58 research outputs found

    Determinação do potencial silvicultural de espécies do gênero Cecropia na flona do Tapajós – PA.

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    Classificadas como pioneiras no processo de sucessão florestal, as espécies do gênero Cecropia, pertencente à família Urticaceae, popularmente conhecidas como embaúba, têm como características ocupar rapidamente clareiras abertas naturalmente, pela exploração florestal ou formações secundárias provenientes de atividades agropecuárias abandonadas. Parâmetros como o rápido crescimento, a ampla distribuição espacial e elevada abundância, associados às propriedades tecnológicas da madeira favoráveis para utilização na indústria, colocam o gênero em destaque diante da necessidade de introduzir novas espécies no mercado visando compor colheitas futuras. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o potencial silvicultural das espécies do gênero Cecropia através da estrutura horizontal, dinâmica populacional e a caracterização do potencial produtivo madeireiro pós-colheita florestal. O experimento está localizado na FLONA Tapajós, município de Belterra-PA, onde em 1979 foi realizada a exploração florestal. Em 1981 foram instaladas ao acaso 36 Parcelas Permanentes, sendo inventariados todos os indivíduos com DAP ≥ 5 cm. As medições foram realizadas em nove cronossequêcias (1981, 1982, 1983, 1985, 1987, 1992, 1997, 2007 e 2012) em 33 anos após exploração florestal. Parcelas testemunhas também foram instaladas próximas a área experimental. Foram identificadas em destaque na área, duas espécies do gênero: Cecropia distachya e Cecropia sciadophylla. Foi observado um aumento considerável na densidade, atingindo um máximo em quatro anos após a exploração (82,3 árvores/ha) e posterior decréscimo até atingir, após 28 anos, valores similares à área não explorada. Cecropia apresentou, em termos de dominância e volume, acréscimo significativo aos 13 anos póscolheita (1,7 m².ha-1); 15,6 m³.ha-1), com uma produtividade máxima levemente superior em volume aos 18 anos (16,4 m³.ha-1), tendo a partir deste momento um rápido declínio. As taxas de ingresso foram muito superiores as de mortalidade 3 anos após a exploração. A partir do terceiro período, 6 anos após exploração (1985), houve balaço negativo até o final do monitoramento. Cecropia spp. mostrou altos incrementos logo após a exploração florestal, sendo que C. sciadophylla mostrou maior crescimento considerando todo período (1981- 2012). Conclui-se que as espécies do gênero Cecropia apresentam alto potencial silvicultural para a produção de madeira após exploração florestal em menor tempo do que o ciclo de corte estabelecido na legislação, que é de 35 anos, o que sugere um manejo diferenciado por apresentarem dinâmica de curta duração.Classified as pioneers in the process of forest succession, the species of the genus Cecropia, belonging to the family Urticaceae, popularly known as embaúba, have the characteristics of rapidly occupying open clearings naturally, by forest exploitation or secondary formations from abandoned agricultural activities. Parameters such as rapid growth, broad spatial distribution and high abundance associated with the favorable wood technological properties for use in industry place the genus in the forefront of the need to introduce new species to the market in order to compose future crops. Thus, the objective of this work was to determine the silvicultural potential of the species of the genus Cecropia through the horizontal structure, population dynamics and the characterization of the post-harvest forest potential. The experiment is located in Tapajós FLONA, municipality of Belterra-PA, where in 1979 the forest exploitation was carried out. In 1981, 36 permanent plots were installed at random, and all individuals with DBH ≥ 5 cm were inventoried. The measurements were carried out in nine consecutive seasons (1981, 1982, 1983, 1985, 1987, 1992, 1997, 2007 and 2012) in 33 years after forest exploitation. Inspection plots were also installed near the experimental area. Two species of the genus Cecropia distachya and Cecropia sciadophylla were identified in the area. A considerable increase in density was observed, reaching a maximum in four years after the exploration (82.3 trees.ha-1) and subsequent decrease until reaching, after 28 years, values similar to the unexplored area. In terms of dominance and volume, Cecropia presented a significant increase at 13 years post-harvest (1.7 m².ha-1, 15.6 m³.ha-1), with a maximum yield slightly higher in volume at 18 years (16.4 m³.ha -1), and from this moment a rapid decline. Admission rates were much higher than mortality rates 3 years after the exploration. From the third period, 6 years after exploration (1985), there was a negative balance until the end of the monitoring. Cecropia sp. Showed high increases soon after the forest exploitation, and C. sciadophylla showed greater growth considering all period (1981-2012). It is concluded that the species of the genus Cecropia present a high silvicultural potential for the production of wood after forest exploitation in a shorter time than the cutting cycle established in the legislation, which is 35 years old, which suggests a different management because they present dynamics of short term


