828 research outputs found

    Government policies and grid extension as solutions for availing energy services for the urban poor

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    Analyzing the impact of government policies and available technologies to improve the percentage of poor households using electricity in the urban areas of Uganda.Urban poor households face challenges of meeting energy needs within their economic resources and established infrastructure. Previous Government efforts to meet this need by subsidizing modern energy supply were poorly designed and ill targeted. Despite those initiatives, the eventual energy sold was not used for income generation activities. This study analyses the impact of government policies and available technologies to improve the percentage of poor households using electricity in the urban areas of Uganda.Urban poor households face challenges of meeting energy needs within their economic resources and established infrastructure. Previous Government efforts to meet this need by subsidizing modern energy supply were poorly designed and ill targeted. Despite those initiatives, the eventual energy sold was not used for income generation activities. This study analyses the impact of government policies and available technologies to improve the percentage of poor households using electricity in the urban areas of Uganda


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    The Heart of   Borneo (HoB) declaration is a conservation agreement initiated by WWF and signed by three countries, i.e., Brunei       Darussalam, Indonesia and Malaysia in Bali, Indonesia on 12th February 2007 to protect more than 23 million hectares of forested region on Borneo Island. These forested areas could be well protected when conservation management plan is in place. One of the crucial activities to facilitate the planning and formulation of conservation plan is to conduct  scientific expeditions that include botanical exploration. The primary objective of the expedition is to identify the key conservation targets within the forest reserves. For the past five years, several expeditions have been conducted by the Sabah Forestry Department under the auspices of the HoB project to explore various forest reserves with conservation issues within the Heart of Borneo area. This paper will present the findings which include plant richness, endemism and plant conservation status in each forest reserves that has been explored. </p

    Bifurcation of limit cycles in piecewise quadratic differential systems with an invariant straight line

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    Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICWe solve the center-focus problem in a class of piecewise quadratic polynomial differential systems with an invariant straight line. The separation curve is also a straight line which is not invariant. We provide families having at the origin a weak-foci of maximal order. In the continuous class, the cyclicity problem is also solved, being 3 such maximal number. Moreover, for the discontinuous class but without sliding segment, we prove the existence of 7 limit cycles of small amplitude

    Regulation of the Bfa1p–Bub2p complex at spindle pole bodies by the cell cycle phosphatase Cdc14p

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    The budding yeast mitotic exit network (MEN) is a GTPase-driven signal transduction cascade that controls the release of the phosphatase Cdc14p from the nucleolus in anaphase and thereby drives mitotic exit. We show that Cdc14p is partially released from the nucleolus in early anaphase independent of the action of the MEN components Cdc15p, Dbf2p, and Tem1p. Upon release, Cdc14p binds to the spindle pole body (SPB) via association with the Bfa1p–Bub2p GTPase activating protein complex, which is known to regulate the activity of the G protein Tem1p. Cdc14p also interacts with this GTPase. The association of the MEN component Mob1p with the SPB acts as a marker of MEN activation. The simultaneous binding of Cdc14p and Mob1p to the SPB in early anaphase suggests that Cdc14p initially activates the MEN. In a second, later step, which coincides with mitotic exit, Cdc14p reactivates the Bfa1p–Bub2p complex by dephosphorylating Bfa1p. This inactivates the MEN and displaces Mob1p from SPBs. These data indicate that Cdc14p activates the MEN in early anaphase but later inactivates it through Bfa1p dephosphorylation and so restricts MEN activity to a short period in anaphase

    Noves tecnologies en un centre òptic modern: prevenció, valoració, diagnòstic i tractament

