108 research outputs found

    J Clin Med

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    Frailty and sarcopenia are characterized by a loss of muscle mass and functionality and are diagnosed mainly by functional tests and imaging parameters. However, more muscle specific biomarkers are needed to improve frailty diagnosis. Plasma 3-methylhistidine (3-MH), as well as the 3-MH-to-creatinine (3-MH/Crea) and 3-MH-to-estimated glomerular filtration rate (3-MH/eGFR) ratios might support the diagnosis of frailty. Therefore, we investigated the cross-sectional associations between plasma 3-MH, 3-MH/Crea and 3-MH/eGFR with the frailty status of community-dwelling individuals (>65 years). 360 participants from two French cohorts of the FRAILOMIC initiative were classified into robust, pre-frail and frail according to Fried's frailty criteria. General linear models as well as bivariate and multiple linear and logistic regression models, which were adjusted for several confounders, were applied to determine associations between biomarkers and frailty status. The present study consisted of 37.8% robust, 43.1% pre-frail and 19.2% frail participants. Frail participants had significantly higher plasma 3-MH, 3-MH/Crea and 3-MH/eGFR ratios than robust individuals, and these biomarkers were positively associated with frailty status. Additionally, the likelihood to be frail was significantly higher for every increase in 3-MH (1.31-fold) and 3-MH/GFR (1.35-fold) quintile after adjusting for confounders. We conclude that 3-MH, 3-MH/Crea and 3-MH/eGFR in plasma might be potential biomarkers to identify frail individuals or those at higher risk to be frail, and we assume that there might be biomarker thresholds to identify these individuals. However, further, especially longitudinal studies are needed

    Auto-percepção e má oclusão relacionadas à aparência e a função bucal

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between malocclusion and self-perception of oral appearance/function, in 12/15-year-old Brazilian adolescents. The cluster sample consisted of 717 teenagers attending 24 urban public (n=611) and 5 rural public (n=107) schools in Maringá/PR. Malocclusion was measured using the Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI), in accordance with WHO recommendations. A parental questionnaire was applied to collect information on esthetic perception level and oral variables related to oral health. Univariate and multiple logistic regression analyses were performed. Multiple logistic regression confirmed that for 12-year-old, missing teeth (OR=2.865) and presence of openbite (open occlusal relationship) (OR=2.865) were risk indicators for speech capability. With regard to 15-year-old, presence of mandibular overjet (horizontal overlap) (OR=4.016) was a risk indicator for speech capability and molar relationship (OR=1.661) was a risk indicator for chewing capability. The impact of malocclusion on adolescents' life was confirmed in this study. Speech and chewing capability were associated with orthodontic deviations, which should be taken into consideration in oral health planning, to identify risk groups and improve community health services.Este estudo objetivou avaliar a relação entre a má oclusão e a autopercepção da aparência/função bucal em adolescentes brasileiros de 12/15 anos de idade. A amostragem foi probabilística, constituída por 717 adolescentes de escolas públicas, sendo 24 urbanas (n=611) e 5 rurais (n=107), em Maringá/PR. A má oclusão foi medida por meio do Índice de Estética Dental (DAI), de acordo com os critérios da OMS. Foi aplicado um questionário aos pais para coletar informações sobre o nível de percepção estética e as variáveis relacionadas à saúde bucal. Análises univariada e de regressão logística múltipla foram realizadas. A regressão logística múltipla confirmou que para 12 anos, os dentes ausentes (OR=2,865) e a presença de mordida aberta (OR=2,865) foram indicadores de risco na capacidade de fala. Com relação aos 15 anos, a presença de overjet mandibular (OR=4,016) foi um indicador de risco para a capacidade de expressão e a relação molar (OR=1,661) foi um indicador de risco para a capacidade mastigatória. O impacto da má oclusão na vida dos adolescentes foi confirmado neste estudo. A capacidade da fala e da mastigação esteve associada às alterações ortodônticas, as quais devem ser levadas em consideração no planejamento de saúde bucal, para identificar grupos de risco e para melhorar os serviços de saúde


