127 research outputs found

    Feasibility of conductive embroidered threads for I2C sensors in microcontroller-based wearable electronics

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    In recent years, the importance of flexible and textile electronics in the field of wearable devices has continuously increased, as they are expected to replace conventional wires that exhibit limited resistance to the mechanical stress occurring in on-body applications. Wearable health devices (WHDs) can provide physiological information about various body parts and employ distributed sensor networks. Among the sensors typically integrated within WHDs, those based on the I2C communication protocol are very common and exploit signals transmitted at frequencies up to hundreds of kilohertz. Therefore, robust communication is required to guarantee a proper transmission of the signal at those frequencies. In this context, we have realized embroidered conductive threads exhibiting a lower resistance, appositely designed to replace conventional wires in a microcontroller-based wearable device employing I2C sensors. A commercial conductive thread (silver coated polyamide) was used to embroider the conductive lines on to cotton fabric. Preliminary measurements were performed to characterize the response of these materials to signals typically operated within the I2C communication protocol at different path lengths. Resistive measurements have also been performed to stimulate different environmental conditions, that is, temperature, the effect of sweating, and repeated washing cycles, also apply mechanical stress, i.e. twisting, with promising results that validate our conductive paths for digital signal communication

    Assessment of Cardiorespiratory Interactions during Apneic Events in Sleep via Fuzzy Kernel Measures of Information Dynamics

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    Apnea and other breathing-related disorders have been linked to the development of hypertension or impairments of the cardiovascular, cognitive or metabolic systems. The combined assessment of multiple physiological signals acquired during sleep is of fundamental importance for providing additional insights about breathing disorder events and the associated impairments. In this work, we apply information-theoretic measures to describe the joint dynamics of cardiorespiratory physiological processes in a large group of patients reporting repeated episodes of hypopneas, apneas (central, obstructive, mixed) and respiratory effort related arousals (RERAs). We analyze the heart period as the target process and the airflow amplitude as the driver, computing the predictive information, the information storage, the information transfer, the internal information and the cross information, using a fuzzy kernel entropy estimator. The analyses were performed comparing the information measures among segments during, immediately before and after the respiratory event and with control segments. Results highlight a general tendency to decrease of predictive information and information storage of heart period, as well as of cross information and information transfer from respiration to heart period, during the breathing disordered events. The information-theoretic measures also vary according to the breathing disorder, and significant changes of information transfer can be detected during RERAs, suggesting that the latter could represent a risk factor for developing cardiovascular diseases. These findings reflect the impact of different sleep breathing disorders on respiratory sinus arrhythmia, suggesting overall higher complexity of the cardiac dynamics and weaker cardiorespiratory interactions which may have physiological and clinical relevance

    Transfer Entropy Analysis of Pulse Arrival Time - Heart Period Interactions during Physiological Stress

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    Although Heart Period (HP) variability is the most widely used measure to assess cardiovascular oscillations, its evaluation combined with that of Pulse Arrival Time (PAT) variability may provide additional information about cardiac dynamics and cardiovascular interactions. In this study, we computed the transfer entropy from PAT to HP in 76 subjects monitored at rest and during orthostatic and mental stress using both a model-free (k- Nearest Neighbors) and a linear parametric estimator. Our results show how the information flow between these two variables depends on the physiological condition and how the nonlinear measure captures more information than the linear one during orthostatic stress

    Spectral analysis of the beat-to-beat variability of arterial compliance

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    Arterial compliance is an important parameter influencing ventricular-arterial coupling, depending on structural and functional mechanics of arteries. In this study, the spontaneous beat-to-beat variability of arterial compliance was investigated in time and frequency domains in thirty-nine young and healthy subjects monitored in the supine resting state and during head-up tilt. Spectral decomposition was applied to retrieve the spectral content of the time series associated to low (LF) and high frequency (HF) oscillatory components. Our results highlight: (i) a decrease of arterial compliance with tilt, in agreement with previous studies; (ii) an increase of the LF power content concurrent with a decrease of the HF power, potentially reflecting changes in vasomotor tone, blood pressure and heart rate variability associated with higher sympathetic activity and vagal withdrawal occurring with tilt

