180 research outputs found

    Child-caregivers' body weight and habitual physical activity status is associated with overweight in kindergartners

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to examine whether child-caregivers’, both parents and kindergarten teachers, health parameters (age, weight status, habitual physical activity score) are significantly associated with the risk of overweight in young children. METHODS: We assessed the individual body mass index standard deviation score in a regional cross-sectional health study and matched a representative sample of 434 kindergartners aged 3 to 6-years with their caregivers’ weight and habitual physical activity status. Furthermore, we identified factors associated with the general ability of child-caregivers to identify overweight in children, and the awareness to classify a child within the correct weight category. RESULTS: Our study confirmed most of the known associations between parental anthropometrics and psychosocial factors with childhood overweight and obesity. A significantly higher proportion of boys tended to be overweight or obese (p = 0.027) and parents were more likely to misclassified boys overweight as normal weight (OR: 1.86; 95% CI 1.21-2.86). Adjusted for confounders, logistic regression analysis revealed that kindergarten teachers’ weight status (OR: 1.97; 95%-CI: 1.01-3.83) and habitual physical activity scores (OR: 2.32; 95%-CI: 1.10-4.92) were associated with children’s weight status. CONCLUSIONS: Kindergarten teachers’ weight and habitual physical activity score seem to be new independent risk factors for overweight in kindergartners 3 to 6-years of age. Our results suggest that the psychosocial, non-genetic association of non-parental child-caregivers on children’s weight is relatively high and that the association of non-parental child-caregivers warrants further investigation

    A Bayesian Mixed-Methods Analysis of Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction through Outdoor Learning and its Influence on Motivational Behavior in Science Class

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    Research has shown that outdoor educational interventions can lead to students' increased self-regulated motivational behavior. In this study, we searched into the satisfaction of basic psychological needs (BPN), i.e., autonomy support, the learners' experience of competence, and relatedness, both within the peer group and with their teachers, through outdoor learning. From 2014 to 2016, n = 281 students attended “research weeks” at a Student Science Lab in the Alpine National Park Berchtesgaden (Germany). The program is a curriculum-based one-week residential course, centered on a 2-day research expedition. Both before and after the course, students completed a composite questionnaire addressing BPN-satisfaction and overall motivational behavior in relation to the Self-Determination Index (SDI). At the latter time-point, students also reported on their experiences during the intervention. Questionnaire data was analyzed using a set of Bayesian General Linear Models with random effects. Those quantitative measures have been complemented by and contextualized with a set of qualitative survey methods. The results showed that the basic psychological needs influence the motivational behavior in both contexts equally, however on different scale levels. The basic needs satisfaction in the outdoor context is decisively higher than indoors. Moreover, the increment of competence-experience from the school context to the hands-on outdoor program appears to have the biggest impact to students' increased intrinsic motivation during the intervention. Increased autonomy support, student-teacher relations, and student-student relations have much less or no influence on the overall difference of motivational behavior. Gender does not influence the results. The contextualization partly supports those results and provide further explanation for the students' increased self-regulation in the outdoors. They add some explanatory thrust to the argument that outdoor teaching, be it during a residential week, or during occasional but regular sessions as integral part of the “normal” teaching, fosters intrinsic motivational behavior in science with lower secondary students.Copyright © 2017 Dettweiler, Lauterbach, Becker and Simon.publishedVersio

    Boost me: prevalence and reasons for the use of stimulant containing pre workout supplements among fitness studio visitors in Mainz (Germany)

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    The rapidly increasing interest in fitness related sports over the past few years has been accompanied by a booming industry of nutritional supplements. Many of these substances have unproven benefits and are even potentially harmful to the user. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and reasons for nutritional supplement (NS) use among fitness studio visitors in Mainz (Germany), emphasizing new multi-ingredient based supplements such as pre workout boosters (PWBs). Some of the PWBs contain stimulants such as DMAA, N,α-DEPEA, DMAE and DMBA with so far unknown risks, harms and benefits. Four-Hundred and Ninety Two participants in 13 fitness studios completed a questionnaire on the use of nutritional supplements. Descriptive statistics and chi-square tests were used to examine differences in supplement use regarding training- and intake-reasons. About 57.0% of the participants reported the use of NS during the last 4 weeks. The all-time prevalence of creatine use was 28.7%, whereas 12.2% of the participants stated creatine use during the past 4 weeks. The all-time prevalence of PWB intake was 25.8%, whereas the last month prevalence was 11.8%. Among the group of PWB users, 20.5% stated to search specifically for substances such as DMAA, N,α-DEPEA, DMAE or DMBA. Logistic regression analysis showed positive relations between creatine use and the predictor variables gender, strength training and bodybuilding, as well as the stated exercisers' training reasons to increase physical- and sports-performance, and quality of life. PWB consumption was related to the variables gender, training frequency, and the reason for sports performance enhancement. Specific ingredient focus was related to the predictor variables competition participation and increase of mental performance. The results of the study show a high prevalence of PWB consumption among fitness studios visitors, which is comparable with creatine use. The predicting variables for consumption seem to be slightly different between the supplements, especially if the users are searching for stimulating agents. The current findings help to create preliminary consumption patterns and can help to identify potential endangered fitness studio visitors for prevention and risk communication, especially for PWBs

