236 research outputs found

    Tying Territory, Society and Transformation together: A Manifesto with an Integral Approach.

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    The EU-funded MATILDE Project was launched after the peak of the so-called refugee crisis of 2015. Besides its humanitarian focus, it examines territorial inequality and spatial justice in light of examples of mountainous areas as a kind of laboratory of peripheral living conditions. In European mountain and peripheral areas, the hosting of refugees has not until now been of major public concern. It can be assumed that peripheral areas are not the places that refugees most want to live in, nor is it an easy task for the original local population to host overnight larger number of immigrants. Therefore, the hosting of refugees in mountain areas can be considered a social innovation. In addition, the coincidence of various global crises (climate, pandemic, global value chains) superposed and strongly influenced the project, especially when considering their interdependency and mutual self-reinforcement. In this way, the MATILDE Project links three key themes together: mobility, territorial development and social innovation

    Metode Pengumpulan Ide (Clustering) dalam Pembelajaran Keterampilan Menulis Karangan Narasi Bahasa Perancis

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    Penelitian ini menjelaskan metode Pengelompokan Ide (Clustering) yang efektif dalam pembelajaran keterampilan menulis (Production Écrite). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan menulis karangan narasi bahasa Perancis dengan menggunakan metode pengelompokan ide (clustering) dan pendapat serta pengetahuan mahasiswa dalam menulis karangan narasi bahasa Perancis dengan menggunakan metode pengelompokan ide (clustering). Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah eksperimen, dengan desain penelitian one group pretest–posttest. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adalah tes, angket dan lembar observasi. Populasi penelitian ini adalah karakteristik kemampuan berbahasa khususnya kemampuan menulis karangan narasi bahasa Perancis seluruh mahasiswa semester III Departemen Pendidikan Bahasa Perancis FPBS UPI, sedangkan sampel penelitian yang diambil adalah sampel acak yaitu karakteristik kemampuan menulis karangan narasi bahasa Perancis setengah dari seluruh mahasiswa semester III kelas B. Dalam penelitian ini, metode Pengelompokan Ide (Clustering) sebagai salah satu metode pembelajaran untuk keterampilan menulis karangan narasi yang diujicobakan pada mahasiswa tersebut menunjukan hasil positif, hal ini terlihat dari nilai rata-rata pretest 72.1 atau 72.1% dan hasil nilai rata-rata posttest 80.7 atau 80.7%. Adapun perhitungan hasil analisis data, untuk keterampilan menulis karangan narasi bahasa Perancis nilai t hitung 4.6 dengan taraf signifikansi adalah 5% dan derajat kebebasan (d.b) sebesar 19, maka nilai t tabel adalah 2.09. Dengan demikian t hitung > t tabel yaitu 4.6 > 2.09, maka hipotesis kerja (Ha) diterima dengan kata lain metode pengelompokan ide (clustering) efektif dan dapat diterapkan dalam meningkatkan keterampilan menulis karangan narasi bahasa Perancis mahasiswa semester III Departemen Pendidikan Bahasa Perancis FPBS UPI. Metode Pengelompokan Ide (Clustering) ini memiliki kelebihan yaitu dapat memperkaya imajinasi mahasiswa untuk menulis karangan narasi bahasa Perancis, dapat mengembangkan gagasan yang telah dikemukakan, serta dapat digunakan untuk berbagai jenis tulisan. Adapun kekurangan dari metode Pengelompokan Ide (Clustering) ini yaitu sulit dilakukan dalam waktu yang singkat, karena mahasiswa membutuhkan waktu yang banyak untuk dapat menuliskan ide-ide yang ada dalam pikiran. Peneliti memberikan rekomendasi kepada pengajar bahasa khususnya keterampilan menulis bahasa Perancis (Peroduction écrite) agar menggunakan metode yang menarik dan menyenangkan. Peneliti juga menyarankan kepada mahasiswa untuk sering membaca buku berbahasa Perancis untuk memperkaya kosakata dan ide serta sering berlatih menulis sehingga menulis menjadi suatu kebiasaan.----------This research investigates the instructional technology describe for French language learning. The objective of this research is (1) to a narrative in French language using the idea of grouping method (clustering) of student’s in university, (2) to discover Student’s opinions and knowledge in writing a narrative in French language using the idea of grouping method (clustering). The research method used in this research is experimental by using the one group pretest-posttest design, the data collection techniques are tests and questionnaires. The research population was characteristic of language skills, especially the ability to write a narrative in French language. The subject of this research are twenty student’s of third semester in Department French Language of Education FPBS UPI. the results of pretest, treatment, and posttest showed an increased ability significantly, the average of pretest (x) score is 72.1 or 72.1% and the average of posttest score is 80.7 or 80.7%. The test results showed that the average posttest score is significantly higher than the average of pretest score. This concludes that the idea of grouping method (clustering) is effective in improving student ability of writing a narration in French language. The Idea of Grouping Method (Clustering) has the advantage that can enrich a student's imagination to write a narrative in French language, can develop ideas that have been put forward, and can be used for different types of writing. As for the disadvantage of the Idea of Grouping Method (Clustering) is hard to do in a short time, because the student takes a lot to be able to write down any ideas you have in mind. Researchers provide recommendations to teaching languages, especially French language writing skills (Production écrite) to use methods that interesting and fun. Researchers also suggest for students to read a lot the French-language books for enrich the vocabulary and ideas and often practice writing so that writing becomes a habit

