38 research outputs found

    De las b贸vedas nervadas al ca帽贸n con lunetos. Las iglesias de b贸veda ba铆da en el 谩mbito valenciano

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    [EN] The architectural changes implemented in the transition from the Gothic style to the Classical style during the Renaissance led to the adoption of new spatial and compositional parameters that required the support of new geometric and structural systems. The evolution undergone by church vaulting systems in the Crown of Aragon from Gothic rib vaults to Baroque barrel vaults with lunettes is of particular interest in this context. As a stepping stone in this transformative process in the region of Valencia, some churches were roofed with a succession of sail vaults whose characteristics can unmistakably be ascribed to the Classical style. The geometric solution adopted for these spherebased vaults proved to be of critical importance.The text analyses five churches built in accordance with this system, showing the innovative geometrical approaches to their roofing solutions adopted by the various architects.[ES] Los cambios arquitect贸nicos realizados desde el lenguaje g贸tico al cl谩sico a partir de la irrupci贸n del renacimiento, supuso la adopci贸n de nuevos par谩metros espaciales y compositivos que necesitaron del soporte de nuevos sistemas constructivos y geom茅tricos. Es significativo el proceso evolutivo experimentado en los abovedamientos de las iglesias de la Corona de Arag贸n durante el recorrido que conduce desde las b贸vedas nervadas propias del g贸tico hasta las b贸vedas de ca帽贸n con lunetos barrocas. En el 谩mbito valenciano, y como un modelo intermedio entre los extremos del proceso, se realizaron unas pocas iglesias cubiertas con una sucesi贸n de b贸vedas ba铆das claramente adscribibles al lenguaje cl谩sico. La soluci贸n geom茅trica de estas b贸vedas basada en la esfera resultar谩 clave.En el texto se analizan cinco iglesias construidas con este sistema, y se muestran las soluciones adoptadas por los art铆fices para resolver cobertura de los diferentes templos con una geometr铆a in茅dita hasta el momento.Sender Contell, M.; Perell贸 Roso, R. (2020). From rib vaults to barrel vaults with lunettes. Sail vault churches in the valencia region. EGA Expresi贸n Gr谩fica Arquitect贸nica. 25(40):56-67. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2020.13672OJS5667254

    Virtual reconstruction of a disappeared monastery of Santa Maria de la Murta

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    [EN] The representation of disappearing architectures is an important task for the recognition of our history. This article describes the process of digital reconstruction of the monastery of Santa Mar铆a de la Murta, in Alzira, from the data obtained in the initial archaeological campaigns to the work of documentary research, graphic surveying and analysis of architectural remains. From this information, a video tour of the interior of the Church is produced, merging real images with the virtual reconstruction carried out. The monastery is currently in a state of precariousness in which only a few walls of the church, the tower las Palomas and the starts of what were the walls of the cloister, exhumed in the first archaeological campaigns remain. The monastery is catalogued with a high level of architectural protection within the section of fortified religious monuments, being considered one of the founding monasteries of the Order of Saint Jerome (the Hieronymites) Thanks to the constructive hypothesis embodied in the 3D model, progress has been made in the knowledge of the monastery, using the virtual model as a tool of interpretation, simulation and scientific dissemination. The recovery, although only virtual, restores some of the loss, and has allowed to re-enjoy the spatial, visual and acoustic sensations that could occur in the missing buildings reinforcing both the interest for the good and the affective bond of the population linked to it.Sender Contell, M.; Perell贸 Roso, R. (2021). Virtual reconstruction of a disappeared monastery of Santa Maria de la Murta. DisegnareCon. 14(27):1-10. https://doi.org/10.20365/disegnarecon.27.2021.3S110142

    Formation of Lewia infectoria, the teleomorph of Alternaria infectoria, on wheat in Argentina

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    The trapping of pseudothecia carrying asci with mature ascospores of Lewia infectoria (teleomorph of Alternaria infectoria) from wheat stubble under natural field conditions in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, is reported for the first time. The production of mature pseudothecia in culture is also reported. Monosporic isolates of A. infectoria, obtained from infected wheat plants in Argentina, produced conidia within a week and ascomata with fully mature ascospores within 7 months when stored on slants of PCA at 4掳Cin darkness. The anamorph exhibited the sporulation pattern of Alternaria infectoria species-group, and was identified by its axenic colony morphology and the prominence of its secondary conidiophore structure. Critical examination of the teleomorph revealed it to be Lewia infectoria. The presence of the teleomorph has implications in the long-distance dispersal of A. infectoria and on resistance breeding programs. This is the first confirmed report of the sexual stage of A. infectoria in Argentina.Centro de Investigaciones en Fitopatolog铆

