38 research outputs found

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    Executive dysfunction and memory impairment in schizoaffective disorder: a comparison with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and healthy controls.

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    BACKGROUND: Deficits in memory and executive performance are well-established features of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. By contrast, data on cognitive impairment in schizoaffective disorder are scarce and the findings are conflicting. METHOD: We used the Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS-III) and the Behavioural Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome (BADS) to test memory and executive function in 45 schizophrenic patients, 26 schizomanic patients and 51 manic bipolar patients in comparison to 65 healthy controls. The patients were tested when acutely ill. RESULTS: All three patient groups performed significantly more poorly than the controls on global measures of memory and executive functioning, but there were no differences among the patient groups. There were few differences in memory and executive function subtest scores within the patient groups. There were no differences in any test scores between manic patients with and without psychotic symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: Schizophrenic, schizomanic and manic patients show a broadly similar degree of executive and memory deficits in the acute phase of illness. Our results do not support a categorical differentiation across different psychotic categories with regard to neuropsychological deficits

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    María BOLAÑOS, Pasajes de la melancolía (Arte y bilis negra a comienzos del siglo XX), Valladolid, Junta de Castilla y León, 1996. Fernando Colina Henri Ey, Sehizophrénie. Études cliniques et psyehopathologiques, París, Synthelabo, 1996. Mauricio Jalón José Antonio ALDAz, Carmelo VÁZQUEZ (comps.), Esquizofrenia: fundamentos psicológicos y psiquiátricos de la rehabilitación. Madrid, Siglo XXI de España, 1996. Ramón Esteban Arnáiz . Alfredo CAPELLÁ, La histeria y lo obsesivo. análisis de la clínica psicoanalítica. Barcelona, Herder, 1996. José Leal Rubio Jorge ALEMÁN, La experiencia del fin. Psicoanálisis y metafísica, Málaga, Miguel Gómez, 1996. Francisco Pereña Rosa ROSSI, Juan de la Cruz. Silencio y creatividad, Madrid, Trotta, 1996. Rosario Ibañes M. JALÓN, F. COLINA, Pasado y presente. Diálogos, Valladolid, Cuatro. ediciones (distr.: Siglo XXI), 1996. Andrea Rubí

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    María BOLAÑOS, Pasajes de la melancolía (Arte y bilis negra a comienzos del siglo XX), Valladolid, Junta de Castilla y León, 1996. Fernando Colina Henri Ey, Sehizophrénie. Études cliniques et psyehopathologiques, París, Synthelabo, 1996. Mauricio Jalón José Antonio ALDAz, Carmelo VÁZQUEZ (comps.), Esquizofrenia: fundamentos psicológicos y psiquiátricos de la rehabilitación. Madrid, Siglo XXI de España, 1996. Ramón Esteban Arnáiz . Alfredo CAPELLÁ, La histeria y lo obsesivo. análisis de la clínica psicoanalítica. Barcelona, Herder, 1996. José Leal Rubio Jorge ALEMÁN, La experiencia del fin. Psicoanálisis y metafísica, Málaga, Miguel Gómez, 1996. Francisco Pereña Rosa ROSSI, Juan de la Cruz. Silencio y creatividad, Madrid, Trotta, 1996. Rosario Ibañes M. JALÓN, F. COLINA, Pasado y presente. Diálogos, Valladolid, Cuatro. ediciones (distr.: Siglo XXI), 1996. Andrea Rubí

    Perceptions of change in the environment caused by the COVID-19 pandemic: implications for environmental policy

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    COVID-19 lockdown measures have impacted the environment with both positive and negative effects. However, how human populations have perceived such changes in the natural environment and how they may have changed their daily habits have not been yet thoroughly evaluated. The objectives of this work were to investigate (1) the social perception of the environmental changes produced by the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown and the derived change in habits in relation to i) waste management, energy saving, and sustainable consumption, ii) mobility, iii) social inequalities, iv) generation of noise, v) utilization of natural spaces, and, vi) human population perception towards the future, and (2) the associations of these potential new habits with various socio-demographic variables. First, a SWOT analysis identified strengths (S), weaknesses (W), opportunities (O), and threats (T) generated by the pandemic lockdown measures. Second, a survey based on the aspects of the SWOT was administered among 2370 adults from 37 countries during the period from February to September 2021. We found that the short-term positive impacts on the natural environment were generally well recognized. In contrast, longer-term negative effects arise, but they were often not reported by the survey participants, such as greater production of plastic waste derived from health safety measures, and the increase in e-commerce use, which can displace small storefront businesses. We were able to capture a mismatch between perceptions and the reported data related to visits to natural areas, and generation of waste. We found that age and country of residence were major contributors in shaping the survey participants ´answers, which highlights the importance of government management strategies to address current and future environmental problems. Enhanced positive perceptions of the environment and ecosystems, combined with the understanding that livelihood sustainability, needs to be prioritized and would reinforce environmental protection policies to create greener cities. Moreover, new sustainable jobs in combination with more sustainable human habits represent an opportunity to reinforce environmental policy

    Online teacher development: collaborating in a virtual learning environment

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    Over recent years educational institutions have been making increasing use of virtual environments to set up collaborative activities for learners. While it is recognized that teachers play an important role in facilitating learner collaboration online they may not have the necessary skills to do so successfully. Thus, a small scale professional development programme was set up and piloted by two distance universities. The aims were to develop teachers’ experience of online group work; to trial a set of pilot activities which would raise awareness of factors contributing to successful collaborative online activity; and to identify professional development needs in this area. This article reports on the hands-on experience of a group of 20 teachers, examines some of the competences that are needed to successfully collaborate in virtual environments, and presents the skills that teachers need to foster online collaborative learning in the virtual classroom. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected, examining the levels of participation among participants, the collaborative activity of two groups, and teacher perception of the collaboration which took place. The skills identified include planning and managing the collaboration, designing appropriate activities, giving clear instructions and getting students to negotiate ground rules for participation, moderating at the right level, and choosing the right environment and the appropriate tool(s). While this study was carried out with language teachers, many of the findings are applicable to other subject areas where growing emphasis is placed on the development of collaborative skills