99 research outputs found

    Ovarian Cancer Overview: Molecular Biology and Its Potential Clinical Application

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    Over the previous two decades, there has been a shift in the ovarian cancer paradigm to consider it as a multiplicity of disease types rather than a single disease, requiring specialized medical management from molecular diagnosis through to treatment. Despite the achieved improvements in diagnosis, surgery, and systemic treatment, ovarian cancer remains the leading cause of death from gynecological tumors in western countries. The study of ovarian cancer at a molecular level could reveal potential biomarkers of disease diagnosis and progression, as well as possible therapeutic targets in areas such as angiogenesis and homologous recombination deficiencies. Although this area of research is proving invaluable concerning newer therapeutic approaches, platinum-based chemotherapy continues to be the core of the first-line treatment. Genomic screening focusing on the identification of prognostic and predictive markers is considered one of the leading areas for future ovarian cancer research

    Effects of a functional rehabilitation program designed by the arronches care unit for a patient with stroke: a case report

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    This study describes the effect of a Functional Rehabilitation Program (FR) designed for the recovery of stroke patients. A new FR approach for stroke patients was experienced obeying the internment protocol used in the Continuing Care Units Mean Duration and Rehabilitation. According to the law (DC 101/2006), the protocol includes the patient initial assessment and the design of an individual FR program of treatment developed until 90 days; moreover, suggests evaluations after 30 days of hospitalization and before day 90 (Girão & Guerreiro, 2011). Case Description: Patient aged 74 yrs, diagnosed with left capsular hematoma striatum due to ischemic stroke. Background: hypertension and alcoholism. In the initial evaluation, the patient was oriented in time and space, he showed left hemiparesis, hearing and visual acuity impairment, motor programming deficit, balance at setting position compromised, inability to walk, and high dependence in basic and instrumentals activities of daily living (BADLs and IADLs). Evolution prognosis: reserved. Intervention: The FR program (5 days/week) incorporated three areas: Rehabilitation Nursing (RN), Physiotherapy (P), and Psychomotor Rehabilitation (PR).The RN performed BADLs relearning with a nurse; the P used the Bobath method; and the PR, as innovation, combined the traditional Brunnstrom method with sensorimotor stimulation targeting ontogenetic reliving. Evaluations were performed in the pre-intervention (PI), after 30 intervention days, and at the end of the program - before day 90. BADLs were accessed using the Barthel Index, and the IADLs using the Lawton Index. Global mobility was measured using Mobility Scale for the Elderly (EMI) and the six minutes walking test. The patient improved BADLs (Barthel, score: PI = 14; 30 days = 37; 90 days = 62) and IADLs (Lawton score: PI = 0; 30 days = 5; 90 day = 7), as well as mobility (EMI score: PI = 0; 30 days = 6; 90 day = 11), having reacquired the walking ability (walking test: PI = 0 m; 30 days = 38 m; 90 day = 50 m). The performed interdisciplinary intervention showed positive effects on the recovery of the stroke patient; specifically induced increases in his mobility and ability to perform BADLs and IADLs. These results suggest that interdisciplinary RF programs including ontogenetic reliving would be effective for the recovery of stroke patients with poor prognosis of evolution

    Proposta de tratamento e organização documental do Arquivo Municipal de Castelo Branco

