234 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKPerjalanan reintegrasi Aceh dimulai sejak tahun 2006-2012 melalui sebuah badan sementara (ad hoc) yang dikenal dengan Badan Reintegrasi Aceh (BRA) yang melakukan penanganan. Selama BRA dibentuk banyak yang sudah dilakukan , tetapi disisi lain keberadaan badan ini dianggap belum menyelesaikan peran nya secara keseluruhan terhadap tiga komponen yang menerima proses reintegrasi (eks Kombatan GAM, Korban Konflik, dan Tahanan Politik/Narapidana Politik). Tuntutan keberlangsungan proses reintegrasi dengan kembali membentuk suatu badan baru pun di wujudkan dengan membentuk Badan Penguatan Perdamaian Aceh (BP2A). Kehadiran BP2A pada akhirnya mendapat tanggapan yang cukup beragam dari berbagai masyarakat, harapan dengan kembali dibentuk nya badan ini dapat dirasakan manfaatnya oleh masyarakat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apa yang melatarbelakangi Badan reintegrasi Aceh dibentuk kembali dan sejauh mana pengaruh badan reintegrasi Aceh dalam upaya penyelesaian reintegrasi Aceh. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu penelitian lapangan dan penelitian kepustakaan. Studi lapangan untuk memperoleh data primer yang dilakukan dengan wawancara. Sedangkan penelitian kepustakaan untuk memperoleh data skunder berdasarkan buku-buku dan bacaan terkait. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa evaluasi dari Badan reintegrasi Aceh yang dibentuk belum menyelesaikan peranan nya secara maksimal terhadap tiga komponen. Keberadaan badan ini juga telah menjadi pemicu konflik horizontal di Aceh karena pengelolaan nya yang tidak transparan, akuntabilitas dan profesional. Seharusnya badan ini bisa memberi harapan besar dalam penanganan permasalahan reintegrasi Aceh yang belum selesai dan menutup keterbatasan badan reintegrasi yang sudah lebih awal dibentuk, dengan fokus pada pemberdayaan korban agar bisa mandiri dengan kemampuan individu dan mandiri secara finansial.Kata Kunci :Reintegrasi, Perdamaian, Badan Reintegrasi Aceh, Badan Penguatan Perdamaian Ace


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    This study aims to determine: (1) differences in narrative writing between the groups using Talk Fusion applications and groups not using the Talk Fusion applications, and (2) the effectiveness of the use of Talk Fusion applications in narrative writing for semester VI students of University of Palangka Raya. The study was an experimental study. The design of the study was Pre-test and Post-test Control Group Design. There are two variables in this study, namely the independent variable in the form of Talk Fusion applications and the dependent variable namely the narrative writing. The results of t-test calculation shows t scores that is greater than t table (th: 4.711> tt: 1.980) at a significance level of 5% and db 70. This shows that there are significant differences in the narrative writing between groups by learning by using Talk Fusion applications and the group learning without the use of Talk Fusion applications. Scheffe test calculation results showed F count is higher than F table (Fh: 22.194> Ft: 3.98) with 70 db and at a significance level of 5% of 36 students. This indicates that the value of the struggle of a character in biographies by using Talk Fusion applications are more effective than learning character that is not using Talk Fusion applications in the control group. Thus, it can be concluded that the use of Talk Fusion applications can improve the ability to write narrative


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    Land is very closely related to human life. Everyone certainly needs land. Even not only in his life, but even to death, humans still need a piece of land. Along with increasing humanity from year to year, while the amount of land that can be controlled by humans is very limited, then the land becomes a very crucial problem for humans. In addition, with the advancement of the people's economy and the national economy, more and more land is involved in economic problems such as buying and selling land, leasing land and land as collateral for loans at the bank. In everyday life the land is often a dispute even to the court. This arises because land has functions and meanings that are very important for people's lives, which makes people try to acquire land in various ways even by grabbing land owned by others. As a result of land disputes that can lead to prolonged conflicts between community members who are in dispute to prevent the spread of land disputes, the government registers land which will later give birth to land certificates. The existence of a issued land certificate is proof of ownership of a plot of land, here the holder of the certificate of land rights has received legal protection and is guaranteed by law on the land it owns, meaning if there is a land dispute where the certificate is held by the certificate holder the certificate holder is strong and the judge is obliged to consider the certificate of evidence as a valid and strong evidence in addition to considering other evidence. Keywords: Issuance of Certificates, Land Registratio

    Penggunaan Teknologi Internet (E-Commerce) Dalam Melakukan Transaksi Perdagangan (Studi Kasus di Compushop PT. Solo Jala Buana)

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    CompuShop merupakan toko yang menjual berbagai macam hardware dan software dan bernaung dibawah manajemen PT. Solo Jala Buana. Guna memperluas pemasaran produknya, maka dibangun sebuah sistem penjualan online dengan media internet dimana pembelian dan pembayaran bisa dilakukan secara online. Sistem penjualan online CompuShop dibangun menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan basis data MySQL. Sistem ini menjadikan kegiatan transaksi jual beli dapat berjalan dengan lancar, mudah, cepat dan akurat. Para calon pembeli dapat dengan mudah memilih, melihat, membeli serta membayar produk yang dibeli secara online. Pengujian sementara dilakukan menggunakan melalui localhost dengan web server Apache pada komputer stand alone, untuk pengujian lanjutan, sistem akan di-upload ke internet menggunakan web hosting yang mendukung bahasa pemrograman PHP dan memiliki server basis data MySQL. Sehingga dapat diketahui respon sistem jika diakses lebih dari satu user