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    O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar as narrativas (auto)biográficas de uma professora e dois professores de Educação Física e suas respectivas experiências com o ensino da Educação Física e na Gestão no contexto situado da socioeducação, especificamente na medida socioeducativa de internação em três Instituições responsáveis pela execução da medida socioeducativa de internação em diferentes Estados. As narrativas (auto)biográficas enquanto método permitiu que cada docente narrasse livremente a sua trajetória a fim de identificar as dinâmicas da ação docente nesse espaço peculiar de educação formal, respeitando as especificidades de cada região. Como resultados foi possível identificar que não há uma didática específica para este contexto, ou seja, não há que se pensar num currículo diferenciado, mas sim, em formação inicial e continuada que contemplem as legislações específicas, bem como, estudos de caso e a criação de fóruns que discutam efetivamente o que é educação em direitos humanos em busca da justiça social.This article aims to analyze the autobiographical narratives of a teacher and two Physical Education teachers and their respective experiences with the teaching of Physical Education and Management in the context of socio-education, specifically in the socio-educational measure of hospitalization in three institutions responsible for execution the socio-educational measure of hospitalization in different States. Autobiographical narratives as a method allowed each teacher to freely narrate his trajectory in order to identify the dynamics of teaching action in this peculiar space of formal education, respecting the specificities of each region. As a result, it was possible to identify that there is no specific didactics for this context, that is, it is not necessary to think about a differentiated curriculum, but rather, in initial and continuing training that contemplate specific legislation, as well as case studies and creation forums that effectively discuss human rights education in search of social justice.Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar las narrativas autobiográficas de un docente y dos docentes de Educación Física y sus respectivas experiencias con la enseñanza de la Educación Física y Gestión en el contexto de la socioeducación, específicamente en la medida socioeducativa de la privación de libertad en tres instituciones encargadas de Ejecución de la medida socioeducativa de privación de libertad en diferentes Estados. Las narrativas autobiográficas como método permitieron a cada docente narrar libremente su trayectoria para identificar la dinámica de la acción docente en este peculiar espacio de la educación formal, respetando las especificidades de cada región. Como resultado, se pudo identificar que no existe una didáctica específica para este contexto, es decir, no es necesario pensar en un currículum diferenciado, sino en una formación inicial y continua que contemple legislación específica, así como caso. estudios y foros de creación que discutan eficazmente la educación en derechos humanos en busca de la justicia social

    Prospective pragmatic quasi-experimental study to assess the impact and effectiveness of an innovative large-scale public health intervention to foster healthy ageing in place: the SoBeezy program protocol

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    INTRODUCTION: With the accelerating pace of ageing, healthy ageing has become a major challenge for all societies worldwide. Based on that Healthy Ageing concept proposed by the WHO, the SoBeezy intervention has been designed through an older person-centred and integrated approach. The programme creates the environments that maximise functional ability to enable people to be and do what they value and to stay at home in best possible conditions. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: Five levers are targeted: tackling loneliness, restoring feeling of usefulness, finding solutions to face material daily life difficulties, promoting social participation and combating digital divide. Concretely, the SoBeezy programme relies on: (1) a digital intelligent platform available on smartphone, tablet and computer, but also on a voice assistant specifically developed for people with digital divide; (2) a large solidarity network which potentially relies on everyone's engagement through a participatory intergenerational approach, where the older persons themselves are not only service receivers but also potential contributors; (3) an engagement of local partners and stakeholders (citizens, associations, artisans and professionals). Organised as a hub, the system connects all the resources of a territory and provides to the older person the best solution to meet his demand. Through a mixed, qualitative and quantitative (before/after analyses and compared to controls) approach, the research programme will assess the impact and effectiveness on healthy ageing, the technical usage, the mechanisms of the intervention and conditions of transferability and scalability. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Inserm Ethics Committee and the Comité Éthique et Scientifique pour les Recherches, les Études et les Évaluations dans le domaine de la Santé approved this research and collected data will be deposited with a suitable data archive


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    This article presents the historical process of the rights of children and adolescents, with a view to understanding the socialization process and the challenges of Education for Social Justice of authors of infractions. Subjective and collective processes that recognize the different groups are evaluated, in the search for an education that contemplates social justice, considering their identity aspects related to the markers: gender and race. Such phenomena are approached in view of the narratives and experiences of researchers on the subject, in a qualitative methodological perspective. Critical-reflective training for social justice, leading to awareness, with a view to humanization, becomes thriving. It is in this sense that the present article of the national panorama of socio-educational care was organized, in which some gaps are identified, which question how Education can and should be a power in search of social justice and guarantee of Brazilian Human Rights. Thus, in order for the objectives proposed by the legal provisions to be achieved, even provided for the sanctioning character in the application of socio-educational measures, the pedagogical character must prevail in the actions, in order to meet the subject in its entirety, guaranteeing the aspects that permeate the doctrine of comprehensive protection for adolescents.Este artículo presenta el proceso histórico de los derechos de los niños y adolescentes, con miras a comprender el proceso de socialización y los desafíos de la Educación para la Justicia Social de los autores de infracciones. Se evalúan procesos subjetivos y colectivos que reconocen a los diferentes grupos, en la búsqueda de una educación que contemple la justicia social, considerando sus aspectos identitarios relacionados con los marcadores: género y raza. Tales fenómenos son abordados a la luz de las narrativas y experiencias de investigadores sobre el tema, en una perspectiva metodológica cualitativa. Se hace pujante la formación crítico-reflexiva para la justicia social, que lleve a la toma de conciencia, con miras a la humanización. Es en ese sentido que se organizó el presente artículo del panorama nacional de la atención socioeducativa, en el que se identifican algunas lagunas, que cuestionan cómo la Educación puede y debe ser un poder en busca de la justicia social y garantía de los Derechos Humanos brasileños. Así, para que se alcancen los objetivos propuestos por las disposiciones legales, aun previendo el carácter sancionador en la aplicación de las medidas socioeducativas, debe primar el carácter pedagógico en las actuaciones, a fin de atender la materia en su totalidad, garantizando los aspectos que permean la doctrina de la protección integral de los adolescentes.O presente artigo apresenta o processo histórico dos direitos da criança e do/a adolescente, com vistas a compreender o processo de socialização e os desafios da Educação para a Justiça Social de autores/as de ato infracional. São avaliados processos subjetivos e coletivos que reconheçam os diferentes grupos sociais, na busca por uma educação que contemple a justiça social, considerando seus aspectos identitários relacionados aos marcadores sociais: gênero e raça. Tais fenômenos são abordados tendo em vista narrativas e experiências de pesquisadores/as do temário, na perspectiva metodológica qualitativa. Torna-se pujante a formação crítica-reflexiva para a justiça social, que conduza à conscientização, com vistas à humanização. É nesse sentido que se organizou o presente artigo do panorama nacional do atendimento socioeducativo, no qual identificam-se algumas lacunas, que problematizam como a Educação pode e deve ser uma potência em busca da justiça social e garantia dos Direitos Humanos brasileiros. Destarte, para que os objetivos propostos pelos dispositivos jurídicos sejam alcançados, mesmo previsto o caráter sancionatório na aplicação das medidas socioeducativas, deve prevalecer o caráter pedagógico nas ações, de forma a atender o sujeito em sua integralidade, garantindo os aspectos que permeiam a doutrina da proteção integral aos/as adolescentes


