197 research outputs found

    Is Nephrology More at Ease Than Oncology with Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agents? Treatment Guidelines and an Update on Benefits and Risks

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    Abstract Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs), which promote RBC production, have been extensively used to reduce transfusion requirements and improve quality of life (QoL) in both cancer patients and those with chronic kidney disease (CKD). However, the likelihood of response and duration of treatment differ in the two settings. In renal anemia, ESAs act straightforwardly as hormone-replacement therapy. The anemia of cancer, however, relates not to a lack of endogenous erythropoietin production but to diverse aspects of the disease (including a relevant inflammatory component) and chemotherapy. Response to ESAs is slower and less certain than in nephrology. In both settings, early studies showed that reversal of severe anemia was accompanied by substantial improvement in QoL. However, again in both settings, subsequent studies indicated that efforts to normalize hemoglobin might worsen outcome. In the context of cancer, this concern was reinforced by the suggestion that malignant cells had erythropoietin receptors and that its administration might therefore accelerate tumor growth, and moreover that cancer patients are more susceptible to venous thrombosis. The absence of these concerns for nephrologists, and their greater experience in managing ESAs and patients' iron status, may make them more at ease with ESAs than their counterparts in oncology. However, both groups of specialists have had to deal with reversals in recommended thresholds for intervention and restrictions imposed by regulatory authorities. In both specialties, the broad consensus now emerging is that the optimum balance of benefits and risks lies in using ESAs aimed at a hemoglobin level in the range of 11–12 g/dl, although for CKD patients there is still room for an individualized approach

    Biological and Pharmacological aspects of the NK1-Receptor.

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    The neurokinin 1 receptor (NK-1R) is the main receptor for the tachykinin family of peptides. Substance P (SP) is the major mammalian ligand and the one with the highest affinity. SP is associated with multiple processes: hematopoiesis, wound healing, microvasculature permeability, neurogenic inflammation, leukocyte trafficking, and cell survival. It is also considered a mitogen, and it has been associated with tumorigenesis and metastasis. Tachykinins and their receptors are widely expressed in various human systems such as the nervous, cardiovascular, genitourinary, and immune system. Particularly, NK-1R is found in the nervous system and in peripheral tissues and are involved in cellular responses such as pain transmission, endocrine and paracrine secretion, vasodilation, and modulation of cell proliferation. It also acts as a neuromodulator contributing to brain homeostasis and to sensory neuronal transmission associated with depression, stress, anxiety, and emesis. NK-1R and SP are present in brain regions involved in the vomiting reflex (the nucleus tractus solitarius and the area postrema). This anatomical localization has led to the successful clinical development of antagonists against NK-1R in the treatment of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV). The first of these antagonists, aprepitant (oral administration) and fosaprepitant (intravenous administration), are prescribed for high and moderate emesis

    Epoetin Biosimilars in the Treatment of Chemotherapy-Induced Anemia: 10 Years' Experience Gained.

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    High-quality, safe, and effective biosimilars have the potential to increase access to biological therapies worldwide and to reduce cancer care costs. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) was the first regulatory authority to establish legislative procedures for the approval of biosimilars when they published their guidelines on similar biological medicinal products in 2005. Biosimilar epoetins were first approved in 2007, and a wealth of data has been collected over the last decade. Two biosimilar epoetins (under five commercial names) have been approved by the EMA so far. The availability of epoetin biosimilars generated discussion among the oncology community regarding prescribing these products, their efficacy, and their safety. These agents are approved only if they are shown in extensive analytical and clinical testing to have comparable quality, safety, and efficacy to the reference medicine, and real-world studies provide further data that biosimilar epoetins are an effective and well-tolerated option for the treatment of chemotherapy-induced anemia in patients with cancer. Other countries have adopted similar regulatory pathways to those in Europe and have approved epoetin biosimilars. The now extensive European experience with biosimilar epoetins should reassure regulators from other territories

    Unraveling the role of fibroblasts, FGF5 and FGFR2 in HER2-targeted therapies resistance and tumor progression

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    The majority of women with HER2-positive breast cancer will initially respond to trastuzumab and/or other HER2-targeted therapies such as pertuzumab, lapatinib, neratinib and trastuzumab emtansine (T-DM1). However [...]

    Lab1. Introducció al disseny analògic integrat amb l’eina Cadence

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    Manual de Laboratori. Disseny Analògic Integrat - DAI- Grau Enginyeria Electrònica de Telecomunicació. Material Docent. Lab1. Introducció al disseny analògic integrat amb l’eina Cadence

    Lab 3. Miralls de Corrent

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    Lab 3. Miralls de Corrent. Disseny Analògic Integrat. Grau d'Enginyeria Electrònica de Telecomunicació

    Lab2. Caracterització de dispositius MOS

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    Lab2. Caracterització dedispositius MOS. Disseny Analògic Integrat. Grau Enginyeria Electrònica de Telecomunicació

    Lab 5. OTA Miller de dues etapes

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    Lab 5. OTA Miller de dues etapes. Disseny Analògic Integrat. Grau Enginyeria Electrònica de Telecomunicació

    The transmodulation of HER2 and EGFR by Substance P in breast cancer cells requires c-Src and metalloproteinase activation.