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    O Arquivo da Câmara Municipal de Castelo Branco reúne uma vasta documentação de natureza administrativa e histórica proveniente dos diferentes serviços municipais. As frequentes reestruturações dos serviços, a falta de meios humanos e técnicos contribuíram para uma significativa acumulação de massas documentais desprovidas de valor administrativo ou histórico. Torna-se urgente intervir no sentido de avaliar, seleccionar, preservar e eliminar documentos, de forma a facilitar o acesso à informação. Esta dissertação apela a uma mudança de atitude face ao conceito de gestão documental. O primeiro capítulo faz uma breve descrição aos desafios que se colocam ao profissional da informação do século XXI; o segundo aborda sumariamente a metodologia arquivística e o terceiro capítulo contribui com propostas concretas de tratamento e organização documental. Propõe ainda em apêndice um projecto de regulamento de arquivo municipal e um quadro de classificação adaptados ao objecto de estudo. Incide na preservação da informação dos processos de obra (edificações municipais e obras particulares), por ser a série mais consultada e reproduzida pelos munícipes e pelos serviços camarários.The Archives of the Castelo Branco Municipal Council contains a vast amount of documents of an administrative and historical nature from the different municipal services. The frequent restructuring of the services, the lack of manpower and technicians has contributed to a significant accumulation of documents that have no administrative or historical value. The evaluation, selection, preservation and elimination of documents have become urgent, so that access to information can be made easy. This dissertation aims to change the attitude to the concepts of document management. The first chapter has a brief description of the challenges that are faced by information professional in the XX1st century; the second chapter deals with a summary of archiving methodologies and the third contributes to specific proposals for document treatment and organization. There is a further proposal in appendix for a project to regulate the municipal archive and an adapted classification table of the study objective. It is founded on preserving information of building construction processes (municipal buildings and private constructions), since it is the area that is consulted most and reproduced by the municipalities and the council services

    A mediatização de Cristiano Ronaldo: o caso do "Correio da Manhã"

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    Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Jornalismo.O presente Relatório de Estágio, realizado na secção de Desporto do Correio da Manhã, no período compreendido entre 24 de novembro de 2014 e 23 de fevereiro de 2015, pretende refletir sobre a importância dada ao futebol, enquanto modalidade desportiva, e a mediatização de Cristiano Ronaldo levada a cabo pelo jornal. Para o efeito procedemos a uma análise de conteúdo, assente na criação de várias tabelas, organizadas em várias categorias temáticas, no sentido de: i) Averiguar o peso dado pelo CM às várias modalidades desportivas; ii) Analisar o processo de celebrização de Cristiano Ronaldo nas diferentes secções do jornal CM. Após a análise das várias categorias, conclui-se que o processo de celebrização de Cristiano Ronaldo, para a qual o CM contribui grandemente, deverá ser lido à luz da tabloidização da imprensa e da hibridização de géneros entre informação e entretenimento (infotainment), bem como dos dividendos económicos de que o jornal tira partido para captar audiências e alargar a comunidade de afetos com os seus potenciais leitores.ABSTRACT: This internship report results from the activities carried out in the sports section of Correio da Manhã as a trainee journalist between 24th November 2014 and 23rd February 2015. It seeks to analyse the importance given to football when compared to other sports modalities and, above all, it reflects on Cristiano Ronaldo’s medialization made by the newspaper. For this purpose, we made a content analysis based on the creation of several tables organized according to various thematic categories in order to: i) Find out the weight and amount of coverage given by Correio da Manhã to various sports; ii) Analyze the process of Cristiano Ronaldo’s mediatization in the different sections of the newspaper. Ronaldo's celebritization is read in the light of the growing press tabloidization and the hybridization of genres between information and entertainment.N/

    Alcohol-antibacterial drug interactions: comparison of three drug compendia

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    Poster presented at the 44th ESCP Symposium on Clinical Pharmacy. Lisbon, 28-30 October 201