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    La tecnologia s’ha convertit en una part indispensable en tots els àmbits de la nostra vida quotidiana. En aquest treball ens centrarem en la branca de les ciències de la salut, concretament en l’àmbit de l’Òptica i l’Optometria. Gràcies al desenvolupament tecnològic s’han pogut crear instruments optomètrics com és el cas del tonòmetre i d’altres molt més recents i precisos, com l’OCT. Aquest treball consta de dues parts: una de pràctica que ha consistit en una estada formativa a un centre visual modern i una segona, què es plasma en aquesta memòria i que ha consistit en la realització d’un estudi sobre la correlació entre dades de paquimetria i pressió intraocular obtingudes de pacients del Centre Visual Tot Visió (L’Hospitalet de Llobregat), on s’han fet les pràctiques clíniques i del Centre Universitari de la Visió (Terrassa). Al final d’aquesta memòria s’evidencien els resultats obtinguts després d’haver realitzat una anàlisi d’estadística de mitjanes, desviacions estàndard i correlacions amb el programa Excel. Posteriorment, s’anuncien les conclusions obtingudes després de comparar els resultats d’aquest estudi amb els d’altres treballs realitzats prèviament.La tecnología se ha convertido en una parte indispensable en todos los ámbitos de nuestra vida cotidiana. En este trabajo nos centraremos en la rama de las ciencias de la salud, concretamente en el ámbito de la Óptica y la Optometría. Gracias al desarrollo tecnológico se han podido crear instrumentos optométricos como el tonómetro y otros mucho más recientes y precisos, como la OCT. Este trabajo consta de dos partes: una práctica que ha consistido en una estancia formativa en un centro visual moderno y una segunda, que se plasma en esta memoria y que ha consistido en la realización de un estudio sobre la correlación entre datos de paquimetría y presión intraocular obtenidas de pacientes del Centro Visual Tot Visió (Hospitalet de Llobregat), donde se han realizado las prácticas clínicas y del Centro Universitario de la Visión (Terrassa). Al final de esta memoria se evidencian los resultados obtenidos después de haber realizado un análisis de estadística de medias, desviaciones estándar y correlaciones con el programa Excel. Posteriormente, se anuncian las conclusiones obtenidas después de comparar los resultados de este estudio con los de otros trabajos realizados previamente.Technology has become an indispensable part in all areas of our daily life. In this work, we will focus on the branch of health sciences, specifically in the field of Optics and Optometry. Thanks to technological development, optometric instruments such as the tonometer and other more recent and precise ones, such as the OCT, have been created. This work consists of two parts: a practical one that involved a training period at a modern vision center, and a second part, which is documented in this report, consisting of a study on the correlation between pachymetry and intraocular pressure data obtained from patients at the Tot Visió Visual Center (Hospitalet de Llobregat), where the clinical practices were carried out, and the University Vision Center (Terrassa). At the end of this report, the results obtained are presented after performing a statistical analysis of means, standard deviations, and correlations using the Excel software. Subsequently, the conclusions obtained are announced after comparing the results of this study with those of other previously conducted research

    New e-health services for the European Network for Rare and Congenital Anaemias (e-ENERCA)

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    Rare Anaemias (RA) are a group of Rare Diseases (RD) with prevalence, in Europe, less than 5 per 10.000 individuals. Major forms of RAs require red blood cell transfusions, iron chelation, splenectomy, and/or in very severe cases, bone marrow transplantation, as main therapeutic options. Beta-thalassaemia major is predominant in Italy and Cyprus, and sickle cell disease (SCD) in African population. During the last 30 years, SCD is increasing in Europe due to African immigration, leading to an important impact on health care burden in several countries. Preventive programs, aiming to epidemiological control, and improvement of diagnosis and clinical management of major RA, are crucial for decreasing the affected birth rate and achieving an efficient balance between morbidity and patient’s life expectancy. Since 2003, the European Network for Rare and Congenital Anaemias (ENERCA) has taken an active role for improving this situation by the following actions: a) the identification of Centres of Expertise on RAs in Europe according to the recommendations of ENERCA White Book b) the promotion of best clinical and laboratory practices by the publication of ENERCA recommendations c) the improving of continuous medical education, by organising topic-specific training courses, workshops and symposia, e) the empowerment of patients, by cooperation with Patient’s Associations, and co-organizing a bi-annual European Symposium on RAs with interactive patients-health professionals sessions. In September 2013, a new phase of the project called e-ENERCA has started with the aim to provide, patients and professionals with e-Health tools for assure the same access to health services in RAs across Europe, independently from the country of practise and origin of the patients. e-Health services will be developed through the set-up of three different e-platforms endorsed by ENERCA website (http://www.enerca.org) : 1) e-Registry, a Pan European registry of RAs for gathering patient’s data necessary to achieve the required sample size for epidemiological surveillance and clinical research 2) e-Learning , a teaching platform for the dissemination of knowledge, continuous medical education, and best practices awareness and promotion through Internet, and 3) e-Medicine , a platform to provide, at distance, expertise (telexpertise) and diagnostic facilities (telediagnosis), avoiding, when possible, the need of travelling. Finally, e-ENERCA will also promote the recognition of the previously identified Centres of Expertise in RAs (White Book) by the national health authorities, a mandatory condition for ENERCA final recognition as European Reference Network in Rare Anaemias (RA-ERN)

    The effect of individual tree shelters in growth and morphology of cork oak seedlings

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    The need of reforestation in cork oak areas has faced important difficulties. Among those is the destruction of young plants by herbivores coupled with slow growth of seedlings during the early years after plantation. This work is part of a project designed to study the effects of shelters in growth and physiology of Quercus suber L. seedlings under conditions of mediterranean climate