19 research outputs found

    Analysis of genetic diversity of soybean genotypes based on morphological and molecular markers

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    Soja je biljna vrsta koja se odlikuje izuzetno uskom genetičkom osnovom, nastalom kao rezultat samooplodnje, dugog procesa domestifikacije i veštačke selekcije. Ključni korak u održavanju diverziteta predstavlja evaluacija materijala pohranjenog u kolekcijama germplazme. Precizan opis germplazme je jedan od prvih uslova za njeno efikasno iskorišćavanje u oplemenjivanju. Cilj ovog rada bila je genetička i fenotipska karakterizacija i procena diverziteta 90 genotipova soje poreklom iz 15 zemalja sveta, čuvanih u kolekciji Instituta za kukuruz “Zemun Polje”. Za potrebe fenotipske karakterizacije (ocena morfoloških deskriptora u skladu sa DUS protokolom i evaluacija agronomski značajnih osobina), genotipovi su klasifikovani prema dužini vegetacije i testirani u dvogodišnjim ogledima na dve lokacije. Molekularna karakterizacija 90 genotipova soje izvršena je primenom 21 SSR markera. Analizom na osnovu 16 morfoloških deskriptora utvrđen je visok nivo diverziteta ispitivanih genotipova, i identifikovani deskriptori najveće diskriminacione moći. Struktura grupisanja dobijena analizom homogenosti (HOMALS) pokazala je visok stepen saglasnosti sa podacima o pedigreu genotipova, i slabu saglasnost sa podacima o geografskom poreklu. Klaster analizom utvrđena je visoka konzistencija grupisanja genotipova u odnosu na pedigre. Analiza homogenosti bila je efikasniji metod za sagledavanje morfološke sličnosti genotipova, obezbeđujući veći stepen razdvajanja genotipova i identifikujući osobine sa najvećim doprinosom u razlikovanju genotipova. Varijabilnost većine agronomski značajnih osobina bila je najvećim delom rezultat delovanja faktora spoljašnje sredine, dok se manji deo varijacije pripisuje efektima genotipa i interakciji genotip × spoljašnja sredina. Najmanja genetička distanca između genotipova dobijena je na osnovu agronomskih osobina. Na osnovu klaster analize i analize glavnih komponenti utvrđen je identičan model grupisanja genotipova prema sličnosti agronomskih osobina. Struktura grupisanja bila je visoko saglasna podacima o grupi zrenja, iako dužina vegetacije nije bila uključena u analizu, potvrđujući da grupa zrenja predstavlja najbolji indikator diverziteta genotipova soje na osnovu agronomskih osobina...Soybean is a plant species characterized by an extremely narrow genetic base, due to a self-pollination, a long process of domestification and artificial selection. A key phase in maintaining diversity is the evaluation of accessions available in germplasm collections. An accurate description of germplasm is one of the first requirements for its efficient use in breeding. The aim of this study was to conduct a genetic and phenotypic characterization of 90 soybean genotypes from 15 countries, maintained in Maize Research Institute "Zemun Polje" soybean collection, and assess their diversity. For the purpose of phenotypic characterization (morphological description according to DUS protocol and evaluation of agronomically important traits), genotypes were classified in groups regarding maturity, and tested in a two-year trials at two locations. Molecular characterization of 90 soybean genotypes was performed using 21 SSR markers. Analysis based on 16 morphological descriptors showed high level of diversity among genotypes, and identified the descriptors with highest discriminatory power. Grouping model derived by homogeneity analysis (HOMALS) showed higher level of congruence with pedigree data, and weak agreement with information on geographical origin of genotypes. Cluster analysis showed high consistency of grouping pattern with respect to pedigree. Homogeneity analysis proved to be a more efficient method for understanding a model of similarity among genotypes according to morphology, providing a higher-degree separation of genotypes and highlighting the traits with the greatest contribution to variety differentiation. For the majority of agronomically important traits, variability was mainly due to the environmental conditions, while the small portion of variation has been attributed to the effects of genotype, and genotype x environment interaction. The smallest genetic distance was determined on the basis of agronomic traits. Cluster analysis and principal component analysis identified identical pattern of genotype grouping based on similarity of agronomic traits. Grouping pattern highly corresponded to genotype affiliation to maturity group, although the length of the growing season was not included in analysis, confirming that the maturity group is the best indicator of agronomic diversity of soybean genotypes..

