77 research outputs found

    Occupational Health and Safety Practice and Job Performance: Role of Job Satisfaction

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    This study aims at examining the role of Job Satisfaction (JS) in mediating relationship between Occupational Health and Safety Practice (OHSP) and Job Performance (JP). Data were gathered from a sample of 250 machine operators employed in Sri Lankan manufacturing firms using a self-administered questionnaire. The results revealed significant influences among OHSP, JS and JP. JS fully mediated the relationship between OHSP and JP. Results were derived from the cross sectional method and generalizability of the findings to other categories of employees may get limited as the sample consisted of only machine operators. This study adds empirical evidence in Sri Lankan context to confirm the hypothesis: JS mediates significantly the relationship between OHSP and JP. Keywords: Job Performance, Job Satisfaction, Manufacturing Firms, Occupational Health and Safety Practic

    The Impact of Transformational Leadership on Employee Performance: The Mediating Role of Employee Engagement in Selected Porcelain Manufacturing Companies in Sri Lanka

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    Transformational leadership is a concept and a belief in the contemporary business world which has proven results in employee development and organizational success. Leaders with transformational leadership behaviors coach and inspire their followers to achieve the targets by changing the value systems, culture and mindsets and sometimes being the role models to them. This paper aims to fill the existing research gap by examining the impact of transformational leadership on employee performance in the context of porcelain manufacturing companies in Sri Lanka, specifying the production worker level. Further this study investigates the mediating role of employee engagement between transformational leadership and employee performance. Thus, the current study contributes to the literature in the field of transformational leadership, employee performance and employee engagement. The study was conducted on a sample of 250 production workers in selected porcelain manufacturing companies in Sri Lanka. The data was analyzed using the analytical software SPSS version 23 and descriptive, correlation and regression analysis were conducted. The findings revealed that transformational leadership has a positive impact on employee performance and employee engagement and also employee engagement has a positive impact on employee performance. Importantly, employee engagement mediates the relationship between transformational leadership and employee performance. According to the findings of the study, it is concluded that transformational leadership behaviors impact employee performance and employee engagement. This study adds to the current body of literature by providing insight into the impact of transformational leadership and employee engagement on employee performance in the porcelain manufacturing companies in Sri Lanka, and on the empirical ground, some of the findings and judgements of this study may be important to other organizations to make their employees engaged, develop and increase employee performance towards the organizations. Keywords: Employee Engagement, Employee Performance, Porcelain Manufacturing Companies, Production Workers, Transformational Leadershi

    Impact of Individual Factors on Business Performance of Women Entrepreneurs in the Construction Industry in the Western Province, Sri Lanka

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    Entrepreneurship is seen as a crucial factor of the development of any economy because it contributes to the generating of revenue both locally and globally, facilitating economic and social progress. It focuses on not just the generation of income, but also the improvement of people's living standards and the acceleration of production, among other things. Scholars have identified women entrepreneurship as one of the most vital variables in a country's economic progress. Sri Lankan women have most newly begun to participate actively in the commercial sector. This study makes an effort to investigate the impact of individual factors on business performance of women entrepreneurs in the construction industry in Sri Lanka and six hypotheses were developed along with six main research objectives. The population includes all the women entrepreneurs in the construction industry who have established their businesses in the Western Province. The sample of 113 women entrepreneurs was selected with random sampling method. Multiple linear regression analysis and Pearson's correlation analysis were used to examine the hypotheses. Based on the tested hypotheses, individual factors which are   motivation and goals, social learning, network affiliation, human capital and environmental influences positively impact on the business performance of women entrepreneurs in construction industry in the Western Province, Sri Lanka. The study's findings will be useful in implementing practical ramifications in the construction industry, particularly for women entrepreneurs, by enabling women to participate in more entrepreneurial endeavours while effectively conquering their obstacles. With this understanding, Sri Lanka is forging a novel route to a novel period of growth by promoting women entrepreneurship. Keywords: Business Performance, Construction Industry, Entrepreneurship, Individual Factor

