837 research outputs found

    Metodología para la valoración del daño bucodental

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    Tesis Univ. Complutense de MadridEn la presente tesis doctoral se propone una metodología concisa y reglada para la valoración del daño bucodental y la forma de reflejarla en un informe pericial. También se desarrollan dos baremos. El primero, extenso y detallado, se indica para casos en los que el daño es exclusiva, o casi exclusivamente, dentario, como los derivados de un inadecuado ejercicio de la odontoestomatología. En este baremo, además de las funciones clásicas de los dientes: masticatoria, fonatoria y estética, se proponen dos funciones nuevas: la función prostodoncica y como patrimonio biológico. El otro baremo recogido es un resumen ponderado del primero y se recomienda para daños dentales derivados de accidentes de trafico. En la tesis también se estudian todos los casos odontoestomatológicos llegados a la clínica médico-forense de Madrid desde julio de 1987 a julio de 1993.Depto. de Medicina Legal, Psiquiatría y PatologíaFac. de MedicinaTRUEpu

    Análisis de los contenidos de historia en el ámbito educativo

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    En nuestro trabajo "Análisis de los contenidos de Historia en el ámbito educativo´´ hemos querido investigar la importancia de la asignatura dentro de la Educación Primaria y analizar los contenidos que la conforman. Dentro de la investigación hemos entrevistado a alumnos, docentes y futuros docentes para conocer su opinión sobre la misma, qué esperan de la asignatura y cuál creen que es la metodología correcta para impartirla y que sea motivante para ambos agentes educativos, también hemos analizado el papel que ha jugado la asignatura a lo largo de la historia de la educación en España y el papel que juega actualmente según los documentos oficiales, se podrá encontrar también análisis del material usado actualmente para impartir las clases, siendo estos libros de texto ya que es el material que usan los docentes que han sido entrevistados como base para sus sesiones, por ultimo podrán encontrar una propuesta didáctica que creemos motivante para los alumnos y con la que pueden aprender los contenidos que se exigen de una manera más interactiva y jugando ellos y ellas el papel protagonista en las clases.In our work "Analysis of the contents of History in the educational field '' we wanted to investigate the importance of the subject in Primary Education and analyze the contents that comprise it. Within the research we interviewed students, teachers and future teachers to know their opinion about it, what they expect from the subject and what they believe is the correct methodology to teach and that is motivating for both educational agents, we have also analyzed the role who has played the subject throughout the history of education in Spain and the role that currently plays according to official documents, you can also find analysis of the material currently used to teach the classes, these textbooks being that it is the material used by the teachers who have been interviewed as a basis for their sessions, finally they can find a didactic proposal that we believe motivating for the students and with which they can learn the contents that are required in a more interactive way and playing them and they protagonist role in the classes and playing, they will be the real protagonist in their classes.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Educación Primari

    Optimal short-term operation and sizing of pumped-storage power plants in systems with high penetration of wind energy

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    In this paper the short-term optimal operation of an electric system comprising several thermal power plants and one pumped storage plant is studied in several scenarios of power demand and wind penetration in order to draw conclusions about the contribution of the pumped storage plant to system operation costs. A mixed integer linear programming model is used to obtain the optimal hourly thermal, hydro and pumping powers so that the production cost of the entire system is minimized. An aggregated piecewise linear hourly production cost curve is used to represent the thermal generation; the marginal production cost varying as a function of the power generated according to the slope of each piecewise linear segment. Main design parameters of the pumped storage plant are not considered fixed in the model but rather they are obtained in the solution with the purpose of drawing conclusions about the plant optimal sizin