    Mesoporous silica nanoparticles SBA-15 loaded with emodin upregulate the antioxidative defense of Euproctis chrysorrhoea (L.) larvae

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    The study presented here aims to elucidate the effects of emodin (EO = 1,3,8-trihydroxy-6-methylanthraquinone) in its free form and when loaded into a mesoporous silica nanocarrier SBA-15 (→ SBA-15|EO) on the activities of the main antioxidative enzymes, superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione S-transferase, and glutathione reductase, in larvae of a polyphagous insect pest, the browntail moth Euproctis chrysorrhoea (L.). The results show that only SBA-15|EO upregulates the activities of the tested antioxidative enzymes. These results point to significant differences in the effectiveness of the compound in the free versus the loaded form

    Travel burden and clinical presentation of retinoblastoma: analysis of 1024 patients from 43 African countries and 518 patients from 40 European countries

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    BACKGROUND: The travel distance from home to a treatment centre, which may impact the stage at diagnosis, has not been investigated for retinoblastoma, the most common childhood eye cancer. We aimed to investigate the travel burden and its impact on clinical presentation in a large sample of patients with retinoblastoma from Africa and Europe. METHODS: A cross-sectional analysis including 518 treatment-naïve patients with retinoblastoma residing in 40 European countries and 1024 treatment-naïve patients with retinoblastoma residing in 43 African countries. RESULTS: Capture rate was 42.2% of expected patients from Africa and 108.8% from Europe. African patients were older (95% CI -12.4 to -5.4, p<0.001), had fewer cases of familial retinoblastoma (95% CI 2.0 to 5.3, p<0.001) and presented with more advanced disease (95% CI 6.0 to 9.8, p<0.001); 43.4% and 15.4% of Africans had extraocular retinoblastoma and distant metastasis at the time of diagnosis, respectively, compared to 2.9% and 1.0% of the Europeans. To reach a retinoblastoma centre, European patients travelled 421.8 km compared to Africans who travelled 185.7 km (p<0.001). On regression analysis, lower-national income level, African residence and older age (p<0.001), but not travel distance (p=0.19), were risk factors for advanced disease. CONCLUSIONS: Fewer than half the expected number of patients with retinoblastoma presented to African referral centres in 2017, suggesting poor awareness or other barriers to access. Despite the relatively shorter distance travelled by African patients, they presented with later-stage disease. Health education about retinoblastoma is needed for carers and health workers in Africa in order to increase capture rate and promote early referral

    Analysis of genetic diversity of soybean genotypes based on morphological and molecular markers

