rezultati laboratorijskog i terenskog ogleda su korišćeni za utvrđivanje dominantnih puteva i modelovanje kinetike redukcije nitrata.The aim of the dissertation research is to determine concentration levels, relationships, conditionаlities and correlations between compounds involved in nitrogen transformations in selected surface and groundwaters. Changes in the concentration levels of physicochemical parameters which indicate the fulfillment of conditions for certain transformation processes, the origin of groundwater and anthropogenic impacts on water quality were all analysed. Groundwater potential for nitrogen conservation was determined. Detailed hydrogeochemical, microbiological, isotopic and statistical analysis were conducted for two aquifers under agricultural areas, representing different effects of the oxicity conditions on the nitrogen transformation and transport, the regional groundwater source Ključ and drainage system Kovin-Dubovac. The results of the laboratory and field experiments were used to identify the pathways and model the kinetics of nitrate reduction

    Magnetic relaxation and memory effects in interacting nanoparticle manganites and iron oxides

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    Iako je razumevanje neravnotežnih relaksacionih fenomena u spinskim staklima sličnim (SSG) sistemima od velikog interesa kako sa teorijskog, tako i sa stanovišta mogućih primena, osnovni fizički mehanizmi još uvek nisu u potpunosti shvaćeni. Iz tog razloga se u fokusu eksperimentalnog istraživanja predstavljenog u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji nalaze magnetni relaksacioni fenomeni, koji su proučavani u dve grupe nanočestičnih materijala, manganitima i oksidima gvožđa. Posebna pažnja posvećena je ispitivanju uticaja međučestičnih interakcija na pojavu niskotemperaturskog kolektivnog stanja, kao i na magnetne osobine sistema jednodomenskih čestica. Sistematsko proučavanje kompleksne neravnotežne dinamike kroz ispitivanje magnetnih relaksacija, starenja i memorijskih efekata izvedeno je na osnovu sveobuhvatnih merenja magnetizacije u magnetnom polju jednosmerne (DC) i naizmenične (AC) struje...Although the understanding of nonequillibrium relaxation phenomena in super spin glass (SSG) nanoparticle systems is of the great importance from both fundamental and technological point of view, the underlying physical processes are still not explained. For that reason, the experimental research presented in this thesis is focused on magnetic relaxation in two strongly interacting nanoparticle systems, manganites and iron oxides. The main goal of the study was to investigate the effect of interparticle interaction on the magnetic properties of single domain magnetic particles as well as to determine its importance on the formation of low temperature collective state. The complex nonequillibrium dynamics was revealed through the systematic investigations of magnetic relaxations, aging and memory effects by means of DC and AC magnetization measurements..

    Getting the balance right: Established and emerging therapies for major depressive disorders

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    Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a common and serious illness of our times, associated with monoamine deficiency in the brain. Moreover, increased levels of cortisol, possibly caused by stress, may be related to depression. In the treatment of MDD, the use of older antidepressants such as monoamine oxidase inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants is decreasing rapidly, mainly due to their adverse effect profiles. In contrast, the use of serotonin reuptake inhibitors and newer antidepressants, which have dual modes of action such as inhibition of the serotonin and noradrenaline or dopamine reuptake, is increasing. Novel antidepressants have additive modes of action such as agomelatine, a potent agonist of melatonin receptors. Drugs in development for treatment of MDD include triple reuptake inhibitors, dual-acting serotonin reuptake inhibitors and histamine antagonists, and many more. Newer antidepressants have similar efficacy and in general good tolerability profiles. Nevertheless, compliance with treatment for MDD is poor and may contribute to treatment failure. Despite the broad spectrum of available antidepressants, there are still at least 30% of depressive patients who do not benefit from treatment. Therefore, new approaches in drug development are necessary and, according to current research developments, the future of antidepressant treatment may be promising