    Career Management Practices in Sri Lanka: An Empirical Investigation

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    Career management is considered as one of the fastest developing areas of Human ResourceDevelopment. This paper explores the career management practices in Sri Lankan organizationsand bringing the discussion in international perspectives. The authors surveyed 216 Sri Lankanorganizations, which were listed in the Colombo Stock Exchange. The data was gathered fromeither the human resource manager or the manager who is responsible to handle humanresource development activities. Factor analysis, independent sample t- test and one-way anovamethods were used to test the hypotheses of the study and findings of the study revealed, amongthe 19 organizational career management practices, 17 applied beyond the moderate level andthey were clustered into four groups. Resulting clusters were not significantly associated withcertain demographic factors. The implications and limitations of the study are also discussed

    Impact of Employee-Organization Congruence on Job Satisfaction and Job Performance among Factory Employees in the Sri Lankan Large Apparel Sector

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    In the field of human resource management, the previous researchers emphasized the employee-organization congruence (EOC) had a significant relationship with the job performance of employees in various sectors. However slight attention has been paid to conceptual constructs such as job satisfaction as a mediator between the EOC and job performance. Thus, this paper attempts to fill this gap by empirically examining the impact of EOC on job satisfaction and job performance among factory employees in 17 large apparel firms in Sri Lanka. A total of 384 self-administered questionnaires were distributed among respondents and 328 usable questionnaires were returned, yielding a response rate of 85%. The data was analyzed by using descriptive analysis and structural equation methods (SEM). The study discloses that EOC has significant positive relationships with job performance. Further, job satisfaction mediates the relationship between EOC and job performance. Therefore, the study findings suggest that the better EOC in the large apparel sector not only leads to better performance but also linked to satisfaction of factory employees. Keywords: Employee-Organization Congruence, Job Performance, Job Satisfaction, Sri Lankan Apparel Sector, Structural Equation Method

    A Critical Review of Literature on Talent Management Practices

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    Talent management practices is one of the greatest inspiring aspects in ultra-modern phase’s HRM practices. Although the concept “talent management practices” is growing popularity over a decade with the debating nature, it had conceptual confusions due to the ambiguity nature of the underlying concepts. Effective talent management practices involve driving of business goals successfully while having a rewarding “talent pool”. Global HR specialists discovered talent management practices related to diverse industries. There is a tendency to be a discrepancy between intended and actual talent management practices. With this view, there are four key objectives in this exploratory study. The first objective is to resolve the existing conceptual confusions to the variable “Talent Management Practices” and to establish the definitions for the underlining concepts called, “Talent” and “Talent Management”. Afterward, the second objective is to explore the different “Talent Management Practices” operated in numerous global contexts including both manufacturing and service sectors. The third objective is to establish a definition for “Talent Management Practices”. The fourth objective is to identify the key dimensions of Talent Management Practices. The archival method was adopted by the researchers. The systematic reviewing process has covered empirical research on talent, talent management and talent management practices which have been published between 1990 and 2019 in academic journals and published books. Global manufacturing industries namely, cement manufacturing, steel case manufacturing, coal and mining, energy, automotive and service sectors namely, healthcare, hospitality, fast food service, banking, education, telecommunication and IT services are operating numerous talent management practices in attracting, acquiring, developing and retaining high performing talents. This research study is extremely imperative for future researchers in exploring avenues for context specific talent management practices relevant to various global industries. Further, resolving of conceptual confusions could significant in determining more aspects and perspectives towards talent management and its practices. Keywords: Talent, Talent Management, Talent Management Practices, Global Context

    Relaionship between Employee-Organization Congruence (perceived) and Organizational Commitment in the Sri Lankan Apparel Sector

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    The objective of this research paper was to investigate the relationship between perceived Employee-Organization congruence (EOC) and Organizational Commitment (OC) in the Sri Lankan apparel sector. The present study, which was part of a comprehensive study Employee-Organization congruence (EOC) and attitudes, empirically evaluated seven perceived EOC related factors that could have effect on EOC namely supportiveness, innovation, aggressiveness, attention to detail, outcome orientation, emphasis on rewards, team orientation and three OC factors ,that is affective, normative and effective commitments. The study involved 175 machine operators who were selected from 05 large garment factories in Sri Lanka. The results indicated that all the EOC variables were  positively and significantly correlated to OC. This study would be an effective contribution in the existing body of knowledge. Human Resource Managers and other recruiters may be helped to recognize the significance of perceived EOC and OC as well as their relationship with each other for ensuring selection of machine operators.  Perceived congruence in the organization, will help creating and maintaining a conducive environment for improving organizational commitment of the machine operators which will ultimately result in enhanced efficacy and effectiveness of the organization

