15 research outputs found

    Mapping and assessing ecosystem services in an agricultural landscape following a tiered approach

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    Agricultural ecosystems are anthropogenically highly transformed ecosystems, mainly designed to maximise the delivery of provisioning ecosystem services (ES) such as food, material and fuel, often at the expense of other ES. Especially, conventional agriculture and agricultural landscape simplification have become major causes of climate change, ecosystem degradation and biodiversity loss. At the same time, the production of provisioning services depends on other, mainly regulating, ES. In the long-term, the viability of agricultural ecosystems and the delivery of provisioning ES rely on more sustainable farming practices and the conservation of ES and biodiversity. This calls for a shift in the agricultural production paradigm, towards more multifunctional and sustainable agricultural landscapes. Spatially explicit assessments of ES are key components in supporting the shift towards sustainable land use management: they inform on how and where land use decisions can affect ecosystems, on potential trade-offs between the delivery of different ES and help to design targeted ES conservation measures. Understanding the distribution patterns and the main drivers influencing the delivery of ES is needed to determine where land use management measures can be improved to maximise the delivery of (specific) ES. Specifically, spatial information on ES can assist economical decisions underlying agricultural practices: for instance, higher pollination and natural pest control ES potentials can increase crop yields and save resources. The central question of this thesis is to assess how different ES assessment methods influence the predictions of ES supply potential, aiming to find the adapted level of information needed for an ES assessment at the local scale, in an agricultural landscape. To address this research question, several ES mapping and assessment methods, using simple (tier 1) to more complex (tiers 2 and 3) approaches, were developed and applied to a case study area in northern Germany. Additionally, this work aims at informing land use planners and decision-makers on the capacity of the landscape to deliver multiple ES. First, the ES matrix approach (tier 1) was used to assess the importance of spatial resolution and of accounting for ecosystem condition (tier 2). The two following studies developed and implemented more complex methods (tier 3) based on species distribution models (SDMs). SDMs were used to model the relationships between ES providers (ESP) (here wild bees and natural enemies of pests) and a combination of abiotic and biotic factors at different scales. The results of this thesis show that designing multifunctional landscapes ideally requires a rather comprehensive assessment. For most regulation and cultural ES, simple proxies are not suitable for a local quantitative assessment of ES, as they cannot sufficiently cover the spatial heterogeneity of ES capacities and functions that arise from different ecosystem properties and conditions. This is particularly the case of ES delivered by living and mobile organisms such as pollination and natural pest control, whose potentials are determined by multi-scale variables and processes. A comprehensive assessment of every ES is, however, often not feasible. This thesis shows how the use of different modelling methods and the tiered approach can assist in the assessment of multiple ES. Proxy indicators and models should be used whenever empirical data and knowledge of ecological processes are limited. Indicators and models are, however, only simplified representations of complex processes. ES mapping and assessment outputs should therefore be interpreted considering the assumptions behind the models and knowing the associated uncertainties.Landwirtschaftliche Ökosysteme (ÖS) sind anthropogen stark veränderte ÖS, die hauptsächlich darauf ausgelegt sind, die Bereitstellung von Ökosystemleistungen (ÖSL) wie Nahrung, Material und Brennstoff zu maximieren - oft auf Kosten anderer ÖSL. Insbesondere die konventionelle Landwirtschaft und die Vereinfachung der Agrarlandschaft sind wesentlich mitverantwortlich für den Klimawandel, die Verschlechterung von ÖS und den Verlust der biologischen Vielfalt. Gleichzeitig hängt die Fähigkeit eines ÖS Nahrung und andere Rohstoffe zur Verfügung zu stellen von anderen, hauptsächlich regulierenden, ÖSL ab. Langfristig hängen die Lebensfähigkeit landwirtschaftlicher ÖS und die Bereitstellung von ÖSL von nachhaltigeren landwirtschaftlichen Praktiken und der Erhaltung von Ökosystemen in gutem Zustand und der Biodiversität ab. Räumlich explizite Bewertungen von ÖSL sind ein Schlüssel zur Unterstützung eines nachhaltigen Landnutzungsmanagements: Sie informieren, wie und wo Ökosysteme beeinflussen werden können, über potenzielle Kompromisse zwischen der Bereitstellung verschiedener ÖSL und helfen bei der Entwicklung gezielter Maßnahmen zur Erhaltung von ÖSL. Insbesondere räumliche Informationen zu ÖSL können wirtschaftliche Entscheidungen unterstützen: Höhere Bestäubungs- und natürliche Schädlingsbekämpfungspotentiale von ÖSL können beispielsweise die Ernteerträge steigern und Ressourcen sparen. Die zentrale Frage dieser Arbeit ist es zu bewerten wie verschiedene ÖSL-Bewertungsmethoden die Vorhersagen des ÖSL-Versorgungspotentials auf lokaler Ebene beeinflussen. Dafür wurden mehrere ÖSL-Kartierungs- und Bewertungsmethoden unter Verwendung einfacher (Stufe 1) bis hin zu komplexeren (Stufen 2 und 3) Ansätzen entwickelt und auf ein Fallstudiengebiet in Norddeutschland angewendet. Darüber hinaus sollen Landnutzungsplaner und Entscheidungsträger über die Fähigkeit der Landschaft informiert werden mehrere ÖS bereitzustellen. Zunächst wurde der ÖSL-Matrix-Ansatz (Stufe 1) verwendet, um die Bedeutung der räumlichen Auflösung und der Berücksichtigung des Ökosystemzustands (Stufe 2) zu bewerten. Die beiden nachfolgenden Studien entwickelten und implementierten komplexere Methoden (Stufe 3) auf der Grundlage von Artenverteilungsmodellen („species distribution models“ - SDMs). SDMs wurden verwendet, um die Beziehungen zwischen ÖSL-Anbietern (hier Wildbienen und natürlichen Feinden) und mit abiotischen und biotischen Faktoren auf verschiedenen Skalen zu modellieren. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass die Gestaltung multifunktionaler Landschaften eine umfassende Bewertung erfordert. Für die meisten regulatorischen und kulturellen ÖSLs sind einfache Proxys nicht für eine lokale quantitative Bewertung von ÖSL geeignet, da sie die räumliche Heterogenität von ÖSL-Kapazitäten und -Funktionen, die sich aus unterschiedlichen Ökosystemeigenschaften und -bedingungen ergeben, nicht ausreichend abdecken können. Dies gilt insbesondere für ÖSL, die von lebenden und mobilen Organismen wie Bestäubung und Schädlingsbekämpfung geliefert werden, deren Potenziale durch mehrskalige Variablen und Prozesse bestimmt werden. Eine umfassende Bewertung aller ÖSL ist jedoch oft nicht praktikabel. Diese Arbeit zeigt, wie die Verwendung verschiedener Modellierungsmethoden und der gestufte Ansatz bei der Bewertung mehrerer ÖSL helfen können. Proxy-Indikatoren und -Modelle sollten verwendet werden, wenn empirische Daten und Kenntnisse über ökologische Prozesse begrenzt sind

