10,746 research outputs found

    Many-nodes/many-links spinfoam: the homogeneous and isotropic case

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    I compute the Lorentzian EPRL/FK/KKL spinfoam vertex amplitude for regular graphs, with an arbitrary number of links and nodes, and coherent states peaked on a homogeneous and isotropic geometry. This form of the amplitude can be applied for example to a dipole with an arbitrary number of links or to the 4-simplex given by the compete graph on 5 nodes. All the resulting amplitudes have the same support, independently of the graph used, in the large j (large volume) limit. This implies that they all yield the Friedmann equation: I show this in the presence of the cosmological constant. This result indicates that in the semiclassical limit quantum corrections in spinfoam cosmology do not come from just refining the graph, but rather from relaxing the large j limit.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Finite element structural analysis of LHC bending magnet

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    Correction to: Analysing app reviews for software engineering: a systematic literature review (Empirical Software Engineering, (2022), 27, 2, (43), 10.1007/s10664-021-10065-7)

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    The original version of this article, unfortunately, contained mistakes. The surname of the first author, Jacek Dąbrowski, was misspelled throughout the online version of the article as “Dębrowski.” The surname, however, is correct in the PDF version. The original article has been corrected

    Hospital Adauto Botelho: Controle Social e Mulheres - VitĂłria-ES (1954-1956)

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    Esta dissertação versa sobre as internações de mulheres, ocorridas no Hospital Psiquiátrico Adauto Botelho, localizado em Cariacica, município que compõe a atual região metropolitana de Vitória, no Espírito Santo. Essas internações possuem um caráter intrigante, uma vez que poderiam servir para reprimir comportamentos femininos considerados antissociais perante a sociedade para simplesmente silenciar quem incomodava os demais. Por isso, o hospício, muitas vezes foi considerado um cemitério de vivos, pois ele era capaz de incapacitar, anular e matar socialmente quem destoasse do interesse de alguém com mais poder. Seu poder de coerção era maior do que o de cuidado, pois a cura era descartada em quase todas as hipóteses. Por meio dos prontuários das mulheres internadas no Hospital Adauto Botelho, relatórios de governo do Estado do Espírito Santo, revistas e jornais que ditam os padrões morais e monografias de médicos psiquiatras do século XX, foi possível reconstruir parte do pensamento psiquiátrico brasileiro e sua vertente punitiva e que, em outras épocas, servia ao dito progresso da nação. Palavras-chaves: Mulheres; Controle social; Hospital Psiquiátrico Adauto Botelho

    Euclidean three-point function in loop and perturbative gravity

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    We compute the leading order of the three-point function in loop quantum gravity, using the vertex expansion of the Euclidean version of the new spin foam dynamics, in the region of gamma<1. We find results consistent with Regge calculus in the limit gamma->0 and j->infinity. We also compute the tree-level three-point function of perturbative quantum general relativity in position space, and discuss the possibility of directly comparing the two results.Comment: 16 page

    Contraints on Matter from Asymptotic Safety

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    Recent studies of the ultraviolet behaviour of pure gravity suggest that it admits a non-Gaussian attractive fixed point, and therefore that the theory is asymptotically safe. We consider the effect on this fixed point of massless minimally coupled matter fields. The existence of a UV attractive fixed point puts bounds on the type and number of such fields.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, revtex4; introduction expande

    On the Ultraviolet Behaviour of Newton's constant

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    We clarify a point concerning the ultraviolet behaviour of the Quantum Field Theory of gravity, under the assumption of the existence of an ultraviolet Fixed Point. We explain why Newton's constant should to scale like the inverse of the square of the cutoff, even though it is technically inessential. As a consequence of this behaviour, the existence of an UV Fixed Point would seem to imply that gravity has a built-in UV cutoff when described in Planck units, but not necessarily in other units.Comment: 8 pages; CQG class; minor changes and rearrangement

    The kernel and the injectivity of the EPRL map

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    In this paper we prove injectivity of the EPRL map for |\gamma|<1, filling the gap of our previous paper.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    Optimal Dithering Configuration Mitigating Rayleigh-Backscattering-Induced Distortion in Radioastronomic Optical Fiber Systems

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    In the context of Radioastronomic applications where the Analog Radio-over-Fiber technology is used for the antenna downlink, detrimental nonlinearity effects arise because of the interference between the forward signal generated by the laser and the Rayleigh backscattered one which is re-forwarded by the laser itself toward the photodetector. The adoption of the so called dithering technique, which involves the direct modulation of the laser with a sinusoidal tone and takes advantage of the laser chirping phenomenon, has been proved to reduce such Rayleigh Back Scattering - induced nonlinearities. The frequency and the amplitude of the dithering tone should both be as low as possible, in order to avoid undesired collateral effects on the received spectrum as well as keep at low levels the global energy consumption. Through a comprehensive analysis of dithered Radio over Fiber systems, it is demonstrated that a progressive reduction of the dithering tone frequency affects in a peculiar fashion both the chirping characteristics of the field emitted by the laser and the spectrum pattern of the received signal at the fiber end. Accounting for the concurrent effects caused by such phenomena, optimal operating conditions are identified for the implementation of the dithering tone technique in radioastronomic systems

    A spin foam model for general Lorentzian 4-geometries

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    We derive simplicity constraints for the quantization of general Lorentzian 4-geometries. Our method is based on the correspondence between coherent states and classical bivectors and the minimization of associated uncertainties. For spacelike geometries, this scheme agrees with the master constraint method of the model by Engle, Pereira, Rovelli and Livine (EPRL). When it is applied to general Lorentzian geometries, we obtain new constraints that include the EPRL constraints as a special case. They imply a discrete area spectrum for both spacelike and timelike surfaces. We use these constraints to define a spin foam model for general Lorentzian 4-geometries.Comment: 27 pages, 1 figure; v4: published versio
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