3,874 research outputs found

    Chaotic asymptotic behaviour of the solutions of the Lighthill Whitham Richards equation

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    [EN] The phenomenon of chaos has been exhibited in mathematical nonlinear models that describe traffic flows, see, for instance (Li and Gao in Modern Phys Lett B 18(26-27):1395-1402, 2004; Li in Phys. D Nonlinear Phenom 207(1-2):41-51, 2005). At microscopic level, Devaney chaos and distributional chaos have been exhibited for some car-following models, such as the quick-thinking-driver model and the forward and backward control model (Barrachina et al. in 2015; Conejero et al. in Semigroup Forum, 2015). We present here the existence of chaos for the macroscopic model given by the Lighthill Whitham Richards equation.The authors are supported by MEC Project MTM2013-47093-P. The second and third authors are supported by GVA, Project PROMETEOII/2013/013Conejero, JA.; Martínez Jiménez, F.; Peris Manguillot, A.; Ródenas Escribá, FDA. (2016). Chaotic asymptotic behaviour of the solutions of the Lighthill Whitham Richards equation. Nonlinear Dynamics. 84(1):127-133. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11071-015-2245-4S127133841Albanese, A.A., Barrachina, X., Mangino, E.M., Peris, A.: Distributional chaos for strongly continuous semigroups of operators. Commun. Pure Appl. Anal. 12(5), 2069–2082 (2013)Aroza, J., Peris, A.: Chaotic behaviour of birth-and-death models with proliferation. J. Differ. Equ. Appl. 18(4), 647–655 (2012)Banasiak, J., Lachowicz, M.: Chaos for a class of linear kinetic models. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. II 329, 439–444 (2001)Banasiak, J., Lachowicz, M.: Topological chaos for birth-and-death-type models with proliferation. Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci. 12(6), 755–775 (2002)Banasiak, J., Moszyński, M.: A generalization of Desch–Schappacher–Webb criteria for chaos. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 12(5), 959–972 (2005)Banasiak, J., Moszyński, M.: Dynamics of birth-and-death processes with proliferation—stability and chaos. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 29(1), 67–79 (2011)Barrachina, X., Conejero, J.A.: Devaney chaos and distributional chaos in the solution of certain partial differential equations. Abstr. Appl. Anal. Art. ID 457019, 11 (2012)Barrachina, X., Conejero, J.A., Murillo-Arcila, M., Seoane-Sepúlveda, J.B.: Distributional chaos for the forward and backward control traffic model (2015, preprint)Bayart, F., Matheron, É.: Dynamics of Linear Operators, Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics, vol. 179. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2009)Bayart, F., Matheron, É.: Mixing operators and small subsets of the circle. J Reine Angew. Math. (2015, to appear)Bermúdez, T., Bonilla, A., Conejero, J.A., Peris, A.: Hypercyclic, topologically mixing and chaotic semigroups on Banach spaces. Stud. Math. 170(1), 57–75 (2005)Bermúdez, T., Bonilla, A., Martínez-Giménez, F., Peris, A.: Li-Yorke and distributionally chaotic operators. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 373(1), 83–93 (2011)Bernardes Jr, N.C., Bonilla, A., Müller, V., Peris, A.: Distributional chaos for linear operators. J. Funct. Anal. 265(9), 2143–2163 (2013)Brackstone, M., McDonald, M.: Car-following: a historical review. Transp. Res. Part F Traffic Psychol. Behav. 2(4), 181–196 (1999)Conejero, J.A., Lizama, C., Rodenas, F.: Chaotic behaviour of the solutions of the Moore–Gibson–Thompson equation. Appl. Math. Inf. Sci. 9(5), 1–6 (2015)Conejero, J.A., Mangino, E.M.: Hypercyclic semigroups generated by Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operators. Mediterr. J. Math. 7(1), 101–109 (2010)Conejero, J.A., Müller, V., Peris, A.: Hypercyclic behaviour of operators in a hypercyclic C0C_0 C 0 -semigroup. J. Funct. Anal. 244, 342–348 (2007)Conejero, J.A., Murillo-Arcila, M., Seoane-Sepúlveda, J.B.: Linear chaos for the quick-thinking-driver model. Semigroup Forum (2015). doi: 10.1007/s00233-015-9704-6Conejero, J.A., Peris, A., Trujillo, M.: Chaotic asymptotic behavior of the hyperbolic heat transfer equation solutions. Int. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Eng. 20(9), 2943–2947 (2010)Conejero, J.A., Rodenas, F., Trujillo, M.: Chaos for the hyperbolic bioheat equation. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 35(2), 653–668 (2015)Desch, W., Schappacher, W., Webb, G.F.: Hypercyclic and chaotic semigroups of linear operators. Ergod. Theory Dyn. Syst. 17(4), 793–819 (1997)Engel, K.-J., Nagel, R.: One-parameter semigroups for linear evolution equations, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, vol. 194. Springer, New York (2000). With contributions by S. Brendle, M. Campiti, T. Hahn, G. Metafune, G. Nickel, D. Pallara, C. Perazzoli, A. Rhandi, S. Romanelli and R. SchnaubeltGrosse-Erdmann, K.-G., Peris Manguillot, A.: Linear Chaos. Universitext. Springer, London (2011)Herzog, G.: On a universality of the heat equation. Math. 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    Summability of multilinear forms on classical sequence spaces