    A hierarchical framework for mapping pollination ecosystem service potential at the local scale

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    Wild bees play a major role in the cultivation of crops for human use, in the reproduction of many wild plants and are a key component of biodiversity. Mainly due to human activities, wild bees, like other insects, face a rapid decline in Europe. Understanding species distribution can help to design efficient conservation measures. Species distribution can also be used to estimate pollination ecosystem service potential, which can benefit the production of crops relying on pollination and the reproduction of wild plant communities. The presence of pollinators depends on a combination of environmental and biotic factors, each playing a determining role at different spatial scales. We therefore developed a model composed as a hierarchical framework for environmental predictors: climatic data and Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) variables at the European scale and species-specific habitat information at the local scale. The model combines the advantages of two different existing approaches: pollinator species distribution predictions based on their environmental requirements and knowledge on bee species life-history traits and habitats. This paper presents the predicted distribution of twenty-five wild bee species of the Andrena genus in an agricultural region in Northern Germany. We used oilseed rape pollinators as a case study and compared the potential pollination services to the potential demand in the Case Study Area. The developed framework allows to determine the capacity of landscapes to support pollination ecosystem services from wild bees at the local scale, which can support the identification of vulnerable areas and the design of local scale measures for habitat improvement and for conservation. The hierarchical approach leaves potential for further adaptations in order to improve the prediction of wild bee species dynamics and factors influencing their spatial distribution. © 202

