222 research outputs found

    Legal regulation of marriage dissolution in Lithuania

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    Under Article 3.49 of Lithuanian civil code there are two cases of dissolution of marriage. Divorce or dissolution of marriage is the final termination of a marriage, cancelling the legal duties and responsibilities of marriage and dissolving the bonds of matrimony between two persons. The regulation of marriage and divorce had been set in separated Acts for a long time. Since 15th of March 2014 these questions are regulated in the new Hungarian Civil Code. Recognition of a foreign divorce depends on the law of the state in which such recognition is sought.En virtud del artículo 3.49 del código civil lituano hay dos casos de disolución del matrimonio. El divorcio o la disolución del matrimonio es la terminación definitiva del mismo, anulando los deberes y responsabilidades legales del matrimonio y disolviendo los vínculos matrimoniales entre dos personas. La regulación del matrimonio y el divorcio se ha establecido en leyes separadas durante mucho tiempo. Desde el 15 de marzo de 2014 estas cuestiones están reguladas en el nuevo Código Civil húngaro. El reconocimiento de un divorcio extranjero depende de la ley del estado en el que se solicita dicho reconocimiento

    Legal regulation of marriage dissolution in Lithuania

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    Under Article 3.49 of Lithuanian civil code there are two cases of dissolution of marriage. Divorce or dissolution of marriage is the final termination of a marriage, cancelling the legal duties and responsibilities of marriage and dissolving the bonds of matrimony between two persons. The regulation of marriage and divorce had been set in separated Acts for a long time. Since 15th of March 2014 these questions are regulated in the new Hungarian Civil Code. Recognition of a foreign divorce depends on the law of the state in which such recognition is sought.En virtud del artículo 3.49 del código civil lituano hay dos casos de disolución del matrimonio. El divorcio o la disolución del matrimonio es la terminación definitiva del mismo, anulando los deberes y responsabilidades legales del matrimonio y disolviendo los vínculos matrimoniales entre dos personas. La regulación del matrimonio y el divorcio se ha establecido en leyes separadas durante mucho tiempo. Desde el 15 de marzo de 2014 estas cuestiones están reguladas en el nuevo Código Civil húngaro. El reconocimiento de un divorcio extranjero depende de la ley del estado en el que se solicita dicho reconocimiento

    Peculiarities of individual enterprises activity reglamentation in Lithuania

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    El artículo analiza el problema teórico y práctico de las peculiaridades de la reglamentación lituana de la actividad económica de las empresas en vigor desde el 1 de enero de 2004 que trata de ordenar tal actividad hasta ahora regulada por diversas normas que causaban muchos inconvenientes. El artículo analiza la empresa individual como entidad legal con sus ventajas e inconvenientes y tanto antes como después de la entrada en vigaor en 2004 de la nueva reglamentación.The paper analyses the problem, which is relevant, both theoretically and practically, since it tries to disclose legal and economical peculiarities of individual enterprises activity reglamentation. Until now, operation of individual enterprises established in Lithuania was regulated by various separate laws which caused much inconvenience. As a result, the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Individual Enterprises entered into force on 1 January 2004. This article aims to present outstanding peculiarities of the individual enterprise as a legal entity which could be considered as certain advantages and disadvantages. The article considers the individual enterprise before and after the entry into force of the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Individual Enterprises.peerReviewe


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    Most of the regulations governing organic farming are mandatory, i.e., they must be observed. When farming activities are carried out in the scope of the term "ecology", very stringent requirements should be met. Any infringement in the field of organic farming is under severe punishment, and sanctions shall be applied. The article analyses the concept of organic production, organic farming principles, presents the organic farming control system, analyses the legislation set out regarding sanctions for violations committed in the field of organic farming, and introduces entities that have the right to establish and apply those sanctions