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    This article focuses on the question of the influence of the spiritual factor on life satisfaction. Spiritual factor includes two indexes - self-esteem and self image as well as spirituality. Both include more variables. We have studied self-esteem with Rosenberg standardized questionnaire, self image and spirituality were studied by evaluating variables (feelings of inferiority, the adoption of the external appearance, the meaning of life, meditation, prayer) and satisfaction with life with »Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS)«. The survey was based on a quantitative methodology and on a non-experimental method. The sample size was determined based on the proportional stratification according to the size of population 65 years and over according to the data of Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia for 2012. The study involved 1,064 older people aged 65+ living at home and in social welfare institutions. We received 656 correctly completed questionnaires, representing 61.6% of the study population (home: 380 - 57.9%; social welfare institution: 276 - 42.1%). For the analysis of causal effects, we used advanced statistical methods (propensity score methods). We have found out that the index of self-esteem and self image as well as spirituality is strongly associated with life satisfaction as the highest average value of a multiple R-square of the spiritual factor was R² = 0.37. Spiritual factor is therefore an important element of satisfaction with life in old age, because it allows the old person to strike a balance for peaceful life.Članak je usredotočen na pitanje utjecaja čimbenika duhovnosti na zadovoljstvo sa životom. Čimbenik duhovnosti uključuje dva indeksa: samopoštovanje te sliku o samom sebi i duhovnost. Oba indeksa uključuju više varijabli. Samopoštovanje smo proučavali pomoću Rosenbergovog standardiziranog upitnika, sliku o samom sebi i duhovnost pomoću ocjene varijabli (osjećaj manje vrijednosti, prihvaćanje vanjskog izgleda, smisao života, meditacija, molitva), a zadovoljstvo životom pomoću ljestvice Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS). Istraživanje smo zasnovali na kvantitativnoj metodologiji i ne-eksperimentalnoj metodi. Veličinu uzorka smo odredili na osnovi proporcionalne stratifikacije glede veličine broja populacije starije od 65 godina, prema podacima Statističkog ureda Republike Slovenije za 2012. godinu. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 1064 osoba u dobi od 65 i više godina, koji su živjeli kod kuće i u zavodima. Primili smo 656 pravilno ispunjenih upitnika, što iznosi 61,6 % u istraživanje uključene populacije (kod kuće 380 – 57,9%; zavodi: 276 – 42,1%). Za analizu uzročnih učinaka korištene su napredne statističke metode sklonosti (Propensity Score Methods). Zaključili smo da su indeksi samopoštovanja i slike o sebi i duhovnosti vrlo jako povezani sa zadovoljstvom životom, jer najviša prosječna vrijednost multipl R-kvadrata za čimbenik duhovnosti iznosi R²=0,37. Dakle, čimbenik duhovnosti je vrlo važan element zadovoljstva životom u starosti, omogućujući starijoj osobi postizanje ravnoteže za miran život

    Development of low carbon and energy-efficient geopolymer-based paving blocks

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    The development of energy-efficient and low-carbon geopolymer-based paving blocks made from waste, as an environmental-friendly material, was evaluated. Ground concrete (GC) and solid brick (SB) powder, as the representatives of construction and demolition waste (C&DW), with the addition of fly ash (FA) and silica fume (SF), were used. Waste samples were characterized in terms of surface functional groups and radioactivity. The FT-IR spectra showed the required amorphous or semi-crystalline alumino-silicate structure. The gamma spectrometry confirmed waste samples' radiological safety. Hardened geopolymer samples were subjected to physical-mechanical investigation comprising of density, water content, compressive and flexural strengths determination. Based on strength characteristics, the three best prototype mixtures were selected and subjected to further compressive strength determination and durability assessment. Prototype sample SBFASFp1, with a compressive strength of 18.7 MPa, was shown the highest value of all samples, almost the same as the corresponding SBFASF1 sample. Freeze-thaw and the subsequent carbonation tests, as durability indicators, showed that the SBFASF1 sample had the slightest strength decrease, making it most durable in these conditions. These satisfactory test results showed the favorable effects of alternatives to cementitious materials, encouraging their utilization and contributing to the sustainability of the construction sector

    Determining seasonal correlation among anoxic nitrogen transformation conditions

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    We examined seasonal change in physicochemical parameters NH4, NO3, Cl, SO4 2- , Fe2+, Mn and TOC for anoxic alluvial groundwater from the first drainage line at Kovin-Dubovac and Danube water level. To evaluate the results of four year monitoring programme Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Cluster Analysis (CA) were performed. Principal component analysis (PCA) as a multivariate statistical method was used for data filtering in order to indicate if there is a connection between groundwater chemistry, surface water levels and sampling season. NH4, NO3, Fe2+, Mn, SO4 2- and TOC were chosen as important indicators of nitrogen transformation potential. Cl and Danube levels were included in analysis as indicators of groundwater recharge. Cluster analysis (CA) was applied for grouping the months of groundwater sampling with similar pattern

