355 research outputs found

    Embedded centrosymmetric multilayer stacks as complete-transmission quarter-wave and half-wave retarders under conditions of frustrated total internal reflection

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    A centrosymmetric multilayer stack of two transparent materials, which is embedded in a high-index prism, can function as a complete-transmission quarter-wave or half-wave retarder (QWR or HWR) under conditions of frustrated total internal reflection. The multilayer consists of a high-index center layer sandwiched between two identical low-index films with high-index–low-index bilayers repeated on both sides of the central trilayer, maintaining the symmetry of the entire stack and constituting a QWR ( Δt=90° or 270°) or HWR (Δt=180°) in transmission. A QWR design at wavelengthλ=1.55 Όm is presented that employs an 11-layer stack of Si and SiO2 thin films, which is embedded in a GaP cube prism. The intensity transmittances for the p and s polarizations remain \u3e99% and Δt deviates from 90° by \u3c±3°over a 100 nm spectral bandwidth (1.5⩜λ⩜1.6 Όm) , and by ⩜±7° over an internal field view of ±1°(incidence angle 44°⩜ϕ0â©œ46° inside the prism). An HWR design at λ=1.55 Όm employs seven layers of Si andSiO2 thin films embedded in a Si cube, has an average transmittance \u3e93% , and Δt that differs from 180° by\u3c±0.3° over a 100 nm bandwidth (1.5⩜λ⩜1.6 Όm) and by \u3c±17° over an internal field view of ±1° . The sensitivity of these devices to film-thickness errors is also considered

    Examining Mechanisms for Voltage-Sensitive Calcium Channel-Mediated Secretion Events in Bone Cells

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    In addition to their well-described functions in cell excitability, voltage-sensitive calcium channels (VSCCs) serve a critical role in calcium (Ca2+)-mediated secretion of pleiotropic paracrine and endocrine factors, including those produced in bone. Influx of Ca2+ through VSCCs activates intracellular signaling pathways to modulate a variety of cellular processes that include cell proliferation, differentiation, and bone adaptation in response to mechanical stimuli. Less well understood is the role of VSCCs in the control of bone and calcium homeostasis mediated through secreted factors. In this review, we discuss the various functions of VSCCs in skeletal cells as regulators of Ca2+ dynamics and detail how these channels might control the release of bioactive factors from bone cells. Because VSCCs are druggable, a better understanding of the multiple functions of these channels in the skeleton offers the opportunity for developing new therapies to enhance and maintain bone and to improve systemic health

    Effects of Gabapentin and Pregabalin on Calcium Homeostasis: Implications for Physical Rehabilitation of Musculoskeletal Tissues

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    Purpose of review: In this review, we discuss the mechanism of action of gabapentinoids and the potential consequences of long-term treatment with these drugs on the musculoskeletal system. Recent findings: Gabapentinoids, such as gabapentin (GBP) and pregabalin (PGB) were designed as antiepileptic reagents and are now commonly used as first-line treatment for neuropathic pain and increasingly prescribed off-label for other pain disorders such as migraines and back pain. GBP and PGB exert their analgesic actions by selectively binding the α2Ύ1 auxiliary subunit of voltage-sensitive calcium channels, thereby inhibiting channel function. Numerous tissues express the α2Ύ1 subunit where GBP and PGB can alter calcium-mediated signaling events. In tissues such as bone, muscle, and cartilage, α2Ύ1 has important roles in skeletal formation, mechanosensation, and normal tissue function/repair that may be affected by chronic use of gabapentinoids. Long-term use of gabapentinoids is associated with detrimental musculoskeletal outcomes, including increased fracture risk. Therefore, understanding potential complications is essential for clinicians to guide appropriate treatments

