303 research outputs found

    TIPping the Scales towards Greater Employment Chances? Evaluation of a Trial Introduction Program (TIP) for Newly-Arrived Immigrants based on Random Program Assignment

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    A Trial Introduction Program (TIP) for newly-arrived immigrants to Sweden was implemented from October 2006 to June 2008 in order to meet the main criticisms directed at existing introduction programs. Two primary innovations were introduced, flexible language instruction parallel with other labor market activities at the Public Employment Service (PES) and intensive counseling and coaching by PES caseworkers with considerably reduced caseloads. Within participating municipalities, newly-arrived immigrants were randomly assigned into TIP (treatment) or regular introduction programs (control). Results indicate significant treatment effects on the probability of attaining regular employment as well as the probability of entering intermediate PES training programs. Hazard rates into PES training programs were also significantly higher for participants in TIP in comparison to participants in regular introduction programs.Labor Market Policy Evaluation; Integration; Introduction Programs; Experiment

    A Gender Perspective on Self-Employment Entry and Performance as Self-Employed

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    Research on self-employment has increased during recent years and particular attention has been paid to self-employment dynamics and the factors influencing entry and exit rates from self-employment. Using a large panel data set for Sweden, this paper investigates variations in recruitment to self-employment and in self-employment performance by gender and by employment status prior to entering self-employment. As performance measures we use income from self-employment, number of employees, exit rates and destination after self-employment. We find that the probability of becoming self-employed is highest among men who are economically inactive and lowest among women who are wage-earners. Analysing self-employment performance, we find that men have higher incomes than women. Self-employed women more often than self-employed men have employees. For both men and women those who enter from unemployment or inactivity are less successful in terms of income and the probability of having employees than those who enter from paid employment. When exits are divided into paid employment and other employment status, we find that those who entered from unemployment or inactivity face a higher risk of returning to one of these states.self-employment, unemployment, income, occupational mobility, gender differences

    Talking About Sustainability Issues When Teaching Business Economics - The ‘Positioning’ of a Responsible Business Person in Classroom Practice

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    Purpose: This paper presents a study of the roles of a business person privileged by teachers when the concept of ‘sustainable development’ is incorporated into the subject of business economics.Methodology: A logics approach to discourse analysis was used to analyse the empirical material, which consisted of video recorded observations in five teachers’ classrooms collected two years after the inclusion of the concept in the upper secondary school syllabus in Sweden.Findings: The results show how different rules and conditions for doing business are foregrounded in classroom practice. This in turn has different implications for whether a responsible business person is expected to: a) adapt to self-interest, b) respond to customers’ increasing interests in sustainable products, or c) be sensitive to the needs or interests of others (including humans, animals and nature), when making business decisions. The results also illuminate how talking about ‘homo economicus’ as ‘real’ can hinder, how talking about customers in altruistic terms can facilitate, and how talking about the complexity of others’ interests can suggest ways of doing business (more) sustainably.Practical implications: The empirical examples that illuminate the privileging of specific roles could be used for critical reflection in order to make students better equipped to address uncertain and complex sustainability issues

    TIPping the Scales towards Greater Employment Chances? Evaluation of a Trial Introduction Program (TIP) for Newly-Arrived Immigrants Based on Random Program Assignment

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    A Trial Introduction Program (TIP) for newly-arrived immigrants to Sweden was implemented from October 2006 to June 2008 in order to meet the main criticisms directed at existing introduction programs. Two primary innovations were introduced, flexible language instruction parallel with other labor market activities at the Public Employment Service (PES) and intensive counseling and coaching by PES caseworkers with considerably reduced caseloads. Within participating municipalities, newly-arrived immigrants were randomly assigned into TIP (treatment) or regular introduction programs (control). Results indicate significant treatment effects on the probability of attaining regular employment as well as the probability of entering intermediate PES training programs. Hazard rates into PES training programs were also significantly higher for participants in TIP in comparison to participants in regular introduction programs.labor market policy evaluation, integration, introduction programs, experiment

    Statistik om bemanningsbranschen. Presentation och jÀmförelser av tvÄ nya databaser.

