14 research outputs found

    Monitoring holopelagic Sargassum spp. along the Mexican Caribbean coast: understanding and addressing user requirements for satellite remote sensing

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    Massive influxes of holopelagic Sargassum spp. (Sargassum natans and S. fluitans) have been causing major economic, environmental and ecological problems along the Caribbean coast of Mexico. Predicting the arrival of the sargassum as an aid to addressing these problems is a priority for the government, coastal communities and the society; both mitigating the impacts and providing opportunities for its use. Lack of data concerning precise locations and times of sargassum beachings means that public and private funds are being spent inefficiently and most actions are reactive. The dynamic nature of sargassum beachings/influxes render conventional ground-based monitoring insufficient. Earth observation and cloud-based processing services offer tools to track, quantify and understand sargassum beaching remotely in a frequent, systematic and reliable manner with the temporal and spatial resolutions required for its management. In order to find the right solutions to address this problem, in this paper the needs and requirements of stakeholders are taken into consideration for the development of an Earth observation-based service to monitor sargassum along the Mexican Caribbean coast. Routine monitoring of sargassum over a large area will be cost effective and help mitigate the negative effects of sargassum influxes. The combination of imagery from Planet, specifically their SuperDove systems that provide daily data at 3 m spatial resolutions, with the freely available EU Copernicus data would be useful for many different stakeholders and potential users. A prototype of the service is presented, based on the main user requirements. The system would enable public and private organizations to allocate resources appropriately in affected areas quickly and efficiently, thereby minimizing economic, social and environmental impacts and enhancing the resilience of local communities. It would also assist the sargassum industry in the collection of fresh algae for onward processing. The system could easily be implemented for similar types of environmental monitoring in the Greater Caribbean and beyond

    Composición y estructura de las comunidades de peces en la zona noreste del Banco de San Antonio, Cuba

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    Composition and structure of fishes communities was evaluated in San Antonio's Bank, an area to be declared Outstanding Natural Element by the National Protected Areas System. Visual censuses were carried out in 5 stations using the AGRRA methodologies (4 stations) and Brock (1 station), located in the northwest area of the Bank. The indexes of diversity, evenness, species richness, frequency-abundance, density and biomass were considered, as well as the structure strophic. A total of 93 species were recorded in the area. Species such as Stegastes partitus, Clepticus parrae, the complex Coryphopterus personatus /hyalinus and Chromis cyanea were abundant. The composition for sizes was dominated by small individuals (ClassSe evaluó la composición y estructura de las comunidades de peces en el Banco de San Antonio, área propuesta por el Sistema Nacional de Áreas Protegidas como Elemento Natural Destacado. Se realizaron censos visuales en 5 estaciones utilizando las metodologías de AGRRA (4 estaciones) y Brock (1 estación), ubicadas en la zona noroeste del Banco. Se estimaron los índices de diversidad, equitatividad, riqueza de especies, frecuencia-abundancia, densidad y biomasa, así como la estructura trófica. Se registraron 93 especies de peces pertenecientes a la clase Actinopterygii. Las especies más abundantes fueron Stegastes partitus, Clepticus parrae, el complejo Coryphopterus personatus/hyalinus y Chromis cyanea. La composición por tallas estuvo dominada por individuos pequeños (Clase < 5 cm longitud total), lo cual puede estar dado por la homogeneidad del fondo. Las familias Serranidae, Carangidae, Lutjanidae y Kyphosidae, representaron más del 75% de la biomasa total. La estructura trófica estuvo dominada por los bentófagos (83 % de las especies observadas) y dentro de este gremio los omnívoros (51 %) fueron los más abundantes, los herbívoros presentaron densidades bajas. Los índices sintéticos reflejaron valores similares a los reportados al Sur de Guanahacabibes, ambos sitios presentan una estructura del fondo similar y no están expuestos a impactos antrópicos. El Banco es un área de difícil acceso que restringe de manera natural a todo tipo de pesca, por lo que el principal recurso limitante para el establecimiento de grandes peces en el ecosistema es el refugio