    Alternaria infectoria species-group associated with black point of wheat in Argentina

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    Regional surveys are being conducted in Argentina to assess the presence of wheat (Triticum aestivum) pathogens on grains across the main cropping area. During 2001 and 2002, grain samples with a dark brown or blackish discoloration around the embryo end, known as black point, were observed on several cultivars across the wheat region of Buenos Aires Province.Centro de Investigaciones de Fitopatolog铆

    Alternaria infectoria species-group associated with black point of wheat in Argentina

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    Regional surveys are being conducted in Argentina to assess the presence of wheat (Triticum aestivum) pathogens on grains across the main cropping area. During 2001 and 2002, grain samples with a dark brown or blackish discoloration around the embryo end, known as black point, were observed on several cultivars across the wheat region of Buenos Aires Province.Centro de Investigaciones de Fitopatolog铆

    Importancia del dibujo en los proyectos de rehabilitaci贸n. Aceitera de Marxalenes

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    [EN] The Oil Factory of the Marxalenes Park architectural complex in the city of Valencia has had an important history that has conditioned its use in the first place and later its abandonment and ruin. To address its rehabilitation and enhancement, the entire graphic documentation process has been fundamental in the first place, and project ideation later. This article will briefly describe its history, the graphic analysis of the architectural remains and the result of the restoration proposal. All those monuments, architectural complexes and places of social interest, must be documented and registered from scientific criteria, in order to support the subsequent investigations that are carried out on it, as well as to facilitate the reconstruction, replacement, or restoration work without forgetting aspects relating to the dissemination of knowledge and contribution to the advancement of awareness about respect and awareness of our heritage.[ES] La F谩brica de Aceites del conjunto arquitect贸nico del Parque de Marxalenes, en la ciudad de Valencia ha tenido una historia importante que ha condicionado su morfolog铆a, uso y posteriormente su abandono y ruina. Para abordar su rehabilitaci贸n y puesta en valor, ha sido fundamental todo el proceso gr谩fico de documentaci贸n en primer lugar, y de ideaci贸n de proyecto posteriormente. En este art铆culo se va a describir brevemente su historia, el an谩lisis gr谩fico de los restos arquitect贸nicos y el resultado de la propuesta de restauraci贸n. Todos aquellos monumentos, conjuntos arquitect贸nicos y lugares de inter茅s social, deben ser documentados y registrados desde criterios cient铆ficos, con el fin de sustentar las investigaciones posteriores que sobre 茅l se realicen, as铆 como para facilitar los trabajos de reconstrucci贸n, reposici贸n, o restauraci贸n sin olvidar los aspectos relativos a la difusi贸n del conocimiento y contribuci贸n al avance de la concienciaci贸n en el respeto y sensibilizaci贸n sobre nuestro patrimonio.Sender Contell, M.; Gim茅nez Ribera, M.; Perell贸 Roso, R. (2020). Importance of drawing in the rehabilitation project. Marxalenes Oil Factory. EGE Revista de Expresi贸n Gr谩fica en la Edificaci贸n. 0(13):78-97. https://doi.org/10.4995/ege.2020.14676OJS789701

    A Scale for Appraising the Leaf Blight of Wheat Caused by Alternaria Triticimaculans

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    The aim of this work was to present an scale of measurement for appraising the progress of leaf blight of wheat (Alternaria triticimaculans) in the field. Approximately three hundred diseased leaves of wheat at the milky ripe stage from an artificially inoculated crop, were collected. Based on leaf affected area in relation to the total leaf area, a nine grade scale was propose as a rapid technique to estimate this foliar disease.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Aproximaci贸n a los estudios de la lengua japonesa : m茅todos de aprendizaje de kanji japoneses de nivel intermedio

