1,729 research outputs found

    Estimação da zona de conforto térmico de ovinos deslanados

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    Conduziu-se um experimento na câmara bioclimática do Centro de Estudos Bioclimáticos da Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia – Brasil, cujo objetivo foi estabelecer a zona de conforto térmico para ovinos deslanados. Em um experimento completamente casualizado, sete fêmeas da raça Santa Inês (repetições) foram expostas durante três dias consecutivos a cada um dos sete tratamentos (temperaturas de 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 e 40oC na umidade do ar fixa de 65%), Entre cada tratamento, os animais ficavam ao ar livre por cinco dias para eliminar o efeito residual. Foram coletadas as temperaturas de bulbo seco e úmido e de globo negro e calculados o THI e BGHI. Também, se mediu as variáveis fisiológicas freqüência respiratória, freqüência cardíaca e temperatura retal.Os testes de adaptabilidade utilizados foram os de Ibéria, Benezra e Benezra modificado. Concluiu-se que a zona de conforto térmico para ovinos deslanados está entre 15 e 25oC sob 65% de UR

    Isobaric vapor−liquid equilibrium data for binary system of glycerol ethyl acetal and acetonitrile at 60.0 kPa and 97.8 kPa

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    Isobaric vapor−liquid equilibrium (VLE) data for the binary mixture of glycerol ethyl acetal (GEA) and acetonitrile were measured at 60.0 kPa and 97.8 kPa, using a dynamic recirculating still. The VLE data were correlated using the nonrandom two-liquid (NRTL) and universal quasichemical activity coefficient (UNIQUAC) models, and the interaction parameters of this mixture were estimated. The experimental procedure was checked by measuring VLE data at 97.8 kPa of the well known system acetone/methanol showing high conformity, as given by applying a set of VLE consistency tests. The vapor pressure of GEA was measured, for the first time, in the temperature range from 371.85 K to 456.85 K, and it is described by the following expression: ln PGEA sat (Pa) = 24.17 − 5781/T(K). The information collected is of utmost importance for the purification of GEA synthesized using simulated moving bed reactor technology

    Influence of availability of shade on testicular characteristics of Santa Ines rams

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of availability of artificial shading on testicular and seminal characteristics of Santa Ines crossbred rams. Twelve 8 month old rams at 38.1 ± 5.2 kg average weight, were used in a total random design with two treatments: areas with and without available artificial shading (black polyethylene mesh screen for a 50% reduction of solar radiation). The scrotal circumference, scrotal length, scrotal volume, rectal temperature and scrotal temperature were measured twice a week. Also a biweekly analysis of the semen was carried out, measuring the volume and spermatic concentration as well as the percentage of normal spermatozoa. The results show that available shading provided for lower scrotal temperatures and higher sperm concentration, without influencing the scrotal volume and the percentage of normal spermatozoa. The testicular measures, such as the scrotal circumference and length were higher in the rams that were subjected to the no available shading treatment. The absence of differences, in some of the analyzed variables, between the two treatments, with and without available shading, could be due to high adaptability of the animals

    Coupled PermSMBR – Process design and development for 1,1-dibutoxyethane production

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    AbstractIn this work, a new configuration of the simulated moving bed membrane reactor (PermSMBR) technology is presented, the coupled PermSMBR, where the tubular membranes are located after fixed-bed columns packed with the catalyst/adsorbent. By this way the membranes are not in contact with the solid, which from an industrial point of view is easier to implement since the process of membranes installation/replacement and clean-up is simpler than in the previous considered set-up (tubular membranes packed with the catalyst/adsorbent – integrated PermSMBR). The 1,1-dibutoxyethane production is used, as an example, and the features of the new “coupled PermSMBR” and the previous set-up (integrated PermSMBR) are discussed. The coupled PermSMBR revealed to be a very attractive solution for the sustainable 1,1-dibutoxyethane production, proved by the high productivity and low desorbent consumption obtained within the studied conditions

    Rapid tranquillisation for agitated patients in emergency psychiatric rooms: a randomised trial of midazolam versus haloperidol plus promethazine

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare two widely used drug treatments for people with aggression or agitation due to mental illness. DESIGN: Pragmatic, randomised clinical trial. SETTING: Three psychiatric emergency rooms in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. SUBJECTS: 301 aggressive or agitated people. INTERVENTIONS: Open treatment with intramuscular midazolam or intramuscular haloperidol plus promethazine. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Patients tranquil or sedated at 20 minutes. Secondary outcomes: patients tranquil or asleep by 40, 60, and 120 minutes; restrained or given extra drugs within 2 hours; severe adverse events; another episode of agitation or aggression; needing extra visits from doctor during first 24 hours; overall antipsychotic load in first 24 hours; and not discharged by two weeks