    Coral communities condition in varying wave exposure: the gulf of Cazones, Cuba

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    Wave exposure can influence community structure and distribution of shallow coral reefs, by affecting organisms both directly and indirectly. To assess the current stony coral community condition under different degrees of wave exposure at a marine protected area of the Gulf of Cazones (SW Cuba), two expeditions were carried out in May 2010 and June 2012. Four sampling sites were sampled at reef crests (1.5 m deep), and twelve at fore-reefs, at 10, 15 and 20 m deep in four geographic locations. Live coral cover, species richness and composition, colony density, and maximum diameter were assessed using the AGRRA 2001 methodology. Multivariate and non-parametric statistics were applied to compare sites. The coral community structure within reef crests was not homogenous. The observed variability of indicators apparently was determined by great coral mortality events resulting from natural disturbances that occurred in the past (hurricanes, bleaching and diseases). Fore-reef coral communities displayed better condition and lower coral mortality than reef crests. Species richness and coral composition varied, while multivariate and statistical methods did not reveal site grouping with regard to wave exposure. The remaining biological condition indicators were similar among sites, except in the most exposed one, where coral cover and coral size were slightly lower. Wave exposure in the gulf of Cazones seemed not to have a significant influence on differences in condition and structure of the assessed coral communities

    Estructura de las asociaciones de peces en los arrecifes coralinos del Parque Nacional Guanahacabibes, Cuba

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    In order to execute the management plan for the Guanahacabibes National Park it is necessary to establish a guideline on the diversity and structure of the associations of fish, as well as their possible changes as a result of temporary and spatial variations. Visual censuses were conducted of all the species during the rainy and dry seasons of years 2007 and 2008 in the main reef areas. A total of 15 stations were evaluated by means of 6 transepts of 50 x 2 m. No significant differences were observed in the main indicators of the structure of the associations (diversity of species, density, biomass, sizes and trophic categories) between the rainy and dry seasons. Few species showed differences in their abundance as a result of their mobility and distribution. Fish density and biomass showed a positive correlation with the complexity of the substrate. The highest values were observed in the ridges on the reef slope, which show exceptionally high sills and complex relief. Although the trophic structure was dominated by carnivores, mainly the ictiobenthophagous (38% of total biomass), herbivores presented a high proportion (25%), which is an indicator of favourable conditions; however, the proportion of omnivores here was higher than in other regions. A total of 201 species were recorded in the entire area, an amount higher than in any other reef in Cuba.  The subsistence fishing area established for the local community included predominantly small fish and little abundance of medium and big fish, which could be due to illegal fishing.Para la ejecución del plan de manejo del Parque Nacional Guanahacabibes es necesario establecer una línea base sobre la diversidad y estructura de las asociaciones de peces, así como sus posibles cambios como consecuencia de las variaciones espaciales y temporales. Se realizaron censos visuales de todas las especies en períodos lluvioso y poco lluvioso de los años 2007-2008, en sus principales zonas del arrecife. Se evaluaron 15 estaciones, mediante 6 tramos de 50 x 2 m. Entre los períodos lluvioso y poco lluvioso no se observaron diferencias significativas en los principales indicadores de la estructura de las asociaciones (diversidad de especies, densidad, biomasa, tallas y categorías tróficas), pocas especies mostraron diferencias en su abundancia como consecuencia de su movilidad y distribución. La densidad y biomasa de peces mostraron correlación positiva con la complejidad del sustrato. Los valores más altos se observaron en los camellones de la pendiente arrecifal, que presentaron umbrales excepcionalmente altos y de complejo relieve. La estructura trófica estuvo dominada por carnívoros, sobre todo los ictiobentófagos (38% de la biomasa total), pero los herbívoros presentaron una alta proporción (25%), indicador de condiciones favorables, aunque la proporción de omnívoros fue más alta que en otras regiones. Se registraron 201 especies en toda el área, cifra superior a la conocida en otros arrecifes de Cuba. Hubo predominio de peces de pequeña talla y poca abundancia de peces de mediana y gran talla en la zona de pesca de subsistencia diseñada para la comunidad local, esto podría estar dado por la pesca furtiva