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    Soja je biljna vrsta koja se odlikuje izuzetno uskom genetičkom osnovom, nastalom kao rezultat samooplodnje, dugog procesa domestifikacije i veštačke selekcije. Ključni korak u održavanju diverziteta predstavlja evaluacija materijala pohranjenog u kolekcijama germplazme. Precizan opis germplazme je jedan od prvih uslova za njeno efikasno iskorišćavanje u oplemenjivanju. Cilj ovog rada bila je genetička i fenotipska karakterizacija i procena diverziteta 90 genotipova soje poreklom iz 15 zemalja sveta, čuvanih u kolekciji Instituta za kukuruz “Zemun Polje”. Za potrebe fenotipske karakterizacije (ocena morfoloških deskriptora u skladu sa DUS protokolom i evaluacija agronomski značajnih osobina), genotipovi su klasifikovani prema dužini vegetacije i testirani u dvogodišnjim ogledima na dve lokacije. Molekularna karakterizacija 90 genotipova soje izvršena je primenom 21 SSR markera. Analizom na osnovu 16 morfoloških deskriptora utvrđen je visok nivo diverziteta ispitivanih genotipova, i identifikovani deskriptori najveće diskriminacione moći. Struktura grupisanja dobijena analizom homogenosti (HOMALS) pokazala je visok stepen saglasnosti sa podacima o pedigreu genotipova, i slabu saglasnost sa podacima o geografskom poreklu. Klaster analizom utvrđena je visoka konzistencija grupisanja genotipova u odnosu na pedigre. Analiza homogenosti bila je efikasniji metod za sagledavanje morfološke sličnosti genotipova, obezbeđujući veći stepen razdvajanja genotipova i identifikujući osobine sa najvećim doprinosom u razlikovanju genotipova. Varijabilnost većine agronomski značajnih osobina bila je najvećim delom rezultat delovanja faktora spoljašnje sredine, dok se manji deo varijacije pripisuje efektima genotipa i interakciji genotip × spoljašnja sredina. Najmanja genetička distanca između genotipova dobijena je na osnovu agronomskih osobina. Na osnovu klaster analize i analize glavnih komponenti utvrđen je identičan model grupisanja genotipova prema sličnosti agronomskih osobina. Struktura grupisanja bila je visoko saglasna podacima o grupi zrenja, iako dužina vegetacije nije bila uključena u analizu, potvrđujući da grupa zrenja predstavlja najbolji indikator diverziteta genotipova soje na osnovu agronomskih osobina...Soybean is a plant species characterized by an extremely narrow genetic base, due to a self-pollination, a long process of domestification and artificial selection. A key phase in maintaining diversity is the evaluation of accessions available in germplasm collections. An accurate description of germplasm is one of the first requirements for its efficient use in breeding. The aim of this study was to conduct a genetic and phenotypic characterization of 90 soybean genotypes from 15 countries, maintained in Maize Research Institute "Zemun Polje" soybean collection, and assess their diversity. For the purpose of phenotypic characterization (morphological description according to DUS protocol and evaluation of agronomically important traits), genotypes were classified in groups regarding maturity, and tested in a two-year trials at two locations. Molecular characterization of 90 soybean genotypes was performed using 21 SSR markers. Analysis based on 16 morphological descriptors showed high level of diversity among genotypes, and identified the descriptors with highest discriminatory power. Grouping model derived by homogeneity analysis (HOMALS) showed higher level of congruence with pedigree data, and weak agreement with information on geographical origin of genotypes. Cluster analysis showed high consistency of grouping pattern with respect to pedigree. Homogeneity analysis proved to be a more efficient method for understanding a model of similarity among genotypes according to morphology, providing a higher-degree separation of genotypes and highlighting the traits with the greatest contribution to variety differentiation. For the majority of agronomically important traits, variability was mainly due to the environmental conditions, while the small portion of variation has been attributed to the effects of genotype, and genotype x environment interaction. The smallest genetic distance was determined on the basis of agronomic traits. Cluster analysis and principal component analysis identified identical pattern of genotype grouping based on similarity of agronomic traits. Grouping pattern highly corresponded to genotype affiliation to maturity group, although the length of the growing season was not included in analysis, confirming that the maturity group is the best indicator of agronomic diversity of soybean genotypes..

    Analysis of genetic diversity of soybean genotypes based on morphological and molecular markers

