38 research outputs found

    Immune System Remodelling by Prenatal Betamethasone : Effects on β-Cells and Type 1 Diabetes

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    Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is a multifactorial disease of unknown aetiology. Studies focusing on environment-related prenatal changes, which might have an influence on the development of T1D, are still missing. Drugs, such as betamethasone, are used during this critical period without exploring possible effects later in life. Betamethasone can interact with the development and function of the two main players in T1D, the immune system and the pancreatic β-cells. Short-term or persistent changes in any of these two players may influence the initiation of the autoimmune reaction against β-cells. In this review, we focus on the ability of betamethasone to induce alterations in the immune system, impairing the recognition of autoantigens. At the same time, betamethasone affects β-cell gene expression and apoptosis rate, reducing the danger signals that will attract unwanted attention from the immune system. These effects may synergise to hinder the autoimmune attack. In this review, we compile scattered evidence to provide a better understanding of the basic relationship between betamethasone and T1D, laying the foundation for future studies on human cohorts that will help to fully grasp the role of betamethasone in the development of T1D

    Prenatal Betamethasone Exposure and its Impact on Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus : A Preliminary Study in a Spanish Cohort

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    Betamethasone, a glucocorticoid used to induce lung maturation when there is a risk of preterm delivery, can affect the immune system maturation and type 1 diabetes (T1D) incidence in the progeny. It has been described that prenatal betamethasone protects offspring from experimental T1D development. The main aim of this study was to evaluate the possible association between betamethasone prenatal exposure and T1D in humans. Research Design and Methods. A retrospective case-control study with a total of 945 children, including 471 patients with T1D and 474 healthy siblings, was performed. Participants were volunteers from the Germans Trias i Pujol Hospital and DiabetesCero Foundation. Parents of children enrolled in the study completed a questionnaire that included questions about weeks of gestation, preterm delivery risk, weight at birth, and prenatal betamethasone exposure of their children. Multiple logistic regression was used to detect the association between betamethasone exposure and T1D. We compared T1D prevalence between subjects prenatally exposed or unexposed to betamethasone. The percent of children with T1D in the exposed group was 37.5% (21 of 56), and in the unexposed group was 49.52% (410 of 828) (p = 0.139). The percentage of betamethasone-treated subjects with T1D in the preterm group (18.05%, 13 of 72) was significantly higher than that found in the control group (12.5%, 9 of 72) (p = 0.003). The odds ratio for T1D associated with betamethasone in the univariate logistic regression was 0.59 (95% confidence interval, 0.33; 1.03 [ p = 0.062]) and in the multivariate logistic regression was 0.83 (95% confidence interval, 0.45; 1.52 [ p = 0.389]). The results demonstrate that the prenatal exposure to betamethasone does not increase T1D susceptibility, and may even be associated with a trend towards decreased risk of developing the disease. These preliminary findings require further prospective studies with clinical data to confirm betamethasone exposure effect on T1D risk

    Impaired Phagocytosis in Dendritic Cells From Pediatric Patients With Type 1 Diabetes Does Not Hamper Their Tolerogenic Potential

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    Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is prompted by defective immunological tolerance, an event in which dendritic cells (DCs) are crucial as immune response orchestrators. In fact, they contribute to maintaining tolerance to self-antigens, but they can also prompt an immunogenic response against them, leading to autoimmunity. Countless factors can potentially impact on the proper functionality of the DCs, which range from altered subset distribution, impaired phagocytic function to abnormal gene expression. Moreover, in T1D, metabolic dysregulation could impair DC functions as well. Indeed, since T1D clinical course is likely to be more aggressive in children and adolescents and entails severe dysglycemia, the aim of this study was to analyze circulating DCs subpopulations in pediatric T1D at different stages, as well as to characterize their phagocytosis ability and tolerance induction potential. Thus, pediatric patients newly diagnosed with T1D, with established disease and control subjects were recruited. Firstly, DCs subsets from peripheral blood were found quantitatively altered during the first year of disease, but recovered in the second year of progression. Secondly, to study the tolerogenic functionality of DCs, liposomes with phosphatidylserine (PS) were designed to mimic apoptotic beta cells, which are able to induce tolerance, as previously demonstrated by our group in DCs from adult patients with T1D. In this study, monocyte-derived DCs from pediatric patients with T1D and control subjects were assessed in terms of PS-liposomes capture kinetics, and transcriptional and phenotypic changes. DCs from pediatric patients with T1D were found to phagocyte PS-liposomes more slowly and less efficiently than DCs from control subjects, inversely correlating with disease evolution. Nonetheless, the transcription of PS receptors and immunoregulatory genes, cytokine profile, and membrane expression of immunological markers in DCs was consistent with tolerogenic potential after PS-liposomes phagocytosis. In conclusion, T1D progression in childhood entails altered peripheral blood DCs subsets, as well as impaired DCs phagocytosis, although tolerance induction could still function optimally. Therefore, this study provides useful data for patient follow-up and stratification in immunotherapy clinical trials

