213 research outputs found

    Ispitivanje nekih funkcionalnih svojstava mesa tolstolobika (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Val.) i šarana Cyprinus carpio Lin

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    Water binding ability (WBA), held water (HW) and gel-forming properties of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Val) and carp (Cyprinus carpio Lin) meat were examined in this paper. Two variants of fish meat gels: A with 50% of meat and B with 60% of meat were examined at temperatures: 70 75, 80, 85 and 90°C. The variant A of silver carp meat gels has shown the maximum of WBA and HW at 80 oC, and the variant B at 75°C. In both variants of carp meat gels slow increase of WBA and HW with rise of temperature to 80°C was established. Silver carp meat gels have had better WBA than control gels (beef and poultry meat), and carp meat gels have better HW, but somewhat worse WBA than control gels. In gels of variant A of silver carp meat the highest module of elasticity (6.862 N/cm2) was found at thermal treatment at 85°C, but statistically significant differences in relation to other temperatures were not established. In variant B, with the rise of temperature, the module of elasticity increases; statistically significant differences were established among gels treated at 70 oC and others. Differences between variants A and B were statistically significant at all examined temperatures. Meat gels of silver carp have significantly lower module of elasticity compared to control gels. Under conditions of our experiment the module of elasticity of carp meat was below measuring limit.Nekonvencionalni tehnološki procesi, u preradi ribe, postaju sve zastupljeniji zahvaljujući mogućnostima koje pružaju u pogledu asortimana i racionalnom (ekonomičnom) iskorišćenju sirovine, i baziraju se na usitnjenom ribljem mesu ili surimiju kao sirovini. Kvalitet finalnog proizvoda uslovljen je funkcionalnim karakteristikama sirovine, kao što su sposobnost vezivanja vode i sposobnost geliranja i/ili uslovima toplotnog procesa. U ovom radu ispitivane su sposobnost vezivanja vode (SVV) i zadržavanja vode (HW) i sposobnost geliranja mesa belog tolstolobika (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Val) i šarana (Cyprinus carpio Lin). SVV, HW i sposobnost geliranja varijanti gelova sa 50 i 60% mesa (A i B) ispitivane su na temperaturama: 70, 75, 80, 85 i 90°C. Varijanta A gelova od mesa tolstolobika pokazuje maksimalnu SVV i HW na 80°C, a varijanta B na 75°C. Obe varijante gelova od mesa šarana pokazuju blago povećanje SVV i HW sa porastom temperature do 80oC. Gelovi od mesa tolstolobika pokazuju znatno bolju SVV od kontrolnih gelova (goveđe i pileće meso), a gelovi od mesa šarana bolju HW, ali nešto lošiju SVV od kontrolnih gelova. Kod varijante gelova A od mesa tolstolobika najveći modul elastičnosti 6.862 N/cm2 utvrđen je pri toplotnoj obradi na 85oC, međutim, nisu utvrđene i statistički značajne razlike u odnosu na ostale temperature. Kod varijante B, sa povećanjem temperature povećava se i modul elastičnosti, statistički značajne razlike utvrđene su između gelova tretiranih na 70°C, i ostalih. Razlike između varijanti A i B su statistički značajne na svim ispitivanim temperaturama. Gelovi od mesa tolstolobika imaju statisički značajno manji modul elastičnosti, u odnosu na kontrolne gelove