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    Para los alumnos de japon茅s, llega un punto en el que deben superar unos niveles de aprendizaje en todos los 谩mbitos de la lengua japonesa. Los kanji forman una parte importante del aprendizaje del idioma pero la b煤squeda de materiales adecuados a su nivel y a sus necesidades puede ser dif铆cil. Con este estudio, los alumnos castellanohablantes de kanji japoneses de nivel intermedio pueden encontrar un punto de vista de usuario tal y como tendr铆an ellos mismos a la hora de la b煤squeda de materiales, ya que se hace una adecuaci贸n y aproximaci贸n de los recursos m谩s apropiados para los alumnos que buscan materiales escritos en castellano y que sean correspondientes a un nivel intermedio de los kanji japonesesPer als alumnes de japon猫s, arriba un punt en el qual han de superar uns nivells d'aprenentatge a tots els 脿mbits de la llengua japonesa. Els kanji formen una part important de l'aprenentatge de l'idioma per貌 la recerca de materials adients al seu nivell i a les seves necessitats pot ser dif铆cil. Amb aquest estudi, els alumnes castellanoparlant de kanji japonesos de nivell intermedi poden trobar un punt de vista d'usuari aix铆 i com tindrien ells mateixos a l'hora de la recerca de materials, ja que en aquest treball es fa una adequaci贸 i aproximaci贸 dels materials m茅s adients per als alumnes que busquen recursos escrits en castell脿 i que siguin corresponents a un nivell intermedi dels kanji japonesosThere comes a point in learning when those who study Japanese want to overcome the knowledge of the language at all levels. Kanji are an important part of the Japanese language, but finding resources that are appropriate to their own level and needs can be difficult. In this essay, Spanish speakers studying intermediate Japanese kanji could find a help in the task of looking for materials that could be suitable for them, as well as having the point of view from another student just like them thanks to the approach in the searching of the supplies for Spanish speaker intermediate kanji student

    Formation of Lewia infectoria, the teleomorph of Alternaria infectoria, on wheat in Argentina

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    The trapping of pseudothecia carrying asci with mature ascospores of Lewia infectoria (teleomorph of Alternaria infectoria) from wheat stubble under natural field conditions in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, is reported for the first time. The production of mature pseudothecia in culture is also reported. Monosporic isolates of A. infectoria, obtained from infected wheat plants in Argentina, produced conidia within a week and ascomata with fully mature ascospores within 7 months when stored on slants of PCA at 4掳Cin darkness. The anamorph exhibited the sporulation pattern of Alternaria infectoria species-group, and was identified by its axenic colony morphology and the prominence of its secondary conidiophore structure. Critical examination of the teleomorph revealed it to be Lewia infectoria. The presence of the teleomorph has implications in the long-distance dispersal of A. infectoria and on resistance breeding programs. This is the first confirmed report of the sexual stage of A. infectoria in Argentina.Centro de Investigaciones en Fitopatolog铆

    Study and analysis of the construction of Torre de las Palomas in the Monasterio de la Murta

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    [EN] The architectural element with the greatest iconographic significance in the Monasterio de la Murta is the Torre de las Palomas (Dove Tower) And so because of its importance as an architectural and landscape element, before restoration, comprehensive documentation is needed to provide an understanding of the building. As part of the work of interpretation, sufficient graphic documentation has been required to determine the original morphology, especially as regards the interior levels and systems of vertical communication. The data obtained has enabled sections to be redrawn, which has provided an overall perception of existing lines and has made it possible to generate a hypothesis on the tower驴s original construction.[ES] El elemento arquitect贸nico con mayor carga iconogr谩fica del Monasterio de la Murta es la Torre de las Palomas. Es por esto que, por su importancia como elemento arquitect贸nico y paisaj铆stico, para plantear su restauraci贸n resulta imprescindible realizar una documentaci贸n exhaustiva que permita la comprensi贸n del edificio. Dentro de las labores de interpretaci贸n ha sido necesario obtener documentaci贸n gr谩fica suficiente para determinar la morfolog铆a original, especialmente en lo que respecta a los niveles interiores y a los sistemas de comunicaci贸n vertical. Con los datos obtenidos se ha podido realizar el redibujado de las secciones, lo que ha posibilitado la percepci贸n conjunta de las trazas existentes y ha permitido generar una hip贸tesis sobre el sistema constructivo original en la Torre.Sender Contell, M.; Perell贸 Roso, R. (2013). La Torre de las Palomas en el Monasterio de la Murta, estudio y an谩lisis de sus trazas constructivas. EGA. Revista de Expresi贸n Gr谩fica Arquitect贸nica. 18(21):162-173. doi:10.4995/ega.2013.1530SWORD162173182