    Impact of Betamethasone Pretreatment on Engrafment of Cord Blood-Derived Hematopoietic Stem Cells

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    Hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) transplantation is crucial to cure hematologic malignancies. Umbilical cord blood (UCB) is a source of stem cells, but 90% of UCB units are discarded due to low cellularity. Improving the engraftment capacities of CD34 + stem cells would allow the use of UCB that were so far rejected. Betamethasone induces long-term transcriptomic and epigenomic changes in immune cells through glucocorticoid receptor. We hypothesize that discarded UCB could be used owing to improvements induced by betamethasone. Isolated CD34 + HSC from UCB were exposed to the synthetic glucocorticoids betamethasone and fluticasone for 20 h, and cell phenotype was determined before transplantation. NSG mice were sub-lethally irradiated (1 Gy or 2 Gy) 6 h before intravenously transferring 2-5 × 10 5 CD34 + HSC. The peripheral blood engraftment levels and the leukocyte subsets were followed up for 20 weeks using flow cytometry. At end point, the engraftment and leukocyte subsets were determined in the spleen and bone marrow. We demonstrated that betamethasone has surprising effects in recovering immune system homeostasis. Betamethasone and fluticasone increase CXCR4 and decrease HLA class II and CD54 expression in CD34 + HSCs. Both glucocorticoids-exposed cells showed a similar engraftment in 2 Gy-irradiated NSG mice. Interestingly, betamethasone-exposed cells showed enhanced engraftment in 1 Gy-irradiated NSG mice, with a trend to increase regulatory T cell percentage when compared to control. Betamethasone induces alterations in CD34 + HSCs and improve the engraftment, leading to a faster immune system recovery, which will contribute to engrafted cells survival

    Preclinical evaluation of antigen-specific nanotherapy based on phosphatidylserine-liposomes for type 1 diabetes

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    Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is an autoimmune disease caused by the destruction of insulin-producing cells. Due to the ability of apoptotic cells clearance to induce tolerance, we previously generated liposomes rich in phophatidylserine (PS) -a feature of apoptotic cells- loaded with insulin peptides to mimic apoptotic beta-cells. PS-liposomes arrested autoimmunity in experimental T1D through the induction of tolerance. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential of several peptides from different T1D autoantigens encapsulated in (PS)-liposomes for T1D prevention and to assess its safety. T1D autoantigens (Insulin, C-peptide, GAD65 and IA2) were encapsulated in PS-liposomes. Liposomes were administered to the 'gold-standard' model for the study of autoimmune T1D, the Non-Obese Diabetic mouse, that spontaneously develop the disease. Safety and toxicity of liposomes were also determined. Only PS-liposomes encapsulating insulin peptides decrease T1D incidence in the Non-Obese Diabetic mouse model. Disease prevention correlates with a decrease in the severity of the autoimmune islet destruction driven by leukocytes. PS-liposomes neither showed toxic effect nor secondary complications. Among the here referred autoantigens, insulin peptides are the best candidates to be encapsulated in liposomes, like an artificial apoptotic cell, for the arrest of autoimmunity in T1D in a safe manner

    Repurposed analog of GLP-1 ameliorates hyperglycemia in type 1 diabetic mice through pancreatic cell reprogramming

