15,323 research outputs found

    PIH42 Effectiveness of a Protocol for Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Immunoprophylaxis in Pre-Term Infants Born at <34 Weeks Gestation Age

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    Study of star-forming galaxies in SDSS up to redshift 0.4: I. Metallicity evolution

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    The chemical composition of the gas in galaxies versus cosmic time provides a very important tool for understanding galaxy evolution. Although there are many studies at high redshift, they are rather scarce at lower redshifts. However, low redshift studies can provide important clues about the evolution of galaxies, furnishing the required link between local and high redshift universe. In this work we focus on the metallicity of the gas of star-forming galaxies at low redshift, looking for signs of chemical evolution. To analyze the metallicity contents star-forming galaxies of similar luminosities and masses at different redshifts. With this purpose, we present a study of the metallicity of relatively massive (log(M_star/M_sun)>10.5) star forming galaxies from SDSS--DR5 (Sloan Digital Sky Survey--Data Release 5), using different redshift intervals from 0.04 to 0.4. We used data processed with the STARLIGHT spectral synthesis code, correcting the fluxes for dust extinction, estimating metallicities using the R_23 method, and segregating the samples with respect to the value of the [NII]6583/[OII]3727 line ratio in order to break the R_23 degeneracy selecting the upper branch. We analyze the luminosity and mass-metallicity relations, and the effect of the Sloan fiber diameter looking for possible biases. By dividing our redshift samples in intervals of similar magnitude and comparing them, significant signs of metallicity evolution are found. Metallicity correlates inversely with redshift: from redshift 0 to 0.4 a decrement of ~0.1 dex in 12+log(O/H) is found.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, Accepted for publication in A&

    Water loss in horticultural products. Modelling, data analysis and theoretical considerations

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    The water loss of individual fruit (melon, plum and mandarin) was analysed using the traditional diffusion based approach and a kinetic approach. Applying simple non linear regression, both approaches are the same, resulting in a quite acceptable analysis. However, by applying mixed effects non linear regression analysis, explicitly including the variation over the individuals, the kinetic approach was found to reflect the processes occurring during mass loss better than the diffusion approach. All the variation between the individuals in a batch could be attributed to the initial mass or size of the individuals. The fraction of the fruit mass that is available for transpiration is the key item in the water loss process, rather than the skin resistance and fruit area. Obtained explained parts are well over 99%

    Assessment of Emotional Experience and Emotional Recognition in Complicated Grief

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    There is substantial evidence of bias in the processing of emotion in people with complicated grief (CG). Previous studies have tended to assess the expression of emotion in CG, but other aspects of emotion (mainly emotion recognition, and the subjective aspects of emotion) have not been addressed, despite their importance for practicing clinicians. A quasi-experimental design with two matched groups (Complicated Grief, N D 24 and Non-Complicated Grief, N D 20) was carried out. The Facial Expression of Emotion Test (emotion recognition), a set of pictures from the International Affective Picture System (subjective experience of emotion) and the Symptom Checklist 90 Revised (psychopathology) were employed. The CG group showed lower scores on the dimension of valence for specific conditions on the IAPS, related to the subjective experience of emotion. In addition, they presented higher values of psychopathology. In contrast, statistically significant results were not found for the recognition of emotion. In conclusion, from a neuropsychological point of view, the subjective aspects of emotion and psychopathology seem central in explaining the experience of those with CG. These results are clinically significant for psychotherapists and psychoanalysts working in the field of grief and loss

    HQR-Scheme: A High Quality and resilient virtual primary key generation approach for watermarking relational data

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    Most of the watermarking techniques designed to protect relational data often use the Primary Key (PK) of relations to perform the watermark synchronization. Despite offering high confidence to the watermark detection, these approaches become useless if the PK can be erased or updated. A typical example is when an attacker wishes to use a stolen relation, unlinked to the rest of the database. In that case, the original values of the PK lose relevance, since they are not employed to check the referential integrity. Then, it is possible to erase or replace the PK, compromising the watermark detection with no need to perform the slightest modification on the rest of the data. To avoid the problems caused by the PK-dependency some schemes have been proposed to generate Virtual Primary Keys (VPK) used instead. Nevertheless, the quality of the watermark synchronized using VPKs is compromised due to the presence of duplicate values in the set of VPKs and the fragility of the VPK schemes against the elimination of attributes. In this paper, we introduce the metrics to allow precise measuring of the quality of the VPKs generated by any scheme without requiring to perform the watermark embedding. This way, time waste can be avoided in case of low-quality detection. We also analyze the main aspects to design the ideal VPK scheme, seeking the generation of high-quality VPK sets adding robustness to the process. Finally, a new scheme is presented along with the experiments carried out to validate and compare the results with the rest of the schemes proposed in the literature
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