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    Para la ejecución del plan de manejo del Parque Nacional Guanahacabibes es necesario establecer una línea base sobre la diversidad y estructura de las asociaciones de peces, así como sus posibles cambios como consecuencia de las variaciones espaciales y temporales. Se realizaron censos visuales de todas las especies en períodos lluvioso y poco lluvioso de los años 2007-2008, en sus principales zonas del arrecife. Se evaluaron 15 estaciones, mediante 6 tramos de 50 x 2 m. Entre los períodos lluvioso y poco lluvioso no se observaron diferencias significativas en los principales indicadores de la estructura de las asociaciones (diversidad de especies, densidad, biomasa, tallas y categorías tróficas), pocas especies mostraron diferencias en su abundancia como consecuencia de su movilidad y distribución. La densidad y biomasa de peces mostraron correlación positiva con la complejidad del sustrato. Los valores más altos se observaron en los camellones de la pendiente arrecifal, que presentaron umbrales excepcionalmente altos y de complejo relieve. La estructura trófica estuvo dominada por carnívoros, sobre todo los ictiobentófagos (38% de la biomasa total), pero los herbívoros presentaron una alta proporción (25%), indicador de condiciones favorables, aunque la proporción de omnívoros fue más alta que en otras regiones. Se registraron 201 especies en toda el área, cifra superior a la conocida en otros arrecifes de Cuba. Hubo predominio de peces de pequeña talla y poca abundancia de peces de mediana y gran talla en la zona de pesca de subsistencia diseñada para la comunidad local, esto podría estar dado por la pesca furtiva.In order to execute the management plan for the Guanahacabibes National Park it is necessary to establish a guideline on the diversity and structure of the associations of fish, as well as their possible changes as a result of temporary and spatial variations. Visual censuses were conducted of all the species during the rainy and dry seasons of years 2007 and 2008 in the main reef areas. A total of 15 stations were evaluated by means of 6 transepts of 50 x 2 m. No significant differences were observed in the main indicators of the structure of the associations (diversity of species, density, biomass, sizes and trophic categories) between the rainy and dry seasons. Few species showed differences in their abundance as a result of their mobility and distribution. Fish density and biomass showed a positive correlation with the complexity of the substrate. The highest values were observed in the ridges on the reef slope, which show exceptionally high sills and complex relief. Although the trophic structure was dominated by carnivores, mainly the ictiobenthophagous (38% of total biomass), herbivores presented a high proportion (25%), which is an indicator of favourable conditions; however, the proportion of omnivores here was higher than in other regions. A total of 201 species were recorded in the entire area, an amount higher than in any other reef in Cuba.&nbsp; The subsistence fishing area established for the local community included predominantly small fish and little abundance of medium and big fish, which could be due to illegal fishing.Para a execução do plano de manejo do Parque Nacional Guanahacabibes é necessário estabelecer uma linha base sobre a diversidade e estrutura das associações de peixes, assim como suas possíveis mudanças como consequência das variações espaciais e temporais. Realizaram-se censos visuais de todas as espécies em períodos chuvoso e pouco chuvoso dos anos 2007-2008, em suas principais zonas do recife. Avaliaram-se 15 estações, através de 6 trechos de 50 x 2 m. Entre os períodos chuvoso e pouco chuvoso não se observaram diferenças significativas nos principais indicadores da estrutura das associações (diversidade de espécies, densidade, biomassa, tamanhos e categorias tróficas), poucas espécies mostraram diferenças em sua abundância como consequência de sua mobilidade e distribuição. A densidade e biomassa de peixes mostraram correlação positiva com a complexidade do substrato. Os valores mais altos foram observados nos camalhões do declive recifoso, que apresentaram umbrais excepcionalmente altos e de complexo realce. A estrutura trófica esteve dominada por carnívoros, sobretudo os ictiobentófagos (38% da biomassa total), mas os herbívoros apresentaram uma alta proporção (25%), indicador de condições favoráveis, ainda que a proporção de omnívoros tenha sido mais alta que em outras regiões. Registraram-se 201 espécies em toda a área, cifra superior à conhecida em outros recifes de Cuba. Houve predomínio de peixes de pequeno tamanho e pouca abundância de peixes de médio e grande tamanho na zona de pesca de subsistência desenhada para a comunidade local, isso poderia estar acontecendo pela pesca furtiva

    Efectos de un inusual período de alta frecuencia de huracanes sobre el bentos de arrecifes coralinos