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    This work has been funded by Fundació La Marató de TV3 (project 201632_10). CIBER of Diabetes and Associated Metabolic Diseases (CIBERDEM) is an initiative from Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. SR-F was supported by the Generalitat de Catalunya (AGAUR grant).Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease caused by the destruction of the insulin-producing β-cells. An ideal immunotherapy should combine the blockade of the autoimmune response with the recovery of functional target cell mass. With the aim to develop new therapies for type 1 diabetes that could contribute to β-cell mass restoration, a drug repositioning analysis based on systems biology was performed to identify the β-cell regenerative potential of commercially available compounds. Drug repositioning is a strategy used for identifying new uses for approved drugs that are outside the scope of the medical indication. A list of 28 non-synonymous repurposed drug candidates was obtained, and 16 were selected as diabetes mellitus type 1 treatment candidates regarding pancreatic β-cell regeneration. Drugs with poor safety profile were further filtered out. Lastly, we selected liraglutide for its predictive efficacy values for neogenesis, transdifferentiation of α-cells, and/or replication of pre-existing β-cells. Liraglutide is an analog of glucagon-like peptide-1, a drug used in patients with type 2 diabetes. Liraglutide was tested in immunodeficient NOD- Scid IL2rg −/− (NSG) mice with type 1 diabetes. Liraglutide significantly improved the blood glucose levels in diabetic NSG mice. During the treatment, a significant increase in β-cell mass was observed due to a boost in β-cell number. Both parameters were reduced after withdrawal. Interestingly, islet bihormonal glucagon + insulin + cells and insulin + ductal cells arose during treatment. In vitro experiments showed an increase of insulin and glucagon gene expression in islets cultured with liraglutide in normoglycemia conditions. These results point to β-cell replacement, including transdifferentiation and neogenesis, as aiding factors and support the role of liraglutide in β-cell mass restoration in type 1 diabetes. Understanding the mechanism of action of this drug could have potential clinical relevance in this autoimmune disease

    Prenatal Betamethasone interferes with immune system development and alters target cells in autoimmune diabetes

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    Altres ajuts: This work has been co-financed with the European Regional Development funds (FEDER), and supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (KFO296). CIBER of Diabetes and Associated Metabolic Diseases (CIBERDEM) is an initiative from Instituto de Salud Carlos III. SRF is supported by the Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR) of the Generalitat de Catalunya.Non-genetic factors are crucial in the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes (T1D), a disease caused by autoimmunity against insulin-producing β-cells. Exposure to medications in the prenatal period may influence the immune system maturation, thus altering self-tolerance. Prenatal administration of betamethasone -a synthetic glucocorticoid given to women at risk of preterm delivery- may affect the development of T1D. It has been previously demonstrated that prenatal betamethasone administration protects offspring from T1D development in nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice. The direct effect of betamethasone on the immature and mature immune system of NOD mice and on target β-cells is analysed in this paper. In vitro, betamethasone decreased lymphocyte viability and induced maturation-resistant dendritic cells, which in turn impaired γδ T cell proliferation and decreased IL-17 production. Prenatal betamethasone exposure caused thymus hypotrophy in newborn mice as well as alterations in immune cells subsets. Furthermore, betamethasone decreased β-cell growth, reduced C-peptide secretion and altered the expression of genes related to autoimmunity, metabolism and islet mass in T1D target tissue. These results support the protection against T1D in the betamethasone-treated offspring and demonstrate that this drug alters the developing immune system and β-cells. Understanding how betamethasone generates self-tolerance could have potential clinical relevance in T1D

    Prediction and Monitoring of Partial Remission in Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes

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    [EN] The partial remission (PR) phase, a period experienced by most patients with type 1 diabetes (T1D) soon after diagnosis, is characterized by low insulin requirements and improved glycemic control. Given the great potential of this phase as a therapeutic window for immunotherapies because of its association with immunoregulatory mechanisms and beta-cell protection, our objective was to find peripheral immunological biomarkers for its better characterization, monitoring, and prediction. The longitudinal follow-up of 17 pediatric patients with new-onset T1D over one year revealed that, during the PR phase, remitter patients show increased percentages of effector memory (EM) T lymphocytes, terminally differentiated EM T lymphocytes, and neutrophils in comparison to non-remitter patients. On the contrary, remitter patients showed lower percentages of naive T lymphocytes, regulatory T cells (T-REG), and dendritic cells (DCs). After a year of follow-up, these patients also presented increased levels of regulatory B cells and transitional T1 B lymphocytes. On the other hand, although none of the analyzed cytokines (IL-2, IL-6, TGF-beta 1, IL-17A, and IL-10) could distinguish or predict remission, IL-17A was increased at T1D diagnosis in comparison to control subjects, and remitter patients tended to maintain lower levels of this cytokine than non-remitters. Therefore, these potential monitoring immunological biomarkers of PR support that this stage is governed by both metabolic and immunological factors and suggest immunoregulatory attempts during this phase. Furthermore, since the percentage of T-REG, monocytes, and DCs, and the total daily insulin dose at diagnosis were found to be predictors of the PR phase, we next created an index-based predictive model comprising those immune cell percentages that could potentially predict remission at T1D onset. Although our preliminary study needs further validation, these candidate biomarkers could be useful for the immunological characterization of the PR phase, the stratification of patients with better disease prognosis, and a more personalized therapeutic management.Funding for this study was provided by the Spanish Government (FIS PI18/00436) co-financed with the European Regional Development funds (FEDER), and by DiabetesCero Foundation. LGM is supported by the Generalitat de Catalunya (PERIS PIF-Salut Grant No. SLT017/20/000049). This work has been supported by positive discussion through Consolidated Research Group #2017 SGR 103, AGAUR, Generalitat de Catalunya