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    Bemanningsbranschen Àr en ny och expanderande bransch i Sverige och i andra lÀnder. Ett problem vid en analys av branschen bÄde i Sverige och i andra lÀnder Àr att det saknats bra officiell statistik. Vi har i samarbete med SCB skapat tvÄ internationellt sett unika databaser över arbetsstÀllen och anstÀllda i branschen. I denna artikel presenterar vi de bÄda databasernas information om antal arbetsstÀllen och sysselsatta. Databaserna innehÄller ytterligare information, bl a om egenföretagare, som vi dock inte presenterar hÀr. Den första databasen bygger pÄ en inventering Är 2000 av arbetsstÀllen i bemanningsbranschen verksamma Är 1999. Med hjÀlp av SCB kopplades sedan arbetsstÀllena till de sysselsatta i branschen Är 1999 men ocksÄ 1998 och 2000. Den andra databasen bygger pÄ att SCB frÄn och med 2002 Ärs statistik har infört en egen SNI-kod för bemanningsbranschen. Det gÄr pÄ sÄ sÀtt fÄ uppgifter om de anstÀllda i branschen. Genom en kombination med den första databasen blir tÀckningen Àn bÀttre och vi kan ocksÄ följa branschens utveckling mellan 1998 och 2002.-

    Stadsbyggnadsideal i Sverige : igÄr, idag och imorgon

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    Sammandrag Bostadsbrist och ohÀlsa har varit den problematik som frÀmst prÀglat Sveriges stadsbyggnadsideal frÄn sent 1800-tal till idag. En vÀldig befolkningsökning och omflyttning av befolkningen frÄn landsbygd till tÀtort har stÀllt stora krav pÄ en omfattande bostadsproduktion. Under andra halvan av 1900-talet har logistik blivit ett stort bekymmer nÀr staden utökat sin yta och befolkningen bor pÄ en plats medan arbete och service finns pÄ en annan. Om man tittar pÄ de stadsbyggnadsideal som prÀglat staden finns en tydlig vÄgrörelse och pendling mellan kvalitativa vÀrden som Àr svÄra att mÀta och kvantitativa vÀrden som baseras pÄ ekonomiska aspekter. Ett stadsbyggnadsideal som haft stort fokus pÄ kvantitet följs av ett med fokus pÄ kvalitet. De idévisioner som stadsbyggnadsidealen vilat pÄ prÀglar lösningen pÄ problemen men retorik och argumentation spelar en vÀsentlig roll för genomförandet av ett ideal. Det Àr genom slagkraftigheten hos idéerna som föresprÄkarna av ett ideal gör sina Äsikter hörda och fÄr gehör eller inte för sina visioner.Abstract Housing shortage and poor health have been the problems that primarily characterized the city planning theories of Sweden of the late 1800s to today. A huge population growth and migration of population from rural to urban areas has put great demands on an extensive housing production. During the second half of the 1900s, logistics became a major concern when the city expanded its surface and the population lived in one place while they found work and service in another. If you look at the urban planning ideals that shaped the city, there is a clear motion and oscillation between qualitative values that are difficult to measure and quantitative values that are based on economic considerations. A city planning theory with a major focus on quantity is followed by one with a focus on quality. The visions that city planning relies on are significant for the solution to the problems although rhetoric and argumentation play a significant role in the implementation of ideas. It is through the power of the ideas that the advocates are heard or not and can make their vision come true

    VÀxtmaterial för klÀttrande barn

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    Barns fysiska uppvĂ€xtmiljö har genom förskolan homogeniserats. NĂ€stan 90% av alla 1-5Ă„ringar vistas i förskola merparten av sin vakna tid. DĂ€rför Ă€r det angelĂ€get att kritiskt granska vad denna miljö erbjuder barn. Uppsatsen fokuserar pĂ„ vĂ€xtmaterialet barn klĂ€ttrar i pĂ„ förskolor. Studien omfattar vĂ€xtmaterial med klĂ€tterslitage pĂ„ 65 förskolor i Lund. I studien har en metod att vĂ€rdera vĂ€xtmaterial efter barns klĂ€tterslitage uppfunnits och implementerats. Resultatet av studien har konkretiserats i en sammanstĂ€llning av anvĂ€ndbara arter. Verktyget klĂ€tterindex har utvecklats-en möjlighet att bedöma lekbarheten i vĂ€xtmaterial för klĂ€ttring.The physical environment of children has been homogenised through pre-schools. Almost 90% of all 1 to 5-year old’s are at pre-schools most of their waking hours. Therefore, it is significant to critically examine what this environment offers children. This essay focuses on the plant materials children climb in at pre-schools. The study includes plant materials with signs of the wear and tear of children climbing, from 65 pre-schools in Lund. In the study, a method has been developed and implemented to evaluate damages on plants caused by the climbing of children. The result of the study has been concretised in a compilation of useful species. The tool climbing-index has been invented, the possibility to assess the opportunity to climb in plants