    Logiques et contradictions du trafic transalpin dans le contexte politique et social européen

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    Dans les régions alpines, deux intérêts contradictoires coexistent. Une part de la population se plaint du manque d’accessibilité et de mobilité, l’autre part de la population est correctement desservie par les axes routiers internationaux mais en subit des nuisances importantes. Ces régions argumentent qu’une bonne part de ces transports est superflue, voire inutile. Cet article rend compte d’une étude qui s’est intéressée aux points suivants : 1 - Est-ce que des transports superflus ou inutiles pourraient être déplacés sans être remplacés ? 2 - Est-ce que les politiques fondées sur des redistributions modales ou sur le marché, comme la tarification des passages, sont suffisantes pour réduire les transports et leurs impacts ? 3 - Sous quelles conditions le transport peut-il être réduit de la manière la plus complète ? Des réponses sont proposées ici en analysant trois champs pertinents pour comprendre l’augmentation du trafic : la logique politique, la logique économique, et la logique de développement spatial. Ces logiques sont interprétées selon une approche régulationiste. Chacune a son application en terme d’arguments normatifs. Néanmoins, il y a des contradictions entre les différents objectifs sociétaux et/ou politiques et les objectifs économiques, et plus particulièrement entre la recherche de compétitivité et le respect de conditions de vie équitables entre les différentes régions. De telles contradictions peuvent être expliquées par les processus d’unification européenne, par les intérêts divergents entre les acteurs majeurs et par les changements de valeur des trente dernières années, qui peuvent être caractérisés comme un changement de régime. Les trois logiques sont le fruit de rapports sociaux et sont donc sujettes à des changements sur le long terme par les acteurs. Selon les principes du développement durable, à un niveau global, et dans l’intérêt des régions concernées, des solutions plus radicales en terme de régime accumulatif revisité ou de régime régulateur, doivent être considérées et validées sur le long terme.In the Alpine regions, two conflicting interests exist: One part complains about a lack of accessibility. The other part is connected to international roads and is mainly affected by the impacts of transalpine traffic. These regions frequently argue that a great deal of such transports are superfluous or needless. This article is based on a study which discusses the following questions: 1 - Is there any needless transport that could be removed without substitution? 2 - Are strategies of changing modal split or market solutions as road pricing sufficient to reduce transport and its impact? 3 - Under what conditions may transport be reduced in a more comprehensive manner? Answers are given by analysing three fields relevant for traffic growth in their internal coherence: the political logic, the economic logic, and the logic of spatial development. They are interpreted within a regulationist approach. But there are contradictions within different primary societal/political goals as well as between these goals and economic ones, especially the contradiction between competitiveness and equal living conditions in different regions. Such contradictions can be explained by the process of European unification, by the different interests of the most important stakeholders, and by the change of values in the last 30 years that may be characterised as a regime change. The three logics are man-made rapports and therefore subject to change by the stakeholders in the long run. According to the concept of sustainable development on a global level and in the interest of the regions concerned, more radical solutions within the meaning of a revisited regime of accumulation and regulation respectively, should be considered, which may be valid in the long run

    5. Konferencja Naukowa Instytutu Informacji Naukowej i Studiów Bibliologicznych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego „Nauka o informacji (informacja naukowa) w okresie zmian” (Warszawa, 4–5 kwietnia 2011 r.)