    Pembuatan animasi sistem transmisi otomatis

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    ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study is to build an animation of the working principle of the automatic transmission for automotive application. The animation contains the explanation of each component of the automatic transmission, the working principle of each section and the working principle of the whole system. Several softwares are employed to integrate all data in constructing the aniation such as Vector Works 11, Autocad 2006, 3DS Max 9, Corel Rave 3, Photoshop CS2, Cool Record Edit Pro 5.4 and movie edit pro 14. Building the animation begins from the planetary gear mechanism using 3dsmax 9, followed by development of the hydraulic control system animation using Corel rave 3. The results are then joined with the auxiliary data such as the partial section of the automatic transmission pictures and naration audio as the animation video description. Movie Edit pro 14 is used to perform this stage. As the results, the animation can be used as a reference in order to easy understand the student in studying the working principle of the automotive automatic for automotive application. ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study is to build an animation of the working principle of the automatic transmission for automotive application. The animation contains the explanation of each component of the automatic transmission, the working principle of each section and the working principle of the whole system. Several softwares are employed to integrate all data in constructing the aniation such as Vector Works 11, Autocad 2006, 3DS Max 9, Corel Rave 3, Photoshop CS2, Cool Record Edit Pro 5.4 and movie edit pro 14. Building the animation begins from the planetary gear mechanism using 3dsmax 9, followed by development of the hydraulic control system animation using Corel rave 3. The results are then joined with the auxiliary data such as the partial section of the automatic transmission pictures and naration audio as the animation video description. Movie Edit pro 14 is used to perform this stage. As the results, the animation can be used as a reference in order to easy understand the student in studying the working principle of the automotive automatic for automotive application


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    The main purpose of this study is to build an animation of the working principle of the automatic transmission for automotive application. The animation contains the explanation of each component of the automatic transmission, the working principle of each section and the working principle of the whole system. Several softwares are employed to integrate all data in constructing the aniation such as Vector Works 11, Autocad 2006, 3DS Max 9, Corel Rave 3, Photoshop CS2, Cool Record Edit Pro 5.4 and movie edit pro 14. Building the animation begins from the planetary gear mechanism using 3dsmax 9, followed by development of the hydraulic control system animation using Corel rave 3. The results are then joined with the auxiliary data such as the partial section of the automatic transmission pictures and naration audio as the animation video description. Movie Edit pro 14 is used to perform this stage. As the results, the animation can be used as a reference in order to easy understand the student in studying the working principle of the automotive automatic for automotive application


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    ABSTRAKKoperasi adalah suatu badan usaha yang beranggotakan dari beberapa orang ataupun jugabeberapa badan hukum dengan saling melandaskan satu dengan yang lainnya demitujuannya untuk dapat memberikan suatu kemudahan kepada masyarajat dalammemperoleh modal keuangan ataupun barang yang dalam hal ini tidak mengambilkeuntungan dengan jumlah yang cukup besar. Maka mengenai jalannya sistem kerjakoperasi ialah terbagi ke dalam dua bagian bentuk usaha secara bersama yang manadiantaranya yaitu aspek usaha bersama dapat dilihat dan juga dirasakan oleh pihak koperasiPegawai yang ada di Kota Tanjungbalai ialah dalam hal ini bersifat serba usaha, dimanatujuan dari koperasi ini ialah untuk dapat lebih mengoptimalkan terhadap suatu sudutpandang mengenai kesejahteraan para masyarakat.Kata kunci: Pertanggungjawaban, Pengurus, Koperasi, Pegawai, Negeri.ABSTRACTA cooperative is a business entity whose members are several people or also several legalentities based on one another for the purpose of being able to provide convenience to thecommunity in obtaining financial capital or goods which in this case do not take advantage ofa large enough amount. So regarding the running of the cooperative work system, it is dividedinto two parts of the form of a joint business, which of which is the aspect of joint ventures thatcan be seen and also felt by the employee cooperative in Tanjungbalai City, in this case it ismulti-business, where the purpose of this cooperative is is to be able to further optimize againsta point of view regarding the welfare of the community.Keywords: Accountability, Management, Cooperatives, Employees, State


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    ABSTRACT Participation and legal responsibility in a capital market is a priority in supporting and increasing public confidence in participating in investment activities. Capital investment becomes an enhancer of progress and supports the mobilization of the economy. Capital market investment institutions are institutions that determine the movement of a country's economy. If this institution is successful in maintaining public trust and being able to grow the community's economy in investing, it will provide a prospect for community economic growth. With the support of supervision from the Financial Services Authority or OJK, of course this will further increase public confidence in investment activities. Keywords: Responsibility, Responsibility, Monitoring, Market, Capital


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    Lecturer performance expected to produce a professional lecturer and has good performance in implementing Tridharma college. The purpose of this study was to evaluate performance of Lecturer in (1) Education and Teaching, (2) Reseach, and (3) Performance of Community Service. This study was the evaluation of the program. This evaluation of Research lecturers performance, performance evaluation use model of 360 degrees (360 Degree Performance Appraisal Model). In general evaluation model aims to measure whether the performance lecturers carry out Tridharma accordance with the standard or predefined performance criteria. Research Subject of this Reseach are Lecturer in Faculty Of Teacher Training And Education State University of Palangka Raya.The Results (1) Performance Implement The Education And Teaching Are Good, Lecturer Applying Various Methods Of Learning (2) Performance Of Conducting Research Is Fairly Well, (3) Performance Of Community Service Is Good, Not Many Published. It Hoped In The Future The Lecturer In Faculty Of Teacher Training And Education State University of Palangka Raya Can Do More Better.   Keywords: Lecturers, Performance of Lecturer, Tridharma College, Faculty of Teacher Training And Education State University of Palangka Ray