145 research outputs found

    Development of Early Warning System Situ Gintung at Flood Period

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    Situ Gintung disaster that occurred on March 27, 2009 had caused a lot of losses. Thus, flood control as one of the mitigation to be important in order to manage flooding in the catchment upstream at Situ Gintung. Disaster-prone areas is Cirendeu Village, and Ciputat Timur. Lack of hydrological information which often leads to uncertainty inflow in Situ Gintung catchment area, so the integration system between real-time hydrological information to be runoff model needs to be developed.Simulation development starts with giving input in real-time rainfall data generated from Automatic Rainfall Recorced at Situ Gintung (x: -6.30023, y: 106.76424). Data was sent by hydrological\u27s station attendant to server room using Short Message Service (SMS). Furthermore, data that was received will be simulated by system directly to get flood forecasting calculation based on the catchment area of Gintung.The results of these simulations provide time information (t) and peak discharge (Q) inflow flood hydrograph directly and earlier. Integration between Automatic Rainfall Recorced at Situ Gintung and Rainfall-Runoff model using HEC-HMS can provide flood hydrograph early. So that the peak water discharge and water level information can be informed earlier and as a tools for the local government for the next flood events prior to take decision earlier

    Student Mental Effort on Integrated Science Curriculum Content Analysis and Pedagogy

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    This study aims to determine the profile and outlook of prospective elementary school teachers on mental effort on Integrated Science curriculum materials integrated content and pedagogy as well as to know the pattern of integrated IPA curriculum analysis integrated content and pedagogy. The subjects of the research are prospective teachers of elementary school one of the universities in the city of Bogor semester 5 class of 2016/2017 as many as 31 students. The data needed to answer the problem of qualitative data. The data were collected with several techniques such as observation and questionnaires. The main questions asked in this study are the questions asked to prospective elementary school teachers. Principal questions asked to prospective teachers of elementary school, the question to reveal the mental business of prospective elementary school teachers in the curriculum analysis courses. Based on the results of research, applied lecture strategy resulted in low mental effort. In the curriculum analysis lectures found increased mental effort caused by material complexity.Keywords: mental effort, integrated science, integrated content and pedagogy lectures, curriculum analysi

    Upacara Kematian sebagai Sarana Pemberitaan Kabar Sukacita

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    Normally, death means a cessation of life in all its forms. In terms of humans, that means the cessation of one's life. When the time comes, the spirit separated from the human body. All human pride has vanished. However, to deliver the dead to the last house, many people will gather there. This is an opportunity to be able to preach the good news to the living, that there is life after death. It is not finished here. The preacher needs to prepare to explain it about the good news. So that, this opportunity can bring people to salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ

    Pelayanan Pastoral dengan Aspek-Aspeknya di Gereja Bethel Indonesia Jemaat Sungai Yordan Surabaya

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    Pastoral service is a spiritual service and should not be ignored in the pastoral ministry. At GBI the Jordan River Surabaya has provided several models of material services: Money / goods to help congregations in need; Spiritually: introducing people to Jesus Christ and to life in the Holy Spirit or led by the Spirit, new born life becomes a new creation (not only identity / without repentance; Healing: making others healthy, both physical, mental and emotional as well as; Prophetic: changing the way of human life in the structure of society. Improve people's way of life (especially in rural areas)

    Retracted: the Implementation of Jobsheet-based Student Teams Achievement Division Learning Model to Improve Students Learning Outcomes

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    RETRACTEDFollowing a rigorous, carefully concerns and considered review of the article published in Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan entitled “The Implementation of Jobsheet-Based Student Teams Achievement Division Learning Model to Improve Students Learning Outcomes”, Vol 23, No 2, pp. 152-162, October 2016 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21831/jptk.v23i2.13183This paper has been found to be in violation of the Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan Publication principles and has been retracted.The article contained redundant material, the editor investigated and found that the paper published in Kumpulan Artikel Mahasiswa Pendidikan Teknik Informatika (KARMAPATI) ISSN: 2252-9063, Vol. 4, No. 4, 2015.The document and its content has been removed from Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan, and reasonable effort should be made to remove all references to this article

    Pengaruh Arah Guludan Terhadap Intercroping Tanaman Apel (Malus Sylvestris L.) Pada Pertumbuhan Berbagai Tanaman Hortikultura

