3,078 research outputs found

    Avaliaçao variabilidade espacial na previsao da vida util segundo proposta probabilistica: caso de plataformas offshore no Brasil

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    Se apresentam no trabalho considerações sobre a influência da variabilidade da evolução na probabilidade de danos devido ao fator solicitação ambiental, bem como sobre a aplicabilidade do objeto de estudo como critério de decisão em sistemas de manutenção para estruturas offshore de concreto submetidas às condições impostas pelo ambiente marinho tropical. Duas plataformas offshore de concreto, construídas em 1976, foram selecionadas para a pesquisa. O plano experimental constou de campanha de ensaios in situ e de laboratório executados sobre testemunhos extraídos das plataformas. Perfis de cloretos foram determinados para distintas orientações e diferentes cotas sobre o nível do mar, além de terem sido determinadas características e propriedades do material relacionadas com a durabilidade. Os resultados obtidos indicam que existe importante influência na variabilidade espacial, tanto na intensidade como na freqüência da ação ambiental sobre as obras estudadas. Também se observou que os métodos probabilísticos analisados representam ferramenta para o estudo da influência da variabilidade espacial, aplicados ao caso da previsão da vida útil de estruturas marinhas. O modelo é indicado para ser utilizado como critério de decisão em sistemas de manutenção estrutural

    AI based monitoring violent action detection data for in-vehicle scenarios

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    With the evolution of technology associated with mobility and autonomy, Shared Autonomous Vehicles will be a reality. To ensure passenger safety, there is a need to create a monitoring system inside the vehicle capable of recognizing human actions. We introduce two datasets to train human action recognition inside the vehicle, focusing on violence detection. The InCar dataset tackles violent actions for in-car background which give us more realistic data. The InVicon dataset although doesn't have the realistic background as the InCar dataset can provide skeleton (3D body joints) data. This datasets were recorded with RGB, Depth, Ther-mal, Event-based, and Skeleton data. The resulting dataset contains 6 400 video samples and more than 3 million frames, collected from sixteen distinct subjects. The dataset contains 58 action classes, including violent and neutral (i.e., non-violent) activities.(c) 2022 Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ )This work has been supported by FCT-Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia within the R & D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020. This work was partly financed by European social funds through the Portugal 2020 program and by national funds through FCT-Foundation for Science and Technology within the scope of projects POCH-02-5369-FSE-000006. The author would also like to acknowledge FCT for the attributed Doctoral grant PD/BDE/150500/2019