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    Artykuł relacjonuje przebieg odbywającej się na początku kwietnia 2011 r. piątej konferencji naukowej Instytutu Informacji Naukowej i Studiów Bibliologicznych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. Celem spotkania była diagnoza zmian zachodzących w nauce o informacji i jej polu badawczym oraz w praktyce działalności informacyjnej, wyodrębnienie najważniejszych współczesnych kierunków rozwoju w obu tych płaszczyznach oraz ocena zakresu ich reprezentacji w edukacji specjalistów informacji. Główne obszary dyskusji objęły m.in. teoretyczne podstawy nauki o informacji, metodologię badań w nauce o informacji, zarządzanie informacją i wiedzą, badania użytkowników i użytkowania informacji, społeczną recepcję technologii informacyjnych i rolę ICT w życiu społecznym, prawne i etyczne aspekty działalności informacyjnej, nowe role bibliotekarzy, kształcenie specjalistów informacji, ilościowe badania piśmiennictwa naukowego (webometria, infometria, bibliometria) oraz kwestie tworzenia bibliotek cyfrowych, repozytoriów i elektronicznego publikowania

    Neue Formen der Freizeitmultilokalität

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    Lange war Freizeit durch Arbeitszeit, Wochenenden, geregelten und bezahlbaren Urlaub charakterisiert. Nun verändern der vermehrte Besitz von Zweitwohnungen und die Verbilligung des Reisens das Freizeitverhalten vom touristischen Hotelaufenthalt zur Multilokalität im eigenen Feriendomizil. Dies hat Auswirkungen auf die gesellschaftliche Stellung der Einwohner und die lokale Wirtschaftsstruktur in den Ferienorten. Auch verschwimmen die Grenzen zwischen Arbeit und Freizeit. Dies verändert auch die Funktion der Freizeitwohnungen, die nunmehr in gleicher Weise wie die Stadtwohnungen genutzt werden. Die digitale Plattform-Wirtschaft greift diese Tendenz auf und verstärkt sie. In der Summe resultiert eine Ausweitung der Siedlungsfläche.For a long time, leisure was characterised by working hours, weekends, regular and affordable holidays. Now the increased ownership of second homes and a reduction in travel costs are changing leisure practices from a tourist hotel stay to multilocality in one's own second home. This has an impact on the social position of the inhabitants and local economic structure in the holiday areas. Secondly, the boundaries between work and leisure are blurring. This also changes the function of leisure housing, which is now used in the same way as city housing. The digital platform economy picks up on this trend and reinforces it. All in all, this results in an expansion of the settlement area

    Regionalökonomische Konzepte zur Erklärung von Multilokalität

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    Multilokalität wird in diesem Beitrag unter dem Aspekt räumlicher und regionaler Entwicklung entlang neuerer regionalökonomischer und soziologischer Konzepte betrachtet, die aufgrund der Erfahrungen des sozioökonomischen Paradigmenwechsels der 1980er-Jahre entstanden sind. Zugrunde liegt die Beobachtung veränderter Regimes der Wertschöpfung und Verteilung auf regionaler, nationaler und globaler Ebene, die sich in verstärktem territorialem und individuellem Wettbewerb ausdrücken. Eine Konsequenz davon ist die massiv angestiegene Mobilität von Individuen, Gütern und Kapital und die daraus folgenden Praktiken der Multilokalität, die ihrerseits Rückwirkungen auf Raumentwicklung und Raumnutzung hat. Verschiedene, als kompatibel erachtete, regionalökonomische Konzepte werden gruppiert und grob auf ihre Erklärungskraft bezüglich relevanter Akteure der Multilokalität geprüft. In der Synthese wird die Argumentationskette an fünf Kernelementen des Paradigmenwechsels ausformuliert.This contribution examines multilocality from the perspective of spatial and regional development using recent regional economic and sociological concepts developed following the experience of the socio-economic paradigm shift of the 1980s. It is based on the observation of changing regimes of value adding and distribution at the regional, national and global levels, expressed in increased territorial and individual competition. One consequence of this is a massive increase in the mobility of individuals, goods and capital and the resulting practices of multilocality, which in turn has repercussions on spatial development and use. Various regional economic concepts that may be considered compatible are grouped together and their explanatory power with regard to relevant multilocal actors is coarsely assessed. This allows the formulation of a chain of arguments based on five core elements of the paradigm shift