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    The Pará state has an extensive forest area, rich in plant species with high logging economic value and that directly drive the economy on the Amazon region. At the micro region of Paragominas-PA, the plywood production constitutes an important economic alternative for the local market. This paper aimed to characterize the wood production of Paricá from reforested areas, as a raw material used on the plywood production, by industries located at the micro region of Paragominas-PA. It was conducted a descriptive and exploratory case study, for quantification of production, input characterization, and analysis of market structure, technological park and labour employed. Data were collected by means of interviews, personal observation, informal talks, meeting participations, and analysis of documents. In the results, it was observed that the properties investigated were classified as medium and large-size. On the same area, paricá species shared space with eucalyptus and soy. The most utilized planting dispositions were square (3.5m x 3.5m and 3.2m x 3.2m) and rectangular (3.0m x 3.0m), containing respectively 816, 976, and 952 trees per hectare. However, factors such as economy, public policies, lack of scientific and technological knowledge influenced the consolidation and the supply potential of the regional plywood market. KEYWORDS: Native Wood, Planted Forest, Schizolobium parahyba var. amazonicum (Huber x Ducke) Barneby.El estado de Pará tiene una extensa área de bosques, ricas en especies de plantas con alto valor económico de tala y que impulsa directamente la economía en la región del Amazonas. En la micro región de Paragominas-PA, la producción de contrachapado constituye una importante alternativa económica para el mercado local. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo caracterizar la producción de madera de Paricá de áreas reforestadas, como materia prima utilizada en la producción de contrachapado, por industrias ubicadas en la micro región de Paragominas-PA. Se realizó un estudio de caso descriptivo y exploratorio, para la cuantificación de la producción, la caracterización de los insumos y el análisis de la estructura del mercado, el parque tecnológico y el trabajo empleado. Los datos se recolectaron mediante entrevistas, observación personal, conversaciones informales, reuniones de participantes y análisis de documentos. En los resultados, se observó que las propiedades investigadas se clasificaron como medianas y grandes. En la misma área, las especies de paricá compartieron el espacio con eucalipto y soja. Las disposiciones de siembra más utilizadas fueron cuadradas (3.5m x 3.5m y 3.2m x 3.2m) y rectangulares (3.0m x 3.0m), conteniendo respectivamente 816, 976 y 952 árboles por hectárea. Sin embargo, factores como la economía, las políticas públicas, la falta de conocimiento científico y tecnológico influyeron en la consolidación y el potencial de oferta del mercado regional de contrachapado.PALABRAS CLAVE: Bosque plantado; Madera nativa; Schizolobium parahyba var. amazonicum (Huber x Ducke) Barneby. O estado do Pará possui uma área extensa de florestas, ricas em espécies que apresentam valor comercial madeireiro e impulsionam de forma direta a economia da Amazônia. Na Microrregião de Paragominas-PA, a produção de compensados constitui uma importante alternativa econômica para o comércio local. Este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar a produção da madeira de Paricá proveniente de reflorestamento, como matéria-prima utilizada na produção de compensado, por empresas beneficiadoras sediadas na Microrregião de Paragominas-PA. Foi conduzido um estudo de caso de caráter exploratório e descritivo, para quantificação da produção, identificação da matéria prima utilizada, e análises da estrutura de mercado, do parque tecnológico e da mão de obra empregada. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas, observação pessoal, conversas informais, participação em reuniões e análise de documentos. Nos resultados, observou-se que as propriedades pesquisadas eram classificadas como de médio e grande porte. Numa mesma área, as espécies de paricá dividiam espaço com eucalipto e soja. As disposições mais utilizadas nas plantações foram: quadrada (3,5m x 3,5m e 3,2m x 3,2m) e retangular (3,0m x 3,5m), contendo respectivamente 816, 976 e 952 árvores por hectare. Contudo, fatores como economia, políticas públicas, insuficiência de embasamentos científicos e tecnologia influenciam na consolidação e no potencial de abastecimento do mercado de compensado regional.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Florestas Plantadas, Madeira Nativa, Schizolobium parahyba var. amazonicum (Huber x Ducke) Barneby


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    This study aimed to evaluate a model for Legal Reserve (LR) recovery based on a mixed timber production system (planting + natural regeneration) in the eastern Amazon, state of Pará. For data collection, seven plots of 50 m x 20 m were established, and all individuals with DBH (diameter at breast height) ≥ 5 cm were inventoried. Species diversity, horizontal structure, and commercial wood production were assessed at 13 years of age. A total of 103 species were found, distributed among 69 genera and 33 families. The population density was 1,425 individuals per hectare, and dominance corresponded to 19.45 m².ha-1. The total wood volume was 121.4 m³.ha-1, with 63.3 m³.ha-1 coming from the planted species (S. parahyba var. amazonicum) and 58.1 m³.ha-1 from natural regeneration. Among the regenerating species, Cecropia distachya showed the highest values for the evaluated parameters. The adopted model showed potential for use in LR environmental recovery, reconciling this action with revenue generation through silvicultural interventions that can be applied to the stand, aiming for wood production. To achieve this, adjustments to the regulations governing the forest management of recovering areas are necessary

