48 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan percepatan getaran tanah (PGA) dengan menggunakan metode Kanai kemudian divisualisasikan dengan mikrozonasi PGA dan intensitas gempabumi dengan persamaan Wald (1999) di Kecamatan Arjosari. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui pengukuran mikrotremor di 24 titik lokasi penelitian dan data gempabumi 2 Juni 1994 di Banyuwangi dengan magnitudo gempa 7,8 SR. Data mikrotremor kemudian dianalisis menggunakan Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) radix-64, penghalusan data dengan Konno-Ohmachi dan Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) untuk mendapatkan frekuensi predominan dan faktor amplifikasi di setiap titik penelitian. Besarnya nilai percepatan getaran tanah (PGA) diperoleh melalui Metode Kanai dengan menggunakan parameter periode dominan, jarak hiposenter, dan magnitudo sumber gempabumi. Intensitas gempabumi diperoleh dari hasil percepatan getaran tanah maksimum dan mikrozonasi dilakukan dengan software Surfer 10. Hasil studi ini menyatakan bahwa nilai percepatan getaran tanah maksimum di Kecamatan Arjosari adalah 35,891 cm/s2 sampai 100,785 cm/s2 dengan intensitas gempabumi IV-VI MMI. Berdasarkan tingkat kerawanan gempa dalam skala intensitas gempabumi resiko menengah terdapat pada Desa Karangrejo, Desa Gunungsari, Desa Gayuhan, Desa Gembong, Desa Borang bagian Barat, Desa Temon bagian Selatan, Desa Sedayu bagian Barat, dan Desa Kedungbendo bagian Utara dan Selatan. Tingkat Resiko rendah terdapat pada Desa Gegeran, Desa Jatimalang, Desa Pagutan, Desa Mlati, Desa Mangunharjo, Desa Borang bagian Timur, Desa Temon sebelah Utara, Desa Sedayu bagian Timur, dan Desa Kedungbendo bagian tengah. Kata kunci: Percepatan Getaran Tanah Maksimum, Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio, Mikrotremor, Arjosari

    Pengajaran Perkalian dan Pembagian dengan Metode Jarimatika

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    One of the subjects that requires planting concepts from an early age is mathematics. At school age, especially grade 3 students, the student's age has reached 9 to 10 years. Students at that age, among others, are happy with activity exercises and are happy with activities in the form of competitions. Based on this, learning should be packaged in the form of activities. At the elementary level, one of the materials that is the problem for students is multiplication and division. This material is basic in mathematics but it is often found that there are junior high school students who do not know the results of multiplication under 10. Jarimatika is a method for teaching addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to students, especially at the elementary level. Jarimatika is an abbreviation of finger and arithmetic. As the name implies, the media in this method are the fingers. Based on this community service activity, it can be concluded that the students are enthusiastic and happy with the teaching of multiplication and division with Jarimatika. In addition, students are motivated to answer questions from the teacher.One of the subjects that requires planting concepts from an early age is mathematics. At school age, especially grade 3 students, the student's age has reached 9 to 10 years. Students at that age, among others, are happy with activity exercises and are happy with activities in the form of competitions. Based on this, learning should be packaged in the form of activities. At the elementary level, one of the materials that is the problem for students is multiplication and division. This material is basic in mathematics but it is often found that there are junior high school students who do not know the results of multiplication under 10. Jarimatika is a method for teaching addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to students, especially at the elementary level. Jarimatika is an abbreviation of finger and arithmetic. As the name implies, the media in this method are the fingers. Based on this community service activity, it can be concluded that the students are enthusiastic and happy with the teaching of multiplication and division with Jarimatika. In addition, students are motivated to answer questions from the teacher

    Sadomasochism In E.L James' Fifty Shades Trilogy (2011-2012): A Psychoanalytic Approach