    NK Cell Subsets Changes in Partial Remission and Early Stages of Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes

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    Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is a chronic metabolic disease characterized by the autoimmune destruction of β-cells in the pancreatic islets. T1D is preceded by islet-specific inflammation led by several immune cells. Among them, natural killer (NK) cells are emerging as important players in T1D development. Human NK cells are characterized by CD56 and CD16 expression, which allows classifying NK cells into four subsets: 1) CD56 dim CD16 + or effector NK cells (NK); 2) CD56 bright CD16 − or regulatory NK cells (NK); 3) intermediate CD56 bright CD16 + NK cells; and 4) CD56 dim CD16 − NK cells, whose function is not well determined. Since many studies have shown that T1D progression is associated with changes in various immune cell types, we hypothesize that the kinetics of NK cell subsets in the blood could correlate with different stages of T1D. To that aim, pediatric patients newly diagnosed with T1D were recruited, and peripheral NK cell subsets were analyzed by flow cytometry at several disease checkpoints: disease onset, partial remission (PR), 8 months (for non-remitters), and 12 months of progression. Our results showed that total NK cells and their four subsets are altered at the early stages of T1D. A decrease in the counts and percentage of total NK cells and NK cells at the different disease stages was found when compared to controls. These results suggest the extravasation of these cells into the islets at disease onset, which is maintained throughout the follow-up. By contrast, NK cells increased during the early stages after T1D onset, and both intermediate NK cells and CD56 dim CD16 - NK cells diminished at the PR stage, which might reflect the immunoregulatory attempts and could be candidate biomarkers for this stage. Also, CD56 dim CD16 - NK cells increased during T1D progression. Finally, changes in CD16 expression were identified in the different T1D stages, highlighting a CD16 expression reduction in total NK cells and NK cells 1 year after diagnosis. That may reflect a state of exhaustion after multiple cell-to-cell interactions. Altogether, our preliminary data provide a longitudinal picture of peripheral NK cell subpopulations during the different T1D stages, which could be potential candidate biomarkers indicators of disease progression

    Phosphatidylserine-Liposomes promote tolerogenic features on dendritic cells in human type 1 diabetes by apoptotic mimicry

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    Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is a metabolic disease caused by the autoimmune destruction of insulin-producing β-cells. With its incidence increasing worldwide, to find a safe approach to permanently cease autoimmunity and allow β-cell recovery has become vital. Relying on the inherent ability of apoptotic cells to induce immunological tolerance, we demonstrated that liposomes mimicking apoptotic β-cells arrested autoimmunity to β-cells and prevented experimental T1D through tolerogenic dendritic cell (DC) generation. These liposomes contained phosphatidylserine (PS)-the main signal of the apoptotic cell membrane-and β-cell autoantigens. To move toward a clinical application, PS-liposomes with optimum size and composition for phagocytosis were loaded with human insulin peptides and tested on DCs from patients with T1D and control age-related subjects. PS accelerated phagocytosis of liposomes with a dynamic typical of apoptotic cell clearance, preserving DCs viability. After PS-liposomes phagocytosis, the expression pattern of molecules involved in efferocytosis, antigen presentation, immunoregulation, and activation in DCs concurred with a tolerogenic functionality, both in patients and control subjects. Furthermore, DCs exposed to PS-liposomes displayed decreased ability to stimulate autologous T cell proliferation. Moreover, transcriptional changes in DCs from patients with T1D after PS-liposomes phagocytosis pointed to an immunoregulatory prolife. Bioinformatics analysis showed 233 differentially expressed genes. Genes involved in antigen presentation were downregulated, whereas genes pertaining to tolerogenic/anti-inflammatory pathways were mostly upregulated. In conclusion, PS-liposomes phagocytosis mimics efferocytosis and leads to phenotypic and functional changes in human DCs, which are accountable for tolerance induction. The herein reported results reinforce the potential of this novel immunotherapy to re-establish immunological tolerance, opening the door to new therapeutic approaches in the field of autoimmunity