    Estimation of the commercial height of trees with laser meter: a viable alternative for forest management in the Brazilian Amazon

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    Commercial height of the tree is a key variable for estimating the wood stock in tropical forests managed for timber production purposes. Most available measurement devices present limitations to this type of forest, promoting low precision measurements with high variation errors. Laser meter device appears as a viable alternative, since in addition to using trigonometric principles, it is not necessary that the device is close to the eyes of the meter to carry out the measurement. The device can be used to measure commercial height of trees on flat or sloping terrain from any distance from the tree. However, there are no studies evaluating the precision of this device. Due to importance and difficulties evidenced, the objective of this study was to determine the precision of the laser meter method for estimating the commercial height of trees, as compared to the actual measurement in a tropical forest in the Brazilian Amazon. Measurements were made on 300 trees with commercial height between 7 and 14 m. Actual commercial heights were measured with graduated ruler. Applied tests were: paired t-test, graphical analysis of residues and calculations of bias statistics, mean absolute deviation, standard deviation of differences and coefficient of determination (R2). Paired t-test indicated that the mean of the heights measured by the laser meter is statistically equal to that of the graduated ruler. Measurements with laser meter did not show tendencies (bias) and had low mean error, showing values close to "0". The standard deviation of differences indicated low dispersion of errors. There was no tendency to underestimate or overestimate the commercial heights of trees. Laser meter presents precision for estimating the commercial height of trees in tropical forest in the Brazilian Amazon

    Composição química e valor energético de alimentos de origem animal utilizados na alimentação de codornas japonesas

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    Avaliaram-se a composição química e o valor energético de farinhas de resíduos de abatedouro para machos de codornas japonesas (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Foram utilizadas 320 codornas machos, com 32 dias de idade, distribuídas em delineamento experimental inteiramente ao acaso, com cinco dietas (uma referência e quatro dietas-teste), cada uma avaliada com oito repetições de oito aves por unidade experimental. As farinhas substituíram 25% da dieta-referência e seus valores de energia metabolizável, assim como os coeficientes de metabolizabilidade, foram determinados pelo método de coleta total de excretas. Os valores de energia metabolizável aparente (kcal/kg) e aparente corrigida para balanço de nitrogênio (kcal/kg) são, respectivamente, de 2.152 e 2.142 para a farinha de carne e ossos; de 3.139 e 3.137 para a farinha de penas; de 2.658 e 2.651 para a farinha de peixe; e de 3.692 e 3.668 para a farinha de vísceras de aves. Os coeficientes de metabolizabilidade são de 60,51% para farinha de carne e ossos; 59,25% para a farinha de penas; 64,09% para farinha de peixe; e 78,64% para a farinha de vísceras de aves.It was evaluated the chemical composition and energy values of slaughterhouse by-product meal for male Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica). It was used 320 male quails at 32 days of age, distributed in a complete random experimental design, with five diets (one reference diet and four test diets), each one evaluated with eight replicates with eight birds per experimental unity. Meals replaced 25% of the reference diet and their metabolizable energy values as well as their metabolizability coefficients were determined by using the total excreta method collection. Values of apparent metabolizable energy (kcal/kg) and apparent energy corrected for nitrogen balance (kcal/kg) are, respectively, 2,152 and 2,142 for meat and bone meal; 3,139 and 3,137 for feather meal; 2,658 and 2,651 for fish meal and 3,692 and 3,668 for poultry viscera meal. Metabolizability coefficients are 60.51% for meat and bone meal; 59.25% for feather meal; 64.09% for fish meal and 78.64% for poultry viscera meal

    Feasibility of reducing frailty components in older adults with Alzheimer's dementia:a randomized controlled home-based exercise trial (AD-HOMEX)

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    Objectives: There is a need for interventions to reduce frailty in older people with Alzheimer's dementia (AD). The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of a home-based multimodal exercise program for older adults with AD (AD-HOMEX) on frailty. Design: A parallel single-blind randomized controlled trial comparing a home-based exercise program and usual care. Setting and participants: A home-based program in Brazil. Forty individuals aged 65 years or older with mild to moderate AD. Methods: The intervention group (IG) participated in a 16-week protocol involving three 60-minute sessions per week of progressive individualized physical exercises supervised by a physical therapist. The participants in the control group (CG) maintained their usual care. Frailty was assessed using the FRAIL questionnaire, the Edmonton Frail Scale (EFS) and a subjective assessment by the evaluator (SAE) at baseline and follow-up. Per-protocol analysis was performed. Results: Thirty-five participants completed the program (IG = 16; CG = 19). Frailty improved in the IG based on the EFS (P = .004) and FRAIL (P Conclusions and implications: AD-HOMEX seems to reduce frailty and improve frailty transition patterns. Our findings provide a further theoretical basis for designing home-based physical interventions as routine practice for older frail adults with AD