8 research outputs found

    Desempenho e comportamento ingestivo de cordeiros alimentados com dietas contendo níveis de fibra

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    The objective of this study was to determine the ideal dietary neutral detergent fiber (NDF) content that provides the maximization of the productive performance and the ingestive behavior of the Santa Inês sheep finished in feedlot. Thirty Santa Inês sheep were used, with an initial live weight of 23 ± 1.5 kg, distributed in a completely randomized experimental design (DIC), with twelve replicates. The diets were composed of tifton 85 hay grass (Cynodon sp.) And concentrate, and treatments were represented by neutral detergent fiber (NDF) levels (20, 32, 44, 56 and 68% NDF in DM). The supply of increasing levels of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) in the sheep diet altered quadratic (P <0.05) the intake of dry matter (IDM), organic matter (IOM) and crude protein (ICP) expressed in g / day. There was a quadratic effect (P <0.05) on the digestibility of CP and NDF. A quadratic effect was observed for weight gain (WG), daily mean gain (ADG) and feed efficiency (FE). A linear behavior was observed for time spent in feeding and rumination activities in min / day. However, a decreasing linear behavior was observed for the time spent in the leisure activity min / day as the dietary NDF levels were increased. A linear behavior was observed for the variables in relation to the mericized chews. There was no significant effect on the feed efficiency expressed in g DM/h. however, a quadratic change in feed efficiency expressed in g NDF/h was observed. There was a linear decrease in rumination efficiency, expressed in g DM/h, with the increase in NDF levels. However, the increasing NDF level in the diet influenced linearly the ruminating efficiency DM/h. There was no difference in the observations of the number of periods / day of feeding, rumination and leisure. However, a linear decrease was observed for the time spent per period (in minutes) of idle. For Santa Inês sheep destined for feedlot and fed diets based on tifton 85 hay grass, 27 to 30% of neutral detergent fiber in the dry matter of the feed is recommended.Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de determinar o teor de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) ideal na dieta que proporcione a maximização no desempenho produtivo e no comportamento ingestivo dos ovinos da raça Santa Inês terminados em confinamento. Foram utilizados 60 ovinos da raça Santa Inês, com média de peso vivo inicial de 23 ± 1,5 kg, distribuídos em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizados (DIC), com doze repetições. As dietas foram compostas por feno de capim tifton 85 (Cynodon sp.) e concentrado, sendo os tratamentos representados pelos níveis de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), (20, 32, 44, 56 e 68% de FDN na MS). O fornecimento de níveis crescentes de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) na dieta de ovinos alterou de forma quadrática (P<0,05) o consumo de matéria seca (CMS), matéria orgânica (CMO) e proteína bruta (CPB) expressos em g/dia. Houve um efeito quadrático (P<0,05) sobre a digestibilidade da PB e do FDN. Foi observado um efeito quadrático para ganho de peso (GP), ganho médio diário (GMD) e eficiência alimentar (EA). Observou-se um comportamento linear para os tempos despendidos nas atividades de alimentação e ruminação em min/dia. Entretanto, um comportamento linear decrescente foi observado para o tempo despendido na atividade de ócio min/dia a medida em que se aumenta os níveis de FDN da dieta. Observou-se um comportamento linear para as variáveis em relação às mastigações merícicas. Não houve efeito significativo para a eficiência de alimentação, expressa em g MS/h. entretanto, observou-se uma alteração quadrática na eficiência de alimentação, expressa em g FDN/h. Observou-se um decréscimo linear da eficiência de ruminação, expressos em g MS/h, com o aumento nos níveis de FDN. Porém, o crescente aumento do nível de FDN na dieta influenciou de forma linear a eficiência de ruminação MS/h. Não houve diferença nas observações do número de períodos/dia de alimentação, ruminação e ócio. No entanto, observou-se um decréscimo linear para o tempo gasto por período (em minutos) de ócio. Para ovinos da raça Santa Inês destinados ao confinamento e alimentados com dietas tendo como volumoso base o feno de capim-tifton 85 recomenda-se de 27 à 30% de fibra em detergente neutro na matéria seca da ração