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    In coral reefs of southwestern Cuba, we assessed the impacts from unprecedented frequent and intense hurricanes during the period 2001-2007, and from coral diseases, which are both factors considered to be associated with climate change.. At the reef crests, live hard coral cover reduction varied from null to 21%, while maximum average coral diameter reduction varied from 16 to 40 cm. In the fore-reefs, the reduction of coral cover varied from null to 14%, while diameter reduction varied from null to 26 cm. However, at all sites, great shifts in species dominance patterns were observed. In reef crests, numerical dominance of Acropora palmata and other hard corals shifted towards increases of Millepora complanata or, to a lesser extent, of Porites astreoides or Acropora prolifera. At the fore-reefs, the shifts occurred from the dominance of Montastraea annularis complex, Diploria strigosa and Agaricia agaricites, towards combined increases of P. astreoides or Siderastrea siderea. With those ongoing changes, reef crests are losing effectiveness as refuges and wave dissipators because of reduction of structural complexity. The population density of the sea-urchin Diadema antillarum remained negligible and unchanged in the southern Gulf of Batabanó, while it increased significantly at the Faro Cazones reef crest. Percentages of recent mortality and percentages of disease incidence in corals remained low, suggesting a dominant influence from hurricanes on assessed coral reef decline.En arrecifes coralinos del suroeste de Cuba, se evaluaron los impactos de la inusitada frecuencia e intensidad de huracanes entre el 2001 y el 2007, y de las enfermedades de corales, ambos factores asociados al cambio climático. En las crestas arrecifales, la reducción de la cobertura de coral duro vivo varió de nula a 21%, mientras que la reducción del diámetro máximo promedio de los corales varió de 16 a 40 cm. En los arrecifes frontales, la reducción de la cobertura de coral varió de nula a 14%, mientras que la reducción del diámetro máximo promedio varió de nula a 26 cm. Sin embargo, en todos los sitios se observaron grandes cambios en el predominio numérico de las especies. En las crestas, este se desplazó de  Acropora palmata y otros corales duros hacia Millepora complanata, Porites astreoides o Acropora prolifera. En los arrecifes frontales, el cambio ocurrió de la dominancia de Montastraea annularis (complejo de especies), Diploria strigosa y Agaricia agaricites a la de P. astreoides o Siderastrea siderea. Con esos cambios, las crestas están perdiendo efectividad como refugios y como disipadoras del oleaje, a causa de la reducción de complejidad estructural. La densidad del erizo Diadema antillarum se mantuvo insignificante y sin cambio en el sur del Golfo de Batabanó, mientras que se incrementó de manera importante en la cresta de Faro Cazones. Los porcentajes de mortalidad reciente y de incidencia de enfermedades de corales se mantuvieron bajos, lo que sugiere una influencia dominante de los huracanes en la condición de los arrecifes coralinos evaluados

    Condición de los arrecifes coralinos del Parque Nacional Guanahacabibes, Cuba

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    In 2007, a health assessment of coral reefs in the Guanahacabibes National Park, Cuba, was conducted based on the condition of coral communities. Coral condition indicators (maximum diameter, species richness, diseases and mortality) were evaluated, at different depths in 13 sites with varying exposure levels to the main ocean-atmospheric phenomena that generate waves in the area (north, south and trade winds). Forty two species of stony corals were identified. The most abundant species were Siderastrea siderea, Montastraea faveolata, Agaricia agaricites and Porites astreoides. The average coral cover varied between 4.8% and 31.2%, with a general average of 17%. The integrated analysis of all condition indicators of coral communities suggested the existence of two distinctive areas according to wind exposure and the consequent effect of both waves and sediments. The first area, covering east of Bahía de Corrientes (between Uvero Quemado and Cuevas de Pedro), was more protected and had a more favorable environment, as suggested by the biological indicators. The second area was comprised of the western part, was more exposed (between Veral and Faro Roncali), and showed the highest relative cover of species resistant to sedimentation, especially at 10 and 15 m deep. These results indicate that coral reefs at the Guanahacabibes National Park do not escape from the degradation process faced by most coral reefs in the Caribbean region.En el 2007 se evaluó el estado de salud de los arrecifes coralinos del Parque Nacional Guanahacabibes, Cuba, sobre la base de la condición de las comunidades de corales. Se analizaron indicadores de condición de los corales escleractinios (diámetro máximo, riqueza de especies, enfermedades y mortalidad) a distintas profundidades, en 13 estaciones con diferentes niveles de exposición a los principales fenómenos océano-atmosféricos generadores de oleaje en el área (vientos nortes, sures y alisios). Se identificaron 42 especies de corales pétreos. Las más abundantes fueron: Siderastrea siderea, Montastraea faveolata, Agaricia agaricites y Porites astreoides. El promedio de cobertura de coral vivo varió entre 4.8% y 31.2%, con un promedio general de 17%. El análisis integrado de todos los indicadores de condición de las comunidades de corales sugirió la existencia de dos áreas diferenciadas según la exposición a los vientos y el consecuente efecto del oleaje y los sedimentos. La primera área abarcó el este de la Bahía de Corrientes (entre Uvero Quemado y Cuevas de Pedro), la más resguardada, y donde los indicadores biológicos sugieren un ambiente más favorable. La segunda comprendió la parte occidental más expuesta (entre Veral y Faro Roncali), que presentó la mayor cobertura relativa del conjunto de especies resistentes a la sedimentación, especialmente en 10 y 15 m de profundidad. Estos resultados indican que los arrecifes del Parque Nacional Guanahacabibes no escapan del proceso de degradación que afrontan la mayoría de los arrecifes de la región del Caribe