    Relaionship between Employee-Organization Congruence (perceived) and Organizational Commitment in the Sri Lankan Apparel Sector

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    The objective of this research paper was to investigate the relationship between perceived Employee-Organization congruence (EOC) and Organizational Commitment (OC) in the Sri Lankan apparel sector. The present study, which was part of a comprehensive study Employee-Organization congruence (EOC) and attitudes, empirically evaluated seven perceived EOC related factors that could have effect on EOC namely supportiveness, innovation, aggressiveness, attention to detail, outcome orientation, emphasis on rewards, team orientation and three OC factors ,that is affective, normative and effective commitments. The study involved 175 machine operators who were selected from 05 large garment factories in Sri Lanka. The results indicated that all the EOC variables were positively and significantly correlated to OC. This study would be an effective contribution in the existing body of knowledge. Human Resource Managers and other recruiters may be helped to recognize the significance of perceived EOC and OC as well as their relationship with each other for ensuring selection of machine operators. Perceived congruence in the organization, will help creating and maintaining a conducive environment for improving organizational commitment of the machine operators which will ultimately result in enhanced efficacy and effectiveness of the organization


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    The most vital resource of an organization is its human resources -the people who work in the organization. People are essential for the effective operation of a company. To meet the challenges and competitive atmosphere of today’s business environment, managers must recognize the potential of human resources, and then acquire, develop and retain these resources with minimum accidents. This study aims at determining the accidents and safety culture in the three firms engaged in the apparel industry in Sri Lanka. The study was conducted among the sample of 150 employees who were randomly selected from the three garment factories, of which 130 employees responded to the survey. Respondents were asked to indicate their agreement on five point Likert Scale. Data analysis was conducted by using Statistical Package of Social Sciences. The levels of measurement of the variables were interval and relevant statistical techniques for these measures under univariate and bivariate statistical analyses were used. The findings of the study revealed that there is a negative relationship between the accidents and safety culture in the three firms engaged in the apparel industry. The results of univariate analysis indicated that the level of accidents was moderate in general. The findings and information gathered in this study could be used for further research, which will assist in many ways to improve the safety culture and reduce accidents in the apparel industry in Sri Lanka. Keywords: Accidents, Acquire, Apparel Industry, Develop, Retain, Safety Culture For full paper: [email protected]

    The Impact of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment on Intention to Turnover in the Sri Lankan Hospitality Industry: Perceptions from the Generation Y View Point

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    This study investigated the impact of job satisfaction and organizational commitment on intention to turnover according to the perceptions from generation Y in the Sri Lankan hospitality industry. The methodological approach of this study was based on the quantitative approach and the type of investigation was correlational. The respondents were limited to 256 generation Y employees who were employed during the period of the study. Data composed of self-administered questionnaire containing 19 closed statements with a five point Likert type scale. The descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analysis were applied among dependent construct and independent constructs. The results of the study revealed that there are a significant impact of job satisfaction (15%), and a significant impact of organizational commitment (4.8%) on intention to turnover, according to the perception of generation Y employees in the Sri Lankan hospitality industry. Further, the findings show that there was a significant joint impact of job satisfaction and organizational commitment on intention to turnover (15.5%). Moreover, the statistical results relating to hypotheses, revealed that there was a moderate negative relationship between job satisfaction and intention to turnover (r =.-0.467 p < 0.01). Also, there was a weak negative relationship between organizational commitment and intention to turnover among generation Y respondents of Sri Lankan hospitality industry (r =.-0.441, p < 0.01). Implications of the findings and suggestions for future research studies have been presented.Key Words: Generation Y, Hospitality Industry, Intention to Turnover, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitmen
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