    Dentifrício fluoretado, vigilância sanitária e o SUS: o caso de Manaus-AM

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    OBJETIVO: Determinar o potencial anticárie dos dentifrícios distribuídos pelas unidades básicas de saúde (UBS) de Manaus-AM. MÉTODOS: Noventa e nove bisnagas de dentifrícios de quatro marcas comerciais foram coletadas de 7 de outubro de 2019 a 11 de outubro de 2019 em 16 UBS, que foram codificados por marca e UBS de origem. De acordo com a embalagem, os dentifrícios das quatro marcas e seus lotes foram formulados com monofluorfosfato de sódio (Na2FPO3) e a maioria (91%) tinha carbonato de cálcio (CaCO3) como abrasivo. Foram determinadas as concentrações de fluoreto total (FT = FST + Fins) e de fluoreto solúvel total (FST = íons F- ou FPO32-), para certificar se atendiam à Resolução ANVISA RDC Nº530 (máximo de 1.500 ppm de FT) e se tinham potencial anticárie (mínimo de 1.000 ppm de FST). As análises foram feitas com eletrodo íon específico. RESULTADOS: As concentrações (ppm F) de FT [média; desvio padrão (DP); n] encontradas nos dentifrícios A (1.502,3; DP = 45,6; n = 33), B (1.135,5; DP = 52,7; n = 48) e D (936,8; DP = 20,5; n = 8) foram próximas ao descrito na embalagem, 1.500, 1.100 e 1.000 ppm F, respectivamente. No dentifrício C, foi encontrada média de 274,1 ppm (DP = 219,7; n = 10) de FT, divergindo da concentração declarada de 1.500 ppm F. Em acréscimo, as cinco bisnagas do lote no 11681118 do dentifrício C não foram fluoretadas. Quanto ao FST, à exceção do dentifrício D (937,9; DP = 40,29), os demais apresentaram concentração inferior ao seu respectivo FT. CONCLUSÃO: Observou-se problemas graves de quantidade e qualidade do fluoreto nos dentifrícios distribuídos pelo SUS em Manaus, mostrando a necessidade de vigilância desses produtos e ratificando a urgência da revisão da resolução ANVISA RDC Nº 530.OBJECTIVE: To determine the anticaries potential of toothpastes distributed by the primary health care public clinics (UBS) of Manaus, AM. Methods: Ninety-nine tubes of toothpaste from four commercial brands were collected from October 7, 2019 to October 11, 2019 in 16 UBS. They were assigned a code by brand and source UBS. According to the information on the packaging, the four brands and their batches were formulated with sodium monofluorophosphate (Na2FPO3) and most (91%) had calcium carbonate (CaCO3) as an abrasive. We determined the concentrations of total fluoride (TF = TSF + InsF) and total soluble fluoride (TSF = F ions- or FPO32-), to certify whether they were in compliance with Resolution ANVISA RDC No. 530 (maximum of 1,500 ppm TF) and whether they had anticaries potential (minimum of 1,000 ppm TSF). The analyses were performed with a ion- specific electrode. RESULTS: The concentrations (ppm F) of TF [mean; standard deviation (SD); n] found in toothpaste brands A (1,502.3; SD = 45.6; n = 33), B (1,135.5; SD = 52.7; n = 48) and D (936.8; SD = 20.5; N = 8) were close to those stated on the package, 1,500, 1,100 and 1,000 ppm F, respectively. In toothpaste C, we found a mean of 274.1 ppm (SD = 219.7; n = 10) of TF, which diverges from the declared concentration of 1,500 ppm F. In addition, the five tubes of lot no. 11681118 of toothpaste C did not contain fluoride. Regarding TSF, with the exception of toothpaste D (937.9; SD = 40.29), the others had a lower concentration than their respective TF. CONCLUSION: We found serious problems of quantity and quality of fluoride in toothpaste distributed by the SUS in Manaus, which shows the need for surveillance of these products and confirms the urgency of revising Resolution RDC No. 530

    Human-robot collaboration (HRC) with vision inspection for PCB assembly

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    Flexibility and speed in the development of new industrial machines are essential factors for the success of capital goods industries. When assembling a printed circuit board (PCB), since all the components are surface-mounted devices (SMD), the whole process is automatic. However, in many PCBs, it is necessary to place components that are not SMDs, called pin through-hole components (PTH), having to be inserted manually, which leads to delays in the production line. This work proposes and validates a prototype work cell based on a collaborative robot and vision systems whose objective is to insert these components in a completely autonomous or semi-autonomous way. Different tests were made to validate this work cell, showing the correct implementation and the possibility of replacing the human worker on this PCB assembly task.ERDF - European Regional Development Fund(45070

    Pro-inflammatory polarization and colorectal cancer modulate alternative and intronic polyadenylation in primary human macrophages

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    Introduction: Macrophages are essential cells of the immune system that alter their inflammatory profile depending on their microenvironment. Alternative polyadenylation in the 3’UTR (3’UTR-APA) and intronic polyadenylation (IPA) are mechanisms that modulate gene expression, particularly in cancer and activated immune cells. Yet, how polarization and colorectal cancer (CRC) cells affect 3’UTR-APA and IPA in primary human macrophages was unclear. Methods: In this study, we isolated primary human monocytes from healthy donors, differentiated and polarized them into a pro-inflammatory state and performed indirect co-cultures with CRC cells. ChrRNA-Seq and 3’RNA-Seq was performed to quantify gene expression and characterize new 3’UTR-APA and IPA mRNA isoforms. Results: Our results show that polarization of human macrophages from naïve to a pro-inflammatory state causes a marked increase of proximal polyA site selection in the 3’UTR and IPA events in genes relevant to macrophage functions. Additionally, we found a negative correlation between differential gene expression and IPA during pro-inflammatory polarization of primary human macrophages. As macrophages are abundant immune cells in the CRC microenvironment that either promote or abrogate cancer progression, we investigated how indirect exposure to CRC cells affects macrophage gene expression and 3’UTR-APA and IPA events. Co-culture with CRC cells alters the inflammatory phenotype of macrophages, increases the expression of pro-tumoral genes and induces 3’UTR-APA alterations. Notably, some of these gene expression differences were also found in tumor-associated macrophages of CRC patients, indicating that they are physiologically relevant. Upon macrophage pro-inflammatory polarization, SRSF12 is the pre-mRNA processing gene that is most upregulated. After SRSF12 knockdown in M1 macrophages there is a global downregulation of gene expression, in particular in genes involved in gene expression regulation and in immune responses. Discussion: Our results reveal new 3’UTR-APA and IPA mRNA isoforms produced during pro-inflammatory polarization of primary human macrophages and CRC co-culture that may be used in the future as diagnostic or therapeutic tools. Furthermore, our results highlight a function for SRSF12 in pro-inflammatory macrophages, key cells in the tumor response