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    BACKGROUND: Substance P (SP) is a pleiotropic cytokine/neuropeptide that enhances breast cancer (BC) aggressiveness by transactivating tyrosine kinase receptors like EGFR and HER2. We previously showed that SP and its cognate receptor NK-1 (SP/NK1-R) signaling modulates the basal phosphorylation of HER2 and EGFR in BC, increasing aggressiveness and drug resistance. In order to elucidate the mechanisms responsible for NK-1R-mediated HER2 and EGFR transactivation, we investigated the involvement of c-Src (a ligand-independent mediator) and of metalloproteinases (ligand-dependent mediators) in HER2/EGFR activation. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Overexpression of NK-1R in MDA-MB-231 and its chemical inhibition in SK-BR-3, BT-474 and MDA-MB-468 BC cells significantly modulated c-Src activation, suggesting that this protein is a mediator of NK-1R signaling. In addition, the c-Src inhibitor 4-(4'-phenoxyanilino)-6,7-dimethoxyquinazoline prevented SP-induced activation of HER2. On the other hand, SP-dependent phosphorylation of HER2 and EGFR decreased substantially in the presence of the MMP inhibitor 1-10, phenanthroline monohydrate, and the dual inhibition of both c-Src and MMP almost abolished the activation of HER2 and EGFR. Moreover, the use of these inhibitors demonstrated that this Src and MMP-dependent signaling is important to the cell viability and migration capacity of HER2+ and EGFR+ cell lines. CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that the transactivation of HER2 and EGFR by the pro-inflammatory cytokine/neuropeptide SP in BC cells is a c-Src and MMP-dependent process

    Introducing automation to the molecular diagnosis of Trypanosoma cruzi infection: A comparative study of sample treatments, DNA extraction methods and real-time PCR assays

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    Background Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has become a useful tool for the diagnosis of Trypanosoma cruzi infection. The development of automated DNA extraction methodologies and PCR systems is an important step toward the standardization of protocols in routine diagnosis. To date, there are only two commercially available Real-Time PCR assays for the routine laboratory detection of T. cruzi DNA in clinical samples: TCRUZIDNA.CE (Diagnostic Bioprobes Srl) and RealCycler CHAG (Progenie Molecular). Our aim was to evaluate the RealCycler CHAG assay taking into account the whole process. Methodology/Principal findings We assessed the usefulness of an automated DNA extraction system based on magnetic particles (EZ1 Virus Mini Kit v2.0, Qiagen) combined with a commercially available Real-Time PCR assay targeting satellite DNA (SatDNA) of T. cruzi (RealCycler CHAG), a methodology used for routine diagnosis in our hospital. It was compared with a well-known strategy combining a commercial DNA isolation kit based on silica columns (High Pure PCR Template Preparation Kit, Roche Diagnostics) with an in-house Real-Time PCR targeting SatDNA. The results of the two methodologies were in almost perfect agreement, indicating they can be used interchangeably. However, when variations in protocol factors were applied (sample treatment, extraction method and Real-Time PCR), the results were less convincing. A comprehensive fine-tuning of the whole procedure is the key to successful results. Guanidine EDTA-blood (GEB) samples are not suitable for DNA extraction based on magnetic particles due to inhibition, at least when samples are not processed immediately. Conclusions/Significance This is the first study to evaluate the RealCycler CHAG assay taking into account the overall process, including three variables (sample treatment, extraction method and Real-Time PCR). Our findings may contribute to the harmonization of protocols between laboratories and to a wider application of Real-Time PCR in molecular diagnostic laboratories associated with health centers.Fil: Abras, Alba. Universidad de Barcelona; España. Universidad de Girona; España. Instituto de Salud Global de Barcelona; EspañaFil: Ballart, Cristina. Universidad de Barcelona; España. Instituto de Salud Global de Barcelona; EspañaFil: Llovet, Teresa. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; España. Hospital de la Santa Creu I Sant Pau; EspañaFil: Roig, Carme. Hospital de la Santa Creu I Sant Pau; EspañaFil: Gutiérrez, Cristina. Hospital de la Santa Creu I Sant Pau; EspañaFil: Tebar, Silvia. Universidad de Barcelona; España. Instituto de Salud Global de Barcelona; EspañaFil: Berenguer, Pere. Hospital de la Santa Creu I Sant Pau; EspañaFil: Pinazo, María-Jesús. Instituto de Salud Global de Barcelona; EspañaFil: Posada, Elizabeth. Instituto de Salud Global de Barcelona; EspañaFil: Gascón, Joaquim. Instituto de Salud Global de Barcelona; EspañaFil: Schijman, Alejandro Gabriel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingeniería Genética y Biología Molecular "Dr. Héctor N. Torres"; ArgentinaFil: Gállego, Montserrat. Instituto de Salud Global de Barcelona; España. Universidad de Barcelona; EspañaFil: Muñoz, Carmen. Hospital de la Santa Creu I Sant Pau; España. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Españ