444 research outputs found

    Sugerencias para una visiĂłn moderna del derecho patrimonial canĂłnico

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    Reflexiones sobre el derecho matrimonial canĂłnico

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    Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Lead and Lithium in Liquid Phase

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    Pb17Li is today a reference breeder material in diverse fusion R&D programs worldwide. Extracting dynamic and structural properties of liquid LiPb mixtures via molecular dynamics simulations, represent a crucial step for multiscale modeling efforts in order to understand the suitability of this compound for future Nuclear Fusion technologies. At present a Li-Pb cross potential is not available in the literature. Here we present our first results on the validation of two semi-empirical potentials for Li and Pb in liquid phase. Our results represent the establishment of a solid base as a previous but crucial step to implement a LiPb cross potential. Structural and thermodynamical analyses confirm that the implemented potentials for Li and Pb are realistic to simulate both elements in the liquid phase

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    New simulations to qualify eutectic lithium-lead as breeder material

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    Pb17Li is today a reference breeder material in diverse fusion R&D programs worldwide. One of the main issues is the problem of liquid metals breeder blanket behavior. The knowledge of eutectic properties like optimal composition, physical and thermodynamic behavior or diffusion coefficients of Tritium are extremely necessary for current designs. In particular, the knowledge of the function linking the tritium concentration dissolved in liquid materials with the tritium partial pressure at a liquid/gas interface in equilibrium, CT =f(PT ), is of basic importance because it directly impacts all functional properties of a blanket determining: tritium inventory, tritium permeation rate and tritium extraction efficiency. Nowadays, understanding the structure and behavior of this compound is a real goal in fusion engineering and materials science. Atomistic simulations of liquids can provide much information; not only supplementing experimental data, but providing new tests of theories and ideas, making specific predictions that require experimental tests, and ultimately helping to a deeper understandin

    Efectos de la culpabilidad en la separaciĂłn por sevicias

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    Differences into HT and HTO concentrations in air into the Western Mediterranean Basin and Continental Europe and Safety Related Issues.

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    Real time Tritium concentrations in air in two chemical forms, HT and HTO, coming from an ITER-like fusion reactor as source were coupled the European Centre Medium Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) numerical model with the Lagrangian Atmospheric-particle dispersion model FLEXPART. This tool was analyzed in nominal tritium discharge operational reference and selected incidental conditions affecting the Western Mediterranean Basin during 45 days during summer 2010 together with surface “wind observations” or weather data based in real hourly observations of wind direction and velocity providing a real approximation of the tritium behavior after the release to the atmosphere from a fusion reactor. From comparison with NORMTRI - a code using climatologically sequences as input - over the same area, the real time results have demonstrated an apparent overestimation of the corresponding climatologically sequence of Tritium concentrations in air outputs, at several distances from the reactor. For this purpose two development patterns were established. The first one was following a cyclonic circulation over the Mediterranean Sea and the second one was based on the plume delivered over the Interior of the Iberian Peninsula and Continental Europe by another stabilized circulation corresponding to a High Pressure System. One of the important remaining activities defined then, was the qualification tool. In order to validate the model of ECMWF/FLEXPART we have developed of a new complete data base of tritium concentrations for the months from November 2010 to March 2011 and defined a new set of four patterns of HT transport in air, in each case using real boundary conditions: stationary to the North, stationary to the South, fast and very fast displacement. Finally the differences corresponding to those four early patterns (each one in assessments 1 and 2) has been analyzed in terms of the tuning of safety related issues and taking into account the primary phase o- - f tritium modeling, from its discharge to the atmosphere to the deposition on the ground, will affect to the complete tritium environmental pathway altering the chronic dose by absorption, reemission and ingestion both from elemental tritium, HT and from the oxide of tritium, HT

    Sostenibilidad energética a largo plazo. El papel de la fusión nuclear

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    En este artículo se realiza una disertación sobre la sostenibilidad energética y la contribución de las diferentes energías a ella, analizando con especial énfasis el papel que desempeña la fusión nuclear en el desarrollo sostenibl
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