    Food Habits of the Hoary Bat in an Agricultural Landscape

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    Information on diets is fundamental to ecological studies. Prey use by the solitary, tree-roosting hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus) in agricultural landscapes is not known. We examined the stomach contents and fecal material from carcasses of hoary bats collected during a mortality study at wind turbine sites in southwestern Minnesota. We compared diet of hoary bats to availability of prey to determine whether bats were opportunistic or selective. Food of the hoary bats primarily consisted of lepidopterans (moths; 49-50 %) and coleopterans (beetles; 28-40 %). The abundance of insects in the diet of hoary bats was not proportional to the estimated availability of prey. Hoary bats selected large, soft-bodied insects (e.g., lepidopterans and neuropterans) and avoided small or hard-bodied insects (e.g., coleopterans, dipterans, and hemipterans). We suggest that hoary bats do not select prey based on availability, but rather, select prey that are large and soft-bodied

    Migration by Necessity and by Force to Mountain Areas: an Opportunity for Social Innovation

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    This article discusses current European migration flows, their impacts on the European Alps, and future options for addressing issues of migration. It explores these issues from the perspective of regional development, taking into account the currently prevailing goals of economic competitiveness and local self-interest. It focuses on the Alps, a region in which rural areas are losing economic, demographic, and decision-making power due to outmigration. An end to outmigration in the Alps is currently unlikely, but there may be other ways to stem the resulting losses. Based on a review of migration literature and 3 case studies, the article explores ways in which programs for hosting and integrating migrants can also benefit long-time residents by contributing in many different ways to the development of mountain areas. From this perspective, efforts to integrate migrants can be seen as a form of social innovation that can contribute to the future of the entire Alpine economic space. Rather than focusing on drivers of migration or its humanitarian or constitutional aspects, the paper explores the potential benefits to all parties of a better integration of migrants into the host regions, and the possibility that this could become a model of social innovation. It suggests an agenda for research on how to reach this potential and agenda points for policy regarding measures to fulfill the potential

    Habitat openness and predator abundance determine predation risk of warningly colored longhorn beetles (Cerambycidae) in temperate forest

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    Organisms have evolved different defense mechanisms, such as crypsis and mimicry, to avoid detection and recognition by predators. A prominent example is Batesian mimicry, where palatable species mimic unpalatable or toxic ones, such as Clytini (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) that mimic wasps. However, scientific evidence for the effectiveness of Batesian mimicry in Cerambycids in natural habitats is scarce. We investigated predation of warningly and nonwarningly colored Cerambycids by birds in a temperate forest using beetle dummies. Dummies mimicking Tetropium castaneum, Leptura aethiops, Clytus arietis, and Leptura quadrifasciata were exposed on standing and laying deadwood and monitored predation events by birds over one season. The 20 surveyed plots differed in their structural complexity and canopy openness due to different postdisturbance logging strategies. A total of 88 predation events on warningly colored beetle dummies and 89 predation events on nonwarningly colored beetle dummies did not reveal the difference in predation risk by birds. However, predation risk increased with canopy openness, bird abundance, and exposure time, which peaked in July. This suggests that environmental factors have a higher importance in determining predation risk of warningly and nonwarningly colored Cerambycidae than the actual coloration of the beetles. Our study showed that canopy openness might be important in determining the predation risk of beetles by birds regardless of beetles' warning coloration. Different forest management strategies that often modify canopy openness may thus alter predator-prey interactions
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