    Web-based exercise as an effective complementary treatment for patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease : intervention study

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    Background: Physical inactivity is a major risk factor for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Exercise-based prevention interventions for improving cardiorespiratory fitness are a recommended complementary treatment for NAFLD. Achievement of minimally effective physical activity to improve cardiorespiratory fitness among patients typically involves high personal and financial expenses in face-to-face settings. We designed an eHealth approach for patients with NAFLD to improve the cardiorespiratory fitness and report the first results of the HELP (Hepatic Inflammation and Physical Performance in Patients With NASH [nonalcoholic steatohepatitis]) study. Objective: We aimed to assess the effectiveness of an 8-week, tailored, Web-based exercise intervention for cardiorespiratory fitness improvement, expressed as peak oxygen uptake (peak volume of oxygen [VO2peak]), in patients with histologically confirmed NAFLD. Methods: In a 24-month period, 44 patients were enrolled into an 8-week, prospective, single-arm study with 12 weeks of follow-up. After a medical examination and performance diagnostics, a sports therapist introduced the patients to a Web-based platform for individualized training support. Regular individual patient feedback was provided to systematically adapt the weekly exercise schedule, which allowed us to monitor and ensure patient adherence to strength and endurance training and optimize the step-wise progressive exercise load. Exercise progression was based on an a priori algorithm that considered the subjective rate for both perceived exhaustion and general physical discomfort. The VO2peak was assessed at baseline and at the end of the study by spiroergometry. Results: A total of 43 patients completed the intervention with no adverse events. The VO2peak increased significantly by 2.4 mL/kg/min (8.8%; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.48-3.27; P40% reduction in the average fat mass would be required to achieve an average outcome. Conclusions: This is the first study to show that patients with NAFLD can be effectively supported by a Web-based approach, which can increase the VO2peak to a similar extent as face-to-face interventions. Patients with low body fat and low VO2peak benefited the most from our intervention. In terms of future treatment strategies, NAFLD patients with high body fat may particularly benefit from body-fat reduction through a strict nutritional intervention, subsequently enabling a more effective exercise intervention

    Choice matters: Pupils' stress regulation, brain development and brain function in an outdoor education project

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    Abstract Background Education outside the classroom (EOtC) is considered beneficial to children's physical and mental health. Especially, stress resilience has been linked to nature experience. Aims This study experimentally explored the effects of pupils' autonomy support (AUT) and physical activity (PA) on their biological stress responses and brain development in EOtC. Sample The study comprised 48 fifth and sixth graders. Methods The intervention consisted of one day/week taught in a forest over one school year. Structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was conducted at the beginning and the end of the school year, functional MRI under a stress condition at the end. Regions of interest were amygdala, hippocampus and the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). All other measures were obtained at the beginning, at mid-term and at the end of the school year. PA was measured using accelerometry. Cortisol levels were obtained three times during the examined school days. AUT was measured with a paper-based survey. Data were analysed using Bayesian multivariate models. Results EOtC students exhibit more efficient regulation of biological stress-reactivity and show a reduction of cortisol over the day associated with light PA in the forest. Cortisol is further associated with amygdala activation in the stress condition. Cerebral structural change is best explained by age; however, AUT has a positive direct effect on the maturation of the ACC, which is stronger in EOtC. Conclusions Our results support the idea that autonomy supportive teaching fosters cerebral maturation and that EOtC can have a positive effect on biological stress regulation.publishedVersio

    Boost Me: Prevalence and Reasons for the Use of Stimulant Containing Pre Workout Supplements Among Fitness Studio Visitors in Mainz (Germany)

