93 research outputs found

    Reduction of an Economy’s Raw Material Dependence and the Human Capital of a Country

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    This paper evaluates the raw material dependence of two export-oriented oil and gas extracting countries. We find evidence of presence of the Dutch disease in both countries and of the resource curse in Russia. Reduction of volumes of crude oil and natural gas production and exports, compensated by the growth of value added in other kinds of economic activity, suggests that Norway is gradually overcoming the Dutch disease by means of expanded reproduction of human capital. On the other hand, extraction of hydrocarbons may remain a driver of the Russian economic growth

    Humus Content and Composition in the Water-Stable Aggregates of Dark Gray Forest Soils

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    Humus distribution and composition in different fractions of water-stable soil aggregates isolated from the samples of the humus horizon of dark gray forest soil were studied by the Han method. Total humus content and the content of its most hydrophobic and low-molecular fractions in the water-stable aggregates tend to decrease with a decrease in aggregate size. This regularity is less manifested in the lower layers of the humus horizon in comparison with its upper layers

    Organization and conducting research of inertial measuring instruments on positions of spa of automatics

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    Настоящая статья посвящена исследованиям образцов бесплатформенных инерциальных блоков (БИБ) на предмет оценки основных характеристик измерителей угловой скорости и линейного ускорения, включая шумовые составляющие измерительного канала. Исследования проводились на отработочных позициях АО «НПО автоматики» – поворотном столе и стенде качания цифрового моделирующего комплекса (ЦМК). Оцениваемыми характеристиками являются основные параметры модели измерений БИБ, а также ряд типовых шумовых составляющих. В процессе исследований выполняется статистическая обработка информации отдельно по каждому измерительному каналу, в том числе с использованием вариации Аллана. Дополнительно выполняется совместная обработка данных. В обоих случаях используется один из методов многопараметрической оптимизации. Приведены оценки уровня методической погрешности для рассматриваемых методик на основе математического моделирования измерительной информации.This paper is devoted to the study of samples of strapdown inertial unit (SIU) to assess the basic characteristics of angular and linear acceleration accelerometers, including the noise components of the measuring channel. The studies were conducted on development positions of SPA of Automatics - the turn table and dynamic test stand of digital simulation complex (DSC). The estimated characteristics are the main parameters of measurements model of SIU, as well as a number of typical noise components. In the course of research the statistical processing of information is carried out separately for each measuring channel, also with the help of the Allan variance. Additionally, the coprocessing of data is performed. In both cases, one of the multiparametric optimization methods is used. The paper gives the estimates of the level of method errors for the concerned technique based on mathematical modeling of measurement information

    The Integration of Migrants in the Socio-Economic Space of the North-West Region of Russia

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    The article is based on results supported by a grant from the government of the Leningrad oblast of the project “Socio-economic and socio-psychological aspects of life of migrants-compatriots in the Leningrad region: current state and prospects of development”. The article shows the specific use and adaptation of labor migrants in the municipal districts of the Leningrad region. Based on the results of socio-psychological research, the authors analyze the main problems of labor migration in the region and justify recommendations for their resolution

    Animal cognition (reasoning) in the light of genetic ideas

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    The historical overview is presented of genetic experiments in L.V. Krushinsky’s laboratory in Moscow State University. L.V. Krushinsky stated the three-component concept of animal behavior. He claimed that animal behavior has not only innate species specific behavior and the learning ability, but should be supplemented by another mental category, reasoning the ability for elementary logic operarions. Being rather lonesome at the beginning, Krushinsky got the spiritual support from D.K. Belyaev and B.L. Astaurov. The attempt to study the genetic bases of reasoning ability was performed in Krushinsky’s lab using the trait “extrapolation problem solving”, which meant the ability of an unexperienced naïve animal to find the food bait when it moved aside and disappeared from (not “in”) the view. The selection for high scores of this trait in the hybrid rat population (Norway rat × laboratory strain cross) was started. Initially the hybrid rats solved this problem in the statistically significant proportions, while the animals from further selection generations demonstrated the dramatic increase of anxiety (in spite of extensive handling of these animals), which made further experiments impossible. Much later another selection experiment started in which mice of a genetically heterogeneous population were selected for high scores of extrapolation problem and concomitantly for the lack-ofanxiety signs during the testing procedure. This selection for a cognitive trait produced some positive results, although the direct response to selection was very weak. The data obtained show the intricate connection between the mouse ability to solve the problem and the processes of anxiety, which in turn looks as non-uniform by its nature and mechanisms. The data from experiments performed in classical genetics should be combined with the new knowledge concerning the role of single genes determining animal behavior