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    Reflecting from this review about what the author calls "educational ruins" going through the doctrinal assumptions that he will correlate about classical and Christian education emerges numerous discussions far from the countries where the idea is culturally normal. Genitors refute modernist education from non-formal education, and this involves an ideology that somehow leaves them with hardened thoughts in the face of contemporaneity. Classical and Christian education presents them with exactly some alternatives that may or may not be assertive, but in a polarized way, and this the inhabitants of Latin American countries should ponder in their understandings so that there is no contamination of conceptions that may turn from positive to negative.Reflecting from this review about what the author calls "educational ruins" going through the doctrinal assumptions that he will correlate about classical and Christian education emerges numerous discussions far from the countries where the idea is culturally normal. Genitors refute modernist education from non-formal education, and this involves an ideology that somehow leaves them with hardened thoughts in the face of contemporaneity. Classical and Christian education presents them with exactly some alternatives that may or may not be assertive, but in a polarized way, and this the inhabitants of Latin American countries should ponder in their understandings so that there is no contamination of conceptions that may turn from positive to negative.Refletir a partir desta resenha sobre o que o autor intitula de "ruínas educacionais" perpassando pelos pressupostos doutrinários que ele vai correlacionar sobre educação clássica e cristã emergem inúmeras discussões longe dos países em que a ideia é culturalmente normal. Genitores refutam a educação modernista a partir do ensino não formal, e isso envolve uma ideologia em que de certa forma os deixa com pensamentos enrijecidos diante da contemporaneidade. A educação clássica e cristã lhes apresenta exatamente algumas alternativas que podem ou não ser assertivas, porém de forma polarizada e isso os habitantes de países latino-americanos devem ponderar em seus entendimentos para que não haja uma contaminação de concepções que de positivas, passem a ser negativas

    Herpes simplex virus, early neuroimaging markers and incidence of Alzheimer's disease

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    While previous studies suggest the implication of herpes simplex virus (HSV) in the onset of Alzheimer's disease (AD), no study has investigated its association with early neuroimaging markers of AD. In the Three-City and the AMI cohorts, the associations between HSV infection and (i) hippocampal volume (n = 349), (ii) white matter alterations in the parahippocampal cingulum and fornix using diffusion tensor imaging (n = 260), and (iii) incidence of AD (n = 1599) were assessed according to APOE4 status. Regardless of APOE4 status, infected subjects presented (i) significantly more microstructural alterations of the parahippocampal cingulum and fornix, (ii) lower hippocampal volumes only when their anti-HSV IgG level was in the highest tercile-reflecting possibly more frequent reactivations of the virus (p = 0.03 for subjects with a high anti-HSV IgG level while there was no association for all infected subjects, p = 0.19), and (iii) had no increased risk of developing AD. Nevertheless, among APOE4 carriers, infected subjects presented lower hippocampal volumes, although not significant (p = 0.09), and a two or three times higher risk of developing AD (adjusted Hazard ratio (aHR) = 2.72 [1.07-6.91] p = 0.04 for infected subjects and aHR = 3.87 [1.45-10.28] p = 0.007 for infected subjects with an anti-HSV IgG level in the highest tercile) while no association was found among APOE4 noncarriers. Our findings support an association between HSV infection and AD and a potential interaction between HSV status and APOE4. This reinforces the need to further investigate the infectious hypothesis of AD, especially the associated susceptibility factors and the possibility of preventive treatments