    Australiens landsprofil : En guide för privatpersoner

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    Det hĂ€r lĂ€rdomsprovet Ă€r en landsprofil av Australien, som Ă€r skriven som en guide för privatpersoner. Syftet med mitt lĂ€rdomsprov Ă€r att förse privatpersoner med praktisk information, som de kan anvĂ€nda om de tĂ€nkt Ă„ka till Australien för att arbeta. I den teoretiska delen av lĂ€rdomsprovet kan man lĂ€sa allmĂ€nt om Australien, landets affĂ€rskultur och hur arbetsmarknaden ser ut i landet. Andra saker som man ocksĂ„ kan lĂ€sa i teorin Ă€r vad man skall tĂ€nka pĂ„ dĂ„ man söker arbete, hur man hittar en passande bostad samt saker vad som kan vara bra att förbereda innan man Ă„ker ivĂ€g till Australien. Den empiriska delen bestĂ„r av en kvalitativ undersökning, som jag genomförde med hjĂ€lp av personliga intervjuer. Alla de personer som jag intervjuade har antingen varit eller Ă€r i Australien och arbetar. Sedan har jag sammanstĂ€llt intervjuerna, dĂ€r kan man lĂ€sa om respondenternas erfarenheter i landet samt sĂ„ har de gett nĂ„gra anvĂ€ndbara tips. Sammanfattningsvis kan man sĂ€ga att samtliga respondenter, som deltog i undersökningen, har haft bra erfarenheter av att bo och arbeta i Australien. Ingen av dem stötte pĂ„ nĂ„gra större problem och alla respondenter rekommenderade att resa till Australien om man vill och har chansen.This thesis is a country profile of Australia, which is written like a guide for private persons. The aim is to provide private persons with useful information, which they can use if they have thought about going to Australia to work. The theoretical part of the thesis contains general information about Australia, the country’s business culture and how the labor market looks in the country. Other things you also can read about in the theoretical part is what you should think about when looking for a job, how to find an appropriate accommodation and also things which can be good to prepare before travelling to Australia. The empirical part consist of a qualitative survey, which I conducted using personal interviews. All the people that I interviews have either been or are in Australia working. Then I have compiled the interviews, where you can read about the respondents’ experiences in the country and they have also given some useful tips. In summary, one can say that all the respondents, who took part in the survey, have had good experiences of living and working in Australia. None of them encountered any major problems and all respondents recommended to travel to Australia if you want to and have the chance

    Providing Breastfeeding Support: Experiences from Child-Health Nurses

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    Background: Breastfeeding problems are common during the early period but can often be prevented or overcome with adequate support. Child-health nurses meet almost all children during their first weeks of life and play an important role in promoting breastfeeding and in strengthening parents’ confidence and their belief in their own ability. It is, therefore, important to gain more knowledge about child-health nurses’ experiences. Objective: To describe child-health nurses’ experiences of providing breastfeeding support. Methods: This qualitative study is descriptive with an inductive approach. A purposive sample of eight child-health nurses recruited from district health care centers participated. Data were collected through focus group interviews and analyzed with content analysis. Results: Child-health nurses consider it to be important to provide early breastfeeding support and that early hospital discharge following birth can complicate breastfeeding. Furthermore, the introduction of infant formula and tiny tastes given to the baby can be a barrier to breastfeeding. Parents’ confidence had an effect on breastfeeding, and breastfeeding is promoted by confident parents. Trends and cultural differences have an influence on parents’ attitudes toward breastfeeding. Child-health nurses stated the importance of having a consensus breastfeeding policy. Conclusion and Recommendation: A number of factors affect breastfeeding, and breastfeeding support from child-health nurses is important in the early stages after birth. To conclude, the support must be individually tailored with a focus on the parents’ needs. There is a need for greater cooperation between the maternal care and child-health care staff in order to provide adequate and continuous breastfeeding support throughout the care chain