    Interacción disfuncional madre-hijo y conductas adaptativas en los niños

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    Objetivo: Conocer las variables de las conductas adaptativas de los niños que sirven para predecir la dimensión de estrés materno de interacción disfuncional. Método: Participaron 18 niños (5 mujeres y 13 varones) de 20 meses 7 días de media de edad y sus madres. Todos los niños asistían por primera vez a una Escuela Infantil. Las madres cumplimentaron el cuestionario de Estrés de Abidin (PSI- forma reducida) y la Escala de Conducta Adaptativa de las Escalas Bayley de Evaluación del Comportamiento Infantil, en su tercera edición; cuando sus hijos tenían una edad comprendida entre 12 meses 6 días y 29 meses 15 días. Resultados: Las madres que tienden a percibir una mayor interacción disfuncional con sus hijos observan que éstos tiene una peor ejecución motora, se involucran menos en actividades de juego en casa, no suelen tener interés en actividades fuera del hogar, tienen poca capacidad para mostrar precaución y evitar los peligros físicos, hablan poco o son poco comunicativos y no se relacionan bien con otras personas. Conclusiones: Las conductas adaptativas de los niños, inciden en la percepción que tienen sus madres sobre la calidad de las relaciones madre-hijo, y éstas a su vez condicionan el desarrollo infantil.Objective: Know the variables of the adaptive behaviours of children which serve to predict the maternal stress dimension of dysfunctional interaction Method: Participated 18 children (5 girls and 13 boys) of 20 months-7 day average of age and their respectively mothers. All children were attending at the nursery for the first time. The mothers completed the questionnaire of parental stress of Abidin (PSI - short form) and the Adaptive behaviour’s scale of the Bayley third edition Children Behaviour Assessment Scales; when their children age were between 12 months 6 days and 29 months 15 days. Results: Mothers which tend to perceive more dysfunctional interaction with their children observed that they have a worse motor execution, are less involved in activities of home playing, do not use to have interest in outside home activities, do not have much capacity to display caution and avoid physical hazards, are less talkers or less communicative and do not relate properly with other people. Conclusion: Children’s adaptive behaviors, have an impact on their mother’s perception of the quality of their mother-child relations, and these have an effect on children development as well

    The Vision of the Main Mobile Apps Related to Caravanning: an Analysis of the Reviews Focusing on Users and Developers

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    Mobile applications (apps) are becoming an essential tool when it comes to sightseeing. There is even a specific category for trips in the leading app stores. These are no strangers to the rise of the itinerant travel style, the caravans. The study aims to understand the situation of the main caravanning apps in Spain. We have carried out a web scraping methodology using a sample of 1,601 Spanish reviews of the main apps related to caravanning. The most interesting findings, among others, are that we are getting to know a sector that up to now was unknown and that even has not been affected by the pandemic crisis. Besides, the paper has demonstrated that developers do not follow the right strategies in caravanning apps. The paper also shows users' most crucial concerns about these apps. Therefore, managers of caravanning apps could improve their strategies by focusing their attention on users' concerns and, most important, reviews to respondThis publication has been possible thanks to the support of Spain's Ministry of Universities which has granted David Perea with a Margarita Salas grant for the training of young PhD included in the grants for the requalification of the Spanish University System 2021-2023, financed by the European Union Next Generation E

    Conductas adaptativas de los niños y percepción materna de niño difícil

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    Objetivo: Analizar si las variables de las conductas adaptativas de los niños pueden predecir la dimensión de estrés materno valorada por la variable de estrés percepción de niño difícil. Método: En el estudio participaron 18 niños, sus padres y sus madres. Todos asistían a la Escuela Infantil por primera vez. Las madres cumplimentaron el cuestionario de Estrés de Abidin (PSI- forma reducida) y la Escala de Conducta Adaptativa de las Escalas Bayley de Evaluación del Comportamiento Infantil, tercera edición; cuando sus hijos tenían una edad comprendida entre 12 meses 6 días y 29 meses 15 días. Resultados: Los resultados señalan que las madres tienden a percibir a sus hijos como difíciles cuando presentan una peor ejecución motora, no se relacionan bien con otras personas, no son suficientemente autónomos en las rutinas diarias de alimentación, el vestido o higiene personal, y no siguen instrucciones o no hacen elecciones adecuadas. Conclusiones: La observación del niño que realizan las madres sobre cómo su hijo se desenvuelve en su entorno y se adapta a él, así como el nivel de autonomía que presenta a lo largo de su desarrollo, son cuestiones importantes que centran su atención y les preocupan, aumentando la percepción de niño difícil en sus hijos.Objective: Analyze if the variables of the adaptive behaviours of children can predict the maternal stress dimension of mother’s perceptions of difficult child characteristics. Method: In the current study participated 18 children with their parents. All children were attending at the nursery. Children were assessed with the third version of the Bayley Scales of Infant Development. Mothers completed the questionnaire of parental stress of Abidin (PSI - short form) and the Adaptive behaviour’s scale of the Bayley third edition Children Behaviour Assessment Scales; when their children age were between 12 months 6 days and 29 months 15 days. Results: Result indicates that mothers tend to perceive their children with more difficult child characteristics when they have a worse motor execution, do not relate properly with other people, are less autonomous in the daily routines of feeding, dressing or personal cleanliness, and do not follow instructions or do not do the right choices. Conclusion: The study evidence that the mother perception of how children interact with their environment and how they adapt their selves to it, and the autonomy level that they present along their individual development, are important questions that focus mothers attention and worry them, increasing the perception of difficult child characteristics in their children