    Time-varying information measures: an adaptive estimation of information storage with application to brain-heart interactions

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    Network Physiology is a rapidly growing field of study that aims to understand how physiological systems interact to maintain health. Within the information theory framework the information storage (IS) allows to measure the regularity and predictability of a dynamic process under stationarity assumption. However, this assumption does not allow to track over time the transient pathways occurring in the dynamical activity of a physiological system. To address this limitation, we propose a time-varying approach based on the recursive least squares algorithm (RLS) for estimating IS at each time instant, in non-stationary conditions. We tested this approach in simulated time-varying dynamics and in the analysis of electroencephalographic (EEG) signals recorded from healthy volunteers and timed with the heartbeat to investigate brain-heart interactions. In simulations, we show that the proposed approach allows to track both abrupt and slow changes in the information stored in a physiological system. These changes are reflected in its evolution and variability over time. The analysis of brain-heart interactions reveals marked differences across the cardiac cycle phases of the variability of the time-varying IS. On the other hand, the average IS values exhibit a weak modulation over parieto-occiptal areas of the scalp. Our study highlights the importance of developing more advanced methods for measuring IS that account for non-stationarity in physiological systems. The proposed time-varying approach based on RLS represents a useful tool for identifying spatio-temporal dynamics within the neurocardiac system and can contribute to the understanding of brain-heart interactions

    Comparison of Linear Model-Based and Nonlinear Model-Free Directional Coupling Measures: Analysis of Cardiovascular and Cardiorespiratory Interactions at Rest and During Physiological Stress

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    In this work, we present an investigation of the cardiovascular and cardiorespiratory regulatory mechanisms involved during stress responses using the information-theoretic measure of transfer entropy (TE). Specifically, the aim of the study is to compare different estimation approaches for the evaluation of the information transferred among different physiological systems. The analysis was carried out on the series of heart period, systolic arterial pressure and respiration measured from 61 young healthy subjects, at rest and during orthostatic and mental stress states, by using both a linear model-based and a nonlinear modelfree approaches to compute TE. The results reveal mostly significant correlations for the measures of TE estimated with the two approaches, particularly when assessing the influence of respiration on cardiovascular activity during mental stress and the influence of vascular dynamics on cardiac activity during tilt. Therefore, our findings suggest that the simpler linear parametric approach is suitable in conditions predominantly regulated by sympathetic nervous system or by the withdrawal of the parasympathetic system

    Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia Mechanisms in Young Obese Subjects

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    Autonomic nervous system (ANS) activity and imbalance between its sympathetic and parasympathetic components are important factors contributing to the initiation and progression of many cardiovascular disorders related to obesity. The results on respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) magnitude changes as a parasympathetic index were not straightforward in previous studies on young obese subjects. Considering the potentially unbalanced ANS regulation with impaired parasympathetic control in obese patients, the aim of this study was to compare the relative contribution of baroreflex and non-baroreflex (central) mechanisms to the origin of RSA in obese vs. control subjects. To this end, we applied a recently proposed information-theoretic methodology – partial information decomposition (PID) – to the time series of heart rate variability (HRV, computed from RR intervals in the ECG), systolic blood pressure (SBP) variability, and respiration (RESP) pattern measured in 29 obese and 29 ageand gender-matched non-obese adolescents and young adults monitored in the resting supine position and during postural and cognitive stress evoked by head-up tilt and mental arithmetic. PID was used to quantify the so-called unique information transferred from RESP to HRV and from SBP to HRV, reflecting, respectively, non-baroreflex and RESP-unrelated baroreflex HRV mechanisms, and the redundant information transferred from (RESP, SBP) to HRV, reflecting RESP-related baroreflex RSA mechanisms. Our results suggest that obesity is associated: (i) with blunted involvement of non-baroreflex RSA mechanisms, documented by the lower unique information transferred from RESP to HRV at rest; and (ii) with a reduced response to postural stress (but not to mental stress), documented by the lack of changes in the unique information transferred from RESP and SBP to HRV in obese subjects moving from supine to upright, and by a decreased redundant information transfer in obese compared to controls in the upright position. These findings were observed in the presence of an unchanged RSA magnitude measured as the high frequency (HF) power of HRV, thus suggesting that the changes in ANS imbalance related to obesity in adolescents and young adults are subtle and can be revealed by dissecting RSA mechanisms into its components during various challenges