    Sadržaj holesterola u mesu pojedinih Cyprinidae

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    The aim of this paper was to examine cholesterol content in meat of five Cyprinidae species: white bream (Bllica bjoerkna L.), carp bream (Abramis brama L.), baltic vimba (Vimba vimba carinata Pallas), zope (Abramis balerus L.) and crucian carp (Carassius carassius gibelio Bloch) from the river Danube. Cholesterol content was examined in the function of season factor and individual weight. Cholesterol concentration in meat of white bream carp bream, baltic vimba, zope and crucian carp is on average level below 20 mg/100 g of meat, which makes meat of these fish species nutritively very valuable. Cholesterol content is variable during the season. Its concentration in meat and in lipids is lowest during spring, during summer it increases and during autumn decreases, except in meat of white bream. Body weight has influence on cholesterol content when its concentration is expressed as % of cholesterol in lipids. Its content in lipids decreases with increasing of individual weight, except in meat of carp bream.Jedan od najznačajnijih faktora rizika koji dovodi do razvoja ateroskleroze i bolesti srca i krvnih sudova je povišen nivo holesterola u krvi. Stoga je cilj ovog rada bio da se ispita sadržaj holesterola u mesu pet vrsta Ciprinida poreklom iz reke Dunav, u funkciji sezonskog faktora i mase jedinki. Sadržaj holesterola u mesu, svih ispitivanih vrsta riba, je na niskom nivou. Njegova prosečna vrednost tokom perioda proleće-jesen kreće se od 14.85 mg/100g u mesu špicera, do 31.40 mg/100g u mesu krupatice. Sadržaj holesterola, u mesu deverike, plavonosa, špicera i babuške je ispod 20 mg/100g mesa, što su znatno niže vrednosti no u mesu toplokrvnih životinja. Koncentracija holesterola u mesu i u masti najmanja je tokom proleća, tokom leta se povećava, a u toku jeseni smanjuje, osim u mesu krupatice. Masa trupa utiče na sadržaj holesterola u slučaju kada je njegova koncentracija iskazana kao % holesterola u masti. Njegov sadržaj u masti smanjuje se sa povećanjem mase jedinki, osim u mesu deverike

    Risk factors for alopecia areata and its impact on quality of life

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    Uvod. Psihosomatski faktori, prvenstveno emocionlni stres, i karakteristike ličnosti, dovode se u vezu sa nastankom alopecije areate (AA). Iako je uloga stresa u nastanku AA bila predmet ispitivanja brojnih studija, u većini dosadašnjih istraživanja nije posvećena dovoljna pažnja uticaju drugih faktora na individualnu predispoziciju za razvoj bolesti u uslovima pojačanog stresa. To se posebno odnosi na socijalnu podršku i obrasce afektivnog vezivanja u bliskim odnosima. Gubitak kose utiče na predstavu pojedinca o sebi i brojne studije ukazuju da pacijenti, kako sa klinički manifestnim, tako i sa klinički neuočljivim gubitkom kose, mogu imati značajno snižen kvalitet života. Iako se AA smatra potpuno benignim stanjem, bolest može snažno da se odrazi na kvalitet života. Za procenu težine AA, merenje kvaliteta života predstavlja relevantniji kriterijum u odnosu na kliničku evaluaciju, jer se subjektivni doživljaj pacijenta u vezi sa uticajem bolesti na različite aspekte života može u značajnoj meri razlikovati od procene lekara. Ciljevi. 1) Ispitivanje značaja stresogenih životnih događaja, emocionalnih veza sa bliskim osobama i socijalne podrške u nastanku AA. 2) Procena kvaliteta života obolelih od AA i njegovo poređenje sa kvalitetom života osoba iz opšte populacije i obolelih od drugih kožnih bolesti. 3) Merenje kvaliteta života obolelih od AA unutar podgrupa sa različitom težinom bolesti i njihovo međusobno poređenje. 4) Ispitivanje uticaja komobiditeta na kvalitet života obolelih od AA. 5) Ispitivanje validnosti i pouzdanosti primenjenih upitnika za merenje kvaliteta života. Metod. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na Klinici za dermatovenerologiju, Kliničkog centra Srbije, od aprila 2012. do juna 2013. godine. Uloga faktora rizika u nastanku AA ispitivana je primenom studije slučajeva i kontrola. Studijom je obuhvaćeno 60 uzastopnih, ambulantno i hospitalno lečenih pacijenata sa dijagnozom AA, dok su kontrolnu grupu činile 132 osobe obolele od drugih kožnih bolesti, čiji se nastanak ne dovodi u vezu sa psihosomatskim faktorima. Težina bolesti procenjivana je pomoću SALT skora, a za ispitivanje faktora rizika korišćeni su sledeći upitnici: Pajkelov upitnik stresnih životnih događaja, Upitnik iskustava u bliskim vezama i Multidimenzionalna skala opažene socijalne podrške...Introduction. Psychosomatic factors such as emotional stress and personality traits have been suggested to play a role in triggering alopecia areata (AA). Although an association between stressful life events and the onset of AA has been investigated in many studies, most of them neglected other factors potentially modulating susceptibility to disease, such as social support and attachment style. Hair loss significantly impacts an individual’s self image, and studies indicate that patients with both clinically apparent and clinically imperceptible hair loss may have significantly decreased quality of life (QoL). Although AA is a medically benign condition, it can affect seriously patients’ QoL. Thus, to assess the severity of AA, QoL seems to be a more relevant criterion than clinical evaluation such as AA extension, because the perception of patients may differ significantly from those of their health-care providers. Objectives. The aims of this research were: 1) to examine the role of stressful life events, attachment style and social support in triggering the disease process in AA; 2) to evaluate QoL in AA patients, and to compare the QoL between AA patients and general population, as well as with patients suffering from other skin diseases; 3) to evaluate the QoL in patients with AA according to disease severity; 4) to assess the impact of comorbidity on QoL in AA patients; 5) to test validity and reliability of questionnaires used for QoL assessment. Method. The research was conducted at the Clinic of Dermatovenereology, Clinical Center of Serbia in Belgrade from April 2012 to June 2103. In order to evaluate the role of risk factors in triggering the disease process in AA, the hospital-based, case-control study was designed. The study included 60 consecutive AA patients and 132 comparison subjects affected with other skin conditions commonly believed as having a low psychosomatic component. The severity of hair loss was measured by Severity of Alopecia Tool (SALT) score. The role of risk factors in triggering of AA was assessed using: Paykel’s Interview for Recent Life Events, Experiences in Close Relationships – revised (ECR-R) Questionnaire and Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS). To assess the QoL in 60 patients with AA the cross-sectional study was performed..