    Persistency in lactation – a review

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    Persistency in lactation can be defined as the capacity of a cow to maintain her milk yield after reaching the maximum level early lactation. Several studies document the existence of genetic differences among animals for persistency in lactation. Four different approaches to measuring this trait are found in the literature, these being based in: 1)ratios between of partial, total or other yields during the lactation, 2)variation based on test-day milk yields, 3)mathematical lactation curve models and 4)breeding values obtained through random coefficients of the random regression models. However, at present the procedure most used involves random regression models in analyses that consider the test-day milk yield. Use of those models improves the accuracy of the genetic evaluations and allows to predicting the breeding value of the animals in different periods of lactation. Persistency in lactation is directly related with economical aspects of daring, since its improvement con contribute to reduction of production costs. The economical importance of lactation persistency in lactation relates to four components: 1) health cost; 2) feed costs; 3) reproductive performance; and 4) milk production per lactation. For these reasons various studies have indicates that selection for this trait would be advantageous


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    Os estuários são corpos de água costeiros que se encontram na zona de confluência do rio com o mar, onde a salinidade se dilui gradualmente mas onde as oscilações ambientais diárias podem variar de forma bastante drástica. São áreas muito produtivas mas onde, por serem de transição entre aqueles ambientes aquáticos, apenas um número restrito de espécies bem adaptadas se consegue apresentar de forma numerosa. São áreas apetecíveis que, pela proteção que proporcionam a quem utiliza o mar como forma de subsistência ou devido às condições únicas de exploração dos produtos de origem marinha, têm levado as populações humanas a aí se fixarem. Como consequência, estas áreas apresentam atualmente dos maiores índices de pressão antropogénica de que há registo, tornando-as vulneráveis e com uma necessidade urgente de intervenção e implementação de medidas de conservação de espécies e do habitat.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comparative effectiveness and predictors of response to tumour necrosis factor inhibitor therapies in rheumatoid arthritis

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    Funding Information: positions on two Pfizer sponsored trials and has directed an educational course supported by Bristol Myers Squibb. He serves as an epidemiology consultant to CORRONA. J.A.P.S. has received honoraria as a speaker or consultant and benefited from research support from several pharmaceutical companies involved in the production of biologic agents (Abbott, Amgen, MSD, Pfizer and Roche), always at sums less than E10 000. All other authors have declared no conflicts of interest. Funding Information: Funding: This work was supported by a grant from Harvard-Portugal Program HMSP-ICS/SAU-ICT/0002/ 2010.Objectives: Adalimumab, etanercept and infliximab are effective TNF inhibitors (TNFis) in the treatment of RA, but no randomized clinical trials have compared the three agents. Prior observational data are not consistent. We compared their effectiveness over 1 year in a prospective cohort.Methods: Analyses were performed on subjects' first episode of TNFi use in the Rheumatic Diseases Portuguese Register, Reuma.pt. The primary outcome was the proportion of patients with European League Against Rheumatism good response sustained at two consecutive observations separated by 3 months during the first year of TNFi use. Comparisons were performed using conventional adjusted logistic regression, as well as matching subjects across the three agents using a propensity score. In addition, baseline predictors of treatment response to TNFi were identified.Results: The study cohort included 617 RA patients, 250 starting etanercept, 206 infliximab and 161 adalimumab. Good response was achieved by 59.6% for adalimumab, 59.2% for etanercept and 51.9% for infliximab (P = 0.21). The modelled probability of good response did not significantly differ across agents (etanercept vs adalimumab OR = 0.97, 95% CI 0.55, 1.71; etanercept vs infliximab OR = 1.25, 95% CI 0.74, 2.12; infliximab vs adalimumab OR = 0.80, 95% CI 0.47, 1.36). Matched propensity score analyses also showed no significant treatment response differences. Greater educational attainment was a predictor of better response, while smoking, presence of ACPA, glucocorticoid use and worse physician assessment of disease activity at baseline each predicted a reduced likelihood of treatment response.Conclusion: Over 1 year, we found no difference in effectiveness between adalimumab, etanercept and infliximab.publishersversionpublishe