    Condição dos recifes coralinos do Parque Nacional Guanahacabibes, Cuba

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    En el 2007 se evaluó el estado de salud de los arrecifes coralinos del Parque Nacional Guanahacabibes, Cuba, sobre la base de la condición de las comunidades de corales. Se analizaron indicadores de condición de los corales escleractinios (diámetro máximo, riqueza de especies, enfermedades y mortalidad) a distintas profundidades, en 13 estaciones con diferentes niveles de exposición a los principales fenómenos océano-atmosféricos generadores de oleaje en el área (vientos nortes, sures y alisios). Se identificaron 42 especies de corales pétreos. Las más abundantes fueron: Siderastrea siderea, Montastraea faveolata, Agaricia agaricites y Porites astreoides. El promedio de cobertura de coral vivo varió entre 4.8% y 31.2%, con un promedio general de 17%. El análisis integrado de todos los indicadores de condición de las comunidades de corales sugirió la existencia de dos áreas diferenciadas según la exposición a los vientos y el consecuente efecto del oleaje y los sedimentos. La primera área abarcó el este de la Bahía de Corrientes (entre Uvero Quemado y Cuevas de Pedro), la más resguardada, y donde los indicadores biológicos sugieren un ambiente más favorable. La segunda comprendió la parte occidental más expuesta (entre Veral y Faro Roncali), que presentó la mayor cobertura relativa del conjunto de especies resistentes a la sedimentación, especialmente en 10 y 15 m de profundidad. Estos resultados indican que los arrecifes del Parque Nacional Guanahacabibes no escapan del proceso de degradación que afrontan la mayoría de los arrecifes de la región del Caribe.In 2007, a health assessment of coral reefs in the Guanahacabibes National Park, Cuba, was conducted based on the condition of coral communities. Coral condition indicators (maximum diameter, species richness, diseases and mortality) were evaluated, at different depths in 13 sites with varying exposure levels to the main ocean-atmospheric phenomena that generate waves in the area (north, south and trade winds). Forty two species of stony corals were identified. The most abundant species were Siderastrea siderea, Montastraea faveolata, Agaricia agaricites and Porites astreoides. The average coral cover varied between 4.8% and 31.2%, with a general average of 17%. The integrated analysis of all condition indicators of coral communities suggested the existence of two distinctive areas according to wind exposure and the consequent effect of both waves and sediments. The first area, covering east of Bahía de Corrientes (between Uvero Quemado and Cuevas de Pedro), was more protected and had a more favorable environment, as suggested by the biological indicators. The second area was comprised of the western part, was more exposed (between Veral and Faro Roncali), and showed the highest relative cover of species resistant to sedimentation, especially at 10 and 15 m deep. These results indicate that coral reefs at the Guanahacabibes National Park do not escape from the degradation process faced by most coral reefs in the Caribbean region.Em 2007 avaliou-se o estado de saúde dos recifes coralinos do Parque Nacional Guanahacabibes, Cuba, sobre a base da condição das comunidades de corais. Analisaram-se indicadores de condição dos corais escleractíneos (diâmetro máximo, riqueza de espécies, enfermidades e mortalidade) a distintas profundidades, em 13 estações com diferentes níveis de exposição aos principais fenômenos oceano-atmosféricos geradores de ressaca na área (ventos nortes, suis e alísios). Foram identificadas 42 espécies de corais pétreos. As mais abundantes foram Siderastrea siderea, Montastraea faveolata, Agaricia agaricites e Porites astreoides. A média de cobertura de coral vivo variou entre 4.8% e 31.2%, com uma média geral de 17%. A análise integrada de todos os indicadores de condição das comunidades de corais sugeriu a existência de duas áreas diferenciadas, segundo a exposição aos ventos e o consequente efeito da ressaca e dos sedimentos. A primeira área abrangeu o leste da Bahia de Correntes (entre Uvero Quemado e Cuevas de Pedro), a mais resguardada, e onde os indicadores biológicos sugerem um ambiente mais favorável. A segunda compreendeu a parte ocidental mais exposta (entre Veral e Faro Roncali), que apresentou a maior cobertura relativa do conjunto de espécies resistentes à sedimentação, especialmente a 10 e 15 m de profundidade. Estes resultados indicam que os recifes do Parque Nacional Guanahacabibes não se esquivam do processo de degradação que depara a maioria dos recifes da região do Caribe