    Koncentracije proupalnih citokina u nosnom sekretu kao indikatori težine nosne polipoze

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    The aim of this prospective study was to evaluate whether cytokine levels in nasal secretions may be clinical parameters of severity of nasal polyposis. Forty nasal polyp patients (20 asthmatic and 20 nonasthmatic) requiring surgical treatment were included. Nasal secretion samples were collected from nasal cavities of all 40 subjects. The levels of T-helper type 1 (Th1) proinflammatory cytokines IL -2, IL -12, IFN -g, IL -1β, TNF -α and TNF -β, Th2 cytokines IL -4, IL -5 and IL -6, antiinflammatory cytokine IL -10 and chemokine IL -8 were measured using flow cytometric method. Each of the 40 patients was staged clinically according to global nasal symptom score, endoscopic score, and Lund-Mackay computed tomography (CT) score. Eosinophils were counted in hematoxylin-eosin stained sections of all nasal polyp samples. The concentrations of Th2 proinflammatory cytokines IL -5 and IL -6 were significantly higher (p<0.05 and p<0.01, respectively) in patients with nasal polyposis and asthma compared with nasal polyp patients without asthma. Positive correlations were observed between IL -2 concentration in nasal secretions and nasal symptom score, endoscopic score, and Lund-Mackay score only in nasal polyp patients without asthma. We also found positive correlation between Lund-Mackay score and the levels of IL -8, IL -4, and IL -1β in nonasthmatic patients. A positive correlation between IL -5 levels in nasal fluid and endoscopic score was found only in asthmatic patients. Eosinophil counts were higher in asthmatic patients’ polyps compared with nonasthmatic ones, but without statistical significance. Nasal polyposis in asthmatic patients has different immunological patterns compared to those without asthma. The concentrations of cytokines measured in nasal fluid were not sensitive enough to be universal criteria to determine the severity of all forms of nasal polyposis.Cilj ove prospektivne studije bio je ispitati mogu li koncentracije citokina u nosnom sekretu poslužiti kao klinički parametri za procjenu težine nosne polipoze. U studiju je bilo uključeno 40 bolesnika s nosnom polipozom (20 astmatičnih i 20 neastmatičnih) u kojih je bilo potrebno kirurško liječenje. Uzorci nosnoga sekreta bili su sakupljeni iz nosnih šupljina svih 40 bolesnika. Koncentracije T pomoćničkih-1 (Th1) proupalnih citokina IL -2, IL -12, IFN -γ, IL -1β, TNF -α i TNF -β, Th2 citokina IL -4, IL -5 i IL -6, protuupalnog citokina IL -10 i hemokina IL -8 mjerene su primjenom metode protočne citometrije. Svaki od 40 bolesnika klinički je klasificiran prema zbiru nosnih simptoma, endoskopskom zbiru i Lund-Mackayevu zbiru. Eozinofili su se brojili u uzorcima nosnih polipa obojenim tehnikom hematoksilin-eozin. Koncentracije Th2 proupalnih citokina IL -5 i IL -6 bile su statistički značajno više u astmatičnih nego u neastmatičnih bolesnika s nosnom polipozom (P<0,05, P<0,01). Nađena je pozitivna korelacija između koncentracije IL -2 u nosnom sekretu i zbira nosnih simptoma, endoskopskog zbira i Lund-Mackayeva zbira samo u neastmatičnih bolesnika. Također su utvrđene pozitivne korelacije između Lund-Mackayeva zbira i razina IL -8, IL -4 i IL -1β u neastmatičnih bolesnika. Pozitivna koralacija između koncentracije IL -5 u nosnom sekretu i endoskopskog zbira nađena je samo kod astmatičnih bolesnika. Broj eozinofila bio je veći u tkivu nosnih polipa astmatičnih bolesnika nego u neastmatičnih, ali bez statističke značajnosti. Nosna polipoza u astmatičnih bolesnika ima drugačiji imunološki tijek u usporedbi s neastmatičnim bolesnicima. Koncentracije citokina mjerene u nosnom sekretu nisu dovoljno osjetljiv pokazatelj da bi bile univerzalni kriterij za procjenu težine svih oblika nosne polipoze