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    Budidaya sayuran dataran tinggi umumnya dilakukan secara intensif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui arah guludan yang mampu mengurangi limpasan permukaan, erosi dan kehilangan unsur hara pada lahan miring, dan mengetahui pertumbuhan tanaman sawi hijau, wortel, bawang prei pada arah guludan yang berbeda. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Desember 2013 sampai Februari 2014 di Tulungrejo, Bumiaji, Batu, Malang, Jawa Timur. Metode yang digunakan ialah metode Rancangan Tersarang (Nested). Dalam penelitian ini dibuat 8 buah plot yang berjajar pada kemiringan tanah yang sama, yaitu 6 buah plot erosi berisi tanaman 2 buah plot tanpa tanaman dengan tiga kali ulangan. LS : Bedengan searah Lereng, dengan tanaman apel dan sawi hijau, LW : Bedengan searah Lereng, dengan tanaman apel dan wortel, LB : Bedengan searah Lereng, dengan tanaman apel dan bawang prei, KS : Bedengan searah Kontur, dengan tanaman apel dan sawi hijau, KW : Bedengan searah Kontur, dengan tanaman apel dan wortel, KB : Bedengan searah Kontur, dengan tanaman apel dan bawang prei, LT: Lereng tanpa tanaman, TA : Teras bangku, dengan tanaman apel 15 tahun. Hasil penelitian komponen pertumbahan menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan tanaman sawi, wortel dan bawang prei di lahan miring baik searah lereng dan searah kontur tidak memberikan hasil yang berbeda nyata. Dengan demikian untuk sitem tanam yang berkelanjutan di lahan miring sebaiknya mnggunakan teknik konservasi searah kontur. Dari komponen agronomis limpasan permukaan dan erosi memberikan hasil yang tidak berbeda nyata. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi hasil limpasan permukaan yang tidak berbeda nyata ialah kemiringan lahan dan rata-rata intensitas curah hujan

    Studi Analisis Ekonomi Pada Pengelolaan Air Waduk Sempor

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    Waduk Sempor terletak di Kecamatan Gombong, Kabupaten Kebumen. Saat ini daya tampung waduk semakin menurun, sedangkan kebutuhan air bagi masyarakat untuk berbagai keperluan seperti irigasi, air baku, industri, dan PLTA cenderung semakin meningkat. Untuk itu diperlukan suatu USAha mengevaluasi serta mengidentifikasi masalah yang berkaitan dengan ketersediaan dan pemanfaatan air waduk. Studi ini dimaksudkan untuk mendapatkan nilai jual pemanfaatan air waduk, sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai sumber pembiayaan operasional dan pemeliharaan. Perhitungan pendapatan optimum Waduk Sempor dalam pengelolaan air dilakukan dengan cara melakukan analisis optimasi pemanfaatan air menggunakan metode program linier, yang dikombinasikan dengan teknik simulasi operasi pengaturan pelepasan air (release) waduk. Inflow waduk dalam perhitungannya menggunakan debit rerata tengah bulanan yang tercatat pada AWLR Sempor dan outflow diperhitungkan sebagai target release yang terdiri dari kebutuhan air untuk irigasi, air baku dan PLTA. Harga air yang ditetapkan untuk pemanfaatan air PLTA diperhitungkan sama dengan air irigasi. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa harga air adalah sebesar Rp 81,96 dan Rp 96,57 per meter kubik untuk tahun 2016-2025, pada bunga 15%. Penerapan harga tersebut diyakini akan membangun kemandirian waduk dalam membiayai operasi dan pemeliharaan. Perubahan harga air diusulkan untuk setiap lima tahun sekali, hal ini dilakukan untuk mempermudah dalam proses sosialisasiny

    Analisis Peramalan Kebutuhan Persediaan untuk Keunggulan Bersaing pada Perusahaan Orca

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    Orca is a company that run in the field of handicrafts, mainly craft bracelet. In this era of tight competition this time, Orca needs a competitive advantage to survive in this industry. To have a competitive advantage, companies must have a good supply chain management as well. Unfortunately, Orca has obstacles in the inventory is one of the Drivers of suplly chain management. Inventories at Orca often occurs over load, causing storage costs become swollen or a vacancy occurs so that the company's stock experienced a loss of income potential. The aim of this study was to determine the best forecasting method to forecast the demand for raw materials from ORCA thus making optimum inventory and gain a competitive advantage. This research is a quantitative descriptive research. Quantitative data analysis was performed to predict the demand for raw materials ORCA using time series forecasting methods. Historical data demand and supply ORCA processed using Microsoft Excel and Minitab 17. The calculation of the error rate used is the method of MAD, MSE and MAPE. Based on the results of data analysis, forecasting method best known is the method of Quadratic Trend Model. This method was chosen because compared to other methods or the error rate to its lowest error, MAPE of 103, amounting to MAD 370, and MSD amounted to 205.095. Keywords: Forecasting, Inventory, Time Series, Competitive Advantage, Supply Chain Management
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