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    The rapidly increasing interest in fitness related sports over the past few years has been accompanied by a booming industry of nutritional supplements. Many of these substances have unproven benefits and are even potentially harmful to the user. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and reasons for nutritional supplement (NS) use among fitness studio visitors in Mainz (Germany), emphasizing new multi-ingredient based supplements such as pre workout boosters (PWBs). Some of the PWBs contain stimulants such as DMAA, N,α-DEPEA, DMAE and DMBA with so far unknown risks, harms and benefits. Four-Hundred and Ninety Two participants in 13 fitness studios completed a questionnaire on the use of nutritional supplements. Descriptive statistics and chi-square tests were used to examine differences in supplement use regarding training- and intake-reasons. About 57.0% of the participants reported the use of NS during the last 4 weeks. The all-time prevalence of creatine use was 28.7%, whereas 12.2% of the participants stated creatine use during the past 4 weeks. The all-time prevalence of PWB intake was 25.8%, whereas the last month prevalence was 11.8%. Among the group of PWB users, 20.5% stated to search specifically for substances such as DMAA, N,α-DEPEA, DMAE or DMBA. Logistic regression analysis showed positive relations between creatine use and the predictor variables gender, strength training and bodybuilding, as well as the stated exercisers' training reasons to increase physical- and sports-performance, and quality of life. PWB consumption was related to the variables gender, training frequency, and the reason for sports performance enhancement. Specific ingredient focus was related to the predictor variables competition participation and increase of mental performance. The results of the study show a high prevalence of PWB consumption among fitness studios visitors, which is comparable with creatine use. The predicting variables for consumption seem to be slightly different between the supplements, especially if the users are searching for stimulating agents. The current findings help to create preliminary consumption patterns and can help to identify potential endangered fitness studio visitors for prevention and risk communication, especially for PWBs

    Individualized web-based exercise for the treatment of depression : randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Due to the high prevalence of depressive disorders, it is mandatory to develop therapeutic strategies that provide universal access and require limited financial and human resources. Web-based therapeutic approaches fulfill these conditions. Objective: The objective of our study was to assess the feasibility, acceptability, and efficacy of a supervised, individualized 8-week Web-based exercise intervention conducted for patients with moderate to severe depression. Methods: We recruited 20 patients with unipolar depression and randomly assigned them into 2 groups (intervention, exercise program group, n=14, and control, treatment-as-usual group, n=6). At baseline, depressive symptoms were rated via the Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology (QIDS) by patients themselves (QIDS–self-report, QIDS-SR) and by a blinded psychiatrist (QIDS–clinician rating, QIDS-C). In addition, performance diagnostics (lactate analysis, spiroergometry during a treadmill walking test) were conducted. Quality of life was assessed via the Short Form-36 questionnaire (SF-36) and self-efficacy via the General Self Efficacy scale (GSE). In addition, habitual physical activity (HPA) was determined via the Baecke questionnaire. Participants of the intervention group received exercise schedules once weekly with endurance and strength training instructions. Rating of depressive symptoms was repeated after 6-12 days and 8 weeks; performance diagnostics and the completion of all the questionnaires were repeated after 8 weeks only. Results: The severity of depression subsided significantly in the intervention group after 8 weeks (median change in QIDS-SR: −5; interquartile range, IQR: −2 to −10), although it was already evident within the first 6-12 days (median change in QIDS-SR: −6; IQR: −2 to −8). During the intervention, participants undertook a median of 75 (IQR: 63 to 98) minutes of endurance training per week or 84% (16 [IQR: 9 to 19] of 19 [IQR: 15 to 21]) recommended endurance units in total. In addition, 9 (IQR: 4 to 12) of 10 (IQR: 8 to 13) recommended strength training exercise units were conducted during the 8 weeks. Performance diagnostics revealed a substantial increase in the maximum output in Watt for the intervention group after 8 weeks. Moreover, the intervention showed a favorable effect on SF-36 items “emotional well-being” and “social functioning” as well as on GSE and HPA scores. Conclusions: Our individualized Web based exercise intervention for moderate to severe depression was highly accepted by the patients and led to a significant and clinically relevant improvement of depressive symptoms

    Physical and cognitive doping in university students using the unrelated question model (UQM): Assessing the influence of the probability of receiving the sensitive question on prevalence estimation

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    Study objectives: In order to increase the value of randomized response techniques (RRTs) as tools for studying sensitive issues, the present study investigated whether the prevalence estimate for a sensitive item π̂s_{s} assessed with the unrelated questionnaire method (UQM) is influenced by changing the probability of receiving the sensitive question p. Material and methods: A short paper-and-pencil questionnaire was distributed to 1.243 university students assessing the 12-month prevalence of physical and cognitive doping using two versions of the UQM with different probabilities for receiving the sensitive question (p ≈ 1/3 and p ≈ 2/3). Likelihood ratio tests were used to assess whether the prevalence estimates for physical and cognitive doping differed significantly between p ≈ 1/3 and p ≈ 2/3. The order of questions (physical doping and cognitive doping) as well as the probability of receiving the sensitive question (p ≈ 1/3 or p ≈ 2/3) were counterbalanced across participants. Statistical power analyses were performed to determine sample size. Results: The prevalence estimate for physical doping with p ≈ 1/3 was 22.5% (95% CI: 10.8-34.1), and 12.8% (95% CI: 7.6-18.0) with p ≈ 2/3. For cognitive doping with p ≈ 1/3, the estimated prevalence was 22.5% (95% CI: 11.0-34.1), whereas it was 18.0% (95% CI: 12.5-23.5) with p ≈ 2/3. Likelihood-ratio tests revealed that prevalence estimates for both physical and cognitive doping, respectively, did not differ significantly under p ≈ 1/3 and p ≈ 2/3 (physical doping: χ2 = 2.25, df = 1, p = 0.13; cognitive doping: χ2 = 0.49, df = 1, p = 0.48). Bayes factors computed with the Savage-Dickey method favored the null (‟the prevalence estimates are identical under p ≈ 1/3 and p ≈ 2/3“) over the alternative (‟the prevalence estimates differ under p ≈ 1/3 and p ≈ 2/3“) hypothesis for both physical doping (BF = 2.3) and cognitive doping (BF = 5.3). Conclusion: The present results suggest that prevalence estimates for physical and cognitive doping assessed by the UQM are largely unaffected by the probability for receiving the sensitive question p