    Switched Nonuniform and Piecewise Uniform Scalar Quantization of Laplacian Source

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    In this paper switched nonuniform and piecewise uniform scalar quantization of Laplacian source are analyzed. This scalar quantization techniques are used in order to obtain higher signal quality by increasing signal-to-quantization noise ratio (SNRQ) with respect to it’s necessary robustness over a broad range of input variances in a wide range of signal volumes. We observe μ-law compandor implementation to achieve compromise between high-rate digitalization and variance adaptation. The main contribution of this model is kipping almost the same quality as the nonuniform compandor model, with simpler realization structure and the possibility of it’s applying for digitalization of wide range continuous signals

    Chemical risk factors responsible for the formation of wedge-shaped lesions

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    Introduction: Non-carious tooth substances loss pose a major health problem of a modern man. The literature often collectively describes all non-carious lesions and is therefore difficult to compare results obtained by different authors. Chemical factors are one of the predisposing factors responsible for the formation of wedge-shaped erosions. Aim: Examination of chemical risk factors as one of the predisposing causes responsible for the formation of wedge-shaped lesions. Method: We examined 62 patients with wedge-shaped erosions (mean age 45.52 ± 12.03 years, 58.1% of men) and 60 patients without erosions in the control group (mean age 34.40 ± 9.28 years, 60% men) . The entire examination was completed by using a questionnaire at the Dental Clinic of the University of Pristina - Kosovska Mitrovica. salivary pH was measured by the pH meter. Results: The results show that the wedge-shaped lesions often occur equally in both men and women. Considerably often it might appear in older people but can also occur in teenagers. Patients with wedge-shaped erosion have increased acidity of saliva, a heightened sense of acid in the mouth and consume a lot more carbonated drinks compared to patients without erosions. Conclusion: Wedge-shaped lesions are more common in people older than 40 years. Taking into account the results obtained in this study it can be concluded that the chemical risk factors truly fall within the predisposing factors that may be responsible for the creation of wedge-shaped erosions

    A TPD-MS study of glassy carbon surfaces oxidized by CO2 and O-2

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    The temperature-programmed desorption (TPD) method combined with mass spectrometric (MS) analysis has been applied to investigate the surface properties of carbon materials. The apparatus consisting of a temperature-programmed furnace and a quadrupole Mass spectrometer was constructed in order to characterize the surface of differently treated glassy carbon samples. In this work, samples of glassy carbon exposed to air, CO2 and O-2 were examined. The desorption of H2O, CO and CO2, as major products, indicated the presence of different oxide groups. The amount of these groups for all samples was calculated. It is concluded that oxidation affects the nature and the amount of die surface oxide groups and contributes to their increased stability


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    In this paper macrodiversity system with macrodiversity selection combining (SC) receiver and two microdiversity SC receivers operating over composite shadowed multipath fading environment is considered. Received signal is subjected simultaneously to gamma long term fading and α-κ-μ short term fading resulting in system performance degradation. Macrodiversity SC receiver reduces gamma long term fading effects and microdiversity SC receivers mitigate α-κ-μ short term fading effects. Analitical expression for average level crossing rate of proposed wireless mobile system represented as an infinite series is evaluated. Mathematical and numerical analysis are shown influences of gamma fading severity, α-κ-μ multipath fading severity, and Rician factor on average level crossing rate