    Aspectos legales de la propiedad de los esposos en la República de Lituania

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    En el momento del inicio del matrimonio, las relaciones de propiedad se utilizan para adquirir un valor significativo en la mayor parte de las sociedades tradicionales: en algunos países, los padres de la novia adjudicarán sus hijas la dote, el tamaño de la misma será acorde para determinar la elección del novio. En otros países, especialmente en el Oriente, un novio pagaría un rescate por su novia. En algunos países, estas costumbres se conservan hasta nuestros días y constituye una parte tradicional de un acuerdo matrimonial. Por ejemplo, en las diferentes culturas los padres de la novia deben ceder una parte de sus bienes a los recién casados (conocidos como dote). La dote que da la práctica es similar en países como Grecia, Egipto, India y China. Este tipo de propiedad existe en otros países de distinta religión y costumbres. Por ejemplo, la ley hindú otorga la propiedad de la esposa como "Stridhanam". El trabajo analiza el problema, que es relevante, tanto teórica como prácticamente, ya que trata de divulgar la definición y la importancia de la reglamentación de las relaciones de propiedad entre cónyuges mediante el análisis de las leyes, varias obras literarias de carácter científico y legales relacionados con este tema, así como la práctica judicial.At the time of the beginning of marriage, property relations use to acquire a significant value in most traditional societies: in some countries, parents of the bride award their daughters with the constitution of a dowry. Its size will be in line to determine the choice of boyfriend. In other countries, especially in the East, the boyfriend pay a ransom for his girlfriend. These customs are preserved still nowadays and constitutes a traditional part of a marriage settlement. For example, in different cultures parents of the bride must give up part of their property to the newly married (known as dowry). Dowry is similar in countries like Greece Egypt, India and China. This kind of property exists in other countries with different religions and customs. For example, the Hindu law gives the ownership over wife as Stridhanam. This work studies the important problem (theoretical and practically), as it tries to disclose the definition and importance of the regulation of the property relations between spouses by an analysis of the laws, several literary, legal and scientific works related to this topic and the judicial practice.peerReviewe

    Charting a perfect storm of water quality pressures

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    peer-reviewedThe agri-food economy can be a significant driver of water quality pressures but the role of hydro-meteorological patterns in a changing climate also requires consideration. For this purpose, an assessment was made of a ten-year synchronous high temporal resolution water quality and hydro-meteorological dataset in Irish agricultural catchments. Changes occurring to rainfall intensity and soil temperature patterns were found to be important drivers of nutrient mobility in soils. There were links between the intensity of the North Atlantic Oscillation over the decade and large shifts in baseline nutrient concentrations in catchments. The data also revealed extreme weather impacts to pollution patterns including short periods of rain induced nutrient flux, that exceeded average annual mass loads in these catchments, and drought influences on point source pollution. These influences need consideration, and may require different mitigation strategies, as links between water quality land use pressure and water quality state in regulatory reviews. In a decade of both increased land use source and hydro-meteorological transport pressures, water quality natural capital in Ireland has faced a perfect storm. Such conditions are difficult to model and only revealed in high temporal resolution datasets.Government of Ireland Department of Agriculture Food and the Marin

    The Need to Establish a Social and Economic Database of Private Forest Owners: The Case of Lithuania

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    In Lithuania, as in other analyzed countries, greatest attention is concentrated on the protection and monitoring of state forests, while the situation in the private forest sector is quite unclear and uncertain. In most European countries, as well as in Lithuania, there are a lack of socio-economic data, and there are no planned forest monitoring methods and permanent programs. We claim that the problem of achieving sustainability in the forest sector, in the case of the estates of the private forest owners, could be partially solved by implementing the monitoring of social and economic indicators. This study proposes the need for the establishment of a social and economic database of private forest owners in Lithuania. In this article, we have carried out a detailed analysis of scientific sources and selected socio-economic indicators to help the adoption of optimal management solutions for sustainability in the private forest sector. To explore the need to establish a social and economic database of private forest owners in Lithuania, we conducted an empirical study by applying the method of semi-structured interview to a group of experts/specialists in the forestry field. Summarizing the results of the research, it can be concluded that the need for socio-economic information about the owners of private forests in Lithuania is obvious, as it would clarify the most pressing problems that forest owners face when farming in their forest estates. This information would also allow the improvement of policy formulation and implementation, the adoption of legal regulations, and the organization of the necessary changes in private forestry. Therefore, it is necessary to establish criteria and indicators that could ensure more sustainable forest management