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    Soja je biljna vrsta koja se odlikuje izuzetno uskom genetičkom osnovom, nastalom kao rezultat samooplodnje, dugog procesa domestifikacije i veštačke selekcije. Ključni korak u održavanju diverziteta predstavlja evaluacija materijala pohranjenog u kolekcijama germplazme. Precizan opis germplazme je jedan od prvih uslova za njeno efikasno iskorišćavanje u oplemenjivanju. Cilj ovog rada bila je genetička i fenotipska karakterizacija i procena diverziteta 90 genotipova soje poreklom iz 15 zemalja sveta, čuvanih u kolekciji Instituta za kukuruz “Zemun Polje”. Za potrebe fenotipske karakterizacije (ocena morfoloških deskriptora u skladu sa DUS protokolom i evaluacija agronomski značajnih osobina), genotipovi su klasifikovani prema dužini vegetacije i testirani u dvogodišnjim ogledima na dve lokacije. Molekularna karakterizacija 90 genotipova soje izvršena je primenom 21 SSR markera. Analizom na osnovu 16 morfoloških deskriptora utvrđen je visok nivo diverziteta ispitivanih genotipova, i identifikovani deskriptori najveće diskriminacione moći. Struktura grupisanja dobijena analizom homogenosti (HOMALS) pokazala je visok stepen saglasnosti sa podacima o pedigreu genotipova, i slabu saglasnost sa podacima o geografskom poreklu. Klaster analizom utvrđena je visoka konzistencija grupisanja genotipova u odnosu na pedigre. Analiza homogenosti bila je efikasniji metod za sagledavanje morfološke sličnosti genotipova, obezbeđujući veći stepen razdvajanja genotipova i identifikujući osobine sa najvećim doprinosom u razlikovanju genotipova. Varijabilnost većine agronomski značajnih osobina bila je najvećim delom rezultat delovanja faktora spoljašnje sredine, dok se manji deo varijacije pripisuje efektima genotipa i interakciji genotip × spoljašnja sredina. Najmanja genetička distanca između genotipova dobijena je na osnovu agronomskih osobina. Na osnovu klaster analize i analize glavnih komponenti utvrđen je identičan model grupisanja genotipova prema sličnosti agronomskih osobina. Struktura grupisanja bila je visoko saglasna podacima o grupi zrenja, iako dužina vegetacije nije bila uključena u analizu, potvrđujući da grupa zrenja predstavlja najbolji indikator diverziteta genotipova soje na osnovu agronomskih osobina...Soybean is a plant species characterized by an extremely narrow genetic base, due to a self-pollination, a long process of domestification and artificial selection. A key phase in maintaining diversity is the evaluation of accessions available in germplasm collections. An accurate description of germplasm is one of the first requirements for its efficient use in breeding. The aim of this study was to conduct a genetic and phenotypic characterization of 90 soybean genotypes from 15 countries, maintained in Maize Research Institute "Zemun Polje" soybean collection, and assess their diversity. For the purpose of phenotypic characterization (morphological description according to DUS protocol and evaluation of agronomically important traits), genotypes were classified in groups regarding maturity, and tested in a two-year trials at two locations. Molecular characterization of 90 soybean genotypes was performed using 21 SSR markers. Analysis based on 16 morphological descriptors showed high level of diversity among genotypes, and identified the descriptors with highest discriminatory power. Grouping model derived by homogeneity analysis (HOMALS) showed higher level of congruence with pedigree data, and weak agreement with information on geographical origin of genotypes. Cluster analysis showed high consistency of grouping pattern with respect to pedigree. Homogeneity analysis proved to be a more efficient method for understanding a model of similarity among genotypes according to morphology, providing a higher-degree separation of genotypes and highlighting the traits with the greatest contribution to variety differentiation. For the majority of agronomically important traits, variability was mainly due to the environmental conditions, while the small portion of variation has been attributed to the effects of genotype, and genotype x environment interaction. The smallest genetic distance was determined on the basis of agronomic traits. Cluster analysis and principal component analysis identified identical pattern of genotype grouping based on similarity of agronomic traits. Grouping pattern highly corresponded to genotype affiliation to maturity group, although the length of the growing season was not included in analysis, confirming that the maturity group is the best indicator of agronomic diversity of soybean genotypes..

    Validation study of a rapid colorimetric method for the determination of phytic acid and inorganic phosphorus from seeds

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    Phytate, as an important mineral storage compound in seeds, is vital for seed/grain development; it is often considered to be an antinutritional substance. The objective of this study was to develop a rapid and inexpensive colorimetric method of measuring phytate and inorganic P (Pi) concentrations from maize, soybean and sunflower seed/grain extracts, by combining adequate precision and simplicity, ideal for breeders interested in improving simultaneously Pi and phytate levels. The investigated extraction mediums: double distilled (DD) H2O, 2.4 % HCl and 5 % trichloracetic acid (TCA) were proved to be suitable for the analysis of phytic acid and inorganic phosphorus in seed extracts. The advantages of 5 % TCA over to DD H2O and 2.4 % HCl were reflected through the low limit of detection for both phytic acid and Pi and good recovery with low bias. A low detection limit for Pi is important for samples with naturally low Pi concentrations, such as soybean seeds

    TIMS and MALDI TOF of endohedral Li-n"C-70 (n=1-3) metallofullerenes

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    Using the ion implantation technique (introducing negatively charged fullerene into a low temperature lithium plasma column by a strong axial magnetic field) endohedral fullerenes Li"C-70, Li-2"C-70 and Li-3"C-70 were produced. Mass spectral studies (both TIMS-thermal ionization mass spectrometry and MALDI TOF MS - matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry) of these endohedral fullerenes provided detailed structural and reactivity information about these unusual species. The fragmentation of the obtained ions is shown to be by a multiple C-2 loss (shrink-wrap mechanism). According to the fact that more atoms in the fullerene make the produced endohedral less stable, Li-3"C-70 shows a big degree of instability. The presence of Li-3"C-70 was observed on MALDI TOF MS

    The influence of dietary protein quality on midgut and brain proteins in Morimus funereus larvae

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    The response of starved Morimus funereus larvae refed with an artificial diet (Galford, 1967) was examined in the present paper. Larvae were offered diets varying in protein quality (soya protein, casein, and gelatin). Refeeding with the Galford diet (G I) and two modifications of it in which soya protein was supplemented with casein (G II) or gelatin (G III) led to an increase of body mass. Different protein quality in the nutritive substrate influenced both the quantity and quality of midgut and brain proteins