103 research outputs found

    Using TPA to count linear extensions

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    A linear extension of a poset PP is a permutation of the elements of the set that respects the partial order. Let L(P)L(P) denote the number of linear extensions. It is a #P complete problem to determine L(P)L(P) exactly for an arbitrary poset, and so randomized approximation algorithms that draw randomly from the set of linear extensions are used. In this work, the set of linear extensions is embedded in a larger state space with a continuous parameter ?. The introduction of a continuous parameter allows for the use of a more efficient method for approximating L(P)L(P) called TPA. Our primary result is that it is possible to sample from this continuous embedding in time that as fast or faster than the best known methods for sampling uniformly from linear extensions. For a poset containing nn elements, this means we can approximate L(P)L(P) to within a factor of 1+ϵ1 + \epsilon with probability at least 1δ1 - \delta using an expected number of random bits and comparisons in the poset which is at most O(n3(lnn)(lnL(P))ϵ2lnδ1).O(n^3(ln n)(ln L(P))\epsilon^{-2}\ln \delta^{-1}).Comment: 12 pages, 4 algorithm


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    The objective of this paper is to study some of the Silviano Santiago’s critical essays - those oneswhere ideas related to the comparative activity is discussed – establishing a relation with his novel O falsomentiroso: memórias. Trough out this parallel, we intend to emphasize a very important aspect considered byComparative Literature: the value of the difference

    Sistema de identificação espacial em ambientes de consumo utilizando mineração de dados

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação.A busca pelo conhecimento a partir da Mineração de Dados é um campo de pesquisa que tem crescido muito rapidamente e seu desenvolvimento tem sido dirigido, muitas vezes, em benefício de necessidades práticas. Em um grande volume de dados podem estar muitas informações, tendências e padrões úteis para melhorar os critérios adotados durante o processo da tomada de decisões. Neste trabalho propõe-se a transformação dos dados envolvidos durante uma venda, aliada à conversão dos espaços físicos ocupados pelos produtos em pequenas unidades amostrais, na tentativa de descrever o trajeto percorrido pelo potencial consumidor. O desenvolvimento de processos de análise automática desses grandes volumes de dados é o desafio confiado aos algoritmos da Mineração de Dados. O acúmulo da representação dos prováveis trajetos descritos por um determinado conjunto de consumidores será atribuído a uma matriz dinâmica de múltiplos atributos, que será apresentada através de gráficos de superfície. Conclui-se que as técnicas e ferramentas para a Visualização de Dados estimulam naturalmente a percepção e a associação de novos padrões e podem melhorar, em muito, o processo de Mineração de Dados

    Alimentação consciente & intuitiva: material de apoio para profissionais da atenção básica de saúde

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    TCC(graduação)- Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências da Saúde. Nutrição.Essa cartilha é destinada para os profissionais de Nutrição que desejam conhecer um pouco mais sobre outra forma de atendimento. Se você se questiona sobre a eficácia da abordagem prescritiva na nutrição, não concorda com as dietas restritivas, com a mudança alimentar com foco no peso, tem curiosidade sobre um jeito diferente de pensar a nutrição e/ou queira conduzir suas consultas com o propósito de criar maior vínculo e conexão entre você e seu paciente/cliente, entendendo suas reais necessidades e angústias, essa cartilha pode ser útil para você. Nosso intuito é despertar nos profissionais da Nutrição atuantes na Atenção Básica e nos demais profissionais da saúde e leitores, um olhar ampliado sobre a Nutrição e sobre o indivíduo, indo além da visão mecânica e biológica da alimentação, que considera o comer somente uma decisão racional, ignorando aspectos emocionais, culturais e sociais e colocando os hábitos e preferências como secundários à função biológica, que seria apenas nutrir. Aqui apoiamos uma abordagem mais humanizada, olhando para a pessoa como um todo, de maneira individualizada e considerando todos os fatores que envolvem o ato de se alimentar. Dessa forma, acreditamos tornar a terapêutica mais eficiente, focando na mudança de comportamento e não somente na perda de peso e/ou em uma “dieta”

    A biomarker of brain arousal mediates the intergenerational link between maternal and child post-traumatic stress disorder.

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    This study examined whether there is a biological basis in the child's resting brain activity for the intergenerational link between maternal interpersonal violence-related posttraumatic stress disorder (IPV-PTSD) and child subclinical symptoms. We used high-density EEG recordings to investigate the resting brain activity in a sample of 57 children, 34 from mothers with IPV-PTSD, and 23 from mothers without PTSD. These children were part of a prospective, longitudinal study focusing on the offspring of mothers with and without IPV-PTSD, reporting how the severity of a mother's IPV-PTSD can impact her child's emotional regulation and risk for developing mental illness. However, we had not yet looked into potential EEG biomarkers during resting state that might mediate and/or moderate effects of maternal IPV-PTSD severity on child mental health, and in particular the risk for PTSD. The alpha band spectral power as well as the aperiodic exponent of the power spectrum (PLE; power-law exponent) were examined as mediators of maternal IPV-PTSD and child PTSD. While there was no difference in alpha spectral power between the two groups, PLE was significantly reduced in children of mothers with IPV-PTSD compared to control children, indicating cortical hyper-arousal. Interestingly, child PLE was negatively correlated with the severity of maternal IPV-PTSD, suggesting an intergenerational interaction. This interpretation was reinforced by a negative correlation between child PLE and child PTSD symptoms. Finally, causal analyses using structural equation modelling indicated that child PLE mediated the relationship between maternal PTSD severity and child PTSD. Our observations suggest that maternal IPV-PTSD has an intergenerational impact on the child neurobehavioral development through a correlated abnormal marker of brain arousal (i.e. child PLE). These findings are potentially relevant to psychotherapy research and to the development of more effective psycho-neurobehavioral therapies (i.e. neurofeedback) among affected individuals

    Associations Between Maternal Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Events With Child Psychopathology: Results From a Prospective Longitudinal Study.