    Rendre aux arbres la place que l’anthropocentrisme leur a pris

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    Depuis plusieurs années, la Fondation Cartier, à Paris, réunit artistes contemporains et chercheurs dans le cadre d’expositions qui abordent les relations entre l’Homme et son environnement. Commissaire associée de l’exposition Nous les arbres, Marie Perennes évoque avec Samuel Cordier ce projet original qui, par une approche esthétique, vise à sensibiliser les visiteurs à l’importance et à la place des arbres au sein de la communauté des vivants

    Trueness and precision of the real-time RT-PCR method for quantifying the chronic bee paralysis virus genome in bee homogenates evaluated by a comparative inter-laboratory study

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    The Chronic bee paralysis virus (CBPV) is the aetiological agent of chronic bee paralysis, a contagious disease associated with nervous disorders in adult honeybees leading to massive mortalities in front of the hives. Some of the clinical signs frequently reported, such as trembling, may be confused with intoxication syndromes. Therefore, laboratory diagnosis using real-time PCR to quantify CBPV loads is used to confirm disease. Clinical signs of chronic paralysis are usually associated with viral loads higher than 108 copies of CBPV genome copies per bee (8 log(10) CBPV/bee). This threshold is used by the European Union Reference Laboratory for Bee Health to diagnose the disease. In 2015, the accuracy of measurements of three CBPV loads (5, 8 and 9 log(10) CBPV/bee) was assessed through an inter-laboratory study. Twenty-one participants, including 16 European National Reference Laboratories, received 13 homogenates of CBPV-infected bees adjusted to the three loads. Participants were requested to use the method usually employed for routine diagnosis. The quantitative results (n = 270) were analysed according to international standards NF ISO 13528 (2015) and NF ISO 5725-2 (1994). The standard deviations of measurement reproducibility (S-R) were 0.83, 1.06 and 1.16 at viral loads 5, 8 and 9 log(10) CBPV/bee, respectively. The inter-laboratory confidence of viral quantification (+/- 1.96 S-R) at the diagnostic threshold (8 log(10) CBPV/bee) was +/- 2.08 log(10) CBPV/bee. These results highlight the need to take into account the confidence of measurements in epidemiological studies using results from different laboratories. Considering this confidence, viral loads over 6 log(10) CBPV/bee may be considered to indicate probable cases of chronic paralysis

    Éditer, exposer : nouvelles médiations artistiques à Paris dans l'entre-deux-guerres

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    Ce mémoire s'intéresse à une histoire sociale et culturelle du marché de l'art ainsi qu'à la notion des valeurs artistiques dans l'entre-deux-guerres. Il s'agit à la fois de faire le portrait d'un nouvel acteur de la vie artistique parisienne, les galeries d'édition qui se dotent d'une double activité : l'exposition et l'édition et d'étudier le degré d'intermédiation permis par cette hybridité et par conséquent, le rôle et la place des galeries d'édition sur le marché de l'art parisien et international

    Refining the Tiered Approach for Mapping and Assessing Ecosystem Services at the Local Scale: A Case Study in a Rural Landscape in Northern Germany

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    Spatially explicit assessments of ecosystem services (ES) potentials are a key component in supporting a sustainable land use management. The ES matrix method is a commonly used approach as it allows for a comparably fast, comprehensible and accessible ES assessment. As it is often based on land use/land cover data (LULC) with no spatial variability, a main critique is that the results fail to assess spatial variability at landscape levels, which limits the reliability of the outputs for spatial planning applications. By using the case study area of Bornhöved in northern Germany, we analyzed three assessment methods that combine expert judgments, LULC data with different resolutions and ecosystem condition indicators, in order to find the required resolution and data for ES assessment and mapping at a local scale. To quantify map discrepancies, we used the structural similarity index (SSIM) and analyzed the differences in local mean, variance and covariance between the maps. We found that using different spatial resolutions led to a relatively small difference in the outcomes, in which regulation and maintenance services are more affected than the other services categories. For most regulation, maintenance and cultural ES, our results indicate that assessments based only on LULC proxies are not suitable for a local quantitative assessment of ES, as they cannot sufficiently cover the spatial heterogeneity of ES capacities that arise from different ecosystem conditions