    Image Quality In Partially Erased Denoptix® Storage Phosphor Plates

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    This study aimed at investigating the effect of the partial erasing of DenOptix® system storage phosphor plates on the image quality of digital radiographs. Standardized digital radiographs were acquired of a phantom mandible, using size 2 intraoral DenOptix® storage phosphor plates (n = 10). Subsequently, the active areas of the plates were placed in a viewing box with a constant light intensity of 1,700 lux for 130 seconds to achieve complete erasing (control plate), as well as for 0, 5, 10, 1S, 20, 25, 34, 66, and 98 seconds, to compose the experimental group of partially erased plates. The same exposure settings were repeated using the control and experimental plates, which were scanned at a resolution of 300 dpi. Five radiologists independently examined the pairs of digital radiographs obtained with the control and partially erased plates, in random order, and indicated the best image for oral diagnosis. Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel's chi-square test, at a significance level of 5%, was used to compare the percentages of superior quality images in each combination of control and partially erased plates, subjectively assessed. No significant differences were found between radiographic images acquired with control and partially erased plates, except for the combination of 0 second (30%) versus 130 seconds (70%), p = 0.0047. It can be concluded that, under adequate light intensity conditions, erasing intraoral DenOptix® storage phosphor plates may require time intervals of as little as 5 seconds.2217883Akdeniz, B.G., Gröndahl, H.G., Kose, T., Effect of delayed scanning of storage phosphor plates (2005) Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod, 99 (5), pp. 603-607Akdeniz, B.G., Gröndahl, H.G., Degradation of storage phosphor images due to scanning delay (2006) Dentomaxillofac Radiol, 35 (2), pp. 74-77Almeida, S.M., Oliveira, A.E.F., Ferreira, R.I., Bóscolo, F.N., Image quality in digital radiographic systems (2003) Braz Dent J, 14 (2), pp. 136-141Borg, E., Attaelmanan, A., Gröndahl, H.G., Subjective image quality of solid-state and photostimulable phosphor systems for digital intra-oral radiography (2000) Dentomaxillofac Radiol, 29 (2), pp. 70-75Ferreira, R.I., Haiter-Neto, F., Tabchoury, C.P.M., Paiva, G.A.N., Bóscolo, F.N., Assessment of enamel demineralization using conventional, digital, and digitized radiography (2006) Braz Oral Res, 20 (2), pp. 114-119Wenzel, A., Gröndahl, H.G., Direct digital radiography in the dental office (1995) Int Dent J, 45 (1), pp. 27-34Oliveira, A.E., Almeida, S.M., Paganini, G.A., Haiter Neto, F., Bóscolo, F.N., Comparative study of two digjtal radiographic storage phosphor systems (2000) Braz Dent J, 11 (2), pp. 111-116Borg, E., Attaelmanan, A., Gröndahl, H.G., Image plate systems differ in physical performance (2000) Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod, 89 (1), pp. 118-124Martins, M.G.B.Q., Haiter Neto, F., Whaites, E.J., Analysis of digital images acquired using different phosphor storage plates (PSPs) subjected to varying reading times and storage conditions (2003) Dentomaxillofac Radiol, 32 (3), pp. 186-190(1998) DenOptix digital imaging system - user manual and installation guide, , Gendex Dental X-Ray Division, Des Plaines: The Division;Menig, J.J., The DenOptix digital radiographic system (1999) J Clin Orthod, 33 (7), pp. 407-410Berkhout WE, Beuger DA, Sanderink GC, van der Stelt PF. The dynamic range of digital radiographic systems: dose reduction or risk of overexposure? Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2004;33(1):1-SHildebolt, C.F., Couture, R.A., Whiting, B.R., Dental photostimulable phosphor radiography (2000) Dent Clin North Am, 44 (2), pp. 273-297Martins, M.G.B.Q., Whaites, E.J., Ambrosano, G.M.B., Haiter Neto, F., What happens if you delay scanning Digora phosphor storage plates (PSPs) for up to 4 hours? (2006) Dentomaxillofac Radiol, 35 (3), pp. 143-146Gröndahl, H.G., Wenzel, A., Borg, E., Tammisalo, E., An image plate system for digital intra-oral radiography (1996) Dent Update, 23 (8), pp. 334-33

    Diagnosis Of Secondary Caries In Esthetic Restorations: Influence Of The Incidence Vertical Angle Of The X-ray Beam