    The results of evaluation of clinical, social & economic effectiveness among little traumatic surgery of legs varicose

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    The article gives results of evaluation of clinical, social & economic effectiveness among 2 methods (traditional & little traumatic) surgery of legs varicose. It was figured out that little traumatic method of surgery has expressed clinical (absence of complications due to anesthesia, traumatic & use of antibiotics), social (length of hospital stay, terms of rehabilitation - 5 days) & economic (costs of medical organizations -1 7 533,6 rubles, temporaries disability benefits - 3 495,1 rubles) effectiveness of medical help.В статье представлены результаты оценки клинической, социальной и экономической эффективности двух методов (малотравматичного и традиционного) хирургического лечения варикозной болезни вен нижних конечностей. Установлено. что малотравматичные методики хирургического лечения имеют выраженную клиническую (отсутствие осложнений, связанных с анестезией, травматичностью и применением антибиотиков), социальную (длительность госпитализации и сроки восстановления трудоспособности - 5,0 дн.) и экономическую (затраты медицинских организаций - 17 533,6 руб.; пособие по случаю временной нетрудоспособности - 3 495,1 руб.) эффективность медицинской помощи

    The results of patients rating of medical help availability and quality

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    The article gives results of social study concerning patients rating of medical help availability and quality in Penza region hospital in honor of Burdenko. Results show a high level of satisfaction with the medical help availability and quality in Penza region hospital.В статье представлены результаты социологического исследования по изучению мнения пациентов относительно доступности и качества медицинской помощи, оказанной в Пензенской областной клинической больнице им. Бурденко. Результаты исследования показали высокую удовлетворенность пациентов доступностью и качеством медицинской помощи в данной больнице

    Effect of magnetic viscosity on magnetic property measurements of hard magnetic materials

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    Purpose. This paper is devoted to investing of the effect of magnetic viscosity on the results of measurements of the main hysteresis characteristics of hard magnetic alloys in an open magnetic circuit of vibrating sample magnetometer.Materials and methods. The studies were performed on a sample of a rapidly quenched nanocrystalline MQP-B+ brand alloy. Hysteresis properties of the alloy in an open magnetic circuit are studied: hysteresis loop, time dependences of magnetization in demagnetizing fields of different intensity, field dependences of the coefficient of magnetic viscosity and irreversible magnetic susceptibility.Results. The dependences of the measurement results of the hysteresis properties on the measurement conditions are established. It is shown that magnetic viscosity must be taken into account when developing hard magnetic reference materials

    State rates of women with diseases of the reproductive system (on example of the Orenburg region)

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    Comparative analysis into gynecological morbidity in the RF, Privolzhsky Federal District, and Orenburg Region was performed. More detailed analysis into prevalence and structure ot incidence ot gynecologic morbidity in Orenburg alone was also carried out.В работе проанализированы показатели гинекологической заболеваемости в Российской Федерации, Приволжском федеральном округе и Оренбургской области. Проведен углубленный анализ уровня и структуры гинекологической заболеваемости женщин в городе Оренбурге

    Chemical Genetics of AGC-kinases Reveals Shared Targets of Ypk1, Protein Kinase A and Sch9.

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    Protein phosphorylation cascades play a central role in the regulation of cell growth and protein kinases PKA, Sch9 and Ypk1 take center stage in regulating this process in S. cerevisiae To understand how these kinases co-ordinately regulate cellular functions we compared the phospho-proteome of exponentially growing cells without and with acute chemical inhibition of PKA, Sch9 and Ypk1. Sites hypo-phosphorylated upon PKA and Sch9 inhibition were preferentially located in RRxS/T-motifs suggesting that many are directly phosphorylated by these enzymes. Interestingly, when inhibiting Ypk1 we not only detected several hypo-phosphorylated sites in the previously reported RxRxxS/T-, but also in an RRxS/T-motif. Validation experiments revealed that neutral trehalase Nth1, a known PKA target, is additionally phosphorylated and activated downstream of Ypk1. Signaling through Ypk1 is therefore more closely related to PKA- and Sch9-signaling than previously appreciated and may perform functions previously only attributed to the latter kinases