    Refining the Tiered Approach for Mapping and Assessing Ecosystem Services at the Local Scale: A Case Study in a Rural Landscape in Northern Germany

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    International audienceSpatially explicit assessments of ecosystem services (ES) potentials are a key component in supporting a sustainable land use management. The ES matrix method is a commonly used approach as it allows for a comparably fast, comprehensible and accessible ES assessment. As it is often based on land use/land cover data (LULC) with no spatial variability, a main critique is that the results fail to assess spatial variability at landscape levels, which limits the reliability of the outputs for spatial planning applications. By using the case study area of Bornhöved in northern Germany, we analysed three assessment methods that combine expert judgments, LULC data with different resolutions and ecosystem condition indicators, in order to find the required resolution and data for ES assessment and mapping at a local scale. To quantify map discrepancies, we used the structural similarity index (SSIM) and analysed the differences in local mean, variance and covariance between the maps. We found that using different spatial resolutions led to a relatively small difference in the outcomes, in which regulation and maintenance services are more affected than the other services categories. For most regulation, maintenance and cultural ES, our results indicate that assessments based only on LULC proxies are not suitable for a local quantitative assessment of ES, as they cannot sufficiently cover the spatial heterogeneity of ES capacities that arise from different ecosystem conditions

    janvier-février 2020

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    Anthropocène, quel rôle pour les institutions muséales et culturelles ? L’Anthropocène, sujet à débattre ? C’est une des thématiques qui, depuis plusieurs années, trouve sa place au sein des muséums, des musées et centres de sciences, des musées d’art et des musées de société. Le sujet en soi questionne mais il interroge également le rôle de l’institution muséale aujourd’hui dans notre société, les façons de porter cette thématique auprès, ou avec, des publics. Au moment d’écrire ces quelques lignes, la COP 25, sommet international sur le climat organisé par l’ONU, se tient à Madrid en Espagne. La communauté scientifique internationale reconnaît l’impact de l’activité humaine sur le climat et les décideurs peinent, collectivement, à imaginer des solutions pour réduire le réchauffement climatique. Depuis une dizaine d’années, plusieurs institutions muséales se sont saisies de cette thématique pour mettre en scène et en public ces enjeux. Ce numéro 187 fait une large place aux points de vue et expériences de professionnels qui incluent l’Anthropocène dans leurs réflexions et leurs pratiques. Il fait écho aux rendez-­vous franco-suisses organisés depuis 2015 par l’Ocim et le muséum de Neuchâtel et notamment au dernier, qui s’est tenu en juin 2019, et qui portait sur « L’Anthropocène, quelle mise en public ? ». Nous remercions Ludovic Maggioni, directeur du muséum d’Histoire naturelle de Neuchâtel, pour la coordination de ce numéro avec l’Ocim et l’ensemble des auteurs pour leurs contributions, leur générosité à partager leurs réflexions et leurs engagements. Et qu’en est-il de vous, chers lecteurs et lectrices ? Cette thématique vous inspire-t-elle dans vos actions et vos pratiques ? Vos retours d’expérience sont précieux et nous souhaitons les valoriser à travers cette revue qui est la vôtre. Ainsi, n’hésitez pas à contacter Isaline Jérôme qui a rejoint l’équipe de l’Ocim et qui reprend la responsabilité de la lettre de l’Ocim dès ce numéro pour proposer vos contributions. Et puisque c’est également le début d’une nouvelle année, toute l’équipe de l’Ocim se joint à moi pour vous souhaiter une année 2020 en bonne santé et pleine de projets enrichissants pour vous et vos institutions ! À bientôt pour poursuivre nos coopérations. Ewa MACZEK, directrice par intérim de l'Oci