45 research outputs found

    Estado actual de la investigaci贸n psicol贸gica en las alucinaciones auditivas

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    En este trabajo presentamos una revisi贸n de la investigaci贸n psicol贸gica sobre el estudio de las alucinaciones auditivas verbales. En la literatura sobre este tema se diferencia entre los estudios que han tratado de elucidar los mecanismos psicol贸gicos que intervienen en la formaci贸n de las alucinaciones de aquellos otros que tratan sobre su mantenimiento. En todos esos estudios se afirma que las voces tienen que ver con habla interna que es atribuida err贸neamente a otros agentes. Se describen las tres hip贸tesis principales que intentan explicar como se produce esa atribuci贸n interna: la hip贸tesis de Frith sobre la automonitorizaci贸n, la de Bentall sobre el fracaso en los procesos de discriminaci贸n de la realidad y la de Morrison sobre variables metacognitivas y disonancia cognitiva. En los estudios sobre el mantenimiento de las voces se destacan las variables m谩s relevantes descritas en la bibliograf铆a sobre el tema: las creencias sobre las voces, la relaci贸n con ellas, las conductas de seguridad y las emociones. Para finalizar se describen de forma resumida las aportaciones cl铆nicas principales de estas investigaciones.In this work we present a revision of the psychological investigation about the study of verbal auditory hallucinations. All that has been previously written on this issue differences between the studies that have tried to discover the psychological mechanisms that intervene in the formation of hallucinations, from those others that deal with their maintenance. All these studies affirm that voices are related to inside speech that is wrongly attributed to other agents. The three main hypothesis that try to explain how this inside atribution is produced, are here described: Frith麓s hypothesis about selfmonitoring, Bentall麓s about the failure in the reality discrimination processes, and Morrison麓s about metacognitive variables and cognitive dissonance. The most relevant factors described in the bibliography on this issue are underlined in the studies about voices麓 maintenance: the believes about voices, the relation to them, the safety behaviours and emotions. To end up, the main clinical contributions to these investigations are summed up

    La intervenci贸n en esquizofrenia: nuevos avances desde la investigaci贸n y la pr谩ctica cl铆nica

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    Estrategias de afrontamiento en psic贸ticos: conceptualizaci贸n y resultados de la investigaci贸n

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    En el presente trabajo se revisan las investigaciones llevadas a cabo para estudiar las conductas espont谩neas de afrontamiento en pacientes psic贸ticos. Se hace un an谩lisis del uso que se ha hecho en dichos trabajos del concepto de afrontamiento y se describen las principales categor铆as de afrontamiento utilizadas en la literatura, as铆 como de los resultados m谩s relevantes de estos estudios. Asimismo se concluye con aportaciones pr谩cticas para el desarrollo y planificaci贸n de estrategias de intervenci贸n en este 谩mbito

    Tratamiento cognitivo-conductual de las ideas delirantes de un paciente esquizofr茅nico

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    En este trabajo presentamos un caso en el que se realiza el an谩lisis funcional y tratamiento cognitivo-conductual de las ideas delirantes de un paciente esquizofr茅nico. Los resultados muestran una disminuci贸n significativa de la convicci贸n del paciente en tales ideas delirantes, as铆 como una mejora de su funcionamiento personal y social. Los resultados del seguimiento muestran que los beneficios se mantienen a los 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, 36 y 48 meses de finalizado el tratamiento

    Examining the structure of ideas of reference in clinical and community samples

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    Aims: This study addresses the psychometric properties of a Spanish validation of the REF scale of ideas of reference (IRs) in detecting and following at-risk mental states and psychosis. Methods: A total of 9447 participants were distributed in three groups: 676 patients with various diagnoses-154 with psychotic disorders, 6291 youths aged 11 to 20, and 2480 adult participants aged 21 to 84. Results: Youths had higher scores than adults on IRs, observing a progressive decrease and stabilization in the twenties. Exploratory factor analysis provided a structure for the overall IRs score, with five first-order dimensions and one second-order dimension. Confirmatory factor analysis supported the structure with excellent fit. The REF scale was invariant across sex and samples. The internal consistency of the complete scale was excellent and acceptable across the five first-order factors. Strong relationships were found with the positive dimension of the community assessment of psychic experience-42, as well as with aberrant salience. Low and moderate relationships were found with public self-consciousness, anxiety, and depression. Youths and patients diagnosed with schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders had a high mean IRs frequency. Male sex, greater age (among the adults), and the "causal explanations", "Songs, newspapers, books" and laughing and commenting" REF subscales showed predictive power in the diagnostic categories of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders

    The dark side of Instagram: Predictor model of dysmorphic concerns

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    Background/Objective: Dysmorphic concern are excessive preoccupation about one or several physical characteristics perceived as defects, usually unnoticeable by others. This study was Appearance-related intended to explore the relationship between Instagram use and dysmorphic concerns through appearance-related comparisons, ideas of reference and problems with emotion regulation, and find out whether this relationship is moderated by gender. Method: The sample was cornprised of 796 participants (M-age = 22.49; SD = 3.56; 54% women). Results: The results showed a non-significant direct effect between Instagram use and dysmorphic concerns. However, the relationship between these variables was statistically significant through appearance-related comparisons, ideas of reference about "laughing, commenting" and difficulties in emotion regulation. Gender did not moderate any relationship. Conclusions: Men and women who made the most use of Instagram were equally vulnerable to dysmorphic concerns when they tended to compare their appearance with other users, had problems regulating their emotions, and showed interpretative biases related to the belief that others could make comments about them or laugh at them because of their imperfections. The implications of the study are discussed. (C) 2020 Asociacion Espanola de Psicologia Conductual. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U

    Tratamiento cognitivo-conductual de un paciente con diagn贸stico de trastorno delirante

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    Presentamos un caso con diagn贸stico de trastorno delirante al que se aplica Terapia Cognitivo-Conductual (TCC) para la modificaci贸n de las creencias delirantes y sus consecuencias emocionales y conductuales. El procedimiento incluy贸: debate emp铆rico, l贸gico y funcional, comprobaci贸n de la realidad, saciaci贸n y soluci贸n elegante. Las medidas de resultado fueron la PANSS, medidas dimensionales del grado de convicci贸n y preocupaci贸n en las creencias, la QLS y escalas subjetivas de ansiedad y de estado de 谩nimo. La convicci贸n en las creencias permaneci贸 inalterable, pero se produjeron nuevas reinterpretaciones delirantes de car谩cter m谩s benigno; adem谩s, se apreci贸 una notable mejor铆a en las perturbaciones emocionales asociadas y en el funcionamiento social, cambios mantenidos en seguimiento realizado 12 meses despu茅s de la terapia. Reflexionamos sobre la necesidad de tratamientos psicol贸gicos de mantenimiento a largo plazo en el abordaje de la sintomatolog铆a psic贸tic