    Applicability of a web-based, individualized exercise intervention in patients with liver disease, cystic fibrosis, esophageal cancer, and psychiatric disorders : process evaluation of 4 ongoing clinical trials

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    Background: In the primary and secondary prevention of civilization diseases, regular physical activity is recommended in international guidelines to improve disease-related symptoms, delay the progression of the disease, or to enhance postoperative outcomes. In the preoperative context, there has been a paradigm shift in favor of using preconditioning concepts before surgery. Web-based interventions seem an innovative and effective tool for delivering general information, individualized exercise recommendations, and peer support. Objective: Our first objective was to assess feasibility of our Web-based interventional concept and analyze similarities and differences in a sustained exercise implementation in different diseases. The second objective was to investigate the overall participants? satisfaction with our Web-based concept. Methods: A total of 4 clinical trials are still being carried out, including patients with esophageal carcinoma scheduled for oncologic esophagectomy (internet-based perioperative exercise program, iPEP, study), nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (hepatic inflammation and physical performance in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, HELP, study), depression (exercise for depression, EXDEP, study), and cystic fibrosis (cystic fibrosis online mentoring for microbiome, exercise, and diet, COMMED, study). During the intervention period, the study population had access to the website with disease-specific content and a disease-specific discussion forum. All participants received weekly, individual tailored exercise recommendations from the sports therapist. The main outcome was the using behavior, which was obtained by investigating the log-in rate and duration. Results: A total of 20 participants (5 from each trial) were analyzed. During the intervention period, a regular contact and a consequent implementation of exercise prescription were easily achieved in all substudies. Across the 4 substudies, there was a significant decrease in log-in rates (P<.001) and log-in durations (P<.001) over time. A detailed view of the different studies shows a significant decrease in log-in rates and log-in durations in the HELP study (P=.004; P=.002) and iPEP study (P=.02; P=.001), whereas the EXDEP study (P=.58; P=.38) and COMMED study (P=.87; P=.56) showed no significant change over the 8-week intervention period. There was no significant change in physical activity within all studies (P=.31). Only in the HELP study, the physical activity level increased steadily over the period analyzed (P=.045). Overall, 17 participants (85%, 17/20) felt secure and were not scared of injury, with no major differences in the subtrials. Conclusions: The universal use of the Web-based intervention appears to be applicable across the heterogonous collectives of our study patients with regard to age and disease. Although the development of physical activity shows only moderate improvements, flexible communication and tailored support could be easily integrated into patients? daily routine

    Use of a perioperative web-based exercise program for a patient with Barrett’s carcinoma scheduled for esophagectomy

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    A poor preoperative functional capacity increases the perioperative risk. Therefore, a web- based exercise approach has been initiated for a careful supervision and individual support of patients during their perioperative cancer therapy. Here, we present the data of a 57-year-old patient, scheduled for esophagectomy. Beside a five-week neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy (CRT), the patient performed 10 weeks of a web-based prehabilitation exercise training (preconditioning) and continued the exercise program for 14 weeks after surgery. The patient performed 42 of 44 recommended training sessions in the preconditioning period in his home environment. This corresponds to a mean of 131 (±38) min of total training per week. The patient performed 52 of 48 recommended training sessions in the postconditioning period. This corresponds to a mean of 165 (±87) min of total training per week. The patient could maintain his functional capacity during CRT and enhanced his submaximal performance level to the end of the intervention. The patient’s adherence to the program was noteworthy. The most important features of this approach are the personalized design and the flexible scheduling precisely in tune with the patient’s needs, concerns, and therapy related downtimes. Thus, the patient nearly fulfilled the exercise guidelines at a sufficient exercise intensity even during the neoadjuvant therapy. The preconditional exercise prevented a presumed CRT-induced and tumor-associated loss of functional capacity. The postoperative exercise led to a structured and adequate return into regular physical activities after surgery. Finally, this approach complements a comprehensive clinical care, in a health-promoting, cost effective, and patient-safely manner