    Caracterización de los ecosistemas costeros al norte del Área Protegida de Recursos Manejados Península de Guanahacabibes, Cuba

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    The Guanahacabibes Peninsula was proposed as a Managed Resource Protected Area (APRM) in the Cuban National System of Protected Areas. In order to validate this proposal a study was conducted as part of the project “Implementation of a Regional Approach to the Management of Marine and Coastal Protected Areas in Southern Cuban Archipelagos”, with the purpose of characterizing coastal ecosystems and reassuring that the APRM designed location and extension correspond to the protection of the main natural resources of the region. Mangroves, coastal lagoons and seagrass were assessed as well as important sites for seabird and waterfowl communities and manatee populations. Sampling was conducted with methods validated in the project. Results included the baseline of the area and identified 149 algae species, 4 seagrass species, 53 mangrove fish species, and 39 seabird and waterfowl species. The sites selected as priority for habitat and species conservation and management include feeding and nesting sites for seabirds and waterfowl and two important sites for the manatee. The main problems for the area were identified for future conservation and management actions.La Península de Guanahacabibes fue propuesta como Área Protegida de Recursos Manejados (APRM) en el Sistema Nacional de Áreas Protegidas de Cuba. Para validar esta propuesta se realizó un estudio de caracterización al área, en el marco del proyecto “Aplicación de un enfoque regional al manejo de las áreas protegidas marinas y costeras en los archipiélagos del sur de Cuba”, con el objetivo de caracterizar los ecosistemas costeros y reafirmar que la ubicación y extensión diseñada del APRM responden a la protección de los principales valores naturales. Se evaluaron los manglares, las lagunas costeras y los pastos marinos, así como los sitios más importantes para las comunidades de aves marinas y acuáticas y las poblaciones de manatíes. Los muestreos se realizaron con metodologías validadas en el marco del proyecto. Se presentan los resultados que constituyen la línea base del área, identificándose 149 especies de algas, 4 especies de fanerógamas marinas, 53 especies de peces del manglar y 39 especies de aves marinas y acuáticas. Los sitios seleccionados como prioridades de conservación y manejo de hábitats y especies incluyen los sitios de alimentación y nidificación de las aves marinas y acuáticas y la ubicación de dos zonas importantes para el monitoreo del manatí. Se identificaron las principales problemáticas del área, con el objetivo de realizar futuras acciones de conservación y manejo de los recursos naturales

    A New Long-Term Marine Biodiversity Monitoring Program for the Knowledge and Management in Marine Protected Areas of the Mexican Caribbean

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    In the Mexican Caribbean, 15 marine protected areas (MPAs) have been established for managing and protecting marine ecosystems. These MPAs receive high anthropogenic pressure from coastal development, tourism, and fishing, all in synergy with climate change. To contribute to the MPAs&rsquo; effectiveness, it is necessary to provide a long-term observation system of the condition of marine ecosystems and species. Our study proposes the establishment of a new marine biodiversity monitoring program (MBMP) focusing on three MPAs of the Mexican Caribbean. Five conservation objects (COs) were defined (coral reefs, seagrass beds, mangroves, marine turtles, and sharks-rays) for their ecological relevance and the pressures they are facing. Coral reef, seagrass and mangroves have multiple biological, biogeochemical and physical interactions. Marine turtles are listed as endangered species, and the status of their populations is unknown in the marine area of the MPAs. Elasmobranchs play a key role as top and medium predators, and their populations have been poorly studied. Indicators were proposed for monitoring each CO. As a technological innovation, all information obtained from the MBMP will be uploaded to the Coastal Marine Information and Analysis System (SIMAR), a public, user-friendly and interactive web platform that allows for automatic data management and processing