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    The objective was to cover and discuss the characteristics of haylage that makes it an alternative of forage conservation. The haylage is based on the dry matter content after a wilt process, then baled similar to hay and wrapped with plastic films in order to be conserved under anaerobic fermentation. The dry matter content after wilt exceeds 500 g kg-1. Conserved forages with high content of dry matter present stabilization at high pH, which favors bacteria of the genus Clostridium. The pH of the haylage, because it has a high content of dry matter in its confection, limits the capacity of bacterial fermentation, it does not produce sufficient acid and becomes resistant to pH drops, this characteristic must be considered along with other factors. The preservation quality of haylage cut under the same conditions of the hay presents similar chemical composition, therefore, when the haylage is preserved under ideal conditions, it is an alternative to replace the hay. The definition and characteristics of haylage clearly expresses that it is an alternative conservation to hay and silage

    Occurrence of pests and diseases in cactus pear genotypes / Ocorrência de pragas e doenças em genótipos de palma forrageira

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    The objective was to evaluate the occurrence of pests, diseases and mortality rate in nine genotypes of cactus pear (Nopalea cochenillifera) destined for forage production. The genotypes were implanted in a complete randomized block design, with nine treatments and three replications. After 330 days of cultivation, the occurrence of pests and diseases and verification of plant mortality were carried out. Among all the pests and diseases observed in this experimental trial, the most prevalent disease regardless of the evaluated genotype was the anthracnose stain “Colletotrichum gloeosporioides” (49.20%) and the less frequent diseases were the resine “Dothiorella ribis” (6.87%) and soft rot “Erwinia carotovora” (2.58%). The only occurrence pest was the cochineal in scales “Diaspis echinocacti” (22.69%). The Texas (V13) and Negro Michoacan (F07) genotypes showed the highest occurrence of pests and diseases, from 50% of the total plants, followed by anthracnose stain and cochineal in scales. On the contrary, the genotypes Tamazunchale (V12) and California (V14) were not affected by any pest or disease. It was observed that the genotypes Nopalea Uruapan (V20) and Blanco San Pedro (V19), had a lower occurrence of pests and diseases, less than 20% of the total plants. The genotypes that presented the highest mortality rate were Texas (V13), Blanco San Pedro (V19) and Polotitlan (V09), with 80, 70 and 65% mortality rate, respectively. The genotypes Nopalea Uruapan (V20) and California (V14) had the lowest mortality rate (20 and 35%), respectively. The genotypes that were least affected by pests and diseases and had the lowest mortality rate are Tamazunchale (V12), California (V14) and Nopalea Uruapan (V20)

    Desempenho e comportamento ingestivo de cordeiros alimentados com dietas contendo níveis de fibra