    Type 2-Diabetes is Associated With Elevated Levels of TNF-alpha, IL-6 and Adiponectin and Low Levels of Leptin in a Population of Mexican American: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    The goal of the study was to determine the association between diabetes and inflammation in clinically diagnosed diabetes patients. We hypothesized that low-grade inflammation in diabetes is associated with the level of glucose control. Using a cross-sectional design we compared pro and anti-inflammatory cytokines in a community recruited cohort of 367 Mexican Americans with type 2-diabetes having a wide range blood glucose levels. Cytokines (IL-6, TNF-α, IL-1ÎČ, IL-8) and adipokines (adiponectin, resistin and leptin) were measured using multiplex ELISA. Our data indicated that diabetes as whole was strongly associated with elevated levels of IL-6, leptin, CRP and TNF-α, whereas worsening of glucose control was positively and linearly associated with high levels of IL-6, leptin. The associations remained statistically significant even after controlling for BMI and age (p = 0.01). The association between TNF-α, however, was attenuated when comparisons were performed based on glucose control. Strong interaction effects between age and BMI and diabetes were observed for IL-8, resistin, and CRP. The cytokine/adipokine profiles of Mexican Americans with diabetes suggest an association between low-grade inflammation and quality of glucose control. Unique to in our population is that the chronic inflammation is accompanied by lower levels of leptin

    Oltre l’era Covid-19: dall’emergenza alle prospettive di sviluppo professionale

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    The University was rapidly pushed into the era of distance teaching and learning (Dad) to cope with the imperative to ensure training for young people even in the lockdown period due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This necessity forced academics to a fast reconversion of traditional teaching into online learning environments for many still unknown and unusual. This has led to significant changes in the approaches and practices in use, favoring choices and solutions often not considered before. This research investigates the experience of distance teaching and learning (Dad), defining the concept, to investigate changes occurred in teaching practice, paying specific attention to the teaching mediation and to assessment, two areas considered foundational and emblematic in teaching-learning processes. 721 academics responded to an online questionnaire designed for this research; from the answers relevant changes in teaching and assessment methods emerged. Together with an increase of interest in the use of online practices, critical elements also emerged, such as the permanence of traditional models and innovation. Overall, the results seem to outline, although to different extents, the need to consider as central the professionalism of academics as a key factor to successfully reconvert the experience of Dad beyond the contingent moment.L’UniversitĂ  Ăš entrata prepotentemente nell’era della didattica a distanza (DaD) per far fronte all’imperativo di garantire la formazione ai giovani anche nel periodo di lockdown imposto a seguito della pandemia del Covid-19. L’esperienza ha costretto la docenza ad una veloce riconversione della didattica tradizionale all’interno di modelli di azione on line per molti di loro sconosciuti e inusuali. CiĂČ ha determinato modificazioni significative negli approcci e nelle pratiche in uso, favorendo scelte e soluzioni spesso non considerate in precedenza. La ricerca indaga nello specifico l’esperienza della DaD, definendone il costrutto, per far emergere le modificazioni intervenute nella pratica didattica, ponendo un’attenzione particolare alla mediazione didattica e alla valutazione, due aree considerate fondative ed emblematiche nell’azione di insegnamento-apprendimento. Attraverso la somministrazione di un questionario on line a cui hanno risposto 721 docenti, si evidenziano le metamorfosi intervenute nell’azione di mediazione e di valutazione. Insieme ad un aumento di interesse verso l’utilizzo di pratiche on line compaiono elementi di criticitĂ , connessi soprattutto al permanere di modelli tradizionali, e di innovazione, indotti dall’esigenza di offrire agli studenti un livello adeguato di qualitĂ  didattica per l’apprendimento. Nell’insieme gli esiti emersi sembrano profilare, sia pure con diverso grado di intensitĂ , l’esigenza di considerare come centrale la professionalitĂ  del docente indicata quale fattore chiave per riconvertire positivamente l’esperienza della DaD oltre il portato contingente

    The culture of patriarchy and its effects on the human rights of girl-children in Cagayan de Oro and Claveria, Misamis Oriental: Implications to policy formulation