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    Introduction: Exposure to interpersonal violence (IPV) can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in mothers, and in turn adversely affect the mother-child relationship during early development, as well as the mental health of their children. Our objectives are to assess: (1) the association of maternal IPV-PTSD to child psychopathology, (2) the association of maternal IPV independently of PTSD to child psychopathology, and (3) the relationship between child exposure to violence to the psychopathology of these children. Methods: We used data from the longitudinal Geneva Early Childhood Stress Project. The sample included 64 children [mean age at Phase 1 = 2.4 (1.0-3.7) years] of mothers with or without IPV-PTSD. Data on mothers was collected during Phase 1, using the Clinical Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS), the Brief Physical and Sexual Abuse Questionnaire (BPSAQ) and the Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS2). Modules of a semi-structured diagnostic interview, and the Violence Exposure Scale were used to collect information on child at Phase 2, when children were older [mean age = 7.02 (4.7-10)]. Results: A higher CAPS score in mothers when children were toddler-age was associated with an increased risk of symptoms of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD; β = 0.33, p = 0.014) and PTSD in school-age children. The association between maternal IPV-PTSD and child PTSD (β = 0.48, p < 0.001) symptoms remained significant after adjustment for potential confounders. Among children, exposure to violence was associated with an increased risk of symptoms of generalized anxiety (β = 0.37, p = 0.006), major depressive (β = 0.24, p = 0.039), ADHD (β = 0.27, p = 0.040), PTSD (β = 0.52, p < 0.001), conduct (β = 0.58, p = 0.003) and oppositional defiant (β = 0.34, p = 0.032) disorders. Conclusion: Our longitudinal findings suggest that maternal IPV-PTSD during the period of child development exert an influence on the development of psychopathology in school-aged children. Mothers' IPV was associated with child psychopathology, independently of PTSD. Child lifetime exposure to violence had an additional impact on the development of psychopathology. Careful evaluation of maternal life-events is essential during early childhood to reduce the risk for the development of child psychopathology. Early efforts to curb exposure to violence in children and early intervention are both needed to reduce further risk for intergenerational transmission of trauma, violence, and related psychopathology

    Impact of mothers' IPV-PTSD on their capacity to predict their child's emotional comprehension and its relationship to their child's psychopathology

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    Background: Previous studies demonstrated that when the violence-exposed child becomes a mother and interacts with her own child during early sensitive periods for social-emotional development, she may have difficulties providing sensitive responsiveness to the child's emotional communication. Such difficulties place the child's development of emotional comprehension (EC) and related self-regulation at risk. The aim of this study was to examine how mothers' interpersonal violence-related posttraumatic disorder (IPV-PTSD) would affect their children's EC and their own ability to predict their children's EC. We also investigated how mothers' predictive ability would correlate with child psychopathology. Methods: Sixty-one mother-child dyads (36 with IPV-PTSD) participated in this study. Children's (mean age = 7.0 years, SD = 1.1) EC was assessed with the Test of Emotion Comprehension (child TEC) and their psychopathology as reported by the mother was assessed with the Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL) and as evaluated by a clinician using selected modules of the Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia (K-SADS). Mothers were measured for IPV-PTSD with the Clinician Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS) and for their capacity to predict their child's emotional comprehension (mother-responding-as-child TEC; mTEC). Results: We found no significant between-group differences in children's level of EC. Maternal PTSD was associated with lower scores on the mTEC, however. Reduced maternal scores on the mTEC were significantly associated with maternal report of increased aggressive child behaviour and with depression symptoms on the K-SADS. Further, scores on the mTEC interacted with maternal report of child aggression on child oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) symptoms on the K-SADS. Conclusion: These findings support that improving maternal emotional comprehension may help reduce child risk for psychiatric morbidity in this population


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    O presente artigo está embasado em uma pesquisa elaborada para a quantificação e classificação de publicações sobre inovação na construção civil, percebendo tendências no crescimento das publicações e identificando autores em um período de 10 anos em 5 periódicos. Para a coleta e quantificação dos artigos foi utilizada a base de dados SienceDirect. Esses periódicos, com excelente índice de avaliação no CAPES e Metrics, foram selecionados a partir de um sistema métrico, onde para a classificação dos artigos, empregou-se 13 divisões em subáreas de gestão e em duas de inovações tecnológicas. Tendo em vista que os resultados foram satisfatórios, os objetivos foram alcançados, devido ao acúmulo de publicações nos últimos anos, obtendo-se consideráveis números de citações dos autores e seus respectivos artigos