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy on the diagnosis of secondary caries-like lesions simulated on esthetic restorations of different materials, changing the incidence vertical angle (IVA) of the x-ray beam. Twenty human teeth received MOD inlay preparations. In the experimental group (n=10), a round cavity was made in the floor of the proximal box to simulate the caries-like lesion. All teeth were restored with 3 composite resins (Charisma, Filtek-Z250 and TPH-Spectrum) at 3 moments. Two radiographic images were acquired with 0° and 10° IVA. Ten observers evaluated the images using a 5-point confidence scale. Intra- and interobserver reliability was analyzed with the Interclass Correlation Coefficient and the diagnostic accuracy was evaluated using the area under the ROC curve (Az), Friedman test and Wilcoxon test (α=0.05). Higher accuracy values were obtained with 10° IVA (Az=0.66, Filtek- Z250>Az=0.56, TPH-Spectrum) compared to 0° (Az=0.55, Charisma>Az=0.37, TPH-Spectrum), though without statistically significant difference (p>0.05). The detection of secondary caries-like lesions simulated on esthetic restorations of different materials suffered no negative influence by changing the IVA of the x-ray beam.222129133Levin, L., Coval, M., Geiger, S.B., Cross-sectional radiographic survey of amalgam and resin-based composite posterior restorations (2007) Quintessence Int, 38, pp. 511-514Haak, R., Wicht, M.J., Hellmich, M., Noack, M.J., Detection of marginal defects of composite restorations with conventional and digital radiographs (2002) Eur J Oral Sci, 110, pp. 282-286Kirkevang, L.L., Vaeth, M., Wenzel, A., Prevalence and incidence of caries lesions in relation to placement and replacement of fillings: A longitudinal observational radiographic study of an adult Danish population (2009) Caries Res, 43, pp. 286-293Newman, B., Seow, W.K., Kazoullis, S., Ford, D., Holcombe, T., Clinical detection of caries in the primary dentition with and without bitewing radiography (2009) Austr Dent J, 54, pp. 23-30Anbiaee, N., Mohassel, A.R., Imanimoghaddam, M., Moazzami, S.M., A comparison of the accuracy of digital and conventional radiography in the diagnosis of recurrent caries (2010) Contemp Dent Pract, 11, pp. 25-32Nair, M.K., Tyndall, D.A., Ludlow, J.B., May, K., Ye, F., The effects of restorative material and location on the detection of simulated recurrent caries. A comparison of dental film, direct digital radiography and tuned aperture computed tomography (1998) Dentomaxillofac Radiol, 27, pp. 80-84van der Stelt, P.F., Ruttiman, U.E., Webber, R.L., Heemstra, P., In vitro study into the influence from x-ray beam angulation on the detection of artificial caries defects on interproximal radiographs (1989) Caries Res, 23, pp. 334-341Tveit, A.B., Espelid, I., Erickson, R.L., Glasspoole, E.A., Vertical angulation from X-ray beam and radiographic diagnosis of secondary caries (1991) Community Dent Oral Epidemiol, 19, pp. 333-335Akarslan, Z.Z., Akdevelioǧlu, M., Güngör, K., Erten, H., A comparison of the diagnostic accuracy of bitewing, periapical, unfiltered and filtered digital panoramic images for approximal caries detection in posterior teeth (2008) Dentomaxillofac Radiol, 37, pp. 458-463Sabbagh, J., Vreven, J., Leloup, G., Radiopacity of resin-based materials measured in film radiographs and storage phosphor plate (Digora) (2004) Oper Dent, 29, pp. 677-684Dental resin based restorative materials, 6 (10), pp. 1985-1985. , ISO:DP 4049, International standards organization (Draft Proposal), clauseMagalhães, C.S., Freitas, A.B., Moreira, A.N., Ferreira, E.F., Validity of staining and marginal ditching as criteria for diagnosis of secondary caries around occlusal amalgam restorations: An in vitro study (2009) Braz Dent J, 20, pp. 307-313Ergücü, Z., Türkün, L.S., Onem, E., Güneri, P., Comparative radiopacity of six flowable resin composites (2010) Oper Dent, 35, pp. 436-440Lasko, T.A., Bhagwat, J.G., Zou, K.H., Ohno-Machado, L., The use of receiver operating characteristic curves in biomedical informatics (2005) J Biomed Inform, 38, pp. 404-415Diniz, M.B., Rodrigues, J.A., Neuhaus, K.W., Cordeiro, R.C., Lussi, A., Influence of examiner's clinical experience on the reproducibility and accuracy of radiographic examination in detecting occlusal caries (2010) Clin Oral Investig, 14, pp. 515-523Zoellner, A., Diemer, B., Weber, H.P., Stassinakis, A., Gaengler, P., Histologic and radiographic assessment of caries-like lesions localized at the crown margin (2002) J Prosthet Dent, 88, pp. 54-59Ferreira, R.I., Haiter-Neto, F., Tabchoury, C.P., de Paiva, G.A., Bóscolo, F.N., Assessment of enamel demineralization using conventional, digital, and digitized radiography (2006) Braz Oral Res, 20, pp. 114-119Peker, I., Toraman Alkurt, M., Altunkaynak, B., Film tomography compared with film and digital bitewing radiography for proximal caries detection (2007) Dentomaxillofac Radiol, 36, pp. 495-49

    Study of transverse oscillations in coronal loops excited by flares and eruptions

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    We present measurements of periodicity for transverse loop oscillations during the periods of activity of two remote and separated (both temporally and spatially) flares. The oscillations are observed in the same location more than 100 Mm away from the visible footpoints of the loops. Evidence for several possible excitation sources is presented. After close examination, we find that the eruptions during the flaring activities play an important role in triggering the oscillations. We investigate periodicities using time–distance, fast Fourier transform, and wavelet techniques. Despite different excitation sources in the vicinity of the loops and the changing nature of amplitudes, the periodicity of multiple oscillations is found to be 4–6 min