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    We present an extension of the Hardy--Littlewood inequality for multilinear forms. More precisely, let K\mathbb{K} be the real or complex scalar field and m,km,k be positive integers with m≥k m\geq k\, and n1,…,nkn_{1},\dots ,n_{k} be positive integers such that n1+⋯+nk=mn_{1}+\cdots +n_{k}=m. (aa) If (r,p)∈(0,∞)×[2m,∞](r,p)\in (0,\infty )\times \lbrack 2m,\infty ] then there is a constant Dm,r,p,kK≥1D_{m,r,p,k}^{\mathbb{K}}\geq 1 (not depending on nn) such that \left( \sum_{i_{1},\dots ,i_{k}=1}^{n}\left| T\left( e_{i_{1}}^{n_{1}},\dots ,e_{i_{k}}^{n_{k}}\right) \right| ^{r}\right) ^{% \frac{1}{r}}\leq D_{m,r,p,k}^{\mathbb{K}} \cdot n^{max\left\{ \frac{% 2kp-kpr-pr+2rm}{2pr},0\right\} }\left| T\right| for all mm-linear forms T:ℓpn×⋯×ℓpn→KT:\ell_{p}^{n}\times \cdots \times \ell_{p}^{n}\rightarrow \mathbb{K} and all positive integers nn. Moreover, the exponent max{2kp−kpr−pr+2rm2pr,0}max\left\{ \frac{2kp-kpr-pr+2rm}{2pr},0\right\} is optimal. (bb) If (r,p)∈(0,∞)×(m,2m](r, p) \in (0, \infty) \times (m, 2m] then there is a constant Dm,r,p,kK≥1% D_{m,r,p, k}^{\mathbb{K}}\geq 1 (not depending on nn) such that \left( \sum_{i_{1},\dots ,i_{k}=1}^{n }\left| T\left( e_{i_{1}}^{n_{1}},\dots ,e_{i_{k}}^{n_{k}}\right) \right| ^{r }\right) ^{% \frac{1}{r }}\leq D_{m,r,p, k}^{\mathbb{K}} \cdot n^{ max \left\{\frac{% p-rp+rm}{pr}, 0\right\}}\left| T\right| for all mm-linear forms T:ℓpn×⋯×ℓpn→KT:\ell_{p}^{n}\times \cdots \times \ell_{p}^{n}\rightarrow \mathbb{K} and all positive integers nn. Moreover, the exponent max{p−rp+rmpr,0}max \left\{\frac{p-rp+rm}{pr}, 0\right\} is optimal. The case k=mk=m recovers a recent result due to G. Araujo and D. Pellegrino

    Large-Nc QCD and Spontaneous Chiral Symmetry Breaking

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    I report on recent work done in collaboration with M. Knecht on patterns of spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking in the large-Nc limit of QCD-like theories, and with S. Peris and M. Perrottet concerning the question of matching long and short distances in large-Nc QCD.Comment: 6 pages, invited talk to the conference "QCD98", Montpellie

    Resummation of Threshold, Low- and High-Energy Expansions for Heavy-Quark Correlators

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    With the help of the Mellin-Barnes transform, we show how to simultaneously resum the expansion of a heavy-quark correlator around q^2=0 (low-energy), q^2= 4 m^2 (threshold, where m is the quark mass) and q^2=-\infty (high-energy) in a systematic way. We exemplify the method for the perturbative vector correlator at O(alpha_s^2) and O(alpha_s^3). We show that the coefficients, Omega(n), of the Taylor expansion of the vacuum polarization function in terms of the conformal variable \omega admit, for large n, an expansion in powers of 1/n (up to logarithms of n) that we can calculate exactly. This large-n expansion has a sign-alternating component given by the logarithms of the OPE, and a fixed-sign component given by the logarithms of the threshold expansion in the external momentum q^2.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures. We fix typos in Eqs. (18), (27), (55) and (56). Results unchange

    alpha_s from tau decays revisited

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    Being a determination at low energies, the analysis of hadronic tau decay data provides a rather precise determination of the strong coupling alpha_s after evolving the result to M_Z. At such a level of precision, even small non-perturbative effects become relevant for the central value and error. While those effects had been taken into account in the framework of the operator product expansion, contributions going beyond it, so-called duality violations, have previously been neglected. The following investigation fills this gap through a finite-energy sum rule analysis of tau decay spectra from the OPAL experiment, including duality violations and performing a consistent fit of all appearing QCD parameters. The resulting values for alpha_s(M_tau) are 0.307(19) in fixed-order perturbation theory and 0.322(26) in contour-improved perturbation theory, which translates to the n_f=5 values 0.1169(25) and 0.1187(32) at M_Z, respectively.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Prepared for the Proceedings of the International Workshop on e+e- collisions from Phi to Psi (PHIPSI11), Sep. 19-22, 2011, BINP, Novosibirsk, Russi
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