    Šiuolaikinės valstybės ir bažnyčios požiūris į santuoką

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    Santuokinės teisės ir pareigos religijos požiūriu yra privalomos ne tik viešojo gyvenimo santykiuose, bet ir sąžinės požiūriu. Šiuolaikinės civilizacijos demokratinės visuomenės pripažįsta savo piliečių teisę gerbti savo įsipareigojimus tiek pagal valstybinę, tiek konfesinę teisę. Tačiau šios abi sistemos yra labai skirtingos. Kai kurios šalys pripažįsta bažnytinę santuoką, kitose teisines pasekmes sukelia tik santuokos sudarytos pagal valstybės keliamus reikalavimus. Moderni bažnyčia aiškiai pasisako už santuoką ir šeimą, tačiau nepripažįsta civilinės santuokos. Moderni valstybė pripažįsta civilinės santuokos registraciją, tačiau valstybė pripažįsta tik tas santuokas, kurios yra sudarytos pagal civilinės teisės keliamus reikalavimus. Tiek religinės bendruomenės, tiek ir valstybė turi stiprius interesus reglamentuojant santuokas. Šie interesai kyla iš esminių institucinių bei praktinių ir koncepcinių bažnyčios ir valstybės reikmių. Konfliktai tarp valstybės bažnyčios, reguliuojant santuokos instituciją iš vienos pusės kyla santuokos sudarymo ir pripažinimo klausymais, konfliktus iš kitos pusės sukelia ir santuokos anuliavimo, nutraukimo klausimai. Valstybės požiūriu santuoka yra sutartis, bažnyčios- sutartis ir sakramentas. Valstybė ir bažnyčia liberalioje valstybėje pripažįsta viena kitos suverenitetą savo srityje ir abi bendradarbiauja. Problemos iškyla kada šios abi institucijos siekia realizuoti savo suverenitetą. Abi institucijos rūpinasi žmonių gerove. Valstybė sutuoktiniais rūpinasi tik pasaulietinėje srityje, kuri detaliai reglamentuoja asmenų gerovę, sukuriant žmonėms galimybes patenkinti savo interesus. Valstybė savo piliečiams suteikia garantijas. Bažnyčios pozicija yra ta, kad, jos nuomone, santuoka yra sakramentas ir savo teisinius santuokos sudarymo padarinius nustumia į antrąją vietą. Šis požiūris yra pagrįstas atsižvelgiant į valdžių padalijimo tarp valstybės ir bažnyčios. Valstybė nustato tik teisiškai privalomas sutuoktinių teises ir pareigas.The matrimonial rights and duties in the religious view are binding not only in the external sphere of public life but in the internal sphere of one’s conscience. Democratic systems of modern civilization recognize the right of their religious citizens to worship and respect their obligations to the confessional law. However, these systems differ in the aspect of respect vis-à-vis the individuals’ religious feelings regarding religious marriage. Confessional marriages are recognized by civil law in some countries: in others – the church marriage is not recognized as it has no legal power. The modern Church is clearly in favour of marriage and family. Marriage and family are no obsolete models of pre-modern times, nor are they solutions to embarrassing situations, nor can they be swept away as a failed development that has to be overcome

    Church Marriage and Civil Marriage Compatibility and Recognition Problems in the Law of the Lithuanian Republic

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    The Republic of Lithuania approach to the marriage institution is mainly social and has currently undergone significant change in the light of changed social and modern circumstances (living conditions, individual needs and abilities). The Church, however, maintains its traditional view of the marriage institution, based on philosophical and theological generalizations. This poses a potential conflict between these differing conceptionsVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij