Mapping nitrogen transformation potential in anoxic alluvial aquifer using PCA and CA analysis


Increase in worldwide population has led to increase in food production. Increased food production consequently increased pesticide and fertilizers use. In fertilizers, nitrogen is in form of nitrate, ammonia or amide. Nitrates expressed solubility as well as inability of negatively charged ions to sorb on sediment particles, are usually the reasons why nitrates are considered as the final mobile compound of nitrogen transformation in soil. Information about the final compound of nitrogen resulting from transformation in water is important as an indication of aquifer potential for nitrogen conservation (NH4 ) or loss (N2O, N2). To evaluate the results of groundwater quality monitoring, during four years period, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Cluster Analysis (CA) were performed. Displayed map, developed as part of this study, presents an intersection of the conclusions based on two main factors, revealed by PCA analysi. Mapped local potential for nitrogen conservation or loss in the first drainage line of Kovin-Dubovac aquifer could be useful for managing the fate of nitrate entering the anoxic groundwater systems

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