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    This study is about Sadomasochism in E.L James’ Fifty Shades Trilogy (2011-2012) which is analyzed using sychoanalytic Approach proposed by Sigmund Freud. The objectives of this study are to find out what sexual acts are committed by the two major characters as practitioners of sadomasochism, to know the response of the partner, and to find out why the author of the trilogy, E.L James xposed sadomasochism in her books. This research is a qualitative research. The primary data of this research is Fifty Shades Trilogy including Fifty Shades of Grey (2011), Fifty Shades Darker (2011), and Fifty Shades Freed (2012). The secondary data of this research are other sources related to the study including websites and books. The researcher draws three conclusions in this research. Firstly, there are three kinds of sexual activities done by the two major characters namely sexual activities without involving tools, sexual activities involving tools, and sexual activities in the playroom. Secondly, there are four kinds of responses shows by the partner namely wanting, enjoying, feeling reluctant, and unbearable. Thirdly, E.L James exposed sadomasochism in her books to illustrate changes in the characters and to show the readers the effects that Christian’s childhood has caused

    Problem Based Learning (PBL) - Problem Solving Skills (PSS): Systematic Literature Review

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    At this time, education in Indonesia has entered the 21st century, which requires students to have 21st century skills, one of which is problem-solving skills (PSS). PSS is needed in life so that students can solve their problems appropriately, effectively, and efficiently. One way to increase students' PSS is to use varied and innovative learning models, such as problem-based learning (PBL). This research is an SLR study that aims to find out whether PBL can affect the increase in student PSS. The methodology in this study included identifying objectives by creating research questions, drafting implementation for the writing team, screening inclusion, searching for literature/ references, taking the essence of selected articles, screening exclusions, conducting synthesis, and writing studies. This study used one database, namely SCOPUS, with a total of 167 articles in the time period from 2013 – 2022. Then, these 167 articles were filtered by inclusion and exclusion so that 69 articles were obtained that were worthy of review. The results of the review of 69 articles can be presented as follows: (1) Indonesia is the country that has conducted the most research on the effect of PBL on PSS; (2) The fields of study involved in this research are very varied, but mathematics and health dominate the most; (3) The research objects involved also vary with the level of student education that dominates; (4) The general result of this study is that PBL can increase students' PSS, although there are several studies that contradict these results; (5) The learning model used is PBL, which has been combined with other learning models that are more innovative and creative. The conclusion of this study is that PBL can increase students' PSS


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    Software Testing plays an important role in making high quality products and the right time. The process of testing done manually is often inaccurate, unreliable, and needed more than automatic testing. This research proposes a new framework for automation testing. This framework will help developers to create applications with better quality and shorten testing time. This framework offers a solution for developers so that the testing process is carried out easily and quickly. Our proposed concept consists of an automated test script based on Serenity Framework and can be done as a background process using Jenkins. Input of the system is a testing scenario, then mapped into Java Programming Language. Output of this system are test reports that represent the scenario that has been carried out. the results of implementation system prove that developers are helped by this framework in the software testing process. So that in this study it can be concluded that the automated testing framework that has been developed can improve the quality of application products through effective and efficient work methods

    Majalah anak-anak Kokikata tahun V edisi 02 2015

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    Majalah ini adalah majalah anak-anak yang diterbitkan oleh Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Majalah ini berisi berbagai karya anak Indonesi

    Kokikata Edisi 2 Tahun 2014

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    Majalah ini berisi kisah-kisah disekitar lingkungan, ada pula liputan tentang Museum Mainan Anak Kolong Tangga. Kokikata juga memuat tulisan tentang sekilas sejarah pensil, pulpen, dan penghapus

    Majalah anak-anak Kokikata tahum IV edisi 03 2014

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    Majalah ini adalah majalah anak-anak yang diterbitkan oleh Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Majalah ini berisi berbagai karya anak Indonesi

    Majalah anak-anak Kokikata tahun IV edisi 01 2014

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    Majalah ini merupakan majalah anak-anak yang diterbitkan oleh Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Majalah ini berisi berbagai karya anak Indonesia

    Majalah anak-anak Kokikata tahun IV edisi 02 2014

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    Majalah ini merupakan majalah anak-anak yang diterbitkan oleh Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Majalah ini berisi berbagai karya anak Indonesi