    Mapping nitrogen transformation potential in anoxic alluvial aquifer using PCA and CA analysis

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    Increase in worldwide population has led to increase in food production. Increased food production consequently increased pesticide and fertilizers use. In fertilizers, nitrogen is in form of nitrate, ammonia or amide. Nitrates expressed solubility as well as inability of negatively charged ions to sorb on sediment particles, are usually the reasons why nitrates are considered as the final mobile compound of nitrogen transformation in soil. Information about the final compound of nitrogen resulting from transformation in water is important as an indication of aquifer potential for nitrogen conservation (NH4 ) or loss (N2O, N2). To evaluate the results of groundwater quality monitoring, during four years period, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Cluster Analysis (CA) were performed. Displayed map, developed as part of this study, presents an intersection of the conclusions based on two main factors, revealed by PCA analysi. Mapped local potential for nitrogen conservation or loss in the first drainage line of Kovin-Dubovac aquifer could be useful for managing the fate of nitrate entering the anoxic groundwater systems


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    This article focuses on the question of the influence of the spiritual factor on life satisfaction. Spiritual factor includes two indexes - self-esteem and self image as well as spirituality. Both include more variables. We have studied self-esteem with Rosenberg standardized questionnaire, self image and spirituality were studied by evaluating variables (feelings of inferiority, the adoption of the external appearance, the meaning of life, meditation, prayer) and satisfaction with life with »Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS)«. The survey was based on a quantitative methodology and on a non-experimental method. The sample size was determined based on the proportional stratification according to the size of population 65 years and over according to the data of Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia for 2012. The study involved 1,064 older people aged 65+ living at home and in social welfare institutions. We received 656 correctly completed questionnaires, representing 61.6% of the study population (home: 380 - 57.9%; social welfare institution: 276 - 42.1%). For the analysis of causal effects, we used advanced statistical methods (propensity score methods). We have found out that the index of self-esteem and self image as well as spirituality is strongly associated with life satisfaction as the highest average value of a multiple R-square of the spiritual factor was R² = 0.37. Spiritual factor is therefore an important element of satisfaction with life in old age, because it allows the old person to strike a balance for peaceful life.Članak je usredotočen na pitanje utjecaja čimbenika duhovnosti na zadovoljstvo sa životom. Čimbenik duhovnosti uključuje dva indeksa: samopoštovanje te sliku o samom sebi i duhovnost. Oba indeksa uključuju više varijabli. Samopoštovanje smo proučavali pomoću Rosenbergovog standardiziranog upitnika, sliku o samom sebi i duhovnost pomoću ocjene varijabli (osjećaj manje vrijednosti, prihvaćanje vanjskog izgleda, smisao života, meditacija, molitva), a zadovoljstvo životom pomoću ljestvice Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS). Istraživanje smo zasnovali na kvantitativnoj metodologiji i ne-eksperimentalnoj metodi. Veličinu uzorka smo odredili na osnovi proporcionalne stratifikacije glede veličine broja populacije starije od 65 godina, prema podacima Statističkog ureda Republike Slovenije za 2012. godinu. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 1064 osoba u dobi od 65 i više godina, koji su živjeli kod kuće i u zavodima. Primili smo 656 pravilno ispunjenih upitnika, što iznosi 61,6 % u istraživanje uključene populacije (kod kuće 380 – 57,9%; zavodi: 276 – 42,1%). Za analizu uzročnih učinaka korištene su napredne statističke metode sklonosti (Propensity Score Methods). Zaključili smo da su indeksi samopoštovanja i slike o sebi i duhovnosti vrlo jako povezani sa zadovoljstvom životom, jer najviša prosječna vrijednost multipl R-kvadrata za čimbenik duhovnosti iznosi R²=0,37. Dakle, čimbenik duhovnosti je vrlo važan element zadovoljstva životom u starosti, omogućujući starijoj osobi postizanje ravnoteže za miran život