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    The Philippines, as a signatory of various international declarations, is one with other countries in instituting programs and policies to protect women and children. Despite this, the effectiveness of these measures cannot be established as patriarchy remains evident in Philippine culture. To study the effects of this culture on the human rights of girl-children in Cagayan de Oro and Claveria, Misamis Oriental, Philippines, this paper examined the factors that affect the kind of life that they live. Data were collected from a comprehensive review of existing literature, in-depth interviews, and case studies of the life stories of the respondents. The study found that poverty has a huge impact on perpetuating a patriarchal mentality. The school, media, church, and family were also identified as key players in transforming the society into having a culture that is safer and more protective of the rights of girl-children. Aside from their partnership and coordination, the review and proper implementation of existing laws and policies are measures geared toward diminishing, and eventually eradicating, the culture of patriarchy in Philippine society

    Similarities between the lipid proile of Mexican patients with lupus and the general population

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    Premature cardiovascular events have been observed in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients, but the reason for this accelerated process is still debatable; although traditional risk factors are more prevalent in such patients than in the general population, the do not seem to fully explain that enhanced risk. One of the most important conditions is a proatherogenic lipid proile. There is not enough data about it in Mexican SLE patients. Objective: To establish the differences in the lipid proiles between Mexican patients with SLE and the general population. Material and methods: Observational, transversal, descriptive and comparative study, between SLE patients and age-sex-matched healthy volunteers. We performed a full lipid proile (by spectrophotometry) 14 hours of fast. The results obtained were analyzed by the statistical program SPSSÂź Statistics version 17. Results: We studied the full lipid proiles of 138 subjects, 69 with a diagnosis of SLE and 69 agesex- matched healthy volunteers; 95.7% were females and 4.3% males. Average age was 30 years; average body mass index (BMI) 25.96 ± 5.96 kg/mÂČ in SLE patients and 26.72 ± 4.36 kg/mÂČ in the control group (p = 0.396). Average of total cholesterol 156 mg/dl in the SLE patients and 169.4 mg/dl in the control group (p =0.028); average of low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol 85.27 mg/dl in the SLE patients and 97.57 mg/dl in the control group (p = 0.023). Conclusions: We did not ind statistical differences in the lipid proiles among patients and healthy volunteers, which could explain increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality observed in SLE patient

    Collaborating with front-line healthcare professionals: the clinical and cost effectiveness of a theory based approach to the implementation of a national guideline

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    Background Clinical guidelines are an integral part of healthcare. Whilst much progress has been made in ensuring that guidelines are well developed and disseminated, the gap between routine clinical practice and current guidelines often remains wide. A key reason for this gap is that implementation of guidelines typically requires a change in the behaviour of healthcare professionals – but the behaviour change component is often overlooked. We adopted the Theoretical Domains Framework Implementation (TDFI) approach for supporting behaviour change required for the uptake of a national patient safety guideline to reduce the risk of feeding through misplaced nasogastric tubes. Methods The TDFI approach was used in a pre-post study in three NHS hospitals with a fourth acting as a control (with usual care and no TDFI). The target behavior identified for change was to increase the use of pH testing as the first line method for checking the position of a nasogastric tube. Repeat audits were undertaken in each hospital following intervention implementation. We used Zou’s modified Poisson regression approach with robust standard errors to estimate risk ratios for the use of pH testing. The projected return on investment (ROI) was also calculated. Results Following intervention implementation, the use of pH first line increased significantly across intervention hospitals [risk ratio (95% CI) ranged from 3.1 (1.14 to8.43) p < .05, to 8.14 (3.06 to21.67) p < .001] compared to the control hospital, which remained unchanged [risk ratio (CI) = .77 (.47-1.26) p = .296]. The estimated savings and costs in the first year were £2.56 million and £1.41 respectively, giving an ROI of 82%, and this was projected to increase to 270% over five years. Conclusion The TDFI approach improved the uptake of a patient safety guideline across three hospitals. The TDFI approach is clinically and cost effective in comparison to the usual practice