    Estrés parental, desarrollo infantil y atención temprana

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    Objetivo: Analizar si existen relaciones entre el estrés experimentado por los padres y madres debido a la crianza de sus hijos y el desarrollo cognitivo, comunicativo y motor de los niños. Método: Participaron 18 niños, sus padres y sus madres. Todos los niños asistían por primera vez a una Escuela Infantil. Los progenitores cumplimentaron el cuestionario de Estrés de Abidin (PSI- forma reducida) cuando sus hijos tenían una edad comprendida entre 12 meses 6 días y 29 meses 15 días, a dichos niños se les evaluó a su vez con las Escalas BSID-III. Resultados: Los resultados indican que las madres suelen puntuar más alto que los padres en las diferentes dimensiones de estrés, pero sólo se encontraron diferencias significativas entre el malestar paterno de los progenitores, y el desarrollo motor de los niños que se puede ver afectado por las variables de estrés de las madres. Conclusiones: Se evidencia la necesidad de llevar a cabo programas de prevención y promoción del desarrollo infantil, desde el ámbito de la prevención primaria en atención temprana, para proporcionar a las familias información y factores de protección que les ayuden a disminuir sus niveles de estrés parental y a mejorar la calidad del desarrollo de sus hijos.Objective: Analyze the relations between the parental stress experienced by fathers and mothers and the children’s cognitive, communicative and motor development. Method: In the current research participated eighteen children, with their respectively fathers and mothers. All children were attending for the first time at the nursery. Parents filled the questionnaire of Parental Stress of Abidin (PSI - short form) when their children age were between 12 months 6 days and 29 months 15 days, those children were assessed as well with the BSID-III scales. Results: The results indicate that mothers use to score higher than parents in the different dimensions of stress, but we only found significant differences between parental distress of the both parents, and the motor development of children which can be affected by maternal stress variables. Conclusion: The need to carry out prevention and promotion of child development’s programmes, from the field of the primary prevention in early intervention, to provide families with information and protective factors which help them to reduce their levels of parental stress and improve the development quality of their children, is evident

    Uptake and intracellular activity of an optically active ofloxacin isomer in human neutrophils and tissue culture cells

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    The penetration of an optically active ofloxacin isomer [(-)-ofloxacin] into human neutrophils and different tissue culture cells (HEp-2, McCoy, MDCK, and Vero) was studied and compared with that of ofloxacin by a fluorometric assay. The cellular-to-extracellular-concentration ratios (C/E) of (-)-ofloxacin were always higher than 6, significantly greater than those of ofloxacin at extracellular concentrations of 5 and 10 mg/liter. The penetration of (-)-ofloxacin and ofloxacin was doubled when neutrophils were stimulated by phorbol myristate acetate but not affected after ingestion of opsonized Staphylococcus aureus. The C/E ratios of (-)-ofloxacin and ofloxacin for different tissue culture epithelial cells and fibroblasts were lower than those of neutrophils but still higher than 2. Both compounds produced a significant reduction in viable intraphagocytic S. aureus during 3 h of exposure to antimicrobial agents. We conclude that (-)-ofloxacin appears to reach higher intracellular concentrations than ofloxacin, remaining active inside the neutrophils