    Classification of Physiological States Through Machine Learning Algorithms Applied to Ultra-Short-Term Heart Rate and Pulse Rate Variability Indices on a Single-Feature Basis

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    This study investigates the feasibility of classifying physiological stress states usingMachine Learning (ML) algorithms on short-term (ST,∼5min) and ultra-short-term (UST, < 5 min, down to 10 heartbeats) heart rate (HRV) or pulse rate variability (PRV) features computed from inter-beat interval time series. Three widely employed ML algorithms were used, i.e. Naive Bayes Classifier, Support Vector Machines, and Neural Networks, on various time-, frequency and information domain HRV/PRV indices on a single-feature basis. Data were collected from healthy individuals during different physiological states including rest, postural and mental stress. Results highlighted comparable values using either HRV or PRV indices, and higher accuracy (>65% for most features and all classifiers) when classifying postural than mental stress. While decreasing the time series length, time-domain indices resulted still reliable down to ∼10 s, contrary to UST frequency-domain features which reported lower accuracy below 60 heartbeats

    Mutual Information Rate Decomposition as a Tool to Investigate Coupled Dynamical Systems: Estimation Approaches, Simulations and Application to Physiological Signals

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    In this work, we present a framework for the computation of the MIR between two random processes X and Y, expressed equivalently as the sum of the individual entropy rates of X and Y minus their joint entropy rate, or as the sum of the transfer entropies from X to Y and from Y to X plus the instantaneous information shared by the processes at zero lag. After defining the theoretical formulation of the framework, different approaches for the estimation of each dynamic measure composing the MIR are provided: the linear model-based estimator relying on Gaussian data; two model-free estimators based on discretization, performed via uniform quantization through binning or rank ordering through permutations; a model-free estimator based on direct computation of the differential entropy via k-nearest neighbor searches

    Multivariate correlation measures reveal structure and strength of brain–body physiological networks at rest and during mental stress

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    In this work, we extend to the multivariate case the classical correlation analysis used in the field of network physiology to probe dynamic interactions between organ systems in the human body. To this end, we define different correlation-based measures of the multivariate interaction (MI) within and between the brain and body subnetworks of the human physiological network, represented, respectively, by the time series of delta, theta, alpha, and beta electroencephalographic (EEG) wave amplitudes, and of heart rate, respiration amplitude, and pulse arrival time (PAT) variability (eta, rho, pi). MI is computed: (i) considering all variables in the two subnetworks to evaluate overall brain-body interactions; (ii) focusing on a single target variable and dissecting its global interaction with all other variables into contributions arising from the same subnetwork and from the other subnetwork; and (iii) considering two variables conditioned to all the others to infer the network topology. The framework is applied to the time series measured from the EEG, electrocardiographic (ECG), respiration, and blood volume pulse (BVP) signals recorded synchronously via wearable sensors in a group of healthy subjects monitored at rest and during mental arithmetic and sustained attention tasks. We find that the human physiological network is highly connected, with predominance of the links internal of each subnetwork (mainly eta-rho and delta-theta, theta-alpha, alpha-beta), but also statistically significant interactions between the two subnetworks (mainly eta-beta and eta-delta). MI values are often spatially heterogeneous across the scalp and are modulated by the physiological state, as indicated by the decrease of cardiorespiratory interactions during sustained attention and by the increase of brain-heart interactions and of brain-brain interactions at the frontal scalp regions during mental arithmetic. These findings illustrate the complex and multi-faceted structure of interactions manifested within and between different physiological systems and subsystems across different levels of mental stress