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    The objective of this study was to determine the ideal dietary neutral detergent fiber (NDF) content that provides the maximization of the productive performance and the ingestive behavior of the Santa Inês sheep finished in feedlot. Thirty Santa Inês sheep were used, with an initial live weight of 23 ± 1.5 kg, distributed in a completely randomized experimental design (DIC), with twelve replicates. The diets were composed of tifton 85 hay grass (Cynodon sp.) And concentrate, and treatments were represented by neutral detergent fiber (NDF) levels (20, 32, 44, 56 and 68% NDF in DM). The supply of increasing levels of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) in the sheep diet altered quadratic (P <0.05) the intake of dry matter (IDM), organic matter (IOM) and crude protein (ICP) expressed in g / day. There was a quadratic effect (P <0.05) on the digestibility of CP and NDF. A quadratic effect was observed for weight gain (WG), daily mean gain (ADG) and feed efficiency (FE). A linear behavior was observed for time spent in feeding and rumination activities in min / day. However, a decreasing linear behavior was observed for the time spent in the leisure activity min / day as the dietary NDF levels were increased. A linear behavior was observed for the variables in relation to the mericized chews. There was no significant effect on the feed efficiency expressed in g DM/h. however, a quadratic change in feed efficiency expressed in g NDF/h was observed. There was a linear decrease in rumination efficiency, expressed in g DM/h, with the increase in NDF levels. However, the increasing NDF level in the diet influenced linearly the ruminating efficiency DM/h. There was no difference in the observations of the number of periods / day of feeding, rumination and leisure. However, a linear decrease was observed for the time spent per period (in minutes) of idle. For Santa Inês sheep destined for feedlot and fed diets based on tifton 85 hay grass, 27 to 30% of neutral detergent fiber in the dry matter of the feed is recommended.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado da Bahia - FAPEBEste estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de determinar o teor de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) ideal na dieta que proporcione a maximização no desempenho produtivo e no comportamento ingestivo dos ovinos da raça Santa Inês terminados em confinamento. Foram utilizados 60 ovinos da raça Santa Inês, com média de peso vivo inicial de 23 ± 1,5 kg, distribuídos em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizados (DIC), com doze repetições. As dietas foram compostas por feno de capim tifton 85 (Cynodon sp.) e concentrado, sendo os tratamentos representados pelos níveis de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), (20, 32, 44, 56 e 68% de FDN na MS). O fornecimento de níveis crescentes de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) na dieta de ovinos alterou de forma quadrática (P<0,05) o consumo de matéria seca (CMS), matéria orgânica (CMO) e proteína bruta (CPB) expressos em g/dia. Houve um efeito quadrático (P<0,05) sobre a digestibilidade da PB e do FDN. Foi observado um efeito quadrático para ganho de peso (GP), ganho médio diário (GMD) e eficiência alimentar (EA). Observou-se um comportamento linear para os tempos despendidos nas atividades de alimentação e ruminação em min/dia. Entretanto, um comportamento linear decrescente foi observado para o tempo despendido na atividade de ócio min/dia a medida em que se aumenta os níveis de FDN da dieta. Observou-se um comportamento linear para as variáveis em relação às mastigações merícicas. Não houve efeito significativo para a eficiência de alimentação, expressa em g MS/h. entretanto, observou-se uma alteração quadrática na eficiência de alimentação, expressa em g FDN/h. Observou-se um decréscimo linear da eficiência de ruminação, expressos em g MS/h, com o aumento nos níveis de FDN. Porém, o crescente aumento do nível de FDN na dieta influenciou de forma linear a eficiência de ruminação MS/h. Não houve diferença nas observações do número de períodos/dia de alimentação, ruminação e ócio. No entanto, observou-se um decréscimo linear para o tempo gasto por período (em minutos) de ócio. Para ovinos da raça Santa Inês destinados ao confinamento e alimentados com dietas tendo como volumoso base o feno de capim-tifton 85 recomenda-se de 27 à 30% de fibra em detergente neutro na matéria seca da ração

    Haylage: A forage conservation alternative

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    The objective was to cover and discuss the characteristics of haylage that makes it an alternative of forage conservation. The haylage is based on the dry matter content after a wilt process, then baled similar to hay and wrapped with plastic films in order to be conserved under anaerobic fermentation. The dry matter content after wilt exceeds 500 g kg-1. Conserved forages with high content of dry matter present stabilization at high pH, which favors bacteria of the genus Clostridium. The pH of the haylage, because it has a high content of dry matter in its confection, limits the capacity of bacterial fermentation, it does not produce sufficient acid and becomes resistant to pH drops, this characteristic must be considered along with other factors. The preservation quality of haylage cut under the same conditions of the hay presents similar chemical composition, therefore, when the haylage is preserved under ideal conditions, it is an alternative to replace the hay. The definition and characteristics of haylage clearly expresses that it is an alternative conservation to hay and silage

    Silages in the form of diet based on spineless cactus and buffelgrass

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the fermentation pattern and the in situ dry matter degradability of silages in the form of diet. Five diets were formulated based on spineless cactus (Opuntia fícus-indica cv. ‘Gigante’) and buffelgrass (Cenchrus ciliaris). The experimental design was completely randomised, with five treatments and three replicates in which the diets differed in the proportion of buffelgrass (0%, 15%, 25%, 30% and 35%, on a fresh matter basis). There was significant difference (p &lt; 0.05) in the chemical composition of the diets, with alldry matter contents being within the ideal range. Ammonia-nitrogen content was not affected (p &gt; 0.05). There were significant differences (p &lt; 0.05) in dry matter recovery across diets, which ranged from 96.28% to 99.93%. The pH values decreased as the time of opening (days) was extended. Organic acid contents differed across all diets; however, overall, all diets showed satisfactory lactic acid contents. As the proportion of buffelgrass in the diets was increased, the degradability of dry matter decreased. Based on fermentation profile, losses and chemical composition the diet with higher proportion of spineless cactus can be recommended for silage production.Keywords: cactus, ensiling, fermentation, foraging, semi-arid zone