    Sustentabilidade local : um caso de estudo na Autarquia de Grândola

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    A sustentabilidade pressupõe o desenvolvimento económico e social assegurando a preservação do ambiente e dos recursos naturais. Atualmente as organizações precisam adotar políticas e práticas ambientalmente sustentáveis. Esta adoção vem originando uma maior procura e utilização de modelos sustentáveis. Ao nível municipal, as autarquias dispõem de várias ferramentas para fomentarem a sua própria sustentabilidade, nomeadamente a Agenda 21 Local, as Construções Sustentáveis, a Eficiência Energética, as Energias Renováveis, as Estratégias Municipais de Adaptação às Alterações Climáticas, O Orçamento Participativo, os Relatórios de Sustentabilidade, a Gestão Integrada dos Resíduos Urbanos, o Rótulo Ecológico e os Sistemas de Gestão Ambiental. Este trabalho centra-se nestes instrumentos e tem como objetivo verificar quais as vantagens, dificuldades e benefícios da implementação de ferramentas de sustentabilidade nas organizações, tendo como foco o estudo de caso da Autarquia de Grândola. Como fontes de informação foi utilizado a pesquisa bibliográfica para estabelecer o “estado da arte” relativamente aos Instrumentos de Gestão Ambiental e como fonte de recolha de dados foram realizadas entrevistas com técnicos e Presidente da Autarquia de Grândola e organização dum Grupo Focal com os autores chave locais. De salientar, que os três instrumentos mais importantes para aplicar em Grândola segundo o resultado obtido nas entrevistas aos técnicos são as Energias Renováveis, a Eficiência Energética e o Orçamento Participativo. Os atores chave escolheram como instrumentos mais importantes o Orçamento Participativo, os Resíduos Urbanos e a A21L. Neste caso verifica-se uma divergência na escolha dos dois grupos dos Instrumentos para aplicar em Grândola, à exceção da A21L que ambos escolheram. Fica evidente no trabalho realizado a importância que as ferramentas de sustentabilidade ocupam atualmente e entre as vantagens em utilizar esta metodologia sustentável está o estímulo, a inovação, a melhoria da imagem da organização, a redução de custos e a preservação do ambiente.Sustainability implicate economic and social development ensuring the preservation of the environment and natural resources. Nowadays organizations need to adopt environmentally sustainable policies and practices. This adoption has led to a greater demand and use of sustainable models. At municipal level, municipalities have several tools to promote their own sustainability, namely Local Agenda 21, Sustainable Construction, Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energies, Municipal Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change, Participatory Budgeting, Sustainability Reports, Integrated Urban Waste Management, Ecological Labelling and Environmental Management. This work focuses on these instruments and aims to verify the advantages, difficulties and benefits of the implementation of sustainability tools in organizations, focusing on the case study of Municipality of Grândola. As sources of information, bibliographical research was used to understand the "state of the art" in relation to the Environmental Management Instruments and as a source of data collection interviews were conducted with technicians and the President of the Autarchy of Grândola and a Focal Group with the key authors where implemented. It should be noted that the three most important instruments to apply in Grândola according to the result obtained in interviews with technicians are Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Participative Budget. The key actors chose as the most important instruments the Participatory Budget, Solid Waste and Local Agenda 21. In this case there is a divergence in the choice of the two groups of Instruments to apply in Grândola, except for the Local Agenda 21 that both have chosen. It is evident in the work carried out the importance that the sustainability tools occupy today and among the advantages in using this sustainable methodology is the stimulus, the innovation, the improvement of the organizations, the costs and the environmental preservation

    Importance of xeroderma pigmentosum group D polymorphisms in susceptibility to ovarian cancer

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of XPD genotypes as genetic indicator of susceptibility to ovarian cancer. We have used a case–control study. We analysed DNA samples from 141 ovarian cancer patients and 202 control subjects, for three XPD polymorphisms using PCR-RFLP. We observed that Asn312Asn XPD genotype carriers have increased susceptibility of ovarian cancer (ORZ2.46 95% CI 1.20–5.06; PZ0.015). Furthermore, we found that carriers of Gln751Gln XPD genotype have an increased susceptibility of ovarian cancer (ORZ3.40 95% CI 1.61–7.15; PZ0.001). Asn312Asn and Gln751Gln are particularly associated with an early-stage of disease. Our results suggest an important role for Asn312Asn and Gln751Gln XPD polymorphisms in the susceptibility to ovarian cancer